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LAP-BAND Patients
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Status Updates posted by Jadeite

  1. Hey there Lauryn,

    Im Jade and we are being Banded on the same day! Feb 12 at 7:00 am for me..yikes! Living in Colorado now but I'm a southern gal by trade. My grandparents live in TN and i just had a chance to visit them over the holidays. it was so nice...:) My parents live N of Atl.

    Newayz.. Are you doing any preop diet before the surgery? I have to do 2 weeks of liquid diet (protien shakes and soft no sugar, low fat foods like jello and cottage cheese.) Yum. Feel free to keep in touch if you like.

    Take Care and Good luck with everything,


  2. Beth,

    Haven't heard from you in awhile. Hope you are doing well!! One week before the pre-op diet. How are you doing on yours?? Have you had your surgery yet? Getting Excited So glad we have the same Doctor. Do you live near the surgery center or far away? Maybe we could get together or something while im out thata way?? who knows...

    Take care


  3. Pain is subsiding for sure. The gas pains are not fun. I am still burping a bunch guess ima gassy goose:) Good news though I lost 9lbs since the day after surgery! Very excited about that. Today i am feeling good enough to get on my brand new elliptical for awhile. Taking it easy but ready to move. Still not that hungry either... Have you had a fill yet, if not do you feel like you need one?

    Well maybe we can both motivate each other to get through these next few months of school and then we get a much needed break!!!! Keep at it girl, it sounds like you are doing really great.

    Take Care,


  4. Still in recovery mode here. Glad to be back home and merging into the groove of things. Sore around the belly button. Gas pains mostly gone but they still let me know they are around.lol.. It looks like you are doing so great. I' so glad for you!!!

    I am definetly mobile however not wanting to do anything i am suppost to do like my school work. Im just not into it at ALL!! i guess i will have to just make it happen though. Sorry for rambling.. I hope your day gets better and we both get bursts of energy. :)

  5. Lauryn,

    Hey there, sorry I haven't gotten back to you sooner. Just wanted to tell you that I'm surprised at your description of your doctor and surgery procedures. I totally want to support you in making a great decision. From what I can gather from my experience and others that I've read on this site, # 1 most important thing is to feel comfortable with the Doctor and Staff. # 2 Do your research find out what is normal from others who have had this operation. ie. specific guidelines pre and post surgery.. #3 Remember this guy is going into your gut. AND your paying him to do it..

    How does the staff treat you? Have any of them had the operation?

    Btw Great Job on taking initiative and Good Luck


  6. Hey Beth,

    I talked to Suzzie today the Rn. She is suppost to send me a packet with the preop diet info. I am glad the big day is getting closer.

    How are you holdin up?? Will you be staying at one of the hotels they offer for free??

    All the Best


  7. Hey Beth,

    Wondering how the surgery went and how your feeling now. Hopefully back to normal.. Did you find your experience with Dr Smith and Staff pleasant? Sure hope so... My surgery is in 11 days!!! OMG... but....I feel terrible that i cheated on my first day of the pre op diet... :( Please let me know how your doing..

    All the Best


  8. The pre -op diet is okay.. I have cheated a couple times but still losing a few pounds. 4 to be exact.. Getting very nervous and praying that i will have a super quick recovery with no gas pains. Yesterday i went to a yin yoga class and it was awesome. just what i needed, long relaxing gentle poses. i going to try and be really good these next seven days. Stay on the diet Going on hikes and hopefully squeeze in another yoga class before i fly down to texas. I really wish i was not in school right now. i would rather just be focusing on me instead of struggling to keep up in class. My mind has just been so preoccupied with all of this.. Well sorry for venting. Thanks so much for your concern...

    How are you doing.. Feeling some changes after one month. Have you gone in for a fill yet? Just wondering. Are your clothes getting a little looser? Sure hope so. Love to hear an update from ya :)

  9. Hey Jenny,

    Saw your post. love that you are from the rado!!! and 28 me too... i have my band date set for the 11th of Feb. I am getting excited and nervous for the whole thing. Are you using a doctor in denver?? just wondering. insurance or self pay?? sometimes you can get the surgery done on a friday and do a check up on saturday and be ready by monday. Just a sugestion... Keep in touch let me know how it goes for ya!!

  10. Hey Kate,

    Sounds like your doing great!!! I am getting more excited about the upcoming surgery. I am starting my preop diet soon in one week!!!.. lovely. But im ready for it, just wish i wasn't in school right now so i could just focus on this part of my life.. ahh but such is life i guess, still keepin on..

    Keep in touch with me throughout everything, can't wait to see your progress photos :) When do you get your first fill?? Sure hope i heal as quickly as you did...

