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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by LLSibley

  1. LLSibley

    Celebrities with lap band

    Al Roper had some sort of wls.
  2. LLSibley

    MaRcHiEs IN MaY

    TCTX, You are doing awesome. Isn't it fun to have those NSV. I got a second fill on Tuesday and know I have some restruction. I've PBed twice since then. It may sound weird but I'm glad I did because now I know I have restruction. A new NSV for me. We're going camping this weekend. I pulled out my 5 swim suits in 3 different sizes. The two I bought for last summer that I squeezed into really looked different. One was really too big and it's the one I wore last year because the other one really looked awful. The other one looks pretty good but the butt of it is too big. The 2 from about 3 years ago went on but they were just a little too clingy. The black one from about 6 or 7 years ago was too big, mainly because I've really streatched it out of shape. I probably won't even mind not wearing a t shirt and shorts over the suit.
  3. LLSibley

    MaRcHiEs IN MaY

    Turn it south toward Texas and I'll give it a kick. I don't know about you but I am a self pay and when I think of throwing all that money away I stay good. I just got off the phone with my beautician who had this done in January and is really down because of not loosing. I tried to give her a pep talk and hope she takes it to heart. As far as the scales go, if you weigh on the same scales and they continuely go down thats what counts. My scales is 5 #s lighter than the docs but when it goes down I know the docs will be going down too., I had my second fill yesterday and have felt fuller this morning than I have for a long time. When head hunger hits either drink fluids, protein, or go do something that is not in the same area of the food. If possible get outside and walk or in my case pull weeds out of the flower bed. Good luck and I hope you get the head hunger under control.
  4. LLSibley

    MaRcHiEs IN MaY

    TCTX, I too am a cheetos addict. If I ever eat one I know the whole bag will be gone. My kids in my day care love them and I almost have to slap my hand to keep them out of my mouth. Just had my second fill. Now have 2 cc. Nothing but fluids the rest of the night so I'm hungry but hope after breakfast in the morning hope things are different. Had my surgery in Mexico and went to a different doctor for my second fill because the other was a 2 and half hour drive and this one is only 30 minutes away. I was concerned about the change but decided I really liked this lady. She was so personable and took time with questions and asked if I had any. I'm sticking with her.
  5. LLSibley

    Bad breath

    I know that it's because of the large amount of protein we consume but I need to know what to do about the bad breath. I'm so self conscious about it, especially when my daughter informed me this weekend that it was bad. HELP
  6. All I'm going to add it lots of WARM FUZZY HUGS. All the advice was good and keep up informed.
  7. LLSibley

    MaRcHiEs IN MaY

    Don't tear yourself down because of one bad day. Today is a new day and a new you so just start over, don't forget protein and water.
  8. LLSibley

    Fears, hope, thinking and more thinking

    I had my surgery in :Monterrey Mexico with Dr. Zapata for $7000. I was very pleased with it and had no complications. I know a girl who had it here in the states and had severe complications so doing it in the US can't guareentee no complications. Don't let that statement scare you because the same girl had severe complications having a c-section during childbirth. I've read that only2-3% of the people have complications. I went throught Ready4achange.com and was really pleased with my whole procedure. My problem was finding a doctor around here to do fills so check into that before going to Mexico.
  9. LLSibley

    MaRcHiEs IN MaY

    It's getting close to June and us Marchies will need to change our thread name. Any ideas? I thought of Marchies into June. I just know I like to read about how all of us Marchies are fairing. I'm just glad May is almost over so my life will slow down to a fast walk instead of a mad constant run.
  10. LLSibley

