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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by LLSibley

  1. Do you get your protein in in the form of powder because it doesn't look like you get much protein in with your meals? You are doing awesome and I thought I was doing good. Have you ever PBed or had any problems at all with things going down?
  2. LLSibley

    Somebody, please kill me.

    go to Ready4Achange.com and it gives all the info. At the time of my surgery they were doing a special to intice US patients. I wasn't concerned about the idea of inticing because Dr. Zapata was an associate of the Dr. who was insprirational in getting the lap band approved by FDA in the US. I also have a friend and another aquentience who went to Monterrey at this hospital but their surgery was by the other doctor. By the way, I was originally suppose to have my surgery by the other doctor (sorry can't remember his name) but he was shot and killed in a robbery. He was the victim not the shooter.
  3. LLSibley

    Somebody, please kill me.

    I went to Monterrey and had mine done with Dr. Zapata. He was really great and my whole experience was great. He's with Ready4Achange.com and it cost me 6900. I am self pay too. Make sure you find a doctor in the states to do fills and after care.
  4. LLSibley

    Marchies in June

    Thickchick, I think you made a wise move last night. I'm sure it was very disappointing but I think you really did the wise thing. He really sounds like a jerk to me and you are worthy of so much more . Don't settle. We women need to stand up for ourselves.
  5. LLSibley

    Do I need a fill?

    OK, it's 9:00. About 7 this morning I ate 1/2 cup cottage cheese and 3 medium to large strawberries. Now I feel hungry. Is this a sign I need a fill? I feel little restriction when I eat and only stop because I know how much I am suppose to eat. I had a fill 3 weeks ago and it seemed things got sort of stuck at that time but after I PBed and slimed last Sat I've had none of that. I'm leaving in 2 weeks for a month and don't want to be out of pocket if I'm having problems. Please give me some advice.
  6. LLSibley

    Marchies in June

    Oh Thickchick, Don't keep us in suspense, how was the date last night and did you remember to eat slow and all and was the movie good? I live vicariously through others. No life of my own. For everyone else, last Sat I pbed and slimmed big time for about an hour. Sincethen I haven't felt restriction or anything. It's been 3 weeks since I've had a fill. Does it sound like I need another one or that I could have done something to make it slip. I'll be leaving for month of being gone in 2 weeks. I wasn't planning on getting a fill until I got back in August but now wonder if I should next week. That will give me time to adjust before I leave. I just don't want to be out of the area if I have trouble with the fill. How long does it take to know you have too much fill?
  7. I don't know about drinking too fast. I can drink water just like I did before surgery. I wish someone would answer that one. The drinking while eating is the liquid washes to food down and you don't get the feeling of being full. That was the hardest for me not to do.
  8. LLSibley


    When I shrink past my stash of clothes I'm going to invade my daughters closet. She has more clothes than you can shake a stick at. She will really be surprised this winter. She donated a bunch of clothes to the church garage sale and I bought them. They are all winter clothes in size 10 and 12 so I'm sure by winter I'll be able to wear them. If they're too big it's not like I spent a fortune on them.
  9. I just love reading this site about us over 50s. I just amazes me how well we are all doing. I was always told that when you hit 50 it's almost impossible to loose weight unless you are sick. I guess we've proved them wrong. I do have to admit to you all, because I wouldn't tell anyone around here, that I gained a pound on my scales. It's depressing but also know it will leave too. I really need to dedicate myself to walking or any exercise but always put it off. Excuses all the time. All of you keep up the good work.
  10. I just love reading this site about all of us over 50 and the progress we've all made. I was always told as a younger person that over 50 the weight was almost impossible to get off unless you were sick. I guess we've all proved them wrong. I am having a problem right now because my weight went up a pound by my scales this week and I hate it. I know it will go down again but it's discouraging. This is the only place I would admit it went up. Others would say the band wasn't the right choice.
  11. LLSibley

    I did it!

    The soulder pain will probably be there a couple of weeks. I found the pain meds I had didn't do anymore than tylenol and heat.
  12. LLSibley

    Somebody, please kill me.

    How fast can you run away from that Doc? It sounds like you're being taken and it's time to say so long.
  13. LLSibley

    gas pains in left shoulder

    Great going. You've lost 62 pounds in a month. Outstanding. I also got gas pains or something like that in my shoulder when I was too full too. It finally quit.
  14. LLSibley

    Marchies in June

    I would wear black because I've always been told black makes you look thinner . But then again I like bright colors now that I am a bit thinner. Just remember to eat slowly and chew and chew and chew. Avoid the bread because it can get stuck so easy. I'm excited for you. Let us know how it goes.
  15. LLSibley

    Why are YOU Fat?

