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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by pupichupi

  1. Happy July 4th a day early everyone!!! Probably won't be around tomorrow?

    1. Cupcake


      Thanks you too.

    2. BladeFox


      Thanks Pupichupi! I will be celebrating next week but have FUN!!!

  2. Ok so Veggita is the way to go!!! I got this yesterday and made zucchini pasta last night, and OMG, I suggest everyone get one!!!

    1. pupichupi


      @BigGirlPanties I am telling you, you won't ever eat regular Spaghetti again!!! I was skeptical at first but when I tried it, I was like holy S#%t, this is good, and so easy!! Plus it's good for you, I can't eat pasta at all, it doesn't do well in my tummy so I needed this!! I got mine at Walgreen's, and I have seen it at Walmart too. The person who told me about it got it at Bed, Bath & Beyond? So it's around. Just in case!!!

    2. InfiniteButterfly


      This is on my to-buy list :)

    3. BigGirlPanties


      I have my coupon for Bed Bath and Beyond :) ... now to just get over there...it's across town...but thanks!

    4. Show next comments  18 more
  3. Tracking my steps today!!! Finally dug out my pedometer.

    1. Kitt3000


      Ahhh thanks for the reminder! Off I go...

  4. Down another 2 lbs, and happy to stay consistent. I have found out that my local YMCA is doing a free fridays thing and I am going to check that out..

    1. Cupcake


      That's great to hear so far I'm 5 and 1/2 weeks out and I'm down 50 pounds I am loving the new me and can't wait to loose more weight,

  5. pupichupi

    Pain & constipation day 5

    Oh sweetie, it does get better, I had the worst time at the beginning of mine, I had a large upper incision and i had to get staples to close me up, and I was in pain like that for about a week then I was in more pain because the staples hurt. Not everyones experience is the same, and I know it seems like it won't get better but it does. I would just drink, drink, drink as much as you can for right now. Don't get discouraged, believe me I thought with all that happen I made a mistake doing it but now I am 56lbs down in 3 months and a week and I am so happy that I did it now, I still have days where I can't eat very well but I do what I have to, and I am getting better. Good Luck!!!
  6. I feel so skinny today and I have 99lbs to go? LOL

    1. pupichupi


      Get another "0"??? What do you mean there?

    2. BladeFox


      You know, 250, 240, 230.... HAAAA!

    3. pupichupi


      Oh ok, I was like a "0"??? Like no weight loss? Who is looking forward to that? Yeah I would like to see another "0" soon too, I have 4 more lbs to 240, so that is exciting!!! I wouldn't mind doing that this week!!!

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  7. Having a hard time today with eatting, everything keeps feeling like it's getting stuck???

    1. butterflypinup


      :( Im sorry hon. If its too dry it will. Im not going to lie. I drink a little water with food to make sure its not lumping in my chest.I figure after months of vomiting everyday that little bit that might get pushed through with my water will be okay. If i can chew it and make it mooshy enough in my mouth its going to be an unpleasant feeling like an elephant on my chest.
    2. butterflypinup


      i hope it goes away for you. I know that feeling and you are not alone.

    3. pupichupi


      Yeah butterfly I know that elephant in the chest thing, ugh it stinks but I have tried the water thing and it seems to just help me bring it up not push it down even when I do chew it up to mush? I just have to keep trying things and move forward I guess???? Thanks Alot!!!

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  8. pupichupi

    Training for a 5 k - BIG deal for me!

    Sparklingbeauty, the color run is the same they throw powder paint at you so as your running and sweating the powder turns into paint!!! A friend of mine did it last week and after a couple days she still had paint on her though??? Crazy!!!
  9. 3 mile walk yesterday and I am sore, but feeling good!!!

    1. pupichupi


      Blade I am, I am just going to start switching things up a little too, and walk every other day and then on the days I don't walk do weight training and situps and stuff like that!!!

    2. sotabee


      How many days post op?


    3. pupichupi


      @sotabee I am 3 months and 1 week post op!

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  10. pupichupi

    Training for a 5 k - BIG deal for me!

    That is amazing that you have even walked the 5k I couldn't even do that. I have however since I have lost the weight been wanting to try one, I want to try one of those electric, or paint runs, you know the ones that they throw paint at you or what have you. I think it would be fun. I am and never have been a runner, but I need something that I can start to enjoy? I have to get motivated for more exercise. I have now lost 54lbs and I am psyced about that, but I need more off cause my knees still kill me. Well good luck with your running!!!
  11. pupichupi

    3 month photo.jpg

    3 Months out and 54 lbs down
  12. pupichupi

    3 month photo.jpg

    From the album: tina1577

    3 months post, 54 lbs down
  13. From the album: tina1577

    3 months post, 54 lbs down!!!
  14. Well Guys today is my 3 month postop, and I am down 54 lbs, and down 2-3/4 inches on the hips and 2 inches in the waste, and 2-1/2" in the chest, oh and down 2 dress sizes!!!! What I am so happy with myself!!!

    1. pupichupi


      Thanks girls. @BladeFox I know right, I went down to my basement and pulled up a tote of cloths that I can now fit into and I was super excited cause I found a pair of shorts that fit so perfectly, and they looked good too, my hubbyman was just like holy how, he was so funny!!!

    2. MissME


      That is so cool! Congrats!!

