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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by bandaide

  1. I've been on monnessa 28 for about 2-1/2 weeks now- so far I've only noticed a host of nausea and despite having a well functioning band, a constant gain an loss of the same 2lbs. I'm waaaaay before goal and have only been banded about 4 months and this no loss is new to me! I've always seen the scale move a couple to few pounds a week till now. Are their any females or knowledegble males (=] that might suggest something. Oh and I should mention that I'm not on it for the actual birthcontrol, I have pcos and it's used in the treatment of... Thanks everyone I advance
  2. bandaide


    you know, this is one of the first questions that my dr asks me everytime i see him in his office>> i've always been able to say no, but my thought was always that if i did get heartburn that he would probably say my band is too tight>> could this be your problem? in addition to difficulty eating in drinking>>>what do you mean "problems"?
  3. yes, this is my first time in almost 11 years......i'm unsure what all i can try since my insurance is through my job.....i work as a nurse in a cathloic faith based hospital and they don't believe in birth control even for the regulation purpose, so some how they maganed to leave that med out of their coverage! so all the expense monthly speaking will come out of my own pocket....mononessa is only 27 a month, but any more than that and i just can't see it being worth it, especially since i just need it for regulation =( i can ask about the low dose tho, so thanks alot for your insight
  4. bandaide


    Ok- I have had this guilt you speak of. I actually posted something similar to you and got great responses. Something I have learned is that it is ok to be hungry. Its human nautre- you're gonna be hungry so get ready for it. Prepare your home with healthy food options and then when you do go to the pantry then you don't have as much guilt eating something good for you. I've often had the moments of "oh, I really shouldn't have done that" or "did I really just have to have that"- I've been told that those moments will always happen, but you have to counter balance. If you are gonna eat bad- be ready to work a little harder getting it off. The band isn't magic, it's a buddy system- you are the buddy. Treat it well and it will do good things for you. Food has been such a large part of our lives, hince why we have all been banded and are taking back control. I still crave, I still have things I shouldn't but I make up for it. Dont' be down on yourself, it will only make you hold on to the weight more.
  5. I've had my band since feb and I'm doing great I say-down 55lbs, anyway long story short had some female issues and went to the gyno and now I'm on meds to treat poly cystic ovarian syndrome. No biggie except they nauseate me! I have been on them 2 weeks and today by no fault of my band got sick and vomitted like when you have the flu-that dry heave bringing up very little. I know it's ok to be sick at times but this type of violent vomitting I had...can that damage my band? Should I be concerned about slippage?? Like I say- only this once but it scares me! Thanks in advance
  6. I am taking Metformin 500mg 2x per day and Mononessa 28 (birthcontrol). I was taking another hormone pill called Provera (to help my extended cycle stop) but have not taken that in quite some time now. I , as a nurse, was familiar with the possible side effects, but having always been "the exception to the rule" thought no way, not me. Well, obviously yes me lol. I try to eat within a half hour before taking the medication but I still do with a little back lash and slight vertigo when I go from one position to the next. I personally had to do research about the treatment of PCOS with Metformin because I know it's used for type 2 diabetes. I have never had an issue with blood sugar at all and I think that prior to giving you a pill that is for such MD's should do more tests to determine if you do have the onset. My primary concern was that I have had BP- definately nothing from the lower abdomen like the other day where my rib cages feel as though they may touch. Another concern I had is I have pleateau'ed.....wayyyy before I'd like to as well. Did you notice any concernable issues with your weight after taking the medication? I appreciate your help in inlighting the matter =)
  7. I dont crave stuff nearly as much as I did before. I still get it in my head but I usually don't go for it. I had a soda weakness prior to surgery and I haven't wanted one in close to 5 months now. I've always been a fan of chicken and unfortunately, chicken nuggets are the only thing I've yet to get past. I've always been told to have what I want in moderation.......it's ok to crave, but just be smart about it.
  8. bandaide


