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Status Updates posted by Jadeite

  1. Kate,

    Right on!! So glad you are doing so well and no gas pain... whoohoo:) Right now I'm living in SW Colorado and the nearest place to get the surgery is Abq, NM with Dr. Smith. but for 5,000$$ less i can fly down to his surgery center in DFW texas and have it done there.. Since I am self pay, Texas it is. They even throw in two nights at a hotel less than a mile away.. (f.y.i I lived in Hawaii 07-09..)...The plan is to fly in do my appointments on thursday and then surgery on friday, stay the next day Sat. Then fly home Sunday. I hope i will be in good shape to fly and drive by then..?? The good news is, my mother is going to fly in as well for some support and some good tlc:) Love my mom:)

    Just curious, are you noticing any difference with the band, as far a weight loss pre or post, and how is the liquid/ mushies phase??

    Still wishing you all the best,


  2. How r u doing??? Its been awhile.. feeling back to normal yet.. Hope so and wishing you all the best. Getting excited here:)

  3. Hey there!! I'm Jade.. Looks like we are going to be banded the same day :) I can't wait!!! btw... I have to say you look like a Hawaiian princess.. Love your hair and amazing skin:) I live on the big island or a couple years. n.e ways. thought it was cool that we have the same surgery date.. Good luck, and let me know how everything goes for ya

    Much Aloha


  4. I love your new album pics!! you and ur hubby look so happy:) Cant wait for the big day... let me know how the pre op diet goes:)

  5. Gotta say the dress is adorable and you will look sexxy in it :) I have so many that ive bought as incentives but never worked.. BTW love grass valley drove through with friends couple years ago!! good luck with everything and congradulations!

  6. Wow.. Sounds like you've got some magical healing powers. So glad you are getting back to normal. How is your movement?? Still sore or feelin gas pains??

    My surgery is on friday the 12th of feb.. i have to drive 3 hr to the airport and fly in :( So im trying to gauge if i will be able o make that journey back on Sunday or not. Please keep me up dated on your progress.

    Happy for you!!


  7. Hey Kate!

    So glad your surgery went so well.. Makes me very happy:) You guessed right.. I decided not to go through with the Jan 15 date...I got cold feet i guess and backed out I know i just needed to process this whole thing a little more. But Now, I'm back in the game again and and set for either the 5th or the 12th of Feb.

    So glad your feeling well and able to move around. Do you need to take any thing for the pain? I'd love to hear how your healing goes! Take Care and Congrats..


  8. how r u doing woman??? sending u lots love!!

  9. Hey there Jane,

    I am getting banded on the 12th of Feb. Actually i had an appointment on the 15th of Jan..but i backed out. I needed to really process this whole this with love and understanding before i let someone cut into my body. I agree with your post about the last meal syndrome. It is very important to me to let this be a mere tool that is incorporated into a completely different approach to self love. I love that your close to my age too.. Love to talk with you through this process. Thanks Jane hope your havin a great day!

  10. Hey Jenny,

    Saw your post. love that you are from the rado!!! and 28 me too... i have my band date set for the 11th of Feb. I am getting excited and nervous for the whole thing. Are you using a doctor in denver?? just wondering. insurance or self pay?? sometimes you can get the surgery done on a friday and do a check up on saturday and be ready by monday. Just a sugestion... Keep in touch let me know how it goes for ya!!

  11. Hey there... thanks for responding to my post earlier.. Just want to say I backed out of my surgery date... got cold feet i guess.. I really needed to process IT more..But now i have made another appointment and it looks like the date is set for the 10 or 11th of Feb..

    Since i started the pre op diet before... kinda.. I was wondering if you had any tips on food/shakes/ etc... Thanks again for your thought...

  12. Hi there,

    Noticed we are the same age... Wondering if you went through with the surgery or not.. if so did you use Dr. Smith??

  13. Hey Verve,

    I read your post and it looks like we are getting banded on the same day.. 01-15... Crazy anyways that day is also a solar eclipse, just thought that was kinda cool ... Good Luck Hope to get my pics on here soon:)

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