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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by rbailey60

  1. Hi everyone! I'm still amazed at how we're all having different experiences. I've lost a ton of weight (don't get me wrong - I don't want it back!) but have been having a ton of reflux in the past few weeks which I never expected out of nowhere six months out. I had the doctor take about .3 cc out of the band, but I still have reflux and now I'm hungry again to boot! So tomorrow I'm going to have him put it back in. If I'm going to have barfy gook in my mouth and choke on it during the night, I may as well be full and losing weight, too! For the past two weeks I have maintained! All in all, though, I am so grateful to my doctor, the band, and all of you for the wisdom and experiences you share. Being a size 12 and 14 feels amazingly better than being a size 22! I'm looking forward to size 8 again, and starting to believe it's coming!!

    Just wondering if the doc charges you each time you go in for your band adjustments as mine does. I have to pay $150 for each adjustment so that is why I havent gone in as much as everyone else is because of the money issues. Since I had my second fill less than 2 weeks ago & am still starving, I dont know if the doc will charge me to come in so soon to have more fill. I am so happy you have lost so much weight, wish I was as lucky.

  2. I think you have done marvelously, as you have only just had a second fill. How many cc do you have in your band? It sounds as if you have some restriction, but not enough to stop you feeling hungry for 3 - 4 hours after a meal. I hope your surgeon helps you with better restriction, but without that stuck feeling. Do let us know how things workout for you. Take care.

    Each fill the doc fills w/1cc. so I guess 2 cc is all I have so far since 12/21/09.

    My goal was to lose 50 lbs by my 50 bday which is only 2 weeks away! :thumbup::crying::smilielol5: Oh well...

  3. Vivinthewoods...when I had my 2nd fill a week ago today, the doc would make me drink (gulp) Water down as he was filling and if I felt the water was getting "stuck" he would take out a little. Wierd but when I eat, I kinda get full quicker than before the surgery but I'm still hungry. So I feel full but my stomach is still growling!

  4. This is my surgeon.

    I had to travel to Delano, Calif., to have my surgery by Dr. K.

    My insurance didn't approve of any surgeons in Bakersfield because Dr. K is an approved provider with better skills than any in Bakersfield.

    I also go to his L.A. office for my fills since I have to take a day off anyways.

    I love his bedside manner and he truly cares about his patients.

  5. Okay so here I am Day 7 of my journey. Not so bad, but still pretty tired and sluggish. I went out and did some light shopping on Christmas Eve and then enjoyed Christmas Day with family. I cheated a tiny bit ( I knew I would) nothing earth shattering. Im talking a tiny tiny bit (like the size of a small piece of lint) of red velvet cake on Christmas Day. I really don't think I was hungry, just craving, which I think pretty much goes away with a thick Protein Shake.

    I am curious to see how I get through an additional week of full liquids. I still have sore tenderness at the port area, my stitches are itchy (I guess healing), still a little gassy, I am belching better but it hurts in the morning. I don't take the pain meds during the day and Tylenol does nothing for me. I took some ibuprofen for a few days and it made me feel like a different person, but I hear it's a no no:sad: So each day I wait to see what I can tolerate then see what my options are.

    I am just taking it easy, I have another week off from work :biggrin: so I will strategize then!

    The support here is helpful and encouraging, it helps me understand things.

    Maybe a little light cleaning today:glare:?? Maybe

    You and I were banded on the same day and it sounds like you are feeling somewhat how I feel.

    The severe gas pains that finally went away; the burping that hurts your chest and soreness at the inicision area (for me the largest incision below my right breast and the huge bump).

    I too am taking this week off to recuperate. No way I can go back to work.

    You are brave to go out I dont have the energy yet. I can barely walk very far! LOL

  6. How am I supposed to survive on only Water, broth, Isopure and popsicles for two weeks?

    The only time I spoke with the dietician was on the phone a couple of weeks ago and that was a worthless chat.

    Doc and his office are off on holiday so I cannot get any phone calls returned.

    Didn't get a chance to speak to my doc before being discharged from hospital so I could ask him questions.

    I'm shaky and have a headache from lack of food.< /p>

    I had surgery December 21st.

    Finally was able to expel gas today which gave me a ton of relief! I was in so much pain!


  7. I checked into the hospital at 6:00am. I was taken into the room around 6:30, put on my gown, got my IV started, and the coordinator of the bariatric surgery center came and sat with me. The anesthesiologist and surgeon came in and explained what was going to happen when I got into the OR. By 7:28 I was in the OR, they blew up this hover-pad and scooted me onto the table. I got introduced to the crew that would be doing the surgery and was out before I could remember anything else. I remember a little bit of being in the recovery room before they transferred me to my overnight room.

    About an hour after surgery I got up to go to the bathroom. I decided I should get some pain medicine before I moved. They tried the liquid Lortab, but I couldn't drink it for some reason so they gave me morphine. Getting up after morphine was not such a good idea! I got a little queezy so they gave me a phenegran shot. That knocked me out for a bit. I was awake soon after and got up to walk again. I roamed the halls with my ounce of ice chips for about a half hour. I found the worse part was the gas pain and the dry mouth. As long as I went on a walk, I had to have ice chips. I would do a lap, then suck on an ice piece. They kept me up every couple hours to walk.

    I ended up having 4 heparin shots in my tummy. They had a slight sting, but it seemed like the faster they put it in, the less it stung. I was able to take the Lortab after the first attempt. I also got a half popsicle! That helped the dry mouth.

