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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by LadyK

  1. LadyK

    Hi from Louisiana

    I saw my whopping insurance bill recently $20K, thank God for my insurance. Self pay in Mexico, has it's ranges so I have been told. My best friend was banded in Mexico, for $8K; but I have heard on this site that others have paid $3500K to $8K. All the information that you want or need can be found on the net. Good luck.
  2. LadyK


    wonderkidsmom - I guess that your soon to be ex, does not know that God does not like ugly. His behavior toward you is just plain ugly. Do not stoop to his level, the Lord will take care of him 10 fold. Now regarding your material items that he has thrown away or packed up; get your camera out, it is time to take some pictures. Open the boxes and photograph the contents, make a list of what is missing. Take a picture of the things that he has thrown in the trash, these are memories (cards, letters) that can never be replaced. Basically, he has stolen from you. This may not be you, but I would also call the police have them come over and file a report; try and do this when he is not at home. You have photos, and a documented report from the police department; give both to your lawyer for safe keepings. I would give a montary value to the items, that he has destroyed. Have your lawyer give the photos and police report to the judge, and ask that your ex compensate you financially for your loss. This is another reason why your lawyer needs to ask that he be removed from the family home. I am glad to hear that you are still taking care of yourself, good for you. Know that you are in my thoughts and prayers.
  3. LadyK

    Chicago friends

    Happy Fill Day Terri! You are going to enjoy the feeling of restriction again. I hope one fill does it for you, but if not you may need another one and that is perfectly fine; this is how the tool is suppose to work. I had to have 2 fills within a weeks time, the 2nd fill was the charm.
  4. LadyK

    Shrinking feet???

    I was just going to say that the wedding rings are getting loose. At first I could not figure out why my diamonds always face downward, and my rings never set properly on my fingers. Weight is coming off everywhere, even when the scale does not show it.
  5. LadyK

    Shrinking feet???

    I noticed that also.
  6. LadyK

    Newbie from Illinois

    Yes you are correct, everyone is different. How each of us use the tool (the band) is a personal choice.
  7. LadyK

    Chicago friends

    You are doing just fine. Dr. Shayani at Loyola did my band procedure for me 8/24/06. My starting weight was 220, after 2 fills I am down to 202. Dont be surprised if after your first fill, the restriction is not very restrictive. I had my first fill at week 6 (10/3/06), my second fill at week 7 (10/10/06), all I can say is WOW! I have had restriction for 6 days, and I am still learning how much or should I say how little I can eat. If Dr. Sarker is anything like Dr. Shayani, then you are on solids now. You will do fine for the next 6 weeks on most foods, with the exception of breads; but we must remember that everyone is different. If you have any specific questions, just post. Take care.
  8. LadyK

    Newbie from Illinois

    You have no restriction right now, just you wait. Once you have a fill, a good fill you will have to give up or relearn how to eat certain foods. Now that a have had my second fill at week 7, I an learning to eat 1/2 of what I ate over the last 6 weeks. It is certainly a different way of life now, but I have lost 4.5 lbs this week. Lunch would be good, somewhere centrally located for all. Have a good weekend.
  9. LadyK

    Newbie from Illinois

    Welcome diane5467! I am also a from the western suburbs, I am 7 weeks post-op, I have had 2 fills and I am down 16 pounds. My first fill did not work well for me, but that second fill gave me all the restriction that I could handle. When you get health insurance, you may be covered for your fills. My friend went to Mexico for the procedure (self-pay), came back to the states and was doing self-pay for her fills; I researched and found that our insurance would cover her fills. Just an FYI... Take care.
  10. LadyK

    Newbie from Illinois

    Stay the course, I am sure someone in Illinois should be able to help you. If I hear of anyone I will let you know. Best Regards.
  11. LadyK


    You have a very good point about Superdad hanging up his cape; playing the role of Superdad is just a role for him and he can't keep it up for long. If it were I, I would speak to my daughter about the possibility of her father not continuing the "full court press" for very long. Ensuring her that if he does go back to his normal behavior, it is not a reflection on her; it is simply who he really is. My husband is a wonderful father, but it has taken 18 years for him to arrive to this point. While my children were growing up, I did 95% of the day to day activities, (parties, amusement parks, planning vacations, school activities, parent teacher conferences). My husband was active in our childrens lives when they played sports. He was supportive to 120% when they were in their sports. Now he misses them (two older kids are seniors in college, the youngest is a freshman in high school), when the college kids do come home, they don't have a lot of time to spend with us. I understand, and I apprechiate every moment that I get to spend with them; but I also have no regrets, I gave my kids my all and some. I hope your ex realizes what a gift he has in his children. I think as soon as you get him out of the house, your stress level will drop. Hang in there girl!
  12. Not sure you still need this informaiton, but if so Dr. Shayani at Loyola University in Maywood is your man. I can not stop singing his praises or that of his staff. Not only did he do my surgery, but he also does my fills/adjustments. Personally, I rather like having my physician being apart of my ongoing transition. Good luck.
  13. LadyK

    What Foods Cant You Eat?

