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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by loserin2010

  1. I have not heard you have to lose weight on the pre op diet or they cancel your surgery, but I could be wrong. Keep in mind though going to all liquid and dropping to low number of calories you have will cause you to stop losing. I was banded on 1/4, a Monday. On Saturday when I weighed I had lost 11 lbs. Monday AM I had dropped another 3 lbs. Hang in there.

  2. My surgery is January 13. I'm so excited, but struggling a little with the liquid diet.< /div>

    I struggled as well. You can definitely do this. Take it one day at a time. Even though I couldnt eat what my family ate I would still eat with them so I didnt feel alone. If my husband was cooking something for them I just loved I would leave the room or not eat with them. Good Luck and keep it up.

  3. Oh my goodness I started the pre-op liquid diet today and I'm fighting some serious head hunger someone just made popcorn here at work and I can smell it! I hope once I get in a good routine that this will get a little easier. I never realized all the things that triggered me to eat. Smell, boredom, being tired. I'm going to succeed and follow this diet to a T. Is anyone else on thier pre-op diet struggling?

    I have been struggling as well. I did ok the first week. Actually the first day I had such a horrible sinus headache I didnt notice I was hungry. LOL. I am on day 10 and still doing so so. Yesterday was hard, all the rumbles and noises from my tummy. I see a lot of people have some solid food choices. I envy you all. Until Friday I get 4 Protein Shakes, broth, Jello, popsicles and Water (crystal light). Then Clear Liquids for 2 days. I will say I have thought about cheating, even putting food in my mouth chewing it and spitting it out. But I stopped myself. I had a hard time with mindless eating the first few days, eating pretzles while everyone was talking, taking a bite out of the cookie I was giving my child etc. In a way it gets easier and at the same time it gets harder. Good luck to you. Just tell yourself, If you can do this two weeks you can do anything. :)

  4. Im glad others have the same concerns about the artificail sweetners. I could drink diet coke all day. But I can't stand the flavor of them in anything else. I am managing in the pre op diet but do not plan to use them after. Like others I will simply adjust my calories. I know gastric patients can't have real sugar due to dumping but I see no reason lap band patients can't have real suger now and then, again if you adjut your diet elsewhere. But that is my opinion and I am not a dietician or a doctor. ;) Good luck to all of you.

  5. I started my pre op diet yesterday as well and am having my surgery the same day. My docotro allows his patients to use sugar free carnation instant Breakfast mixed with skim milk. Those are not bad. I have Myoplex as well...I thought I was drinking pepto...it was awful. I didnt have the gas problem. Ask about the carnation/milk combo. If I try to drink the others I fell like I am going to throw them up before I finish one.

    The nurse at my doc's office also said you can add sugar free Syrup (used to flavor coffee) to the Protein shakes to flavor them. I have not tried that.

    Good Luck :tongue:

  6. Btw....I am NOT telling most family and friends. My hubby and 11y/o know and my mother (since I will need a sitter for my 2y/o) I don't want to feel like I am under a microscope to lose weight and they are just waiting for me to fail, again:bored:.


    I am not telling most of my family either. I have a sister in law who told the family one day her doctor told her she was "fat" cause she was up to 110. My surgery is 1/4 and I am new here. I start my pre op diet 12/20. :) No pigging out over the holidays for me.

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