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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by Subie66

  1. The other day - I went to the gas station bent over under the steering wheel to pull the floor lever to pop the gas door to fill up my car with gas and the most excruciating pain at the port happened- all I could do was suck in my breath and not breath for about a minute until the pain calmed down. I am almost 10 years out- so not sure if I flipped my band or just pulled it. It is still tender today a little.

    Has anyone else had pain like that?

    My doctor is over an hour away and I can't get in for a few days.

  2. So sorry you are going thru this. I can relate. I went back to the doc this week and as he suggested-Go back to the Rules.

    Eat solid foods

    East only three meals a day - no Snacks

    Keep your weights once a week

    Pouch is the size of golf ball that never changes

    No liquids with meals

    No liquids as a meal

    No liquids with calories between meals

    No soups/chili/oatmeal- anything with a spoon is considered a liquid

    No liquid at least 1 1/2 hour after a meal

    No sweet tea, regular cola, juice or Protein shakes (may have diet cola that is flat)

    Take no longer than 20 minutes to eat a meal if you are eating longer than that you are probably trying to out eat the Band

    I hope maybe one of these rules may help you back on track- I know I needed reminding of a couple- especially the Soup one.

    Good luck!

  3. Hilary,

    When I saw your post- it sounds so much like me. I struggle each day with the band. I havent done well with it at all. I have an appt to go see another lapband doc tomorrow as the original one has left lapbands. I am in hopes he will be able to help. I feel at the end of my rope with this band also.

    Good luck with your surgery in June. I have wondered if my insurance would cover another procedure also.

  4. I went to have my first fill since my EGD and the doc gave me about 3/4 cc. I did not feel restriction- and he told me to call him in 2 weeks to let him know how I was doing. I have lost 4 pounds in two days- mostly from upping my Protein and cutting back on carbs. He made me feel like I can do this if I try. Keeping my fingers crossed! I started to go to they gym this week and have been tracking in MFP.

  5. Hilary, I am in the same boat as you. I go in - Feb 27th for my fill. He recently let out 1 cc and had me do some testing to check placement and everything was fine- so he just wanted to give me a rest. Well after these 2 weeks will no restriction- boy am I ready to have my restriction back! I feel like I am gaining 1/2 pound each day- not really- but you know what I mean- ;) . I got put on protonix for reflux- didnt even realize I had reflux. Cant tell any difference. I am just so ready to lose this. My husband and I joined SNAP fitness for a 30 day trial - for $8.95 a piece. Hope this will help us both to get some professional guidance on working out and also a jump start. I have a desk job and I am allowed time for a mile walk in the morning and one in the afternoon- so if I do those and work out- hope it will help. So far the walking is good for me- but I need something more challenging - I think my body is used to the walking every day.

    Keep me posted on your progress. We are just about the same wt. Good luck.

  6. Welcome csadoney- hopefully it is not slipped- keep us updated. Maybe it is just swollen and needs to have a rest. I sort of thought the same way- this is really just another way to diet. My doctor was really sweet the last time and said sometimes you just need a break to regroup - focus on priorities that sometimes may not be the band and loosing weight. When you are ready- come back and we will start again. I had a barium swallow and EGD and found out I have reflux. I am waiting for a month and then going back it to restart my fills again. I bought the book Bandwagon and checked several out from the library and hope to get motivated again to be gung ho and really apply myself. Hope you get news at your doctor and get your wake up call.

  7. If we do a FB group can we do a locked group and you can allow people in- but there are lots of people I dont want knowing I am banded. Also can we make the name a sort of name that doesnt say lapband - because some people can see which groups you are in- even if they are locked- they just cant see your posts. Thanks

    I returned to my doc this week after a year and half away from him. Almost back at my starting weight. He was sweet and compassionate about my struggles and said sometimes people just need to take a break and when you are ready- the band is waiting for you. He actual removed about 1 cc from my band- since I was having some pains. We did a barium swallow- showed a little reflux but band was in correct position and not slipped and also no dilation. I go in two weeks to get an EGD done (scope) just to see if I have erosion- he doesnt think I do- but just to be safe.

    I have no restriction right now. I could eat bread! I am amazed that 1 cc made a huge difference. I have 8 in my 10cc band.

    Pain is better now.

    I just struggle so much and love reading post like yours that make me feel I am not alone.

  8. I had my lap band done in 2008. Since then I have lost weight' date=' gained it back, lost weight again, and then gained it all back again. I believe the weight loss that I have experienced has been due to me starving myself, not to the band. Starving myself is not sustainable and as soon as I start to eat regularly again, I gain about 30 pounds. I am currently at my highest weight (even pre-band. I was banded at 202 lbs) 206 lbs.

