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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by BetsyB

  1. The only reflux I've experienced (banded on the 12th) was related to a combo of stoma swelling and a Vicodin that took up residence in said constricted stoma. Be sure you're taking very small sips of the liquid you drink, not using a straw, etc.
  2. If you're on a liquid diet, it's NOT unusual not to have a BM; think about it: what is there to eliminate from your body that the kidneys can't handle? If you're on full liquids, there will be some residue--but again, not a lot. You were just banded, so I would not be concerned at this point. OTOH, if it's a matter of comfort, my doctor okayed OTC stool softeners. Why not ask yours if you can take something like Dulcolax? (Miralax is great if bona fide constipation does not respond, but it can affect liver function, so I wouldn't make the leap directly to it, personally.)
  3. Elfie, I both agree and disagree with you. It's not the food, per se, that is the issue. Everyone requires food--no one requires alcohol or gambling. (Well, I suppose one could argue that an alcoholic in the throes of the DTs requires alcohol or medical intervention to prevent injury, but that's a different story.) I am not addicted to food. I am addicted to the good feelings it produces. An alcoholic IS, in fact, addicted to alcohol--not just the feelings it produces. There is a physical dependence that is very different from what goes on with overeating. If I don't overeat, I do not experience physical and neurological changes that can threaten my life. I just want a scone. It's not potentially fatal. That said, I don't disagree, at all, with the comparison between self-sabotage with eating and other addictive behaviors. No matter what our methods, it quite often IS based in a need to self-soothe. However, outcome is VERY different for overeaters who can pinpoint what's "eating them" and alcoholics and addicts who do the same. Identifying "issues" can be helpful to the drug addict or alcoholic, but in a way that is more useful once detox is accomplished, treatment is given, and recovery entered. In fact, it's pretty important in terms of building a strong defense against recidivism. The psychology of overeating shares some traits with addictive diseases. The physiology is so, so different that I have difficulty calling obesity/overeating an addiction to food. And therefore, I still maintain that identifying what's "eating me" really IS immensely helpful.
  4. BetsyB

    sunflower seeds?

    Just like with the preop diet, doctors vary widely in what they prescribe for postop diet. I was on pureed Protein at 3 days. Re: sunflower seeds, in particular. They are a pretty good low-carb snack in TINY quantities. But the shell poses HUGE health risks. It should go without saying that the shell needs to be spit out---but sometimes, they slide down accidentally. And one of the sickest patients I ever had as an RN was a man for whom sunflower seed shells got hung up on each other and created a horrendous obstruction that nearly killed him. He was NOT post-bariatric surgery--just a regular guy. Factor in a tiny little stoma from your pouch to the rest of your stomach, and the potential for trouble is hugely magnified. I'd recommend, if your doctor is ok with the seeds, that you get the ones that are already shelled. Better safe than sorry.
  5. BetsyB

    Question on FILLS

    My doctor expects to see me every 6 weeks for the first year; I will not necessarily be filled at each appointment, but he will assess the need each time. (And, of course, I will pay a copay each time.) The "price break" really will NOT occur in the first year. Once you hit a point of good restriction, the cost of fills will taper, but there are still ongoing expenses to consider: good-quality bariatric Vitamins, Protein supplements to boost your intake during times when you have difficulty, and so on.
  6. I don't believe I'm so much addicted to food as I am to the feelings of comfort it provides. What does it comfort? Primarily fear. When I find myself self-sabotaging, it almost always helps to look for what is scaring me.
  7. Jachut, it's pretty tricky, given a banded stomach, to exceed "moderation" when it comes to ANY food. I think you'd be pretty hard-pressed to find ANY medical or nutrition expert who agreed with you that a diet focused on lean Protein, vegetables, legumes, and a bit of fruit (and even whole grains in moderation)--PARTICULARLY in the amounts permitted by gastric banding--leads to a "truly horrible diet." I am glad you do well with your version of "moderation." I don't plan to make vanilla slices a part of mine, and am quite certain my health will not suffer as a result.
  8. BetsyB

    Low Carbers count calories???

    I'm barely out of the starting gate, so I am counting calories--primarily because I just want to get a handle on what works for me, and what it provides in terms of energy (calories). I'm already seeing that when I stick with the eating guidelines, I easily stay well within the calorie parameters I am aiming for, so I don't anticipate a long-term need to journal, except inasmuch as it helps me pinpoint problems when I stall.
  9. I've been told to wait 90 minutes after eating to drink. When I'm already well-hydrated, it's doable. If I'm a bit dry, it's unbearable!
  10. BetsyB