    All the Best,


  11. Hey Kate!

    So glad your surgery went so well.. Makes me very happy:) You guessed right.. I decided not to go through with the Jan 15 date...I got cold feet i guess and backed out I know i just needed to process this whole thing a little more. But Now, I'm back in the game again and and set for either the 5th or the 12th of Feb.

    So glad your feeling well and able to move around. Do you need to take any thing for the pain? I'd love to hear how your healing goes! Take Care and Congrats..


  12. Hey there Jane,

    I am getting banded on the 12th of Feb. Actually i had an appointment on the 15th of Jan..but i backed out. I needed to really process this whole this with love and understanding before i let someone cut into my body. I agree with your post about the last meal syndrome. It is very important to me to let this be a mere tool that is incorporated into a completely different approach to self love. I love that your close to my age too.. Love to talk with you through this process. Thanks Jane hope your havin a great day!

  13. Hey there,

    My surgery is this friday!!! Crazy!! Hoping for the best! We have been getting tones of snow here in southwest colorado. I haven't seen this much snow stick around and not melt off in awhile. Summer time and the beach sounds great right about now! Thanks for the post.. keep me update on how your doing. i love to know


  14. Hey there!! I'm Jade.. Looks like we are going to be banded the same day :) I can't wait!!! btw... I have to say you look like a Hawaiian princess.. Love your hair and amazing skin:) I live on the big island or a couple years. n.e ways. thought it was cool that we have the same surgery date.. Good luck, and let me know how everything goes for ya

    Much Aloha


  15. Hey there... thanks for responding to my post earlier.. Just want to say I backed out of my surgery date... got cold feet i guess.. I really needed to process IT more..But now i have made another appointment and it looks like the date is set for the 10 or 11th of Feb..

    Since i started the pre op diet before... kinda.. I was wondering if you had any tips on food/shakes/ etc... Thanks again for your thought...

  16. Hey Verve,

    I read your post and it looks like we are getting banded on the same day.. 01-15... Crazy anyways that day is also a solar eclipse, just thought that was kinda cool ... Good Luck Hope to get my pics on here soon:)

  17. Hi there,

    Noticed we are the same age... Wondering if you went through with the surgery or not.. if so did you use Dr. Smith??

  18. Kate,

    Right on!! So glad you are doing so well and no gas pain... whoohoo:) Right now I'm living in SW Colorado and the nearest place to get the surgery is Abq, NM with Dr. Smith. but for 5,000$$ less i can fly down to his surgery center in DFW texas and have it done there.. Since I am self pay, Texas it is. They even throw in two nights at a hotel less than a mile away.. (f.y.i I lived in Hawaii 07-09..)...The plan is to fly in do my appointments on thursday and then surgery on friday, stay the next day Sat. Then fly home Sunday. I hope i will be in good shape to fly and drive by then..?? The good news is, my mother is going to fly in as well for some support and some good tlc:) Love my mom:)

    Just curious, are you noticing any difference with the band, as far a weight loss pre or post, and how is the liquid/ mushies phase??

    Still wishing you all the best,


  19. Kate!!!

    How are you doing?? Feelin good, seeing results??? Still glad you did it?? Sorry just getting excited about Feb 12!! Im trying to start this liquid diet but it is Snowdown time in Durango which mean costumes, lunacy, dancing an of course Booze...... Today i am super sore, danced for 3+hours last night and played dodgeball:) Please keep in touch let me know the good and the bad.. Im here for ya:)



  20. Where have you been? I have missed your posts:).. I'm sure you have been super busy with GGX and making that chedda. Drop a line when you get the time.


  21. Wow.. Sounds like you've got some magical healing powers. So glad you are getting back to normal. How is your movement?? Still sore or feelin gas pains??

    My surgery is on friday the 12th of feb.. i have to drive 3 hr to the airport and fly in :( So im trying to gauge if i will be able o make that journey back on Sunday or not. Please keep me up dated on your progress.

    Happy for you!!


  22. Yes Mam... I will be flying out on Wednesday. I have all my appointments on Thursday and the Friday is the Surgery... Ahhhhh... I can't believe it is happening so quick.

    So how are you doing? adjusting well to the newness of the band. im hoping for smooth sailing!!

    Thanks for your thoughts


  23. Thank you all you all your support!! Can't wait to start seeing changes!! yay. so excited!!! Going to do month by month pics. Summer will be awesome!

  24. Beth!!! I'm in DWF!!! Staying at the Hampton Inn with my Mom. My appointment is tomorrow starting at 8 -12. Wanted to know if you have some free time to get together and chat. my # is 808 430 5899. Feel free to call me anytime. Surgery is FRIDAY!!! OMG :)

  25. Gotta say the dress is adorable and you will look sexxy in it :) I have so many that ive bought as incentives but never worked.. BTW love grass valley drove through with friends couple years ago!! good luck with everything and congradulations!

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