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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by Stevie1

  1. CB2,

    I have to tell you that TRI CARE has been amazing for this procedure. The requirements/standards were brutal but they are there for a reason. Our docs here are overly aware of the strict approval standards. But once you are in - it's 'group support' heaven! My surgeon is one of the pioneering doctors in this procedure. The University of Padova (Italy) has funded his staff and research. I was a bit gun shy at his continuous availability. He doesn't go through a secretary or assistant. He calls you, he emails you and he makes your appointments. That's on the civilian side. On the military side - we have access to Behavioral Health counseling, nutritional counseling and the Health and Wellness center. NOW.. the challenge is for those of us to educate some of the professionals (military) as to what we need as patients but all in good time. My concern on this site are the amount of folks that just don't have the after care that they need nor the proper nutritional information to get through the first moths after surgery. Screw the insurance - why are docs not making themselves accessible ? There is never a need to be so arrogant in your surgical skills that you forget that you are a human being - taking care of other human beings who need your help. Does state side TRI CARE cover all your fills and for how long? Did you have to go through your base hospital at first? How did you seek approval? I think that what I went through overseas is a bit different than what you went through on a stateside assignment.

  2. Dearest Ladies,

    I have been reading and reading and responding to some of these threads and have had such an eye opener as far as to what our civilian counterparts have to go through. My jaw drops when I read the desperation and lack of support that some of these women have to go through. I would love to start a support group for us. Support is the key to success! I know my intro here sounds a bit stuffy but girls... let's start some dialog going and deal with our issues: As military wives we help everyone else all the time. Our world revolves around our husband, families and our service. Is it any wonder we have weight issues? Let's do what we do best - take care of each other! :smile2:

  3. Suze, You had this surgery for a reason. It is a journey that you are going to have to go through. No easy fix. Dealing with our demons and why we over eat is the challenge. You had this surgery 2 1/2 weeks ago. You should be introducing mashed potatoes, sugar free pudding, low fat yogurt. Remember slow and steady wins the race. It's not glamorous but it gets us where we need to be. If you don't know any one who has had this procedure, try to find a local support group in your town. Sometimes churches will sponsor the groups as well. I had my surgery 6 months ago, my first fill three months ago and my second fill will be on January 7. I lost 52 pounds and then gained back seven over the October - December time frame. I have succeeded in losing those added seven before my fill. BUT...It is the journey. Get support and educate yourself. Good Luck!

  4. Ashley, my husband is a Special Forces Colonel and my son is an Infantryman in the Marine Corps. When I tell you that I have walked down your path a million times I am not exaggerating. You are dealing with so many issues that normal civilian Lap Band patients will never understand. Your weight issues are multi layered as they should be. What self respecting military wife wouldn't have multiple issues LOL! What is important is that you are not the only one going through this right now. My gut (and Lap Band) tell me you over stepped your boundaries and might have stretched it a bit too much. If you have had all those fills and unfills and the doc isn't assisting - shame on him. BUT...your not losing because your eating too much. Go back to the liquid diet you were on when you first had the surgery. I know Protein powders suck but there are a few pre canned ones that are palatable. I used SLIM FAST low carb for a while and it worked great. Get some frozen sugar free pops and use those when you want to eat something. Try this for one week. You will be fine. Take a chewable multi Vitamin as well and try to sip on Water. Go to your Behavioral Health unit and ask to talk to someone. There is NO shame in seeking assistance. Also, how is your FRG and do the leaders know that you have gone through this while your guy is deployed? As military wives - we are the best of the best and deal with things most normal woman could never dream of. Having a hiccup while trying to nurture your young son, help your self, making sure your guy knows your okay while he's away, working, school and so forth is a daunting task but you do it. Don't compare yourself with the girlfriend who left and is now a size 8. Your not her. She PCS'd with her man and your still working through a deployment. Kick yourself in the ass and re group. As military wives we have access to some great support networks that our civilian counterparts do not. If it helps send me a private message not on the thread. I promise you can turn this around!

  5. Ashley, my husband is a Special Forces Colonel and my son is an Infantryman in the Marine Corps. When I tell you that I have walked down your path a million times I am not exaggerating. You are dealing with so many issues that normal civilian Lap Band patients will never understand. Your weight issues are multi layered as they should be. What self respecting military wife wouldn't have multiple issues LOL! What is important is that you are not the only one going through this right now. My gut (and Lap Band) tell me you over stepped your boundaries and might have stretched it a bit too much. If you have had all those fills and unfills and the doc isn't assisting - shame on him. BUT...your not losing because your eating too much. Go back to the liquid diet you were on when you first had the surgery. I know Protein powders suck but there are a few pre canned ones that are palatable. I used SLIM FAST low carb for a while and it worked great. Get some frozen sugar free pops and use those when you want to eat something. Try this for one week. You will be fine. Take a chewable multi Vitamin as well and try to sip on Water. Go to your Behavioral Health unit and ask to talk to someone. There is NO shame in seeking assistance. Also, how is your FRG and do the leaders know that you have gone through this while your guy is deployed? As military wives - we are the best of the best and deal with things most normal woman could never dream of. Having a hiccup while trying to nurture your young son, help your self, making sure your guy knows your okay while he's away, working, school and so forth is a daunting task but you do it. Don't compare yourself with the girlfriend who left and is now a size 8. Your not her. She PCS'd with her man and your still working through a deployment. Kick yourself in the ass and re group. As military wives we have access to some great support networks that our civilian counterparts do not. If it helps send me a private message not on the thread. I promise you can turn this around!

