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Keys Pirate

LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Keys Pirate

  1. Hey Gang, Here is my follow up to a thread that was running a week or so ago about the dangers of ppi's, long term consequences, etc., that gave me enough initiative to try and get off; afterall, the entire reason I had a VSG in the first place was to get and stay healthy, not cause more problems for myself. So, I had my VSG on Jan 25 and took Nexium as prescribed, once a day, for three months. If I didn't take it, I paid dearly. Needless to say, I took it religiously in the morning and on the rare occasion I had to take a half tab in the evening. Ran out, bought Prilosec OTC which worked just fine. Enter the thread as mentioned above. Last Tuesday was my first day since surgery (except for forgotten days or the couple of days at the very beginning when I thought I didn't need it - ha!) that I didn't take my PPI but did take a Zantac 150. No problem. Next day, no problem and so on. Thrilled so far! A couple of times I did take a half Zantac in the evening to kill any burning that was coming up. Worked like a charm. I think I'm on the road to being acid pill free! Not sure how long I'll have to take the Zantac but I'm taking that one day at a time now. I hope it's not as bad for us as the PPI's seem to be... Anyone know? I know it's only been a week but the only real hiccup so far was last night; I decided to have a small Starbucks regular coffee... what a mistake; burning, "hunger", pain, churning, burping, noise, the overwhelming urge to get something in my gut - not carbs or anything, really wanted some cheese actually so got some. It helped. Lesson learned and I KNEW from past experience that coffee in the evening has been a no-no since surgery. Not sure why - I do just fine with it in the morning but just can't do it at night anymore. This was the case too with coffee with the PPI's. So, there you have it. If you're thinking about getting off, maybe give Zantac a shot and see what happens. Good Luck! Carol
  2. Keys Pirate

    Monday Morning Weigh In

    Oh yeah, 182.5! Down 71.5 pounds since Jan 25! What a fricking miracle this sleeve has been!!!!!!! Hope everyone is having a great week! C
  3. Keys Pirate

    Kicking my PPI - Day 7...

    Hello again, So, here it is day 13 of the PPI withdrawal saga. So far, so good. Had a couple of pretty rough days - around days 8 and 9 where I had two Zantacs - only two cuz I didn't want to take more than that - and 6 or 8 Gaviscon cherry chewables (thank God they are carb free!) I made it ok and things were just very uncomfortable as opposed to painful. food helped but not much and not for long. I CANNOT drink coffee at any other time than the morning or I pay dearly, at least for now, and I am grateful that my stomach allows me my half-caff in the morning! I think one of those two brutal days was attributed to Starbucks... The last few days I have taken one Zantac and only a couple of the Gaviscon tabs. So far, really and truly so good, I think I'm almost past the worst of it. I do believe that the PPI's aren't totally out of our systems for a couple of weeks or so, so I may not be totally out of the woods just yet. FWIW, cheese sticks, or any hunk of mild cheese, is the one food item that soothes my stomach like nothing else when it starts acting up. So, next will go the Zantac; I plan to start cutting back the dosage but not for another couple of weeks. I want to get off all of it sooner than later. Tiff, you can do it; compared to what you've been through, this really will be nothing. A couple of weeks of not-so-bad discomfort should be a breeze for you, tough lady! By the way, I'll be four months out on Tuesday! Where did the time go?? I've been fluttering around 70 pounds lost for the last few days but not stressing really at all. My body thinks it's cute to go into baby stall mode at every 10 pounds! Hahahahaha, very funny body!!!! :thumbup: Happened at 50, 60 and now 70. Might have happened earlier but I hadn't really noticed till these last three "decades". So, that's where I'm at. You guys all rock, I love reading your posts and wish I had more time to write! C
  4. I'm pretty square with most of my blubber in my gut. I'm 5'7" and just hit 70 pounds down with a weight of 184 - big bones too. I'm in 10's and 12's depending on the manuf. Smallest I've ever been was an 8. Hoping to reach a freeking 6!!!!!! Oh, when I started, at 254, I was bursting out of 18's. My legs and butt have always been smaller than my top half though, as my shoulders are very broad, my gut is big and my boobs are still wrinkly, saggy 38D's... TMI, sorry...! Good luck! C
  5. Keys Pirate

    Kicking my PPI - Day 7...