    2010 Challenge

    Updating my weight... Name***********Starting****Current******Goal******ToGo Astrasmom.............254...............254...........170..............84 Babe......................265...............265...........199.... .........66 Band_Groupie........172.5...........169.5..........158..............11 .5 BetsyB..................226.6.............221.6.........109...... .......112.6 BobbieND..............224...............221.6.............175..... ........49 Brigette.................198...............198.............150.... ........48 crzytchr.................217...............217..............180.... ... ....37 DANA36.................233...............233..............160...... .....73 destined4thinness...215.5.............215.5..........150.............6 5.5 ericanda1973..........198.5............198.5...........130......... ...68.5 HummingBird..........204...............202..............150........ ....52 jenibeni.................224...............221.5..............165..... .. .......57.5 Jennih...................232................232..............130.... .......102 KDEE....................240................240...............150...... ......90 Lisa65...................174.5............168................145..... ......23 lotzasunshine.........247...............246.2.............175........ ...71.2 newdicarlo.............187...............187................135...... . ...52 ol55andahalf........184.................184................144........ .....40 RandaPanda...........194...............191................150........ ....41 scoutmama............270................270...............180........ ....90 SNDYCNRD.............207...............207................140......... ...67 TARASGIRL.............305...............302................225........ ....77 TeriLu....................215...............215................150.. .... ......65 TIGGER71G.............224...............224................130....... ......94 Tabithan..............244...............234................190....... ......44
  11. I'm still on full liquids/purees post-op. Yesterday I had: B: 1 scoop Inspire Dutch Chocolate Cake protein powder w/4 oz. water L: 3 tablespoons of a combo of browned/pureed ground beef, ricotta cheese, a dab of marinara, and a sprinkle of Parmesan--VERY good! S: sugar-free popsicles D: double-scoop Inspire Dutch chocolate cake protein mixed with 8 oz. unsweetened Almond Breeze almond milk--DEELISH. Today is likely to be pretty much the same. I started with the chocolate protein/Almond Breeze (60 g protein already for the day), and will stick with the ricotta/marinara for lunch. For dinner, I plan to grill a half chicken breast and puree with hoisin and other Asian seasonings.
  12. BetsyB

    How many times a day do you pee?

    Losing even a few pounds can change pressure on the bladder and therefore change urinary frequency. (Bladder capacity is increased.) As long as you're getting enough fluid, this is one of the POSITIVE effects of surgery.
  13. BetsyB

    Feeling like a failure

    There is a huge difference between motivation and encouragement and the kind of condescension and belittlement that stir up the kinds of feelings that foster, for many of us, the overeating that got us into trouble in the first place. I'd pay $250 in a heartbeat to get away from a doctor who "motivated' me by belittlement. There is NO place for that in medicine. Frank discussion? Certainly. Laying it on the line? Definitely. But, "You're a failure because you're not dedicated" is in no way constructive. I am SO thankful that my doctor had made me feel like a success in the making from the get-go. It really makes a tremendous difference. Make the plunge. Switch to a doctor who will give you what YOU need.
  14. This is my favorite bariatric site--and favorite source of Protein supplements (their Inspire brand is awesome). It's mostly RNY people, but many bandits, too---and really has great recipes and support.
  15. I was banded on the 12th, and this is the first day I'm allowed Protein. Since you can tolerate Clear Liquids, I'd stick with those. Give the doc a call to see if (a) they want you to take something for the nausea, and (:thumbup: whether they think your pain meds might be the culprit and, if so, they want to change them, too. I had an episode of nausea/vomiting yesterday, and the culprit was a STUCK Vicodin; once it worked its way free, I felt so much better. Now, when I take them, I break them into halves, then each half into thirds. Much better! Feel better fast!
  16. BetsyB

    i think i'm starting to hate my band.

    How frustrating! Have you tried taking one of the OTC meds containing guaifenesin. Mucinex (plain, not D--D contains dextromethorphan, a cough suppressant; if you're not coughing, it's just an extraneous drug) and Robitussin (again, plain) are two choices. Guaifenesin loosens mucus secretions. Along with plenty of Fluid, something simple like taking this twice a day may help you out, band-wise.
  17. I voted for "healthy," but would be lying if I said that looking good weren't also an enormous motivator.
  18. BetsyB


    Very exciting!
  19. I don't have Aetna, but with my surgical group, "supervised" means returning to my surgeon's office monthly for a weigh-in. Their program is a non-program; those of us with insurance companies requiring 3 months' supervision were required to lose 6 pounds in that time frame, and those with a 6-month period had to lose 10 in 6 months. The documented loss, combined with whatever magic they do in the office (with the questionnaires we fill out, their nutrition seminar) got approval nearly immediately after all the info was in the hands of the insurer. Re: exercise--again, we were told to choose something and do it. What we did did not matter, as long as we progressively upped our activity. The doctor's documentation of our oral description sufficed.
  20. I've been told I can resume lifting on Week 5. All other activities can return to normal immediately (with the exception of driving; have to wait until no longer taking pain meds).
  21. I like the Vivanno, too. But if you don't want to drink your lunch, and are still of soft foods, something like Taco Bell's pintos & beans is pretty good, nutritionally speaking.
  22. BetsyB

    March 15th :)

    Congratulations! I'm not covered by Cigna, but if your surgeon has scheduled you, I would imagine they expect coverage :smile2:
  23. Well, you do have to do more than just have a band inserted---so some way of eating (WW, low carb, whatever) is almost a given, IMO. But I wouldn't recommend Alli. Side effects aside, your already working with limited stomach capacity. Ridding your body of 1/3 of the fat you take in may push you into territory of using too little fat--and that can have ugly consequences.
  24. I'm 48, not yet banded, don't try to look too young for my age (not my thing, but even if it were, my kids would disown me), and yes--I would and do. Not micro-mini. But I have good legs, and will happily wear a skirt a few inches above the knee with leggings or tights and boots.
  25. BetsyB

    Explaining the weight loss

    I tell people I want to tell, and don't tell others. Really, explanations aren't owed, and there's no reason to feel dishonest for omitting details you don't wish to share. OTOH, I'm awfully glad that one of my son's friend's father chose to share with me that he'd been banded; I was on the fence and he was a good resource.

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