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Mel Mel

LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by Mel Mel

  1. Yes! For the first two months I felt the band getting tighter and tighter until I wasn't able to eat anything solid. Now, I didn't have much of an appetite because of morning sickness. When I was hungry and could tolerate more than a Soup I couldn't get down anything. The most solid thing I could eat was ravioli, which I never eat but I didn't want to starve the baby!! My surgeon took 3 out of 6 ccs from my band and I felt great! Good Luck ladies.

  2. I had the flu the other day and it was just one throw up but it took 3 really good heaves to come up. Now I feel like I can eat more than usual. I feel fine and don't have any problems right now but feel worried........I know we are not suppose to throw up. Anyone else experienced this........

    I had an episode with a stomach bug. I went in to see my surgeon and recieved a small unfill. The doctor did some xrays to make sure I didn't slip my band, it didn't slip and Two weeks later my band was refilled.

  3. My journey has been far from the marketed stories you hear. I didn't loose tons of weight my first year. In fact about 18months out I think I finally reached restriction. I had an unfill due to illness and I was just sick of my office so unfortunately I stopped going. One of the surgeons left the practice whom I loved. He really cared about the patient not the success rate numbers so recently I just went to go see him. And from this adjustment I think I am at a sweet spot.

    I had to force myself to go in anyway. But I told myself that I'm pretty great as is. I didn't loose as much weight as I wanted but my average presurgery was gaining 10lbs. a year. So that in and of itself is a success. I think we all would benefit greatly if we just accept ourselves for who we are and where we are in life. Learn from our mistakes and work on improving ourselves.

    I was looking at old pictures from trips and my wedding. I really see a difference around my face and my arms. It gets me so pumped to see such an improvement.

  4. Yeah, I still get my cravings. I knew they wouldn't go away and I'd have to work harder at weightloss from the beginning. The bypass actually changes your digestive track. If you can't digest sugar, wouldn't your body want it less? The article doesn't seem to present any earth shattering news.

  5. I had a lot of Hair loss about 4 months post op. Clumps fell out when I washed it in the shower, brush it or took it out of a ponytail. I did start taking Biotin but the clerk at my GNC knew right away that I had surgery. She recommened an easier digested Protein Shake and liquid multi. To be honest I felt I took the liquid multi more religiously (I found one that didn't taste thick and gross, I don't remember the name but you can contact me if you'd like to know). I think the multi had more to do with any benefit. The hair loss seems to be natural stress reaction to surgery, your body is focused on healing your surgical wounds. I think taking a good quality multi, Protein supplement and biotin from the beginning is your best option.

  6. It's taking me awhile to get here but I think I finally found restriction. I haven't even started on a regular diet yet but already I feel some restriction with my fluids. I just can't drink as fast as I used to. Remember, everyone is different. I had to be unfilled when I got a stomach virus and slowly filled back up. Very discouraging!!! But just keep at it. I gave up for awhile but don't do that!!

  7. I'm still on liquids since I just got filled on Monday. I think I'm at 5.5ccs but I was paying attention because I hate getting filled. It doesn't hurt but it's uncomfortable. I made myself go walking. Wasn't even a fast pace and I was huffing and puffing... got a ways to go. I used to workout up to twice a day. I did one mile and wanted to stop but I did the second mile. And I made sure I had an appointment set for my 6 week follow up. Happens to fall on the monday after thanksgiving but all the more reason to stay on track. Right now I'm at the point I feel hopeful. When the weight starts to come off I hope to feel the excitement again.

    Hi Mel Mel,

    I'm glad you found a renewed sense of excitement!!! I was remembering the day I got the call to say I was approved. I was alone in my car and just screamed out of joy. Then when I went for my first week visit after getting banded I felt like a million bucks when I saw that I had dropped so many lbs. Such a great feeling...I want that again! I'm doin this meal by meal!

    I peeped out your pics and u are doin a great job!!! It's great to see success ;)

  8. Same thing happened to me. I was on top of the world and many other things in my life were right in place. But then things started to slip... including my weightloss. I hated going back to my office because i didn't feel like they were very supportive except for one doctor. Luckily he left that practice and now is head bariatric surgreon of a new practice. He was so excited to see me as I was to see him. He was greatful that I followed him and VERY supportive. I have to say that support helps motivate me. So please go back to your doctor and talk to him / her.

  9. Hello,

    If your Labor Day Challenge doesn't come together, please consider joining us in the monthly challenge that I set up. This month's challenge is titled, The Freedom Challenge. There will be an August challenge starting on August 1st. We weigh in weekly and post our weights. We also set goals for ourselves each month for weight loss, dietary, exercise and personal. A member keeps our stats for us.

    Best wishes, Joan

    I'm definitely interested. What board do you guys post on?

  10. I recently got over a violent stomach virus which required me to get an unfill. I'm going this AM for an upper Gi to make sure I didn't slip the band. My doctor didn't specify a diet and I didnt think to ask because I was just feeling so lousy. I didn't eat the first day and did mostly clears the second day after. My appetite came back for dinnertime and I tolerated some broth Soup. I'm definitely taking it easy and modifying.

    Anyone who has had this happen before, what were your instruction post unfil? Do you follow the traditional adjustment diet? Or is it slightly different?

    I go next week for a refill.

    Thank you.

  11. I recently got over a violent stomach virus which required me to get an unfill. I'm going this AM for an upper Gi to make sure I didn't slip the band. My doctor didn't specify a diet and I didnt think to ask because I was just feeling so lousy. I didn't eat the first day and did mostly clears the second day after. My appetite came back for dinnertime and I tolerated some broth Soup. I'm definitely taking it easy and modifying.

    Anyone who has had this happen before, what were your instruction post unfil? Do you follow the traditional adjustment diet? Or is it slightly different?

    I go next week for a refill.

    Thank you.

  12. Loose skin is due to decreased elasticity of skin, age and rapid weight loss. That's not really relevant to this topic. The skin is still there, my hair however is not, well, it's falling out.

    As a nurse, I have never heard of hair falling out because of surgery. If anything maybe the healing process of the wounds interupts Hair growth by using the bodies nutrients, in this case it would be important to supplement and increase Protein intake. Why else would the doctors have you take Vitamins and increase Protein intake? It takes a full year for a wound to completely heal.

    Unfortunately my hair is falling our from the follicle. And all over. Not only has my husband noticed it but my parents just mentioned that when I was visiting them in August, they are still finding my hair in the guest bath.

    Thank you for your response, I hope my hair does grow back.

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