    Hey Tiffs! Aww, you can do it. If I can, you certainly can and you are the furthest thing from a WUSS there is! Sheesh, look at all you've been thru! It really hasn't been that bad so far but after last night's coffee incident, maybe it's coincidence, maybe not but I have a hunch that the PPI isn't truly out of our system for maybe a week or longer after stopping... the Zantac is working wonders so far. Have a great week!!! C
  6. Keys Pirate

    Kicking my PPI - Day 7...

    Oh wow! I don't know how you've gone almost two months without! Yes, it sounds like what you are describing is acid. Maybe try one of the PPI's and see if it helps. That said, if you've gone this long, maybe you'll be ok...? I've finally come to the point where I can identify real hunger and it definitely is NOT the churning, burning, extremely annoying, almost painful sensation that acid produces. Kind of just a low rumble - a distant relative of a true hunger pang - that can be easily ignored. It's taken me a long time to be able to identify real hunger. Kind of a duh moment, really, haven't eaten in 12 hours? yep, real hunger! Good Luck! C
  7. Keys Pirate

    Fifty Down 2

    From the album: 50 Pounds After...

  8. Keys Pirate

    Fifty Down 2

    Lol! Yeah, I finally had to cash in the sz 40 shorts and the xl shirt. I'm now in 34's and could do 32's and a medium tee! Lovin it!!!
  9. Keys Pirate

    Caution for using PPI's

    Hi gang, Well, here's my experience thus far; I'm almost four months out. Took Nexium as prescribed for three months. Ran out, got some Prilosec - it works just as well. Started reading more and more about how unhealthy PPI's can be so thought I would give getting off a try with the help of Zantac. So, I am at day two without my PPI and I took one Zantac (150mg) yesterday mid morning and made it just fine through the day. Today, not so hot. I took a Zantac early; right after my coffee (I know, I know) and was fine until about 1 p.m. I took another one due to burning and discomfort. I think I'm on the right track, however and am going to keep at the Zantac for the time being. So far, the "withdrawals" have not been as bad as I thought they might be. Yay! I'm hoping it continues and I can get off all this junk soon. Just my .02 Have a great weekend ya'll. C
  10. Keys Pirate

    . 108 800x600

    From the album: Before

  11. Keys Pirate

    Monday Morning Weigh In

    Finally got to a computer, been running around all day. Woohoo! Scale's moving again, down three pounds this week; I'll take it!! Actually starting to see light at the end of the tunnel - less than 40 to go, can't believe it! Got into a size 12 North Face shorts that I had tucked away, I could barely get them over my butt when I bought them a month ago. They are quite comfortable (NF runs SmAlL, I might add!) and no camel toe! Lol!! Moved my watch band down another notch from barely in the first hole to the fourth! My belt is on it's last hole, gotta get out the leather punch. Oh yeah, kicking my husband's BUTT on our bike rides - he used to have to ride slower so the fat girl could stay with him, now he's dying! LOL! I am SO loving this! This really is a dream come true!!! Have a great week everyone, we rock!!! C
  12. Keys Pirate


    Britt is the nectar of the Gods. You can only get it on line here in the US at www.cafebritt.com. The only reason I know of it is because I lived in Costa Rica for a number of years. Heaven. The pricing is very reasonable and the shipping is quick. I don't mess with the frilly stuff; just the red or green bags; dark and light roast. It's amazing stuff. Hope you enjoy!! Let me know what you think! C p.s. they have a decaf too but I think Starbucks dc is better IMHO. :ack2:
  13. Keys Pirate


