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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by LeighaMason

  1. I thought I would post an update, I went and got a slight unfill, and no slippage so no surgery for me yet. At some point I will need to have my band removed and I will change to the sleeve but not yet. Hopefully by then I will have insurance that covers it.

  2. I was banded 5 years ago and I have been at goal for 4 years. A few months ago, I damn near killed myself with food poisoning (oysters, shutter). Now, almost every time I eat, I have to throw up a "slime ball". I am pretty sure my band has slipped, so my question is this.

    Do you ever have slime if you have the sleeve or is that just a lap band thing? (I have enjoyed as much of it as I can stand.) :)

    BTW: I am going to the Dr tomorrow to find out for sure, just trying to see what my options are.

    • Well, Bobbie, guess who is back too? Yep, I gave myself food poisoning a few months ago and I have gotten progressively worse. I slime and puke after every meal and now I am down to barely being able to drink any liquids. As a matter of fact, since I have only been able to drink and eat just carbs I am up 6 lbs too. I am going back to the Dr tomorrow for the bad news. The only 2 things I can think of are 1) I have developed enough scar tissue around my band that it has tightened it up (had been at the perfect fill level for 4 years) and I just need a little unfill and everything will be better or 2) My band has slipped and is going to have to be removed, in which case I will have the sleeve done instead. ($16K) so hope for the first!

  3. Well I thought it was my band-adversary but I looked and it was 4 days ago. I forgot to weigh this morning so I can't report exactly but I am sure that I am still in my 133-138 zone that I prefer to stay in, probably 134 based on what I have been eating lately. Since I was banded I have really changed the way I eat, I cook almost everything we eat from scratch, no more processed foods (except corn chips, my one concession to junk food). The funny thing is it really doesn't take longer or cost more once you learn what to do. I absolutely stay away from anything with high fructose corn Syrup or artificial sweeteners, as far as I am concerned they are poisons that confuse your body and make you have fake hunger. I cook a lot of Soups so that I can eat them at work and I don't have to pay attention to chewing or eating too fast like I do on regular foods. I think that is a key to my success is to always have a healthy, easy thing available to grab and make in just a few minutes, so I don't resort to grabbing a handful of chips. I learned that its OK to be hungry, I can sit there and be hungry for a few hours, its not going to kill me, if I am in the car and not going to be home for an hour, there is no reason to stop and get some fast food, just wait it out. Well, in closing, I hope some of what I have shared has helped those of you who are early in your journey and still trying to wrap your mind around the whole thing, it took me a while to stop fighting it and accept the mental changes that were necessary for me to lose the weight. Here is a picture of me from this morning....


  4. I haven't been online much lately. I reached my goal of 135 in August 2010 and I have not weighed less than 130 or more than 138 since. I would post my before and after, however, after this website changed format I have never figured out how!

    I am so happy with my lapband, it really changed my life. I learned a lot about eating and nutrition and now I have started a blog and Facebook page that are about healthy, single ingredient eating. I am posting about my canning, sausage making, rotisserie, cooking, etc. I think it is important to get back to eating like our grandparents did, join me as we learn how.

    Please come and see me at The (New) Good Ole Days or on Facebook (And see a before and after picture of me!)

  5. Hey everyone! I just wanted to share something for those of you not on Facebook. My friend posted this for her status and it really hit home...

    Breaking News: The Pity Train has just derailed at the intersection of Suck It Up & Move On and crashed into We All Have Problems before coming to a complete stop at Get the Hell Over It. Reporting LIVE from Quitchur Bitchin'

    OK got it! Ha Ha

  6. Hey everyone! Sorry for MIA, I feel bad because I haven't been reading and didn't realize all that has been happening.

    Melody, I have to throw out there, I would have the sleeve in an instant even though I did well with my band, I will never.ever. go without a band or sleeve again. Plus I think the pain releases hormones that keep you from losing. I have no medical reason to back that up but it is my personal opinion. And I am sure my job as a car salesman gives me the knowledge to say that. :blink:

    Bobbie sorry about you losing your job, the car business is very random and so we have a saying, "I was looking for a job when I found this one" so just get out there and find another. You can do it!;)

    Crystl, I'm sending you good thoughts for you and your husband.

    Denise, Are you gone on your cruise? Did I miss it?

    I am going to have to join this pity party and complain about my life too, I hope y'all don't mind.

