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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by wantstosucceed

  1. I know this might be a goofy question but I'm trying to plan my time off. My surgery is scheduled for the 22nd, which is a Monday. I had planned to take the 22nd and 23rd off (obviously) but make an attempt to come into the office on the third day. Am I nuts? LOL! I have a feeling I'll be working from home, but I wanted to see what everyone else did. I've heard stories from 2 days off to full weeks. I'd like to hear it from real bandsters. I'm trying to figure out what to expect.

    As a side note, I have a desk job, so it's not that intense. And I tend to heal fairly quickly after surgery. When I had both of my children, I was up within 20 minutes and out of the hospital in 24 hours. I couldn't stand to just sit around.

    So, what did you do? (Or are going to do?)


    I just had my surgery on March 18th. It went very well, and I was released from the hospital the same day, after being told most patients including myself would have to spend the night in the hospital.

    I myself am taking two weeks off from my job. I don't believe that I would of went back to work 2 days after my surgery. For one, my surgeon puts the "On-Q" on us, and you have to keep it on for 3 days. That said though, on the 3rd day when my boyfriend pulled it out for me, I have been pretty much pain free, and able to do most things that I did before, except lifting. I also had a hernia which I didn't know about, so I'm to take it easy for awhile, and I intend on doing so.

    Everyone is different in how they heal, etc., however, this is a big change in everyone's life, so if you have the time, I would certainly take it. Like you, when you had children, I was out of bed within 20 min. of having them. I did the same thing as soon as I was out of recovery and into my own room, I just couldn't lay in that bed any longer. In the room next to me, another lady had the same surgery done by a different surgeon, and by listening to her, she was in terrible pain, from all the gas. I myself didn't have the gas pains after surgery, which, I'm thankful, people say they can be very painful. The nurse even warned me that the gas pains can creep up into your shoulders and such and be extremely painful. But, that said, they say the more your up and walking, the better your chances are of not having any gas pains.

    So, I would just really play it by ear and see how you feel, your body will let you know what your capable of, and it will tell you what your not.

    Good luck to you on your surgery, keep us posted on how you make out!

    Best wishes,


  2. Hey everyone.

    I'm kind of struggling right now. Kind of ashamed to admit, I've been reading everyones "pre-op" posts and kind of thinking to myself how are all of these people actually COMPLAINING or having a hard time with the pre op process?? Just knowing that its needed to go through with surgery makes it incredibly easy.

    So here I am, 10 days before surgery, freaking out over this pre-op thing. I was truly under the impression that I didnt even need a pre-op diet, because the office didnt put any emphasis on it what-so-ever... until pre-op day. Now I'm stuck wondering if I'm eating the right broth, and wondering if I'm doing everything right. STARVING and craving real food. But thats the smallest issue of it all.

    Here is my biggest problem. I'm a smoker. I thought FOR SURE it would be more than enough to quit, knowing that its for this surgery. Last night was supposed to be my last time smoking. I went to work this morning, struggled to keep it together, and by lunchtime, I was in panic mode. I NEEDED a ciggarette. And of course, had one. And then another. Total of three for the day. I feel so quilty, but I'm having SO much trouble quitting. I intend to stop again for good tomorrow. I better...

    Any suggestions???? :)


    You did the right thing by cutting back. I myself smoked 2 packs a day when I went to my first seminar back in Sept. '09 and they straight up told me I had to quit. I myself couldn't imagine quitting cold turkey and trying to remain on a diet. So, after finally meeting with my surgeon, he even advised me to not do both at once. I had my surgery on March 18th, and now I smoke less than half a pack a day. I'm not proud that I still smoke, however, for me it's "baby-steps." My surgery all went fine and I was actually discharged the day of my surgery, instead of having to spend a night in the hospital. I'm still working on cutting back to the point of quitting and I know I'll get there! :)

    Good luck with your journey, you'll do great. Keep your head up!


  3. Sounds like you are on the right track!! I got to get off clear liquids and start full liquids so I'm not feeling quite as weak. I can just about drink anything at this point...just add Water or milk and let the magic bullet rip, definitely gets it so thin you could drink it through a straw!

    I was actually able to stay up all night and study which is something I hadn't done the past few days, just felt so tired and warn out. Then again, I flew home from MX and then drove myself 2 hours home...then had to turn around 7 hours later and drive back to the city and my friend was admitted in the hospital for preeclampsia...jeesh when it rains it pours. I've actually been able to get some good sleep the past 2 nights and feel a bit more rested in the morning. As you can see though, it's like 3:30 am and I'm just now going to bed after studying pretty much all day. It sucks to have to make up for the days of studying missed getting banded and all that good stuff.

    I hope all is well for you and your journey continues as planned. Later---Erin


    Gosh, no wonder you've had no sleep. Hopefully things will settle down for you. I know myself, I've had a few sleepless night. I too am in college and in my last class for my BA in Crminal Justice, plus, I work 2 jobs. Thankfully, both jobs are letting me have some time off.

    I'm glad to hear your not feeling as weak as you were, I'm sure the good sleep and getting more liquids in you sure helps. Keep up the sleep and such, and good luck on your boards, I know you'll succeed!