    i use this amazing website called "my daily plate" you might google it to make sure there are no other letters in the address, but with my daily plate you can search everyday foods like Subway or McDonald's or even foods you buy in the grocery store. It allows you to click "I ate this" and add it to your plate and see a running tab of your calories, carbs etc at the end of the day. You can even print them off and put them in a binder like I do aso that you know where you are "going wrong". I usually let my dietician look at it while I am in the office seeing my surgeon and she makes sticky notes for me inside so that I can make better choices. Give it a try. =)
  9. I have a 14cc band and 4cc in there. I noticed a difference in the amount of SOME foods I can eat but not ALL foods. I know there are slider foods (ice cream, chips etc) but I'm not eating any of those foods. My fill was 7 days ago and I stay within the same number by 1-2 lbs + and - I keep thinking what the heck?!! I'm getting full quickly on certain foods but not others and I'm not losing like I thought I would. My surgery was on Feb 26th and to date I've lost around 15lbs. I wanna know if I'm on target or if I'm off mark or what??! Anyone else have this issue or had it previously? Some people say the 3rd fill is when they saw and/or felt the difference. Any light?? Anyone!!!?? Thanks all!! :cool:
  10. No, not a lot. I have only gotten sick once in 3 months and stuck maybe 3 times. You just have to listen to your body and stop when you're full and don't force foods just because you want them. Being honest with your dr when you go for fills is also important. I always suggest a food journal. Hope this helps
  11. Getting stuck feels 2 ways for me: 1- tightness in my chest and 2- the feeling like something is stuck in my throat. The chest tightness is the worst, you think you're having a heart attack. Small bites and chew chew chew yes help alot, but sometimes we forget or it's just the texture of the food after your teeth have mangled it. Restriction: this is a satisfied feeling...one more bite at this point and you may find yourself sick/pb-ing. Listening to your body is difficult at times with restriction because at times your band is tighter or looser (for me I'm tight in the a.m) an depending on the food you may be able to consume more or less than 4oz of the given food. Hope this helps
  12. Call me strange but I'm ok with being able to feel my port- I'm almost 3 months post op and unless it started to show through clothing in the future I'd leave it as is. It's a lil reminder to me that it's there helping me. The clear fluid I did get from 2 of my incision sites for a lil while but my dr said it was normal. It went away in no time at all. I'd only be worried if it were alot of fluid or changed color. Best wishes!
  13. bandaide

    When will this work?

    Yeah I hate that it's not going as quickly as it did to begin with as well. With a beginning weight of 250 my pre op diet took me to 238 the day of surgery and my first post op visit 3 weeks from surgery day I was at 225, 4 weeks later at my first fill 221, then another 4 weeks later and my second fill taking me to 5cc I weighed 215- that second fill was about 3 weeks ago now and I'm only down to 211-213. I now have more in my band but I'm not losing like I was before. I have not hit my sweet spot yet because I'm able to eat alot if things I shouldn't and more than 4oz even though I try very very hard not to. I often wonder if it's the quality of food I'm putting in me vs quantity. I work out sometimes 5 days a week plus I'm active at work as a nurse- my metabolism is up there. I'm dying to get under 200!!! My dr says 1-3 lbs a week is healthy- well I wanna be the 3lb looser (lol) I just feel stuck! I go for my 3rd fill on June 9th and I'm hoping that it helps. I'll also talk to my dr and see what he thinks. I don't wanna be like this anymore. I wanted to do it healthy after failing at all the other crazy things I done prior to try to lose weight. I am so afraid I will be the person who has 13 cc in a 14 cc band still eating without restriction. I appreciate the feedback from everyone for sure. It's nice to know I'm not alone in my thoughts or worries best wishes to you all.
  14. Came across your profile and you look amazing! i'm 27 and know very few people my age with the band so it would be nice to have a network of younger support. best wishes

  15. I was banded on Feb 26 so I too am under that 3 month mark and there are still lots of is this normal questions. I'm at 5cc and I get good restriction sometimes, but then other times I could eat and eat but I cut myself off. I worry about the band not working or slipping or like you, my pouch stretching. We didn't go through all the hoops and post op pain to continue being over weight, if your like me you are dying to see results asap! I have been stuck before and that is aweful. The pain is not fun. I've also had food not stay down once, again NO fun. How much saline is in your band and what has your weight loss been?
  16. I would say that IF you once had really good restriction and suddenly no longer do or if fills are really not working then maybe you should talk to your dr about the possibility. Believe me, this scares me too because even with 5cc's I can eat more than 4oz and I'm always concerned that I'm stretching out my pouch if I eat more than that. Sometimes, well no....all the time, it's hard to sit and measure food. I don't always do it, try to eye it, but I don't know how accurate my eyes are when it comes to hunger. Are you always hungry? That would be another question.
  17. after a fill you are what my dr calls "tight" this tightness usually loosens up within a week to a week 1/2. At first you do feel good restriction and you think Oh wow, this is it. Unfortunately if it's your first fill then you probably are just tight and not quite at your sweet spot, but it's not to say that you aren't. Rice is one of those foods that can't be chewed really well and goes down much like you see it on your plate, whole. I use my band as a funnel and imagine rice for a second trying to go down a funnel....not really gonna go too well. The texture allows it to "compact" as I call it. It doesn't flex like a piece of chewed up chicken will. Feeling restricted to me feels like alot of pressure in the lower part of my chest and oddly, I get this itchy feeling in my nose.....sounds strange I know, but that's how I know. At the time of my surgery I was at 2cc's and first fill took me to 4cc's, I now am at 5cc's as of May 5th. I have a large band, one that can go up to 14cc's, so 5 is really nothing, but I do notice a change in the amount of food I can consume depending on the texture of course. I'm still able to tolerate most breads and alot of other foods people claim to be a problem, so I don't think I'm at my sweet spot either. I'd try measuring 4oz of any given thing you like and use a trial and error method, learn to listen to your band and you'll just know with instinct as time goes on. good luck with everything, I wish you the best.
  18. bandaide

