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Sweet Pete

LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by Sweet Pete

  1. Exactly what Betsy said!

    I know some women who had it done but won't admit it for nothing. And when asked they say "diet and excersise". BS! It is so hurtful and mean to insinuate that "I did it w/diet and excersise and YOU can too." I have struggled w/weight forever and that avenue obviously didn't work for me and to lie like that just to save face for oneself while bringing another person down is cruel. Why not share the info w/people to maybe help save their life?

    I sing like a canary about it especially to friends/family I know that are obese. Lap Band is saving my life and it can save theirs too. I just don't understand why someone wouldn't share this infomation with others. If I knew a Dr who had a cure for Cancer, wouldn't I run and tell everyone? Of course I would, so I don't see how the Lap Band is any different.

    So it's a social "issue" to some therefore private. We can't keep ignoring that in a room of 40 people 75% of them are obese and 20% are morbidly obese. I'm sorry to go off, but this topic really irks me. It's not like people we know didn't know were were obese, it's not a secret. So why the weightloss be a secret?

    I've already been approached by several people about the procedure. 2 have made appointments with my surgeon and 1 is already doing what needs to get done for insurance approval. She's ready to change her life. I'm so excited that by me talking about it so much that soon she'll lose the weight and get off her cpac machine and live a longer healthier life. Did I save her life? No, she & the surgeon are doing that but I will gladly take credit for helping her on her journey.

  2. You should talk to your Nut. Mine gave me some info about caffeine...it's a diuretic so all that Water your drinking to flush out fat is for not because it's not in your system long enough to filter anything due to the coffee/soda pop. Also caffeine is an appettite stimulate. OMG, right!

    I live in the Seattle area and everyone jokes that our tap water has a triple shot. ;-)

    I used to drink 3 pots of coffee a day by myself! No, seriously. I slowly got myself off of it and now I only drink Decaf and maybe once a day if that and no pop. Try to get off of it all together. You're half way there, you can do it!

  3. You should ask your dr first and foremost. You're doc. insurance personal know which insurance companies approve what and what exactly the criteria will be. After all they just as much as you want approval on 1st request.

    Having that said, my ins. required that I see the NUT 3 times before the paper work was even submitted. Ask your dr. to recommend a NUT because they will only send you to the ones whom they've had sucess with for approval. Call the NUT right away and schedule all your appts at once. In our area all the good NUTs are booked 4-6 months in advance. I know a lot of other bandsters that had everything ready but their visits w/the NUTs. And you can't rushthose appointments. If your insurance says 3 monthly visits, it's literally to the day, 30 days. It gets frustrated so be prepared.

    Good luck!!

  4. Finally! I haven't stepped on the scale in a few days but today is Monday and yippee skippee....229! I knew that stupid thing would have to move at some point! Down 7 pounds! I'm going to take the mental high and not weigh myself until next Monday.


    You go w/your bad self!!:thumbup::blushing:

  5. Sweet Pete, You haven't been banded for very long--your pain may still be related to gas from the surgery. If I were you, I'd wait at least a month before seeing your chiropractor. Mine does a lot of twisting and pushing. I would want to make sure that everything was healing properly first. I did tell him about my band and explained the proceedure to him. I can't tell you just what he did. All I know is I felt better the next day and really haven't had that pain between my shoulder blades like that again. Good luck.


    You're right, it very well could be the gas from surgery. I just worry because that's the area where I have a small fracture (due to carrying all the weight in the front) and now it's hurting in that area where it never had before. I only had lower back pain in the past. So it just concerns me. But naturally I don't want to a chiro who's going to try to pop my back or bend me all over the place and damage my band or whatever.

    Thanks again, I'll wait.

  6. At my post op appt the LPN told me to leave them on for the full 2 weeks. She said patients who left them on till then had less scaring and the strips helped with that. So I've just been clipping the edges, tues will be 2 wks so I'll take them all off then. Besides, any longer than that I would imagine that could get unsanitary don't you think?

  7. That is good to know Willowcat! I was banded 12/22/09 and my upper back between the shoulder blades is killing me! I keep thinking maybe it's the way I have been sleeping or something.

    Can I ask, what type of things did your chiro do for you? I love my chiro, he's great but I'd like to stear him in the right direction. Thanks!

    OP, I'm sorry your back hurts so bad. I truly and literally feel your pain. It seems that I'm not hurting when I'm hunched over and I don't want to do that! I keep trying to suffer through the pain but I really don't want to live this way either.

    I hope you find a solution soon.

  8. I was banded 12/22/09

    So I'm not even 2 weeks post op but when I move or bend or something like that I can feel the band! I feel it pull a little so I stop that movement right away. I'm not doing yoga or nothing, but I notice at times I can actually feel it. It feels a little like something is scratching in the inside. Is this normal? I don't feel the port from the inside out but I do the band.:unsure:

  9. Everyone is different and their bodies react differently. And those who have the most to lose I notice lose a lot fast. The body is going into shock, a person who used to take in 3000-5000 calories a day (it's not that hard if you including soda pop) is now down to 500 calories or less. So yes, it is possible to lose that much weight. Also, exercise plays a KEY role. If someone who has the band doesn't do a very good diet or excercises much then they naturally aren't going to lose as much at their counterpart. Or someone has a very very slow metabolism. Also, another person used to be thin and healthy before they became obese..the body has a great memory so their metabolism may kick in to over drive and the weight melts off. There are a lot of factors.