    DynomoMini, You are such a cheerleader for all of us. I've read post that you've written and you are so encouraging. I even looked to find your first post on here. Although we were raised different we were so alike in a way. Your association with alcoholism was some different. At least after high school I could get out of the situation. You were in it with 2 small boys. Like you I too wanted to die with Doug or so I thought until the day I was walking to the neighbors house and tripped and knocked out my breath. It was along side a busy road where the kids drove too fast at that time of day, right after school. I told God I wasn't serious or ready to die. Lucky for me a kid I know stopped and helped me. I really knew I would get hit by a car. Unlike your husband mine died suddenly. I was also a teacher and continued to teach another year. My heart wasn't in it and I felt I was not doing the kids any good so retired. I knew I needed a change but the weight just kept going up and up. I've been banded about 3 months now and have yet to regret it. I know I won't . Thank you so much for all they encouragement not only to me but to everyone else on this thread. Linda
  16. LLSibley

    Marchies in June

    Thickchick, I'm straight east of you in a little tiny town of Omaha, yes that's in Texas. It's just 50 miles from Arkansas. Momlambert, we were banded on the same day. I'm filled at 2 cc with 2 fills. I too want to have some restruction. I only stop eating most of the time is by self will. I do know I need to get some exercise. I guess I should get up earlier in the morning and do because by evening it's too hot and I'm too tired. I know the weight would really move if I did.
  17. LLSibley

    wedding pictures

    Hi, I just wanted to post a few pictures of my son's wedding a couple of weeks ago. One of 3 are my 3 kids, bride and groom and me, and all 3 kids with spouces and me. Hope it works.
  18. I keep reading about getting restriction but I'm wondering what is restriction anyway? I've had 2 fills, the last 5/29. At times I've not chewed enough and it hurts in my chest and throat, I've PBed twice and slimed a time or two. Is this restriction? I thought it would be the feeling of being really full. I guess I'm confused because I've not felt really full. I usually give myself so much food and that's all I eat but I find myself snacking between meals with fruit and veggies. I stopped buying almonds because I would catch myself eating them by the hand full off and on all day. I do get in my protein with at least 2 drinks a day plus enough fluids, mostly water.
  19. LLSibley

    NSV (Non Scale Victories)

    5 weeks ago I sent my daughter on a shopping trip to find me a jacket. At the time we compared measurements and she was 4 inches smaller than I was in top, middle and bottom. Today I remeasured her so I can do some sewing for her and I am only 2 inches bigger than she is. Soon I can raid her closet. First time ever.
  20. LLSibley

    Marchies in June

    I'm not sure my hair is falling out more or not. When you get older it just seems to do that anyway. My brush isn't any fuller than it use to be. I do know it's drier. I use to have to wash it every day or I could grease a car with it. I didn't wash it yesterday and this morning is still wasn't greasy. Had to wash it anyway because it's easier than than trying to fix the old mess. Thickchick, whereabouts in Texas are you? I hope you have a lot of good luck with the protein. What I've got I really like. Have you had a change in your hair in anyway. I've been reading that if it falls out it does come back.
  21. LLSibley

    Stomach sleepers

    I only bothered me because of the incisions at first. Once they healed then I slept anyway I wanted
  22. LLSibley

    Marchies in June

    Thickchick, I wasn't trying to be critical about what you were eating. It just didn't seem to be much protein. I buy protein powder at bariatriceating.com. Everything I've gotten so far has been good. I bought some of the nectar flavored protein and mix it with plain water or crystal light or diet citrus green tea, really cold. I do the chocolate protein with fat free milk and I hate milk. They also have protein chips and other such stuff.
  23. LLSibley

    Problem with family....

    That is the very reason I didn't tell my mom and some of my sisters and all my brothers. The one sister I told way ahead of time didn't think it was such a good idea. I told her to google it and learn more. My one son was the same way until he researched it. Their main concern then was that I was going to Mexico to do it. I still haven't told any more of my family because they all live out of state. They were down a couple of weeks ago for my son's wedding and I just told them I was on a high protein, no white carbs, limited fats diet. My one sister that knows said mom commented on my weight loss after she got home and told her about the diet I was doing. I didn't lie, I just left out a few facts. My 3 adults kids are very supportive. Of course I had to tell them because they all live around here and would notice I was missing for 4 days when I went to Mexico. We can't have mom missing. I even have to leave notes when I go shopping for a couple of hours.
  24. It seems every family has someone who is habitually late to everything and it's really a pain in the but. My daughter is the one in my family and she didn't get it from me. I prefer to be anywhere 10-15 minutes early. She gets up early enough but piddles. As far as drinking goes, I was never told to stop 30 minutes before but have read it on several different boards. I was told an hour after with nothing and that is longer than I can almost handle. It's funny how when you get use to drinking a lot of water it just about kills you not to be drinking. I'm not sure what the 30 minutes before will do. I know the after is so you don't wash everything down too fast.
  25. LLSibley

    Happy To Finally Be Here!!

    Welcome, Welcome, Welcome

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
