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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by lisaluvsgreys

  1. Great job on your weight loss! Keep up the good work!!!

  2. I am at 6.5 now, and I can feel some restriction. I am hoping my next fill will be the one! :thumbup:
  3. lisaluvsgreys

    December Delights 2009

    I do not have a scale. I only weigh myself when I go to the doctor. I use a measuring tape to track inches lost. If I had a scale, I would be stepping on it every second of the day! I would drive myself crazy!!! LOL
  4. The 18th is right around the corner! Do not give up! One thing I have learned is that this is a slow process. Even after you have the surgery, it takes a while before you hit your sweet spot. I just had my 2nd fill, and I will probably need a couple more before I hit it. Thinking of you!!!!!
  5. lisaluvsgreys

    December Delights 2009

    That is so wonderful to hear!!!!! Congratulations! How are you feeling with the 7ccs? Do you feel more restriction? I have a 14cc band too, and I have 6.5ccs. I am feeling more restriction. I am eating lunch right now, lentil soup, I have had 4 bites and I am almost full. Keep up the good work!:frown:
  6. lisaluvsgreys

    December Delights 2009

    You sound exactly like me!!! I have been in the same situation! I got my 2nd fill yesterday, and I think I finally have restriction! I ate a piece of chicken tonight, and could actually feel it in my stomach!!!!! I at 4 hours ago, and I am still full.....from one piece of chicken!!!!! I hope I am finally at my sweet spot! My will power was about to run out!
  7. Great Job!!! Very impressed on your weightloss! Any tips? I have a 14cc band too. I am at 6.5cc now. Had my second fill yesterday, and I am feeling some restriction now. I have only been on liquids, but will be able to try solids tomorrow. Keep up the great work! You are an inspiration!!!!!

  8. lisaluvsgreys

    Niki's New tummy, boobies and thighs!

    I hope your surgery went well, and I wish you a speedy recovery! Cannot wait to see photos! Congratulations!!!!
  9. What size band do you have? I have never experienced sliming or vomiting. I think my band is expandable! LOL
  10. lisaluvsgreys

    December Delights 2009

    Have a great trip to D.C.! I will hope the rain stays away for your visit! Happy Birthday!!!! :ohmy::thumbup:
  11. lisaluvsgreys

    How can I be restricted???

    My friend and I are going through the exact same thing you are. We basically are losing using will power only. I went for my 2nd fill yesterday. I have a 14 cc band, and I have 6.5 cc of fluid in my band. Our doctor told us it can take up to 5 times before you start to feel the restriction. Yes, there is some restriction when viewed under the flouroscope, but it is what you you feel. Hang in there!!!! I am hoping to finally feel restriction after this fill. My band is larger, so I am trying to be more patient. Your progress looks great!!!! Congratulations!
  12. Thinking about you! Wishing you a speedy recovery!!!! :thumbup:
  13. lisaluvsgreys

    Did you name your band?

    I will probably give mine a name once it starts working! I have not hit my sweet spot yet, and it is frustrating!
  14. I thought the surgical part was the easiest!!! I had no nausea, I woke up thirsty, and I could not believe how quickly the surgical time passed! You will be fine! When they wheel you in, you do not even have time to look around the room. They dispense the meds while you are rolling down the hall. Sleepy time! I actually did not even know they were putting me to sleep yet. You have no idea what is going on until you wake up in recovery. Very peaceful! My most difficulty time, was the first week of recovery! I thought, Oh My Word, what have I done. A week later I was fine. I would not change a thing. My biggest frustration is waiting to hit my sweet spot! I go for another fill tomorrow. It will be my second one. I am hoping it will work! Best Wishes!!!! I will say some prayers for you on Thursday! Hugs!
  15. lisaluvsgreys

    Side affects?

    I had no nausea. I did have gas pains and bloating. Overall, that is the only side effect I had from the surgery.
  16. lisaluvsgreys

    Anyone really full and can still eat a lot?

