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Posts posted by SoccerMomma73

  1. I don't get them as much now that my band is gone but my banded hiccups were HORRIBLE. Loud, painful, miserable. Fairly certain it had something to do with an irritated vagal nerve from my band, also, they were almost always on an empty stomach so I guess that 1/2 cup thing doesn't always apply.

  2. I was supposed to do a week but ended up staying in-patient until late on day 4 so my doc made me add 2 extra days off :P. It is extremely variable though. By day 5 or 6 I was only taking pain meds at bedtime and I was up moving around doing everything necessary to run a household (single momma). Other than being sore and slow (and tired) I was fine to go back, but there are people on here with sedentary jobs who take 6 weeks and need every day of it! I think it's possible, but have a back-up plan just in case (I took my heating pad to work the first couple weeks and slapped it on between patients...heaven, pure heaven). NATURALLY, always do what your doc says :)

  3. Surgery on Monday, back to work part time the following Wednesday, back full time 2 weeks from surgery. It kicked my butt the first week or two but I also think me being up and around is part of the reason my recovery was so easy. (I stand, walk, and talk, the only thing I lift is a laptop and stethoscope).

  4. Well hell. While digging though the cabinet for some Tylenol (because I smacked myself in the face with the tailgate in my van and I have a mother of a headache) I found my vitamins...that I must have put up while cleaning, errr, about 3 weeks ago! Totally hadn't crossed my mind that they were MIA and I hadn't taken em :/ Bad RNY patient, bad!!!!!

  5. I find myself being really fickle about my food! Like when y'all are talking about being not hungry I have to come up with things I can both have and want! Very hard!

    11 months post op and what I want is still very bizarre at times. There are days where real meals are just repulsive (I had crackers and cheese for dinner last night....just one of those days)

  6. I got my new surgery date! February 24th. I had my band removed November 4th and I had a problem with one of my incisions. I'm still packing it 2 months later. It's almost healed and I pray it doesn't happen with my bypass surgery. It's a pain in the butt to change the dressing and pack it 4 times a day.i can't wait for my surgery day.

    congrats!!! Having a date makes it so real :). Here's to a completely boring and uneventful surgery and recovery!

  7. You are a total hoot. I love to read ur posts! I'm glad u mentioned this tho. I don't know how I am going to do losing my comfort!! (And best friend) lol

    :). Start figuring out now what you're going to do the first time you're upset, the first time, you're stress edit, the first time work sucks or you have a tiff with your significant other...have someone to talk to...I think just being aware that it may happen puts you a step ahead of where I was. Also, I hadn't found this forum at that point....come here and rant and rave all you want. We totally understand. Having someone that understands is priceless. My surgery was the week before Christmas (my band surgery), I was single, with a 5 year old son. A week post-op my tummy woke up and I was starving (another fact not mentioned pre-op). To suddenly be starving a week post-op threw me for an emotional loop. I went into an emotional tizzy of 'oh my god I'm going to fail!!!!'and the first thing I wanted to do was eat for comfort...but I couldn't...and I had no one to talk to.... About 4 days into my spiral into disparity I googled 'post lap band and starving' and lo! The clouds parted and lap-band talk appeared before me. And suddenly I had dozens of people going through the exact same thing at the exact same moment and my world was instantly better. Part of my panic was feeling like is never be able to eat normal food again. I now know that ain't so and I can eat anything in moderation. I can go out with the family to Celebrate, I can go on a date and eat normal food. I now know that food can still be a part of my life...it's just not the focus of my life. I can still enjoy it with family and friends, I just can't let it consume me. Food and I are now healthy friends instead of the weird dependency I used to have with it. You'll do great!! You have us :). How can you not do great when you have us?!?!?

  8. How did you make your homemade broth? ?

    . Boil chicken (or a chunk of beef) with carrots, celery, onion, garlic, salt, pepper, etc until everything is turning to mush and chicken is falling off the bone, allow to cool, strain, skim fat off the top....takes a few hours but you can do big batches and freeze. I usually throw in peppercorns and a bay leaf too. The veggies need to be washed but just cut in big chunks, you don't even have to peel em. Chicken on the bone has the best flavor, I prefer a whole chicken or thighs (thighs are cheap!). You CAN freeze the chicken and save for chicken salad post op if you're feeling that rambunctious. My puppies usually get the carrots once they're done. It takes some time but it is sooo much better. I'm sure you can google 'homemade chicken broth' for specifics!

  9. Welcome to hell :). Where you're so close you can taste it but are stuck smack dab in the middle of the most miserable part that seems like it will never freaking end...,just know that you guys CAN do this and life on the other side freaking rocks :). I would suggest not letting yourself get too hungry...broth and Decaf hot tea were my best friends. Sipped on them all day. If I got hungry I'd chug a cup of broth so fast it almost made me sick :P. Also homemade broth is sooo much better than prepared....congrats on almost being there!!!!!! What an amazing way to start the year!!!!!

  10. I really really REALLY wish they talked about mourning food in my pre-op appointments. We talked healthy foods, lifestyle change, etc, but no one mentioned ANYTHING about how lost I'd be when I realized post-op that I'd lost my best friend and #1 source of comfort....that was tough when it hit. Plus I thought I was crazy :P some warning would have been dandy!!! :D

  11. So, I did MFP, 1/6th of a recipe is 55 calories and 8 grams of Protein, 4 carbs, and <1 gram of fat. Not too shabby for what my brain considers junk food :). And I'd 1/2 the salt next time...

  12. post-78826-0-07759200-1388792869_thumb.jpg

    Courtesy of Ina Garten....I think it needs a bit less salt and a little more lemon juice. Go with fresh dill and lemon juice for the brightness.

    I've had it as a dip with veggies, pita chips, and as a sauce on chicken breast. I haven't plugged it in to MFP yet but with low fat sour cream and Fage 0%bits almost fat free and has a load of Protein.

    Hope you like it as much as my son and I do!!!!

  13. I totally lost my drink! I just spit it all over my iPhone!!! That's hysterical! I have always said that if we had all kept our 2nd grade mentality, pus have cooties, then we would be flying solo with no nasty lil creatures pulling on our shirt tales calling us mom! Lmao

    woohoo!!!! Any day that I make someone spit out there drink goes down in the record book as a successful day!!! (That it was on your iPhone is just total sparkly bonus!!!)

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