    Last week my husband's ex-wife's new husband, committed suicide. First he spent all their money, canceled his life insurance, has been taking out a bunch of loans that she didn't know about, canceled their health insurance, then shot himself, leaving a huge financial mess that my husband is having to help her with since they have 3 kids they are still raising together, plus also she has a 6 year old with this guy. So his memorial service was Tuesday and we had to go and sit and listen to what a great guy he was (he wasn't) then yesterday I got a call that one of my rent houses was on fire. It burned completely so that is $500 a month income gone, plus the woman who lived there didn't have any rental insurance so I have the stress of feeling bad for her but they think the house was burned by her boyfriends ex-wife so I am mad at her as well. I just hope the drama is over for a while.

    The good news is, my weight is staying the same I was 135.8 this morning, I would like to be 3 pounds lighter but I am too lazy to do anything about it so I am not complaining. My eating has been random, sometimes I am too lazy to eat right and just have chips and hot sauce cause it is easy to eat. :P

  7. Hey everyone, Sorry I have been MIA but I have just been super busy at work.

    Claire I'm glad your feeling better, and yes we all get one vice.:lol:

    HD- Glad your MIL is ok! I hope the stress calms down or if not at least hope you lose some weight from it.

    I haven't been getting on the scale and when I did on Tuesday I weighed 138! :o So back to acting right for me. I am so lazy lately. Sheesh....

  8. I have given up on LBT too, just this thread and one other and today they are no longer in my content, I had to search for them, sheesh....

    I'm happy to see our new people.

    Metime, Facebook is the same way, start complaining and everyone will want to talk about it. Also, I have a hard time eating at work sometimes so I keep Greek yogurts and Protein drinks cause I can always eat those to keep me from starving.

    Shammah, Glad to hear you get your fill back next week, that will make it much easier on you.

    Elcee, I hate to hear about your baby's eyes, its so much worse for them to have it than if you had to go through it. I'll be thinking about you.

    Melody, Congrats on the 4 + 2 :D Send some of those Peanut Butter Cookies to Texas!

    Jackie, Congrats on half way!

    Welcome to everyone else! (Sorry if I missed you)

    Well Elcee, your right about the weighing every day thing, I hadn't weighed in a couple of weeks and I was 138 on Tuesday when I weighed, 3 pounds over my high range. So back to being good for a week or so, I don't want to let it get out of hand., I cant afford new clothes...

    For those of you who want to be friends on Facebook, here is my link Leigha's Facebook page and here is Sugarbaby's Facebook page. Sugarbaby is my puppy, she posts pictures and videos. This is my attempt to make Facebook a more positive place.

  9. Hey girls! I'm still here buried in paperwork but I am almost through. I haven't been checking in daily like I had been but hopefully once I finish all the reports I can.

    Congratulations Claire! I'm so happy for you, maintenance is a breeze. I'm sorry your not feeling well, I hope you feel better soon. I always look at my wrinkly stomach and wonder about a TT but I cant decide whether I would dislike the wrinkly/stretchmarks or the TT scar worse, and since the stretchmarks are free, I am sticking with them for now. :lol:

    HD-- I really cant get motivated to even want to exercise, I am hoping that in the spring I will feel more energetic. I just don't care, its kind of sad.

  10. Hey everyone! I'm here, buried under paperwork, you would not believe how much paperwork is required in the car business in January. There are so many regulating agency's that require so many reports! 10 more days. I can, do it....

    Shad-- Congrats on the port move, I hope its super easy for you to get your fills now.

    HB-- I was wondering how you were doing with the snow, it seems everyone else is snowed in. It actually snowed here again this year, 2 years in a row! BTW, I loved your quilt, I finally figured out how to find it.

    Melody-- Just boil a couple of chicken breasts for the cats, they will love you for it. :lol: Remember on the movie Poltergeist, and they would say "STAY AWAY FROM THE LIGHT"? Well (in the same tone of voice)"STAY AWAY FROM THE WHEAT!"

    Skinny-- Congrats on the size 12! I don't know why but in my mind, I consider myself in a size 12 as "chubby" but in a size 14 I was "fat" so a return to the 12 was a major (mental) accomplishment for me.

    Bobbie and Karen-- Hey Girls!

    Hey Deb-- Drop in more often and join us!

    Not much news on the weightloss/ maintenance front, I didn't even think to step on the scales today. I haven't been exercising at all, and sometimes I am too lazy to eat right but I seem to be staying around 133. Maybe in the spring I will feel like working out again. I cant even pretend its going to happen, you know, the telling yourself, I'm going to start working out next week! I cant even lie to myself about it. Oh well...