    I'm with Stacy160 and should have elaborated more too; the caffeine definitely does NOT kill hunger as before; in fact, one of the primary reasons that I only have one cup is because of the burning that I know it causes if I have any later in the day. As much as I would like more, I don't for that reason only. The funny thing is, I RARELY craved anything more than my morning cup, now I find myself wanting coffee much more often. I also switched to my own blend of half-caff to cut down on the stomach burning business. (half Starbuck decaf and half Cafe Britt dark roast... OMG!) Never thought I'd enjoy anything shy of full blast but this works wonderfully! C
  14. Keys Pirate

    Brain Stomach Disconnect?

    I'm with ya, sister. Not only do I still (sometimes) serve up more than I darn well know I can eat, but I have some pretty rough days thinking - ok obsessing - about food. Like yourself, I am delighted with my sleeve but wondering when I'm going to quit thinking like a fat girl...! I posted a few days ago a thread about the same kinda thing titled In Kinda of a Funny Place on the Journey... got some good replies - it's 2 or 3 pages deep if you want to look at it. Hang in there, we're rockin!! C
  15. Keys Pirate


    Ditto, but I started drinking coffee 2-3 weeks out, just my morning blast, and it was heaven. No ill effects. I use splenda and powdered creamer. Remember, coffee too has a stupid carb in it for every six ounces if you're counting... argh! So does creamer and splenda for that matter! I'm not much of a plain Water drinker either but should buy stock in Lipton and Crystal Light powders...! Good luck! C
  16. Keys Pirate

    Maximum carbs post-op

    Welcome and good luck. I try to keep my absolute max at 30; 20 - 25 keeps me much happier, however. Not very many but it sure works and it's sooo much easier with a sleeve! C
  17. OMG Tiff! That is a hilarious photo!! I am so proud of you!!! What a happy Mother's Day, huh?! C
  18. ...And I know this is the place to come. I had my VSG Jan 25 and have lost 63 of 104 pounds. I am thrilled with the results so far, please don't get me wrong and I have no regrets whatsoever. None. I feel like what I'm about to describe is a 'phase' of sorts, at least I hope it is, and I'm looking to you vets (coughTiff) for a shoulder. Is it normal that when you are well into regular foods that you obsess somewhat? I sometimes feel like I think about food more now than before. I feel like maybe I am an addict going thru withdrawal afterall. I would like to eat more, for sure, and am delighted that I physically can't. I know that the docs fix our stomachs but that it's up to us to fix our heads somehow. How, exactly, do you fix your head? Do things just sort of balance out as time goes on? Has anyone kinda in the halfway stage ever experienced this? What do you do? I'm assuming it gets better and I'm trying to be patient. The occasional burning in my gut which feels like hunger doesn't help any either but I'm taking my ppi as prescribed and it does help, a lot. I'm active as heck between my job, school and riding my bike 70+ miles per week. SO looking forward to your replies! Carol
  19. Hi Guys, I love you all so much! I can't believe what a bummer/foodie day I was having yesterday; today was unbelieveably better and most days really are good. I love my sleeve! Miss Tiff; thanks for the recipes, take your time, send them when you can. I have a slow cooker (greatest thing ever) but no Foreman. We do have a regular grill on the boat, however, that we use a lot! If you think the Foreman is that great, I'll go get one! Getting away from skillets is verrrry appealing... I'm serious about you writing a book; you could do the first volume (heehee) based on compilations from this board and your journey, easily. I've done some editing over the years and would love to help. A blog is good for day to day stuff but you have so much talent that you could create a book of the first of it's kind. I firmly believe this surgery is going to TAKE OFF in popularity with the way the American culture is evolving and a resource like you to thousands rather than dozens would be invaluable. Oregon Daisy, thanks for the snack tips! yummy stuff there! I live on string cheese and other types of cheese, no crackers as of yet. Beef Jerky, check. Thinking about making my own since it's a. so expensive and b. has hidden carbs if you're not careful. The Protein bars I've stayed away from so far because of carbs. I don't know if I would have the restraint to only eat one, especially if they are like Kit Kats! I think it's safe to move back towards greek yogurt but I've never been a huge fan of yogurt, I can zing it up a little, however. Apple and pb, yum. I eat a small spoonful of pb now and then - totally hits the spot. I like it a lot on celery too, maybe with a raisin or two. Will definitely check out the dusted almonds, super yum! Now why can't pecan pralines be good for us?!!!! Hathery; I promise it's really not that bad - I definitely don't feel anger or resentment; the whole ball game is REALLY different than pre-op - it's hard to explain but most of us are truly content with a very small amount of food. I am too but I have my days, for sure. You will be able to eat until you're stuffed but with so very much less! It's a good thing, I have no regrets whatsoever, but it definitely is an adjustment. Wannalise; Amen sister! Have a great weekend kids and thanks again!! C
  20. Keys Pirate