    Good luck,


  4. Yeah everything is going great! I got a little whiney last night and still felt that way today, but the pain is pretty much gone and I get to advance my diet soon, so all is good.

    Thanks for asking and good luck to you :frown:


    Well, finally home from the hospital. Actually I came home the same day I was banded, which, was Thursday the 18th. My doctor said my surgery went very well! I don't recall much of pre-op, other than them getting me ready, cap, gown, etc. and giving me something to calm my nerves. Otherwise when I woke up in recovery, I was sooo thirsty, they did let me have a few cups of ice. I got to my room, I was allowed to get up and goto the bathroom, then I decided I needed to walk and put some clothes on. A little while later, they rolled me off to have my upper GI done.. stuff was nasty, but they confirmed all went well. Then, they let me sit in the hall for 20 minutes, well, I got tired of waiting for "transport" and went and found a nurses station and gave them heck about it, and then I was on my way to my room. For the rest of the afternoon, it was just sipping liquids, and getting a load of antibiotics before my release. Signed paper work, got the low down on my On-Q and then "transport" was on the way to take me to my boyfriend and daughter who were ahead of me to get the car. Funny, when the "transport" guy came, he says "can I see your band," I immediately said (all drugged up) "your not a doctor and I"m not lifting my shirt to show you anything!" haha.. he said "no no no, I mean the band on your arm to ensure I"m picking up the right patient." LOL.. I just said ohhh forgive me, I'm just a lil high on these drugs they gave me!

    Trip home was good, the boyfriend stopped and got me my prescriptions filled and lots of liquid stuff. We got home and he turned into a lil susie homemaker, making Jello and pudding, and ensuring I was all comfy.

    Today, I feel pretty good, however, I'm really trying to get all these liquids in and I feel full all the time, with really no appetite, but don't want to get dehydrated, and I have no fill in my band. Strange, but the Dr. said alot of his patients are like that.

    So.. the journey begins....Good luck to you, I hope your progressing well!! Keep in touch!

  5. Date of Surgery: March 18th

    Where Surgery will be: Richmond, VA

    Doctor/Center: Dr. Schroeder

    Seminar date: September 2009

    1st consult date: October, 2009

    2nd consult: November

    Consults and tests completed: Cardiologist. Pulmonologist, sleep Study, Nutritionist, Psych Test

    Tests still needed: None

    How is surgery funded? Insurance

    Concerns? My biggest concern is the hospital stay; I am paranoid about hospitals and I'm dreading the "You have to spend a night in the hospital."

    Reason for banding? Tired of being over weight and know that it's time to do something about it, that will last me forever, instead of a quick fix.

  6. Take,

    I just want to say I think you have a heart of gold for the offer you mentioned in your post. Everyone on this forum just seems to be so helpful and generous with their advice and information. I couldn't have found a better forum to be a part of, and I'm thankful that there are wondeful people on here, just like yourself.

    Good luck in your weight loss journey!



  7. Nerolid,

    I think we all have to remember, that the lapband is a tool, and to properly lose weight you have to know how to use the tool that is given to you.

    I have a friend who had gastric by-pass done, a year after she had it done, she regained all her weight. Why? because she didn't follow what she was suppose to, went back to eating junk food, and lots of carbs like she did prior to her surgery.

    This is a lifetime commitment. Something we have to want to commit to and give it our all. Like so many people here, I myself have tried many diets and pills in order to help me lose weight, which, I succeeded at, however as soon as I quit the diet, or quit taking the pills, I gained the weight back, plus some. I am dedicated to the lapband and making this work for me, not only because I want to lose weight, but because I want to be healthy. I feel that the lapband is the tool that I need to succeed.

    I do hope that you find what is right for you. Good luck in your decision, and your weight loss goals :(

    Best of Luck,


  8. Ash,

    Just remember, everyone here has to go through all the steps too. We might not have to finance however, in order to get the band we all have to go through the steps. Just remember this is about you, and your future...Don't give up! I know myself I'm getting anxious, I've done everything except a chest x-ray and my last blood work...the psych evaluation and my other appointments were cake.. they scheduled them right after my seminar which was Sept. 09...the worst thing for me was that my Dr. made me get a sleep study done...I won't even tell you how bad it was ..it was awful.. but regardless, just hang in there, and know that we're all here, going through the same thing...don't second guess yourself :thumbup:

  9. Hi ash,

    I'm sure you'll figure out who you want to do your surgery. When I went to my seminar, the surgeon there specifically told us, that if our insurance didn't cover the surgery, that they had an "in-house" program to help. Maybe you could inquire with whomever you choose as your surgeon to find out what for financing programs they have.

    Good luck, keep us posted on how your making out.


  10. Hi everyone!

    Just a newbie here, looking around the forum. Thought I'd take a moment and say hello. This site looks to be pretty informative with many already having the surgery. I myself have gone through the seminar, psych evaluation, sleep study, etc., just waiting on more blood work, chest x-ray, and a surgery date. 'm actually getting excited, and have been for a long time. The lap-band seems to be the tool that I will need.

    I wish you all much success and hopefully will be looking for more support and advice in my journey!

    Good luck to all.


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