  11. Hey Claire, I have been working like a dog, there are so many tax forms to fill out at the end of the year.

    I have just been eating normal stuff and staying away from the sweets as much as possible. I have noticed an increase in the size of my meals are larger and I get hungry faster, but it is so much easier to eat with my band semi loose so I guess I have to decide easy to eat but hungrier or harder to eat but satisfied on less and longer. I am going the easy way for now. :rolleyes:

    I have a new youtube channel that I am posting pictures of my new puppy if you are lonely they are great therapy. Sugarbaby the green eyed monster

    I hope your weather clears up soon, its been crappy here too. :angry:

  12. OK who the hell asked for pics of Bob? He posted one on Facebook today but it was the part they threw out not the part they kept! EWWW!

    I have been doing end of year BS tax crap so I haven't been reading or posting much. I do have a new youtube channel where I have been posting quick videos of the dogs, they are about the only thing keeping me sane at this point. Sugarbaby

    I think my husband has the gluten thing, he gets sluggish if he eats too much white bread. And if he drinks beer he has a 2 week hangover. I hope that is the answer to your not sleeping, I don't sleep much either but its been so cold lately that I haven't been getting up, I just lay there and wait to go back to sleep.

    I got to get back to work, ugh.

  13. Hey everyone!

    Melody-- I hope your pain goes away soon. I just cant imagine having to live with that.

    Councilor-- Nice to meet you, I look forward to hearing more about you.

    Hey Stacie! Good to hear from you, Yeah for school!

    HB-- How do I see pics of this quilt? The new fricken format has me on this one.

    Shammah-- I hope the port revision does the trick!

    Elcee-- WOW, I was reading about the floods, like it wasn't bad enough they had the drought.

    Well I am back to work 6 days a week again. Time for people to get their taxes and buy cars.

    I lost most of my holiday weight I am down from 137.8 to 134.2 so about a pound to go. I have to say I am amazed at how easy it is to lose weight now, it feels like its not real. I love my band. (and Sugarbaby)

  14. I weighed today 137.8, whew! This morning I gathered up all the junk in the house and Rob took it to his daughter who was headed back to college. So I am going to straighen up and fly right! No Cookies, candy, cake, egg nog for me!

    Hi to all the new people!

    Christie-- Tell Conner I have to do youtube from work cause my laptop is 50 in dog/computer years! I will post some new ones tomorrow.

    I saw them putting out Valentine candy yesterday! UGH!

    OK Got to get back to end of year BS paperwork!

  15. Happy New Year! I guess I am going to spend one more day celebrating and then everything left goes in the trash! I have been so lazy, its so much easier to eat crap than my Protein, my hair may all fall out in a month or so. I haven't weighed and I am not going to until Monday but I am probably 137 or so....yikes!

    I have developed a new hobby of making sausages and other smoked, or cured meats. Tomorrow I am making Gyro's and Marquez sausage (a spicy lamb sausage with North African roots). I'll let y'all know how that goes.

    I also got a new puppy, her name is Sugarbaby. She is really sweet, she goes to work with me and I am really enjoying her, she sleeps through the night and is nice and calm. :D

  16. Hey Everyone! Happy new year. I'm looking forward to the new year and I'm glad about the new thread, hopefully more people will feel free to join in.

    Shammah-- I bet your worrying for nothing, you have plenty of time to get there by April! Congratulations on your 1 year!

    Denise-- I'm glad your MIL is doing better, especially since it seems the SIL is doing more, I hope things stay stable for you.

    Melody-- I like your plan to get back on track.

    Welcome to the new people!

    I have been eating total crap, tomorrow will be the last day to have this stuff in the house, I don't even dare step on the scale, I will on Monday so I will know what I am working with but I feel like I have gained at least 5 pounds. But at least its not 20 like in the past. My problem has been total laziness, its easier to eat crap than it is to eat right, when I eat junk I don't have to pay attention like I do when I eat solid Protein.

    For those of you not on Facebook, I have started making sausages and all kinds of Charcuterie meats.. East Texas has a over supply of wild pigs that my husband has been hunting and I just made one into Italian sausage (both spicy and sweet) and today I am going to grind the rest combined with lamb and make Greek Gyro meat. I forgot to tell him to save the liver for Pate but I will next time. Plus I also used the bones to can pork stock for my Beans and Mexican Soups.

    OK I think I figured out how to embed a youtube. Here is Sugarbaby.

  17. Hey Everyone. I hope yall had a great holiday. We had a good time, my husbands mother and sister came over for Christmas and all the kids were there, we had a nice time playing games. I finally got my puppy yesterday, but I dont know how to post pictures now! CRAP! I guess I will load them on my profile.

    I am scared to weigh, I think I probably gained 3-5 pounds last week I have lived on junk food so today is back to eating well or I wont be able to wear my new jeans.:o

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