    Will be banded tomorrow!

    good luck with your surgery, i was banded feb 26 and i've done really well- do what your dr says and walk walk walk after surgery as much as you can! the first few days are the worst and the gas pains do go away but stick it out! look forward to seeing your progress in the future.
  19. I"m just curious how long it took people in general and on an average to start noticing a big difference in their bodies? I'm 10 1/2 weeks post op and I'm doing really well, but I feel like my belly fat is gonna be the most stubborn part of my body because it's where I carry the most weight. Some people who don't even konw I've had the surgery say I've lost, but I know what I see without my clothes on! Just curious, so pls pls don't bash me for asking because I really am happy with my progress, just super anxious to see the bigger picture! thanks anyone/everyone =)
  20. Thanks for the help guys, I just keep thinking what if I'm stuck with this spare tire for forever?! If your like me in any way, you wanna exercise and help the progress, but even that is tiring after about 30 minutes of vigorous cardio. It's a vicious cycle of I'd work out but it's uncomfortable, but if I weren't so heavy it would go alot better......I appreciate the insight though for sure! My heaviest I was 255 lbs and then the day of my procedure 238-240 Today, I'm 212-213 lbs.....significant loss, but just eager for the show! I'm alot like you MsCabes, things are easier and things fit better and people say all the time I'm smaller in my face and upper body---you're right, we WILL get there! Keep me posted on your progress!
  21. I does go away- I thought for the first couple weeks that I had made a significant mistake because of how miserable I was. I was sooo tired and in so much pain that I wanted it out! Seemed like 2 weeks to the day after surgery I woke up and all was well. I finally slept all through the night which was somthing I had not been doing and the gas pains were finally moving on as well. I'm 9 weeks post op now and I'm doing great, my band is my "buddy" that I rely on day today! hope you feel better soon. Best wishes
  22. I am 2 months post op and I belch alot- I mean like a college frat party boy loud at times....I do it when in private, like passing any gas it can be embarassing....or stinky (lol). I spoke to my dietician and she assured me that we swallow alot of air and don't even realize it at times. She suggested I slow down while I am eating and avoid talking for the duration of my meal. Additionally, ditch straws and even chewing gum because each introduce more air into the tummy. I've also looked at the types of foods I choose because some naturally will cause you to produce more gas than others. I hope that it all works out for you =) best wishes
  23. bandaide

    What are you eating???

    I ate alot of meat....kinda like the Atkins. I cut most of my carb sources except the good ones like milk. Lots of protein to help your body heal after surgery. The goal with the pre-op diet is to get rid of fat built up around the liver because it's right in the surgeons way.....it makes the surgery easier for him and less traumatic on your liver if it's outta the way. Alot of people think that it is to get to a smaller you, but in fact not so much. Stay away from starchy foods (potatoes, bread, pasta etc), but if you must- choose wise and with moderation (look at a true serving size). Some pre-op diets are extreme- liquid only so be greatful that you are allowed regular foods! Best wishes and I hope this helps.
  24. I actually came here to this website this morning before work (not something I usually do) to ask a general question of "AM I ON TRACK" I can clearly see by what you and others have said I AM =) I am 2 months post op and I'm not frustrated, but more concerned with "Is this NORMAL".....I'm the only person I've ever known to have a band placed so my questions are answered through experience and sometimes that can be frustrating. I appreciate your stern words because it makes me feel better about my loss and provides me with a great sense of comfort that I can do this in time, so THANK YOU COLORADO!
  25. bandaide

    When will this work?

    It is good weight loss but I guess I am just anxious to see more. Most of the loss was right after surgery when food is the worst smelling tasting looking thing on earth lol! Since then, it's been more like maintence than progression. I feel like I am at a stand still with the loss. I think part of is that I forget that at my heaviest I was 255 and now I'm 219-221. It's more about whee I am going now vs where I came from. So I have list half of that prior to surg and half after give or take a few on either side. I just feel stuck is all.

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