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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Princess_Gottalose

  1. Princess_Gottalose

    Hitting the Gym!!!

    I signed up for the local gym today!!! I'm excited to get this weight moving again!!! This is the first time i have ever been to a gym and I am kinda nervous!!!!! I'm 50 pounds down with 50 more to go!!!! Im ready!!!!!!
  2. Princess_Gottalose

    Hitting the Gym!!!

    Thanks for the support everyone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  3. Princess_Gottalose

    Hitting the Gym!!!

    That was me! I have a walking trail close to my house... but i seem to do a lot more when I pay for it! haha
  4. Princess_Gottalose

    Band Number Two

    I had my band done in June and lost 50 pounds... Then I got comfortable (why not? I was the size i was in high school! which still isnt small) and i quit watching what i have been eating.. I have not gained anything but if i keep continuing on i will... so Today i took a new step and joined the gym... So i am ready to get back on track and get rid of this last 60 pounds!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I know you are excited because I know how you feel! Good luck!!!!
  5. I am having trouble with my snacks! I am tired of eating the same things!! I usually eat a piece of ham with cheese rolled up or a stick of cheese... Just looking for some new ideas of what fellow bandsters do!
  6. I feel really discouraged and ashamed of myself. I feel the need to come "clean" I'm not looking for people to be critical... just to know im not alone.... I had gotten to my highest weight of 260 in June... I had my surgery June 21 2010. I haven't lost any weight since november... I am down 50 pounds (which I am excited about). I have gotten down to the size i was in high school so i just stopped watching what i was eating... I have good restriction but often find myself eating all the wrong foods... ( or drinking chocolate milk which i know isnt good in calories/fat). I feel that maybe I have gotten comfortable... I dont know if it is a fear of what is to come... I have never been smaller than I am now... and like every diet i get back to this size and stop... I dont want to that this time!!! I have realized that i have not lost weight because of my decisions... not because the band has failed me.. I just feel the need to get this off my chest so I can start fresh!!! For the past week I am back on track and excited! I just want to know if this is just a mental thing I'm going through and am alone... or if there is other people like me that this has happened to... I'm so ready to get this ball rolling again!!!!!!
  7. Princess_Gottalose

    Feeling discouraged and ashamed!

    Thanks for replying... I really needed just to hear that this does happen to other people. I am not perfect by any means and this is hard, but i am going to do it!!!!
  8. I have started to struggle with this myself the past month.... my weight loss has stopped and its been an up and down battle for me... I'm NEVER hungry but yet i want to eat all the time!!!! I dont know how to get it out of my mind, ,but it is extremely hard at times. I never thought the mental part of this process would be ethis hard
  9. Princess_Gottalose

    Help! Need new snack ideas!!!

    Thanks for the ideas! Is there a reason they dont want you to snack (the ones who said they didnt) My surgeon told me i have to have 6 meals 3 main meals 3 snacks... I guess it depends on where you go!
  10. Princess_Gottalose

    Good Feeling

    Thats great!! I walked into work today and like you said not thinking much about it and a lady stopped me and goes "wow you are loosing weight" WHAT A GREAT FEELING!!!!!!
  11. So after my second fill I had to have two unfills!! They sent me for an upper GI and found out my surgeon placed my band very high up on my stomach which is why i couldnt keep solids down... Anyone else have this issue????
  12. Princess_Gottalose

    Too tight?

    I have the SAME problem... I got a fill about a month ago and it was WAY to tight so they took out .5 cc and i was ok for like 2-3 weeks and now i am so tight i cant keep anything but mushies and liquids down.... So tomorrow I am going to go have a swallow test done and then hopefully some removed
  13. Princess_Gottalose

    Going for ANOTHER unfill and feeling kind of down!