    MaRcHiEs IN MaY

    I had a very testing weekend. It was a very good weekend but it sure tested my will power. My son got married and between preparing food for the rehersal dinner, the dinner itself and the dinner after the wedding there was temptation everywhere. I ate a small amount of potatoe salad because I made it and needed to be sure it tasted right and didn't need anything. At the dinner I ate brisket with no BBQ sauce or bread, a spoon of baked beans and a spoon of potatoe salad and too much champaine. At the dinner after the wedding I ate turkey breast, veggies with dip, cheese ball, 3 Ritz crackers, fruit and too much champaine again. I will admit I had about 3 very small bites of cake. I have a lot of cake here at the house and need to get it frozen but the freezer is full. Hope the kids in day care like it. I did pass up a lot of chips, crackers , cake, tons of cheese ball and crackers which I love. This morning I weighed the same as the first of the week. I do have a question, can I just drink my protein and fill up on fresh veggies because I have so many and hate to waste them. I live alone so no one here to eat them but me and I know veggies are really good for you. I guess I can make a chicken soup with all the veggies in it. I'm just rattling so will close up for now. Thanks for letting me talk on and on and on.
  11. LLSibley


    I was banded on the 19 of March. My last day in the hospital they gave me a barium drink so they could do an exray. Soon after I was hit with diarrehia. They suggested Imodium for that. On the 23 and 24 there was no diarrehia but last night it hit again in full force. I'm sure it's because most of the liquids I've drank, like a pitchure of crystal light, have sugar alcohol in it. But looking at labels, so does most other diet liquids. I had a slim fast shake for breakfast and was hit about 3 hours later. What suggestions do any of you have to get nutrients without the sugar alcohol?
  12. LLSibley

    MaRcHiEs IN MaY

    I've learnt not to plan on loosing so many pounds by a certain date. I was hoping to loose 10 additional pounds from my first fill till this weekend and only lost 5. I've been eating everything right but will admit not much exercise because of lack of time. I'm also getting hungry especially in the evenings. I think we're both due for a fill. I have 1.5cc in my 4 cc band. I can't say I've really had any great restriction that I can tell. the doc said it will take at least 3 fills but I read here that many have restriction after the first. My second is scheduled for May 29.
  13. LLSibley

    Protein Shakes

    There is a web site bariatriceating.com that has some really good protein products. I thought they were really expensive until I compared prices and sizes with what I bought at the health food store. And they really taste good. I had a sample of the cookies and cream and it was so good. They carry every flavor you can imagine.
  14. I have a feeling we bandsters are going to hear a lot of crap from a lot of people for the rest of our lives. I'm sure there are many others around this site like me. Since I was 18 (many moons ago) I've probably lost over 500 pounds total. You know the cycle, 5 off, 10 on, 10 off, 20 on and so on. You must remember since you are so young that you will need to make some drastic life changing ways. This isn't really the easy way out like some think. I was camping right after my surgery (in fact I was still on liquids) and one night there was a young girl there that had had lap band and she was eating and drinking like there was no tomorrow. She told my daughter she did what she wanted but just not as often. Needless to say she hasn't lost much weight. I can't understand why someone would go to that much trouble to have surgery just to eat around the band. I didn't say anything to her but just sat in awe. I also hear many times why choose to have a surgery you don't have to have? I have no comment to come back with but I think so many people, especially heavier ones, are just jealous because they haven't got the courage to do it themselves. And then you will get all the statistics about why it is bad. Why don't these same people give you the statistics about why it is good. This is your life and if you choose to make yourself healthier through surgery it's no one's business but yours. I've only been out for 9 weeks and I have yet to think, gee I wish I hadn't done that. Since I was a self pay I had to do a lot of soul searching to justify spend that kind of money but since I'm now single and am not fincially responsible for anyone else I knew it was the right choice for me. That doesn't mean that I wouldn't have if I had dependents because an early death would be a financial burden and an emotional devistation to my kids too. Now I'm planning on living longer to spend the rest of my retirement and not leave any for the kids. I'm going to live longer so I can do the things I want to do with retirement. I'm just rattleing now but I think these are ideas I've been needing to put down somewhere. You go for the surgery and don't worry about the putter downers. Yes, you can be anxious. Yes, you will probably be a little sore for awhile. Yes, you can go back to work, especially at a desk job. I went back to running my in home day care a week after surgery. I was just really careful not to pick up kids. Good luck
  15. LLSibley