    NSV shout outs

    WOW!!! That is one of the greatest NSV's I've seen on this board!! I would not be able to keep that one quiet either!! Wow!! Congrats, you! You have a great kid. C
  21. Keys Pirate

    Am I cheating?

    well, there are two sides to this stage; some don't worry about carbs, etc., in the mushy stage because quantity is so small. Others watch carbs right from the start, myself included. You might not want to be so black and white about carbs but I think you're setting a bad precedent by already getting into pop tarts if you want to lose as much as possible as quickly as possible... Pizza topping is probably a bit much for your baby stomach; cheese is hard to digest as is meat but it is low carb. You're going to have PLENTY of time to eat regular foods; just try and be patient and mushies/liquids will be a fuzzy, distant memory. Good luck and welcome aboard!
  22. You guys are my heroes! I know yesterday was a particularly off day but I have more food obsessed days than I like. Funny thing is, I'm not particularly craving carbs, I like my Protein, I am being ridiculously strict with myself about keeping my carbs under 30g per day. The obsessing thing is kinda like the not-so-old days of "hmmm... what's for breakfast? hmmmm... now that I'm eating breakfast I wonder whats for lunch...??" Good grief! I want that to stop! Even more ridiculous is when I sit down with a nice plate of protein it's not even that big of a deal now that it's in front of me. I eat my few bites and get on with it for the most part. It's almost anticlimatic when I actually do eat. :thumbup: I should mention too that I live where I work (Boy Scout Camp) so there are three squares served almost every day; not always exactly healthy food but I can usually dig out some protein of some sort. HEARTONMYSLEEVE; yeah, I think some burning, for those of us that have it is just inevitable. I switched from Nexium after 3 months to Prevacid (scrip vs otc, same med for the most part) and it just happens. Seems to be more particular after I drink but mostly just for a minute or two. Seems like a long minute or two tho! Listen to your bod to hear what it's really telling you. I'm hoping to get off the ppi and maybe ease onto Zantac for awhile. I don't like taking meds for anything I don't absolutely have to. Good luck. Goodlife; You always make me grin, I love your posts darlin! We ride everyother day, 20 miles; so I figure that's 70 splitting the diff on the odd day. It really is working miracles on my bod but slowing down the weight loss somewhat... As many things as I want to do (kiteboarding is in the top 3) I just don't have the time for any new hobbies; I forgot to mention that I have a 15 yo son that is a handful in school and has his own hobbies that suck me in (all good, of course) and that we own a large sailboat that takes any extra time we have as we are getting her ready to take off shore long term... :scared0: Tiffy Darling: What WOULD we do without you??? You better never leave this board, ya hear?! I think you hit the nail on the head with trying to now live normally without being able to live normally. It's tough! And confusing! I have come to know when I am truly hungry vs. head hunger/acid hunger; it's a much less obnoxious feeling then either of the latter, that's for sure! My calories are staying under 1000 for the very most part (8-900) and I have found that when I occasionally "trick" my metabolism by kicking it up to 1000 and adding another 5 carbs or so combined with skipping a ride for two days instead of one, that I drop a solid pound and a half or two pounds after the next ride. Go figure. I can only bring myself to slack off like that about once a month, however. I think my calories are in a good place, along with the carbs. I'm like you in that I'm not a marathon dieter, I want to get this overwith and then figure out the maintenance phase when it comes. That said, if I am having a raging craving for something, I'll take a bite. The nice