    I have had some trouble with my band. I can only be filled about half-way before I have trouble getting food down. My band doesn't have much liquid in it and it causes me to vomit/pb frequently. Right now I still vomit a few times a week even though my band isn't filled much. food gets stuck daily for me.

    I used to have terrible guilt feeling that I had failed my band. Everyone knew I had the band done, so why hadn't I been able to lose a substaintial amount of weight and keep it off? Why was I such a failure? Well, after doing some research, I have come to the conclusion that I haven't failed the band, THE BAND HAS FAILED ME!!! Surgeons are starting to find that the band isn't as successful as they thought it would be. Many people are having their bands revised to the gastric sleeve and some RNY gastric bypass.

    My surgeon is at the top of the field, a famous weight loss surgeon. His staff is nice to me, but they make me feel guily when I go in. I need to eat less and less, they say. My surgeon recommends for me to eat 900 calories a day. 900 calories! This is madness!!!

    I am now in the process of contancting a different surgeon about gastric bypass and gastric sleeve. I have severe obstructive sleep apnea, high LDL cholesterol, and have stopped menstruating (I'm only 32). I believe my weight is a contributing factor in these issues.

    Ladies, I know that some of you feel you could have done better. You feel you could have followed more of the rules, eaten less, snacked less, starved yourself, whatever. But, I want you to seriously consider this idea that maybe the band isn't all it is cracked up to be. Maybe it works for some and not for others. Maybe, the band has failed you![/quote']

    I too feel the same way- I need to follow the rules and really apply myself. I feel crappy physically and mentally and beating myself up isn't doing any good. I will follow this post! Thanks for the honesty an letting me know- it's not just me.

  9. As I sit here reading this- all about egg nog- I too feel the way you guys felt.

    I have my appt tomorrow with my LB doc. I got up the nerve and emailed his assistant and she said never be ashamed - come on in -for us to help you- so tomorrow I face him.

    I have only gained 7 pounds since June- but those 7 pounds are a huge burden for me. Slowly creeping back to 200.

    I have had some pretty crappy things happen in my life since getting my band- my DH and I no longer have any contact with the inlaws- as they are creeps and we cut the negativity out of out lives- but it still lingers in the back of our minds. Lots of religion crap attached to it- like a cult- really- that we left behind.

    My mother died in June and that has been hard.

    I know deep down - I just have to push forward and get on track.

    Good to see - we can start over with the band.

  10. DK4K- you are exactly right- I found myself wanting to keep up with the rest of the family and put stuff on my plate like them- but after a while I finally realized- I just cant do it. I sometimes dont even sit at the table- if we are in a hurry to eat and go somewhere- I will just take a bite or two and wait till we get back to sit and relax and enjoy my meal.

    They haven't got "turkey neck" yet! Dang-it! I know what you mean- it is not healthy to do that to themselves and they know it. I am afraid when they do revert to eating real foods- that they will gain. I do worry about their health. She said her hubby went to the grocery and bought $50 worth of junk food the other night- since it is right before halloween- you know all the candy that is available.

    Use those smaller plates, that is something I do now too. I use the saucers to our plates, that way it all matches, when we eat together and sometimes I even just sit the salad plates out for the rest of the family and they dont really notice the change.

  11. NatalieB- I can relate. This is a hard process for some of us. Some people post, they just eat less of the things they used to eat and drop a lot of weight. I have several friends who have had the surgery and they eat nothing but crap and they have dropped so much weight that it makes me a little jealous. They do not exercise either.

    I find I have to work every day at this- just doesnt seem fair. I walk 2 miles a day, I eat my Protein and veggies and still the scale barely moves.

    When I went to my banded friends house the other day (her and her hubby were banded the same day) I hadnt eaten all day- since I had gone to the doc with her and she said grab whatever you want- all she had was carbs in the house, Cereal, candy, Cookies, pop and pie. The only veggies she had were the individual portion sizes and some ravioli in the small containers that her 4 y/o takes for his lunch.< /p>

    They eat out almost night.

    I just went home and did my usual cooking for my family and was dumbfounded at their situation. How could they both loose so much? Our surgeries were about a month apart 2 years ago, and they have never changed anything except the amount they eat. I too eat so much less. I have PCOS and knew this was going to be different for me and I have found that it is.

    I crave carbs all the time, I went thru a period where that is all I wanted and had to get out of that mindset. It was hard but I did do the 5 day pouch test. Mostly stuck with the Soup the first 2 days and then chicken and tuna salad the other days. It really helps.

    The meal you had with the steak- did seem like a lot. Dont know what others would say- might need to let the doc know how much you can eat at a time and maybe tweek that fill. Practice slowing down and chewing better so you dont vomit.

    There are so many people on here that give good advice and I dont want you to think you are the only one who the band is not working for- you just need to practice some better habits and remember this is all pretty new to you still.

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