    3. SherB


      Hey Pupichupi, I have not had my surgery. Can you tell me what type of exercise you have been doing? Your start weight is close to mine now. Also great job!!!

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  15. So I am getting daring. I decided yesterday I wanted to try something different, and I made Chicken Marsala, and put it over Quinoa, and OMG So good!!! Even the kids and the hubbyman liked it??? Lets see what I can find next!!!

    1. pupichupi


      lol, my girlfriend is a vegan, and she eats alot of tofu, she made it for me once and I was not about it, but to each their own, I don't hate on it, I will try anything once, well except liver!!! lol, I LOVE to cook and try new things all the time!!! I just wish buying food to try things wasn't so darn expensive!! lol

    2. Miss Mac

      Miss Mac

      Liver is do-able, but you gotta mince it up real small and put it in something with a bold flavor, like Mexican food. I was an anorexic/anemic teenager with major B vitamin and folate deficiencies, and a Mexican neighbor made tostadas or tacos for me twice a week with the liver hidden in it. It got me well. My mother made the shoe leather fried liver crap which I could not stand.


      Since being sleeved, I get extra pleasure out of experimentng in the kitchen to help me meet nutritional goals.

    3. BigGirlPanties


      lol @ Miss Mac ... my mom made it the same way (but I still love it)...pork chops too...because she bought the thin cuts and cooked them like center cuts... let's just say she wasn't a very good cook...bless her :)

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  16. pupichupi

    March surgery

    Hey wallflower I'm glad your feeling better!!! Gosh and I thought my post surgery was bad!!! Congrats on the 59 lbs. tomorrow is my 3 month mark so we will see what that # is!!! So what's TPN? Well talk to you soon and keep going your a fighter!!!!
  17. So 3 months is coming up this week that I am post surgery, and I am super happy cause as of my weight in day which is today I am down 51 lbs and that means I am less than a 100 lbs to my goal weight!!! I am super excited!!! I can't believe the changes my body is going through and it is AMAZING, and I feel great!!!

    1. BigGirlPanties
    2. Lily22


      That is great. Congratulations.

  18. Yay!!! I did it!!! I was curious this morning about how much I'm down to and I hit my 50 lbs down and I'm so happy about it too!!! Will check in again now on Thursday my 3 month mark!!!!

    1. sotabee


      Congrats! Would you do sleeve again? I am nervous and a bit freaked out

    2. BladeFox


      Oh yeah, I almost forgot. Congrats! I'm still 2lbs away from the BIG 50, but I've been smaching fruit lately. Just need it for some reason.

    3. pupichupi


      You can do it, tomorrow is our 3 month mark, and I will be checking one more time this week just to have my official 3 month weigh in, and I will be doing my measuring too!!! I love doing it, isn't that crazy!!

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  19. So tired today!!! I am ready to fall out, even though I slept last night?

  20. pupichupi

    How long?

    Oh wow, but there is no emergency cases, cause I have talked to people from canada on here before and they didn't say anything about a 3-5 year wait? That is crazy!!!
  21. pupichupi

    How long?

    Holy Cow, 3-5 YEARS? Thats nuts, I was in within a couple weeks for my first doc appt, and in 7 months I had my Surgery, and after 4 years I just had my 2nd surgery cause I had the band and now I have bypass, and this time I had my surgery after 4 months after my first doc appt? I would do some more investigation into Doctors and stuff like that, I have heard of countries saying you can start the process but you won't get the surgery for a year after you start seeing the doctor, and I live in US? I would call your insurance company and see if they can help you!!! Good Luck!!!
  22. pupichupi

    Month long stall

    Hi Michele1az, I am not as far as you but I would say go back to the basics, I don't know what your diet now is like, but try to do the liquid diet thing for a week and see if that pushes your body over that plateau that your sitting on. Also what do you do for exercise? Are you a heavy exerciser or light? Maybe if your a light exerciser do a little more than you would normally, and see if that also helps? I am 3 months out next week and I feel like I need to ramp up my exercise cause I am only loosing like 2 lbs a week and even though I am almost to 50lbs down, I still have like 100 to go? Remember it's your body and your body is going to tell you when you can't loose anymore, and 228 at 5'7 is still in the overweight catagory. I know I am 5'8 and I still weight 250, so I would try tricking your body!!! Keep up the good work!!!
  23. I don't know whats going on with me lately but I am struggling with all my food, I chew chew chew but it still feels like something is blocking it from going into my pouch. I just want to feel normal to a degree of normal?

    1. pupichupi


      Yeah Blade that is what I think I am going to have to do, I have been doing alot of brothy soups and stuff like that since I been feeling this way so I will get back on track!!! I know there are times when I do eat, I am so used to eatting one way that I just forget to chew but I think about it after and I remember on that next bite!!! lol

    2. BladeFox


      It happens. Everytime, I have problems with eating, even when I'm chewing good and food just feels stuck, I will go back to soft and voila' a weight loss. You may actually reach your 50lbs by the end of the week lady!

    3. pupichupi


      I hope your right blade!!! I would really like that considering it is only 3 lbs that I need to loose this week to hit the 50??? LOL

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  24. pupichupi

    Laura "I Lost It" T-Shirt and New Car

    That is awesome of your company to donate that!!! It's awful how many kids are obese today, I have 2 kids and one of my kids is obese, and with this lifestyle change I am working on getting him to change too!!!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