    MaRcHiEs IN MaY

    I'm so sorry to hear about your friend. My prayers are with him, his family and good friends. The one thing that kept me going after the sudden death of my husband was a statement I heard once that God puts you on the earth for a purpose and when you've served that purpose he takes you home. Know that your friend is now home.
  16. LLSibley

    Mt. Pleasant Bandsters

    I'm hoping that after this month my life settles down enough that I can come to those monthly meetings. I live down the road in Omaha and can probably use the support and help.
  17. LLSibley

    Mt. Pleasant Bandsters

    I don't suppose you would give me the name of the nurse would you. I know Paula said she was very personable and she really liked her as a person. Of course Paula hasn't had WLS either so she may not know how important this all is. Anyway I made an appointment on the 29 to see Dr. Querry.
  18. LLSibley

    Banded Teachers Talk - BTT

    I'm a retired teacher that now has an in home day care. I find it hard to fit my eating into my schedule because one year olds are not always cooperative and if I don't have anything ready to eat at lunch I find myself really panicing. Today is going to be one of those days. It's Friday and my food is gone until this evening. Protein drinks for me.
  19. LLSibley

    MaRcHiEs IN MaY

    I use to ask my kids, would you like a little cheese with that whine. They never thought it was funny even now when they understand it. I'm only kidding. We all whine at one time or other. It's usually not as whiny as we think.
  20. I'm sure the rest of you are like I am. I've bought so many diet books, exercise books, tapes, videos, diet pills, and even phen phen. The money I've wasted on weight loss stuff in the past 59 years would probably have paid for my band (I was self pay). I should have invested it at all in a savings account and I wouldn't have had to struggle to get money for my surgery. Do I regret this last expense. You bet not. All those other gimmick didn't keep the weight off which I'm sure this will.
  21. LLSibley

    MaRcHiEs IN MaY

    WOW!!!!! way to go. Nothing will make you feel better than to be whistled at, I think. Keep up the great work.
  22. LLSibley

    MaRcHiEs IN MaY

    I've been at a stand still since my fill but don't think it's what I'm eating or not eating. I get my protein and water both in. I know it's a lack of real exercise which will change in 2 weeks after my son's wedding and those preps are over and no stress with that. When I compare what I use to eat with what I eat now I should be dropping weight but I guess my body is addjusting to the new eating pattern. I also need to stay off the scales daily. You are right about getting tired of eating. After doing all the chewing my jaws get tired and so I quit because I'm tired of chewing. Never thought I'd ever say something like that. I've never been one to tired, sick , hot, cold, bored, upset or anything else to not eat.
  23. LLSibley

    Mt. Pleasant Bandsters

    All you Mt. Pleasant people, I have a question. I had my first fill with Dr. Maese in Ferris, Tx. I wasn't much impressed even though he came highly recommended. There were 4 of us there and he ran us through like cattle through a branding gate. I had questions for him but he just sort of pushed me through. For $200 I felt I deserved more. My daughter's mother-in-law is a nurse at Pittsburg hospital. She was telling me about a Dr. Querry there in Pittsburg who does surgery and fills. She's fairly new in the area. Have any of you heard anything about her? Her receptionist really spoke highly of her. The receptionist has had a band and she does hers. She said she would take as much time as I want or need to answer questions. Another advantage is that it's just 25 miles from Omaha and not 130. With the price of gas it would really save me big bucks. She onlyl charges $100 for a fill. I was just wondering if anyone knew anything about her. Thanks for any help.
  24. LLSibley

    diarrhea post op

    I had diarreah for about 2 weeks and then it just quit. I did notice when I would drink chicken brooth made with boulion cubes. I did do imodium. I really made sure I did my liquids so I wouldn't become dehydrated.I too was really concerned but it went away and now everything is like it's suppose to be.
  25. LLSibley

    MaRcHiEs IN MaY

    It sounds like you had an awfully lot of carbs. I'm scared of that many processed carbs. I had a whole wheat tortilla shell and was concerned about it being way too many carbs.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