  6. Wow, I love this forum and the info we all share. Zachy's mom, Please allow me to share with you. We all tend to forget that this is surgery - major surgery. Just because the insurance company or doctor doing the procedure says its in and out doesn't mean our bodies listen. I too had issues with what I was told I was supposed to be eating, doing, etc. I was kept in the hospital for a total of five days. The day I went home I was sipping clear broth and taking tylenol and blood thinner injections. The thought of eating anything was impossible. I walked at a snail's pace and as much as I could - this helps so much. The swelling that you have from the surgery will take time to go down. I had spasms in my esophagus when I swallowed any liquid. I would brace myself and then support my upper body as if stretching my neck to help alleviate the spasms. The gas was insane and the discomfort from that lasted about a week and a half. I couldn't go to the bathroom without my port site pulling so I would put light pressure on it. It took me hours to eat half a can of mushroom Soup that I strained out the mushrooms. sugar free popsicles were and are great for over riding the, "I have to eat" button. In the beginning warm broth felt better than the cold as the frozen stuff would make it spasm more. But that was only the first week or so. Slow down, take a deep breath and allow your body to heal at it's own rate. I was banded on July 7, 2009 and would do it again if I needed to. Remember - we got this done because we needed it.

  7. Sweety, not to state the obvious - but if you can't lay down without choking on your own saliva, well, that IS an emergency. Shame on the surgeon's office for not seeing you immediately. Get help as soon as you can. No one should have to go through this! Also don't start taking over the counter drugs and antacids. That could just contribute to your choking issue.

  8. Wow that's really scary! I'm so glad you made it through everything. I know i had some pain bc of the air that is left in your abdomen but other then that mine was ok. I wish i had some really good advice for you. I had my surgery march 3 of 09. And I've only lost like 10 lbs. So all i can say is i wish i couldn't eat anything or very little. I dont wish for the pain though. I have No restriction at all don't even feel like there's anything around my stomach and I'm on fill #7. So im on the other side of Banster Hell where i can eat anything no problems and have no restriction. All i can say is take it slowly always inform your doctor of any pain. And Congrats on your weight loss.

    Just curious? My guy is in the Army too and TRI Care covered my costs. You said you were on fill number 7! WOW! If your stateside how long are you covered? I'm overseas and we have one year.

  9. Hi Everyone,

    I was banded 12/4/09....this was my first surgery ever(I am only 23 years old) and I must have a very low pain tolerance because after surgery I was in alot of pain and didnt move around a whole lot. A week after my surgery, I began to have a very hard time breathing and the worst pain ever in my abdomen. I called the doctor and was sent to the ER. Come to find out, I had massive blood clots in my lungs (Pulmonary Embolisms or PEs) I was sent to the ICU, put on heparin, coumadin, and a BiPap breathing machine. I was at the hospital 8 days. Never thought this is how my story would go. :unsure: I have been home for two weeks and still have trouble with my breathing, which the Dr said is normal because they said my clots were massive and im lucky to be alive. I have to be off work 6-8 weeks.

    Even though I am almost a month post-op, I am still mainly on liquids because of my set back. I am starting some more foods like scrambled eggs and ground meat(very fine) Mostly I eat Soups or mashed potatoes. I measure 1/2 cup at a time and I eat slowly. I am having problems before I even finish my 1/2 cup. I have not have any fills yet!!! The Dr said the liquids should just be going right through the band. I start having intense pain around my band...I stop eating because the pain is so bad. I am just frustrated because I can barely eat anything. One day I can eat mashed potatoes and the next day I cant tolerate them at all. Anyone have any suggestions or anything that can help me??

    One positive thing is that ive lost 32 pounds!! :wub:

    Sweetie, I'm sorry about your rocky start - that stinks! But for the food portion of it - I was on liquids and Jello until my first fill at three months post op. Drink as much Water as you can stand. Even with an "open" band - you still know its there and I can feel mine. Stop eating when you feel the need. That is the important part. There have been several times that I have 'over eaten' and I wanted to die. You'r still healing. Take it slow. We all heal at our own pace.

  10. Now that we are talking about odd things after surgery...At about the one month mark my hair started falling out in handfuls! I have waist length thick curly hair and was mortified. My surgeon laughed and said that was how he knew I was losing weight but it freaked me out. He gave me Vitamin injections for one week then I had to cut it into a bob. After that I was put on low estrogen and it has seemed to stop and is growing back. I just hadn't heard anyone talk about this is all.

  11. Banded on July 7, 2009. Lost 52 pounds but holidays hit and I've gained back 7 and am scared to death. I've had one tiny fill and I have to keep reminding myself that there is a reason I had the surgery. If I could have done it myself...am too embarrassed to call surgeon but I don't want to slip slide back into old habits either. Some uplifting words would totally rock right now!

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