    Prior to my fills, no food was an issue. After Fill #1, I had to eat bread that was dry, no soft breads; but everything else was all good. With fill #2, all bread is out, chicken is difficult, must be eaten in small bites and chewed well. Liquids will back up, like that which would be in a funnel. What can I say, the band is working.
  14. LadyK

    Newbie from Illinois

    Good Morning Kim, I was banded in August 2006, by Dr. Shayani at Loyola University Health Systems in Maywood IL. My operation was covered by my insurance, but Loyola may accept Illinois Public Aid. Have you contacted Loyola? I absolutely love my doctor and the other lap band physicians at Loyola. The best of luck in your search. - LadyK
  15. LadyK

    Chicago friends

    Yes, some banding doctors take other banding patients. I was banded at Loyola University Hospital in Maywood, by Dr. Vafa Shayani. I absolutely love my doctor and the banding staff at Loyola. I sent a friend to Loyola for her fills, she was banded in Mexico. Good luck with your Quest.
  16. LadyK


    He has been given some advice from someone, that much is obvious. Personally, he may have a point about the home; you should be staying in the house and raising your daughter in the family home until she graduates from high school. With the maximum amount of child support from your ex, and your salary if you could pay the mortgage, I would stay in the home. The house would apprechiate, the market may have turned around in a few years, and when you go to sell the house you both would make money instead of loosing money. Don't loose your cool, you are making great strides that is why he is trying to show others that he can "Man Up". He wants pyhsical custody of your daughter so that you will have to pay him child support; then you would still be jumping through hoops as the active parent. Hang in there.
  17. LadyK


    No, you are not crazy, just a woman who is trying to make her life better. Please, if you do nothing, get the maximum financial support the law allows. The minimum amount of financial support will only meet your needs. What about sports, clothing, school events for your children, vacations with your children. I promise you, your ex-husband will not pay one red cent over what the courts are requiring him to pay. So your children will have to go without, and that is not right. It has been years, but I think I got a copy of the title from the state for one of our cars. I know your life is stressful, but make time for you; make sure that you are getting your exercise and hopefully restful sleep. Sleep and exercise will keep you at the top of your game, as you go through your divorce. Hang in there girl.
  18. LadyK

    Doctor Help

    Girl, Sorry but he is not doing you, his patient the best service right now. With his attitude he will discourage you from the entire banding process and it is a great tool. He needs retraining, but that is better saved for a nother subject. Tell him that if you do not have restriction in your band, then it is not working for you. I would not leave his office without a fill. Let him know that you are paying for his services and that for the past 6 months, he has not been servicing you or your needs. If this does not work, I would not be above finding another physician to do my fills. I love my physician, he did my fill this week, and told me that if I did not feel restriction to come back. Not come back in a month, to come back right away. Go get your fill girl!
  19. LadyK

    Not Losing Weight

    Stop stressing you are doing fine. I did loose 11 lbs, 2 days post operative, but not a pound more until 2 days before my first fill (6 weeks later). I was working out 6 days a week, just like you, and nothing. You start to think, this is going to be like all the other diets that have failed; but it is not like that at all. I had my first fill on 10/4, today is 10/6 and I have lost 4.5 lbs. To get you to your first fill, the food that you should be eating mostly is protein. Hard protein, beef, chicken, pork, and fish; post operative is the honeymoon phase, get to know your band. Get to know it's likes and dislikes. If the weight comes off during this phase, it is a bonus; when you have your first fill you should see progress. If after a week and you do not feel restriction or no weight loss, you will need to discuss another adjustment (fill) with your doctor. I can only speak for myself, but I LOVE my band. Best of luck to you.
  20. LadyK

    I'm Afraid!!!!

    To answer your quesiton, YES you want to do the surgery. I have been banded for 6 weeks, this week. 5 weeks prior to my first fill, I had only lost 10 lbs, and I was starting to think that this was not going to work for me. I had my first fill on 10/4, today is 10/6 and I have lost 4.5 lbs. I am eating, just not as much as I ate in the 5 weeks after the band. I thought I had a love affair with food, but now I eat to live. You will do just fine. Best of luck.
  21. LadyK


    Becareful, he is angry, hurt and acting out. You two are still in the same house? Is your attorney aware that your husband is not contributing to the family finances, and is actually causing the household a financial hardship? I am sure you have done this already, but if not, open your own account before payday. Find out if your attorney can file for emergency child support/spousal support and garnish his check now. He is going to be mad, but so what. If he is still in the family home, sleep with one eye open. I will be praying for your safety and a smooth transition out of your marriage for you and your husband. Keep your head up, I promise you that this too will pass.
  22. You go girl!!!! Happy Bandiversary!!!
  23. LadyK

    AUGUST Bandits

    Of course I a can not remember the products name, but I use a name brand powered Fiber. It can be disolved in just about every food except for soda, has not taste, and works great.
  24. LadyK


    Your decision to divorce your husband, started well before the 88 lbs. loss. People would like to think that the weight loss is the real reason for the divorce; but it only gave you the courage do what you knew in your heart of hearts. Truth be told, he could not help your self esteem, only you have that power. Baby, you have value and worth, but it does not matter if 20 men are singing your praises, if you yourself do not know your value. Regarding loosing your husbands family, a few family members may have the courage to let others know that you are still family; but if that does not happen, then they were never really family anyway. The size of your kin, does not matter. Love the 4 relatives that you do have, with all of your heart. Go out and make new lasting memories with them and your children; with that much love, you won't even miss his large clan. I send you peace and nothing but good blessings.
  25. LadyK


    Welcome Kaydee, The good thing is that you know what you need to do, once you have the ok, to exercise. Heal properly, then get back on track. Above all, don't give up hope. :biggrin1:

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