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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by chickadee81

  1. It's supposed to help the dilation...she thinks it was caused by I got stuck once and really irritated my stomach and the dilation occured then. She told me it was extremely minimal and they didn't do anything before because of how small it was they were hoping it would go back on its own, but since I am still having some problems that letting just a little fluid out should take off some of the pressure and let the esophagus go back to normal. FINGERS CROSSED! But again, did I tell you I don't wanna??? lol Good luck with your surgery! I hate dentists! I really should go more often. I have insurance and should use it.
  2. What everyone has said seems correct to me! You will never ever experience that "stuffed" feeling that we all knew too well. Sometimes I admit I miss it . Like Thanksgiving dinner, when you would eat until you felt like you were gonna burst and that you had to roll away from the table...nope never gonna have that again. You really have to listen to your body to know when you are "full". Alot of people have signals. Sometimes my nose will start to stuff up...sometimes like Bob I hic-cough, other times even 9 months out I push myself and then get to revisit my food in the toilet because I just had to have those last few bites. That has been the hard part for me. Realizing that I am not 5 years old anymore and I don't HAVE to clean my plate or eat every last bite and if I don't I won't be grounded and the sun will still shine tomorrow and that the underpriviliged kids in other countries will forgive me. In fact if I go out to eat I ask for a box right away and put most of the food in it so it's not on my plate looking at me.
  3. Oh sorry...I forgot to add that the PA was mostly concerned about the choking on the acid while I'm sleeping because she said that she doesn't want me to aspirate (sp?) on it and get it in my lungs and turn into pneumonia. Can't argue that it's for the best, but I still don't wanna!!!!
  4. I spoke to my PA today and she wants me to come in tomorrow and get a very small amount of fluid taken out (she said like 0.1 or 0.2 cc's). This kinda freaks me out. I don't want to hurt myself in the long run, but I really have worked so hard and don't want to see any of the weight I've lost again. And of course right back into bad habits I fell because I was feeling sorry for myself. I went to Panera and actually ate 1/2 of a Sierra Turkey sandwich, most of a cup of soup, and a french baguette...and I am going for an UNFILL!! I really hope that the dilation is causing the heartburn/reflux and once that is cleared up I can go get what was taken out put back in and then some! It's so weird...there are times I am lucky to eat like 4 oz's and then I have moments like tonight that was full of bread and no problems! Jeez though I can't believe how much my mind is flipping just thinking of that teeny tiny 0.2cc's being gone. It's like I went from obsessing over food to obsessing over my weight. I need to throw out the scale now. I already step on it every time I'm in the bathroom (and trust me I wish this was an exaggeration). GRRRRRRRR Thanks for letting me vent...hopefully didn't scare you all with my craziness lol:tongue_smilie:
  5. IDK whether to believe him or not...but the specialist told me that the nutcracker esophagus was a not progressive thing and that what it was like now would be what it's always like and for the most part I am asymptomatic (is that the right word or spelling??lol). I have always gotten slight reflux, but it was actually kinda rare, and occasionally it would feel like something got stuck (pre band), kinda like a lump in my throat, but thankfully no crushing pain or really bad relux or dysphagia (sp??) like some people have. Since my case was so minor, I was assured that I shouldn't have any problems. My surgeon did say I would be his first patient with that condition, but then again I know that it's a majority 60-70yo problem...not a 20 almost 30yo
  6. chickadee81