thing is, I'm happy with a bite, I really am! No more need to eat the whole damn cake anymore. Hallelujah! I love to cook too and should try and get back into it like I used to be; it's a time thing mostly now, though. Do you have any of your recipes posted in a bunch anywhere? I've seen a few that you've posted and they sound yummy! Someone mentioned you should write a guide not so long ago, I second that but I think a book would be more like it...! Something like What To Expect When You're Having a VSG... lol I remember your gallbladder nightmare and what you just wrote to me yesterday was a smack in the head. I have noticed that when I eat something really fatty, particularly dairy based (lobster bisque specifically) I get sick too - terrible cramps and then, the next day... there better be a toilet nearby... No more bisque for me, at least not now and and I really thinking about the fats now too; I really hope my GB doesn't crap out on me... thanks for the wakeup call. It's really tough to do low fat/low carb, however, it seems like it's one or the other. I think I'm just going to be more aware until I reach goal and then ease away from so much fat and add in a few carbs. That's a ways away, however. Thanks so much Tiff for your undying support to me and everyone on this board. Caro - thanks for your comments and congrats on your weight loss! 90 pounds is amazing, without a doubt. I'm sorry to hear you're having similar issues; thank God for restriction, eh? I'm going to Amazon now to buy the book; sounds like a keeper and I LOVE to read. I've thought about therapy but I don't think I'm that far out of line and I really would like to be able to deal with this mostly on my own. I loved your comment about being aware of the behavior now and making a plan, you are so right. Anything I can do to help you, please just holler. Thanks again. Oregon Daisy - Another board angel; love hearing from you, madam, congrats on an amazing job. Yeah, like I mentioned, when I do finally sit down to eat, it's not that big of a deal and I too tell myself I can always have more but never do. There are days though (yesterday) when I sure wish I could have more. That's when I am particularly thankful for my sleeve. What kind of healthy Snacks do you guys eat? Fruit? Veg? Itstime; Thanks for the ideas, I don't think I'm bored though, I have plenty of variety, not really craving carbs but changing it up sure won't hurt anything! You've got a good point about it being long term and not a race; I am also trying to wrap my head around the future but, for now, I'm mostly concentrating on losing. LOL, skinny, yeah right!!! Thanks for the cheers! Thanks you guys, so much!!!! Today is definitely better!
  23. Keys Pirate

    What website?

    Hey you, Following your posts, great to hear you're in good spirits and doing so well. I use myfitnesspal.com religiously. It's a pretty good site and yes, most shakes, at least the ones I've used are in there. There are others but I'm not familiar with them. Voila! C
  24. Keys Pirate

    Monday Morning Weigh In

    Arrrrgggghhh! I didn't bother posting last week cuz I had such a crappy week; only a pound down and here I am a week later only barely two pounds down in two weeks; I guess I'm not stalled by definition but it sure feels like it!! Have no idea what I'm doing wrong, if anything, my only hunch is I'm trading muscle for fat as my cardio has really increased over the last few weeks. Funny thing is, I went from 50 lost to 60 lost almost overnight it seemed, now this! WHINE!!!!!! Hope you guys are doing better than me!
  25. Tiff, you're my hero, woman!!! You look smashing!!! Congrats to you a million times over and yes, we want pics from the ball!!! Love ya! C p.s. if you guys can ever get away and come down to the Keys, I'd just love to meet you and show you some sights! I don't know if you've ever been here or not but it's a pretty neat place, nothing like the mainland!

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