    What can they do if you stretch your pouch out? The surgery would have been a waste! I had my first fill and they put in 4.5cc. I am still hungry, and I can eat an entire salad. I thought my new pouch would only let me eat small portions. I usually eat a chicken breast, broccoli and carrots for dinner. I am full, but I am surprised how much I eat. If I eat less then I am hungry. I am very frustrated!
  17. Bellyfatgone had surgery the same day we did. She was actually at my hospital on the same floor! LOL She had her fill yesterday, and feels so restriction. :( They said it will take a couple of times before it began to work. She is still hungry! I was hoping for something to help me with my hunger. I am still sticking to no pasta, rice or bread, and I am eating healthy, but if I am hungry I am going to eat. Let me know how things go on Monday! :)

    Thank you for your condolences!

  18. lisaluvsgreys

    Blue Jeans from Hell!

    I am so excited! I fit into the Blue Jeans from Hell comfortably today! I use to have to literally jump in these jeans just to get them buttoned. No Jumping Today! What a milestone!!!! I am so excited. I cannot wait to get my first fill so I do not feel hungry anymore. I have broken my carb addiction, so that is a huge success! I have a pair of capris that I am hoping to fit in by March. Keep your fingers crossed!!!! Woo Hoo!:bored:
  19. lisaluvsgreys

    Blue Jeans from Hell!

    I am so excited! I fit into the Blue Jeans from Hell comfortably today! I use to have to literally jump in these jeans just to get them buttoned. No Jumping Today! What a milestone!!!! I am so excited. I cannot wait to get my first fill so I do not feel hungry anymore. I have broken my carb addiction, so that is a huge success! I have a pair of capris that I am hoping to fit in by March. Keep your fingers crossed!!!! Woo Hoo!:smile2:
  20. lisaluvsgreys

    I got banded today

    HI Jdog! Glad your procedure went well! I hope you are feeling well! Hang in there, the first week is rough! I cannot believe how great I feel a month out. :smile2:
  21. HI Jdog! I hope you are doing well! How are you feeling? Thinking of you!!!! :)

  22. lisaluvsgreys

    Week 4!

    Sorry is took so long for me to contact you back Jdog! I had a death in the family and I have been out of town. By now you have had your surgery! I hope it went well. You do not get your first fill until after your stomach has healed. So you need to monitor your diet yourself. I have pretty much dropped bread, pasta, and rice out of my diet. I eat until I am full, and when I am hungry, but only good choices of food. In about 2 weeks you will be able to eat mushies. I have been making my own lentil soup each week and living off it! LOL I can eat salads now, and they seem to fill me up more. I go for my fill on the 16th. At that point my portions will be controlled better, and I will not be hungry. The band tightens around the vegas nerve which sends signals to your brain to tell you you are hungry. I Hope you are doing well! :smile2:
  23. lisaluvsgreys

    Week 4!

    I am finally exercising! Yeah! I have been getting at least 30 minutes of exercise today. So far I have lost 17 lbs!!! I began to worry my progress would slow down if I did not start moving, so I am mostly doing the elliptical machine each day. I am finally use to being hungry. It does not really bother me anymore. I still cannot wait to get my first fill on the 16th! To think about eating less, and feeling full.... I cannot wait!!!! Three weeks ago, I would not have believed how I feel right now. I was miserable, sad, and in pain. But now I realize the surgery was definitely worth it. I have more energy, and a different perspective on life! The surgery is not a complete cure; I have had to change my eating habits and philosophy about food. The fact that I have had to change my eating habits to food I do not like has helped! I do not look forward to eating anymore! HA HA HA!!!!! Off to the gym! I hope I keep it up! I had set a goal that I would be exercising 3Xs a week by Feb. 5th. Looks like I will make that goal! Woo Hoo!
  24. I hope you are doing well! I will finally get my fill on the 16th. Woo Hoo! Still eating low carb. I have been eating more than 1/4 cup at meals, but I stop when I am full. I have not had pasta in months! I miss pasta! LOL

    Let me know how you are doing?

    Lisa :)

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