    That makes me feel ALOT better!!!!! I have 2.5 cc right now and I am think 2.25 will be a lot better... At 2.0 cc I felt I needed a little more restriction but this 2.5 is to much. I am almost 6 months post op. i am vomiting at least once a day now and i really want to stop!!! Thank you so much for making me feel more "Normal" lol
  14. Hi Everyone! I had my first fill with 2 cc.... Then I went back and got a second fill of 1 cc which put me at a total of 3cc. After not being able to keep liquids down my doc took out .5 cc... That was 3 weeks ago and I have no trouble keeping liquids down but I have trouble keeping my meats down.. the only thing i seem to be able to keep is milk and Soups and slider foods. I called back and they are going to have me come in for another slight unfill... I 'm feeling kinda down because everyone seems to have like 6 and 7 CC but yet i have restriction at such a low amount... Does anyone else have restriction at a low amount? Has anyone had to go for TWO unfills?????? Some encouragement would be nice I just feel like im doing something wrong! (I bought toddler bowls measuring spoons toddler forks and spoons so I know my amounts and bites are correct) Thanks again!
  15. This happens to me when i am to tight, I actually am going in for a slight unfill tomorrow because of this. Its not really "throwing up" its kind of o like spitting up. Like a baby does... Its just comes up as it goes down and I always have tons of clear liquid with it... I also can not eat chicken breast anymore for that reason... it doesnt go down and causes me a lot of discomfort. I find that dark meats go down ALOT easier! Hope this was helpful
  16. Princess_Gottalose

    Going for ANOTHER unfill and feeling kind of down!

    Thanks guys You have all made me feel a little better... It seems I have lost weight everywhere but my stomach area so i haven't thought about the fatty tissue putting pressure! Lets hope this next unfill will be my sweet spot !!! Thanks again!
  17. Princess_Gottalose

    1st fill question

    Wow that seems like a lot to me... My first fill i had 2 cc... Then my second I got 1 cc and it was way to much.. so i had a .5cc unfill and I am going again tomorrow for a light unfill again... so i guess it depends on the person because i see tons of people on here with 7 and 8 cc and i cant figure out why i have so much restriction at 2.5 cc????
  18. Princess_Gottalose

    How long before you know if.....

    Oh my you are sooo right! and i havent learned either lol it has happened a few with me also... do NOT drink when it gets stuck like she said you will barely have enough time to make it to the bathroom for it to come up!
  19. Princess_Gottalose

    Low Energy

    I felt SOO tired all the time. I went had some blood work done and my iron levels were really low.. I started taking over the counter iron and that made the BIGGEST difference!!!!!
  20. Princess_Gottalose

    Newly Banded : Scared and in pain

    I am curious to why you have pills... I went home on loratab liquid pain medicine.. I also had a heital hernia. There was a good 3 days i just didnt do anything because i felt bad and my pain meds made me sleep. They also sent me home with little medicine cups.. For the first day or so i had to drink at least one medicine cup of fluid every hour so it didnt feel like i was over drinking those first few days... Hope this was helpful to you! any questions just ask!
  21. Hey Everyone! I had my second fill a few weeks ago and it was to tight so I had a slight unfill... Once I got the unfill I was doing great! Since Friday it seems my band has a mind of its own!!! I am having trouble keeping solids down... But not all the time... sometimes i can keep it some times i cant.. fluids go down perfectly (so i dont think it is a slip) but i just dont know if when i first pb'd if i should have went on liquids for a while... also (i know TMI) it seems i have had a lot more gas/constipation lately. Does anyone know if that can affect your band tightness? any help would be great... thanks!
  22. Princess_Gottalose

    Help! Don't know what to do :(

    Thanks so much! I really havent drank much lately, and I had no idea that could make the band tighten! Also I just ate dinner and ate it a lot slower with a lot of time between bites and it seems to have stayed... I guess this fill got me to where I need to be!! I still think im going to try to do liquids more so than solid foods for a day or so to see if there is some swelling from pb'ing thanks again!
  23. Princess_Gottalose

    food poisoning? flu? slip?

    I have had the same issue since friday!!!!!!! Fluids go down fine and sometimes food will... I'm so confused!! ughh
  24. Princess_Gottalose

    Hi. Newly banded on Nov. 5th, 2010!

    Thats a hard question.. because I dont really keep up with my calories.. I probably get about 800 a day maybe? But they key to making my weight move is to exercise. If i dont exercise I dont loose. When I exercise the scale moves.. So i just exercise and pretty much eat normally (but healthy)
  25. Princess_Gottalose

    explaining I cant eat the way i used too..

    This happens to me alot :rolleyes2: I was also a frequent "out to eat" person. My spouse now often forgets or can make a remark about "we cant eat there bc you cant eat" it gets frustrating at times.. but he has never battled weight and just doesnt understand sometimes. Hang in there it will get better

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