    I had to do a barium swallow the next morning to check placement of the band and make sure stuff was passing through. Once that was good I got the ok to go home! I had no pain in my incisions, port, or muscles. The only discomfort was because of the gas they put in to open up your abdomen. The more I walked, the quicker it went away. Maybe I am special, but it went great! I am 6 days post-op and still have no pain, no nausea, and no hunger!

    I envy you!

    Good for you and am happy it went smoothly for you!

  8. I was banded Monday, Dec. 21st.

    Arrived at hospital at 5am.

    Had blood drawn.

    Then was taken to pre-op where they asked me questions & I changed into a gown.

    The nurse gave me a shot of Heparin in the stomach.

    Was put on IV's w/stuff for antacid meds.

    I was wheeled into the OR area and the nurse put the cap on my head. My husband liked it so much they gave him the doctor cap. LOL

    The anestheiologist came in and talked to me whereas I told him I hope I dont feel the stuff going through my veins like I did when I had my gallbladder out. He promised I wouldnt feel anything.

    I told him to have the doc look where my gallbladder was because I was still feeling intense pain.

    He stated the doc always looks around to see if everything is okay anyways.

    They wheeled me into the operation room and I got on the OR table.

    Last thing I remember is the doc saying to put my arms to the side.

    Woke up in recovery w/no pain.

    They wheeled me into my private room.

    I dont remember much.

    My doc came to see me around 6pm & told me I had a lot of scar tissue where my gall bladder was and that the scar tissue was rubbing up against my pancreas. I told him I'd had ultrasounds to see why I had pain and he stated scar tissue doesnt show up on sounds. He said there was a lot.

    Needless to say, I dont have that pain any longer.

    But I do have this huge bulge on my right side.

    It's the only thing that hurts me when only I move.

    Spent the night in the hospital and went home around 10am.

    I guess the morphine they were giving me in the hospital helped a heck of a lot with the pain more than I thought!

    As I said, I only have pain when I move and the only pain is the bulge.

    I need husband to help me get out of bed.

    The bulge really hurts.

  9. I'm so sorry you are having such a hard time! I hope you get some relief soon.

    eta: if you cant' get a hold of your doc, and have no instructions, I'd follow the LAP-BAND® guidelines.

    Well doc office never returned my call, they must be gone for the holidays.

    Do you have a big bulge on your right side as well?

    That bulge is the only area that hurts.

    I can't get out of bed w/out my husband's assistance.

    Now I have painful gas pains. I'll try to walk more.

    I'm not going back to work until January 4th.

    There's no way I'd be ready for work on Dec 28th so I cannot understand how some people are ready for work within 4 days?

  10. Got banded Monday the 21st.

    Stomach really hurts.

    Stomach is bloated and on right side you can see a huge bulge.

    I have about 4 incisions on my stomach.

    Dealing with heartburn all the time.

    On clear liquid diet and cannot get doc office to call me back to see how long I'm supposed to be on the clear liquid diet.

    Didnt' get to see my doc on day of discharge (Dec 22nd) because he went into surgery otherwise would have asked him a lot of questions.

    In a lot of pain only when I move. Cant get out of bed w/out help from husband.

    Will send husband to get Isopure and something they were giving me in the hospital called "enliven"? never heard of that but will have husband find that as well.

    Don't know how I'm supposed to get any nutrients if on Clear Liquids.

    My head hurts from lack of food which happens because I have a medical condition called Intracranial Hypertension (too much Fluid on my brain)

    I cant seem to get my ticker working. I've lost 10 lbs but when I updated it, it doesnt look like everyone elses.

  11. I had my surgery Monday, December 21st and stayed overnight.

    I am to be on a clear liquid diet.< /p>

    Is there something else besides broth, Water, tea, gatorade, apple juice that I can have?

    Seems I'm not getting enough nutrients starving this way!

    Oh, and the pain is something else! I need my husband to help me out of bed.

    I have heartburn (never have had this before in my life) & Pepcid seems to help.

    The doc did have to scrap away a lot of scar tissue from my gall bladder surgery I had a couple of years ago. He stated the scarring was pushing against my pancreas. That pain is gone now..woohoo.

    Anyways, I cannot get the doctor to call me back because I do not know how long I am supposed to be on a clear liquid diet.

    The booklet he gave me is for those getting the dual band surgery.

  12. Greetings all.

    My surgery is scheduled for December 21st and boy am I nervous! My pre-op is tomorrow, December 16th.

    My doctor hasn't put me on any special before diets like everyone else is doing. I'll find out more tomorrow on what I am to be eating before surgery because it seems the booklet the doc gave me is geared towards a non-lapband surgery.

    Anyways, I'll post on here tomorrow on the outcome of my pre-op.

    HAve already had the chest xray, EKG, 8 viles of blood taken out of me so dont know what the pre-op involves.


  13. Greetings all.

    I just found this site by Google searching.

    Just what I was looking for since chatting with fellow people who have something in common with you is probably the best way to find out information that perhaps the docs don't tell ya.

    I'm a wee bit nervous for my surgery is this coming Monday.

    My pre-op is tomorrow.

    I had to postpone the surgery due to catching a nasty cold earlier this month.

    All I have left is a dry cough I get only when I talk. Hoping this dry cough won't postpone my surgery again.

    My insurance changes in January so I need to get this surgery done this year and Monday was the last date the doc had available.

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