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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by MaineJackie

  1. Well, after almost 6 months with the band, I had my first full blown stuck episode. I can now say, with this one episode, that I have done it all.....slimed, pb'd, vomited.....and boy does it suck.

    And sliming is so perfectly descriptive!!!

    This episode lasted over 2 hours.....I will now go on liquids and call the doctor in the morning. I got a fill back on the 11th and it may be too much. I may need to have a little bit taken out.

    So....now when I read posts about getting stuck....I can truly relate.....:huh:

  2. Well, I bought a few of a new flavor of greek yogurt.....lemon. And it was way to sweet for me for Breakfast and I really didn't like it.

    That is until I got the idea of whisking in a few teaspoons of lite cool whip! It made the yogurt into a lemony mousse and it was delicious. The cool whip added minimal calories and the yogurt keeps it high in Protein. When we have fresh strawberries, I plan on slicing some and layering it with this mixture......


  3. Hi,

    A few weeks ago, I was at the Bariatric center and asked them to look at this "rash" in the fold in my abdomen. They said it looked like yeast and told me to go see my PCP.

    Well, I saw my PCP today and it isn't yeast. My PCP said it looks like the skin is tearing. I know when I am upright without any pants on, I can feel it pulling. It is long....about 10-12 inches across. She said it looks like it is bleeding a little....

    Told me to put bacitracin on it for a few days and then switch to lotion to soften the skin to keep it pliable.

    Not sure if this will help me get a medically indicated panniculectomy or not......but it has me thinking I will need one any way. :huh:

  4. Same here....no caffeine initially because it can irritate the stomach and you want the stomach to heal......

    No carbonation after banding. This was tough for me as I was addicted to seltzer Water. I haven't had anything with carbonation since my banding 6 months ago and so far, it hasn't been an issue.

    As far as beer.......the need to avoid carbonation has forced me to aquire a taste for vodka....:lol:

  5. Hi,

    It all depends on what those portions consist of for me.....

    If I have primarily dense Protein, I have that satisfied feeling for a longer time. If I have more veggies etc, then I get hungry sooner. I will be honest, I don't measure my portions. I use a small plate and eyeball a 4 oz serving of Protein and then add the veggies.

    I am now in my green zone....aka "sweet spot". I can go at least 5 to 6 hours after eating a protein dense meal. I still have head hunger...but it is easier to control it when you are not physically hungry.


  6. So, I purchased two of the "walk away the pounds" exercise DVDs.

    I plan on using them every morning and evening.....I watched one of them (to see what to expect) and they seem very reasonable.

    I know they are not the be-all end-all of exercise, but I need to do something to move more! I find it very difficult to the to the gym (working 3 jobs.....) so this is easy to do, at home, in the privacy of my bed room.

    I figure I can add some hand weights as well.....

    I am just excited to have something to get me moving!


  7. I am reading some of the recent posts where some of you have mentioned the "goal weight" set by the surgeon.

    My surgeon never mentioned a goal weight for me....but did talk about the "average" weight loss post lapband. Does the surgeon usually have specific goals for patients? Also, I won't see my surgeon again as all care now is managed by the bariatric center (midlevels, nurses, dieticians, social workers). I don't want to ask my PCP....as I am not sure she will have a realistic goal.

    I don't have a goal for myself other than having a weight that starts with the number 1...............when I get there, then I will see how i feel, how I look and where I want to end up. I am tall (5'9") and in order to get into a normal BMI I would need to be around 167 lbs. My goal on my ticker in my signature is 100 lb loss which will put me at 188 lbs. I see that goal as very attainable right now....and see no issue in reaching that before my one year bandiversary in October.

    I think I will shoot for my 100 lb loss as a goal.....and when I get there, see how I feel.:P


  8. Hi,

    I am not a supporter of weight loss meds....just my opinion, but I don't think they are worth it....

    I know now that I am at a fill level that I think is giving me good restriction....I truly feel full and don't NEED to eat more.....

    I do need to ramp up the exercise. I know I am not going to lose all the weight that I want unless I increase my exericise.

    If the weight loss meds help you regain a sense of control....then maybe short term they would be worth it.....I would be afraid of them causing health issues.

    Good luck


  9. I am not worried about the eating part. I am worried about the what happens if we get naked part!

    I look like a sharpei without my clothes. And without my super duper bras my boobs look deflated. And trying to wiggle your way out of your Spanx body suit is not the least bit sexy......

  10. So....

    I am just about 6 months and I think I am at my sweet spot. I had a slight fill (0.2cc) on Monday. I don't know my total fill (I have lost track....)

    I am not hungry for up to 6 hours and feel great! Just recently, I have started having that uncomfortable feeling, usually if I am eating fast and don't chew well. I have not had a true stuck episode...have never slimed, PB'd or vomited. (fingers crossed!)

    My weight continues to drop on a consistent and steady rate. I purchased my last pairs of pants in Lane Bryant as I am now a size 14 and the next size will be outside of the plus sizes.

    I am the closest I have been to having a weight that begins with at "1" than I have been in 18 years.

    I hope to lose 25 more pounds and then decide whether I want to lose more or not......

    Life is good....:P

  11. Hi...I am Jackie from Maine.....I am almost 46 years old, single, never married mom to an 18 year old daughter. She is graduating high school and off to college next year....well...not really "off" as she has decided to live at home and commute! I was kind of looking forward to a house without a teenager but I guess that won't happen for a while.

    I was banded at the end of October 2010 and am down 60 lbs. I have lost track of how much fill I have in my band...I have had small fill (0.5cc) at a time. I go on Monday for another one. I have been at a standstill with my weight for a few weeks so I am looking forward to the fill.


  12. Hi,

    I haven't posted in a while (but read faithfully every few days!)

    A lot has been going on in my life....but things are settling down now.

    LapBand wise....life is good! I have had my first experiences with the uncomfortable feeling people talk about when they eat too fast or don't chew well. If I don't take the time and I don't chew enough.....I get that "rut roh" feeling right behind my sternum. I haven't had a full blown stuck episode with pb'ing or sliming......and the uncomfortable feeling hasn't lasted long. It is unpleasant enough that I really don't want it to happen again if I can help it.

    I had some major issues with severe constipation...I will spare you all the icky details :huh: I realized that I don't take in a lot of dietary Fiber. I do use a fiber supplement but that obviously wasn't working. I have added a new "snack" to my menu....I take grape tomatoes, slice them in half, add a sliced up cheese stick and toss with a low cal dressing like a ceasar or italian....and it is yummy. I figure the Tomato skins is some fiber. I can't eat apples with the skins....I am not a big berry person......and some of the veggies that are high in fiber are either tough for me to eat or contraindicated with a medication I take. I also now eat some of my veggies first....then my Protein. I am still getting enough protein but this way I get some of my veggies in before I get too full.

    Weight wise....the scale is down a little bit but I am waiting until I go for a possible fill next week to record my weight. I don't know if I want to get a micro fill or not. My episodes that I talked about above were truly because I ate too fast and didn't chew well. So I may get at 0.25 cc fill and see what happens.

    Sorry for the long rambling post.....

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