    I have a question. I was told when I had my UGI that I had a very small dilation. I asked if it was because I ate too much or did anything else I shouldn't of. I was told no. I asked if they were going to remove fluid and was told no, everything was going down fine and that it was very slight. I wasn't even told to go on liquids...just that I was progressing nicely and my weight loss is good and that in fact the fluid was moving through so well that I probably could actual use a slight fill (but they wouldn't do it because of the heartburn and reflux). To this day, I still struggle with heartburn and occasional nightly reflux and lots of burping (most of this is the week before my period...sorry if TMI, but I get alot tighter then). Do you all think I should press this issue?? Is the dilation getting better/worse/the same? Am I hurting myself? I don't want to have any fluid taken out, but I don't want to hurt myself and potentually lose my band! have you ever heard of doing nothing for a slight dilation? Just any input would be appreciated. Thanks!
  7. Thanks Denise. My surgeon makes everyone get a motility study before surgery. I actually do have what is called a "nutcracker" esophagus, but was told that the condition should not affect the band.
  8. ME TOO Christie...I worry about everything, and now that the reflux is coming back I am worrying again. They didn't say anything about monitoring it. The dr didn't really seem concerned. Just hey you're losing weight at an above average pace...keep doing what you're doing...good job
  9. I think I am going to post this on the main board too...I'm just curious if doing nothing is ok.
  10. I have a question. I noticed Denise's post about not having dilation. I was told when I had my UGI that I had a very small dilation. I asked if it was because I ate too much or did anything else I shouldn't of. I was told no. I asked if they were going to remove fluid and was told no, everything was going down fine and that it was very slight. I wasn't even told to go on liquids...just that I was progressing nicely and my weight loss is good and that in fact the fluid was moving through so well that I probably could actual use a slight fill (but they wouldn't do it because of the heartburn and reflux). To this day, I still struggle with heartburn and occasional nightly reflux and lots of burping (most of this is the week before my period...sorry if TMI, but I get alot tighter then). Do you all think I should press this issue?? Is the dilation getting better/worse/the same? Am I hurting myself? I don't want to have any fluid taken out, but I don't want to hurt myself and potentually lose my band! have you ever heard of doing nothing for a slight dilation? Just any input would be appreciated. Thanks!
  11. Denise-how did the dentist go? Shad-YAY...your port flip is not too far away! IMHO no weight loss in 3 weeks when you need a fill and can't get one is still awesome! And I NEVER weigh, count, or journal. It's too much like a diet that I am sure I would sabotage myself. I would do it if I was not losing and not needing a fill, but until that day comes for me....no paper needs involved lol.
  12. ((((Betsy))))-So sorry to hear that things have been so rough for you. I am so proud of you for taking care of yourself this whole time. I am sure that not everyone would have (me included) and would have fallen back into old habits. With as smart and wonderful and resourcful as you are, I am sure you are bound to figure out how to make yourself un-stuck in your current situation. I am thinking about you as I often think about all of you!
  13. MISERY LOVES COMPANY! Definitly feeling it! And it doesn't help that I will retain so much Water that I will gain like 3lbs (even though they will fall off) even though I will barely eat :biggrin::cursing::thumbup::cursing:
  14. LOVE IT!!! Christie-good to hear that you are giving yourself a break. I wish I wasn't so dang hard on myself and could let myself just be without obsessing over things. Karen-I'm doing pretty good...not sure if I will make my Labor Day Challenge goal, but I will be close to it. Hope your little one is feeling better!!! Denise-hope that it is just an infection and no bad side effects!! Me-today I ate lunch and then threw it up over an hour later. I felt fine right after eating, but then like an hour later I was salivating and not even a PB...full on barf! I hate that cause then I worry that I hurt my band. I really hate the week before Mother Nature visits...my damn band is so tight for like 1 1/2 weeks a month! And then the heartburn and acid reflux at night...then right after Mother Nature leaves I am fine and can eat too much:sneaky::thumbup::frown::laugh:!!! How is everyone doing?
  15. Yup! Used to live out in Fawn Twp Allghny County, but when my husband and I bought a house we moved to Butler County

  16. now just where the heck is that Anne????? Hopefully doing wonderfully :confused:
  17. ((((((BOBBIE)))))!!!!!! So happy to hear that while you have been gone things have been going great for you!!! (cept the sick puter!) Onederland and a new job :confused::wink2::scared2::crying:!
  18. chickadee81

    Labor Day Challenge

    http://spreadsheets.google.com/ccc?key=0Ap1qXRkd4RRydEFfa2pPb19reVlTa25Qb1hlYUktcFE&hl=en&authkey=CLuLqfUE Bumping up!
  19. Can't say I blame you there! I am a BIG baby when it comes to the thought of pain, although I think I actually handle it ok...it's just all the anxiety leading up to it! Are you scheduled yet? Denise-hope that your toothache eases up for your trip! HB-CONGRATS!!! Bob-Yay...double digits and you are still alive! Leigha-I stil sooooo want to run, my body just still won't let me. My calves are way too tight and no matter how much I stretch they don't wanna last! I'm hoping that if I keep trying, I will be able to go for longer! I just saw on Yahoo these funky running shoes that are like running barefoot...almost looked like those toe socks. Me-went for a 3mi hike today and a 5mi walk the other day...feeling groovy! lol
  20. Here's a link to a blog I religiously follow. Tons of recipes for all the different stages. "http://theworldaccordingtoeggface.blogspot.com/"
  21. I posted this all over my FB groups, but I figured I would share with you all too. This is a link to my fave blog. She is a bypass patient, but she has sooooo many recipes, different shake ideas, and even protein ice cream and other desserts! Right now she is having a contest/giveaway (she does this about once a month with different things) for Torani SF syrups. Hope some of you enjoy it as much as I do! :thumbup: "http://theworldaccordingtoeggface.blogspot.com/"
  22. That happened to me before a different surgery (not my band...cervical dysplasia) and they still did the surgery. In fact didn't find out I had the infection until the morning of surgery and they just gave me an IV of antibiotics and prescribed some oral ones for after.
  23. Thanks...but I'm not irritated at all. I was just choking on the water "going down the wrong pipe" (I don't know why they call it that...is it really going down the wrong pipe?) and in the process of coughing I guess the band decided to push everything into reverse :smile2: I can laugh about it now Man that really must have been a sight. Good thing I didn't eat any split pea soup...then they could call me Regan!
  24. Has anyone heard from Bobbie? I miss her :smile2: She has disappeared from FB too
  25. I know all Dr's are different, but my dr allowed baked white fish (cod, roughy, tilapia) during the pureed stage. In fact hubby and I went out to eat on the puree stage & I ordered baked tilapia with mashed potatoes and applesauce as my sides. I felt so "normal" :smile2:

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