    ETA: as for your first example, the woman who lost a lot of weight in 5 days. She most likely didn't. She may be including her pre-op diet weigh loss. Most surgeons require you to lose some weight before they do the surgery. For example, I haven't lost 28 lbs since the 22nd (surgery date) that total is inculding the 18 I lost in my 2 week pre-op liquid diet. So that's where you might be getting mixed up. Hope that helps.

    I have lost 28 lbs in 21 days!!! It's crazy, I know but it's true!! Everyones body is way different.

  10. You should bring a neck pillow, like the traveling ones? My neck was so greatful I did so it didnt get stiff when resting sitting up.

    Yes! Thank you by the way for recommending that! I took my travel pillow and my neck is so grateful to you!!

    I do have to say, you really won't get much sleep in the night during your hospital stay. You WILL want to get up and walk around. The pay off is instant.

    I was so lucky that several of us bandsters were all in the same wing, like 7 or 8 of us and we all jockey'ed around the nurses' station w/our IV's. LOL I'm sure it was quite a sight to see but trust me, WALK WALK WALK! It will feel so very good.

    I had to stay in my lovely hospital gown but they gave me another to cover the backside. I did sneak on undie wear just in case. :thumbup:

    Good luck bansters!!! Ya'll are going to do great!!:thumbup:

  11. I totally feel your pain! I had/have the same restrictions. 2 week liquid pre-op and then 4 weeks liquid post. My nutritionist says 2 weeks liquid then doc says 4. WTH? Then I see here most docs say 1 week liquid post op and then so on. I'm so confused too.

    I know my surgeons informational packet said that you should get off the liquids as soon as you get the green light. The reason being is that liquids pass right threw the "hour glass" of stomachs that we now own. And then you never get that "full" feeling that only solids could do that. So we should get off the liquids soon so we can actually utilize the band for what it is for...losing weight and feeling satiated. Hope that helps.

  12. To lose the weight fast, do 2 low car/low cal Protein Shakes a day and a healthy low carb meal for dinner. I think it should be lunch when you eat a meal because you have more opputunity to burn those calories versus eatting at dinner then going to bed but that's up to you. Hope that helps.

    Don't give up!

    I"m sorry about your insurance but before you drive yourself crazy you should really find out forsure that they will deny you for losing or gaining. That way you kmow forsure your limits.

    Good luck!

  13. I posted this on another thread but I wanted to get your opinions.

    "I am so glad this thread was started!

    I had my band installed 12/22. So I'm 4 days post op. I was on a strict 500 calories/2 Protein Shakes a day for 2 weeks for pre-op diet. Now the rules are for the week of post op is NO Protein, just Clear Liquids. I"m dying here! I did cheat, I eat 1 bite of scrambled egg yesterday morning. It wasn't even a big bite. I'm worried to screw up my band like ya'll are saying but OMG, my stomach hurts so bad. It's hunger pains, not surgery pains.

    Then after my post op visit that I have with dr. which is not till tuesday, his rules are clear liquid w/protein shakes for 4 more weeks. Then after that I can to to mushies. I'm seriously...about to lose it.

    I started this journey at 293 on Dec. 8th and today, what 18 days I'm down to 273. Is this normal? 20 lbs in 18 days? I'm worried it's not healthy. And what happens at 4 weeks of just liquid? At that point I"m just pulling an "oprah" with her liquid diet in the 80's. Anyone can drop a ton of weight on the liquid diet but is it healthy?

    Also, I don't understand why some docs say 1 week after operation it's ok to eat mushies but then docs like mine say 4 weeks before mushies. I"m looking for a healthy balance."

  14. I am so glad this thread was started!

    I had my band installed 12/22. So I'm 4 days post op. I was on a strict 500 calories/2 Protein shakes a day for 2 weeks for pre-op diet. Now the rules are for the week of post op is NO Protein, just Clear Liquids. I"m dying here! I did cheat, I eat 1 bite of scrambled egg yesterday morning. It wasn't even a big bite. I'm worried to screw up my band like ya'll are saying but OMG, my stomach hurts so bad. It's hunger pains, not surgery pains.

    Then after my post op visit that I have with dr. which is not till tuesday, his rules are clear liquid w/protein shakes for 4 more weeks. Then after that I can to to mushies. I'm seriously...about to lose it.

    I started this journey at 293 on Dec. 8th and today, what 18 days I'm down to 273. Is this normal? 20 lbs in 18 days? I'm worried it's not healthy. And what happens at 4 weeks of just liquid? At that point I"m just pulling an "oprah" with her liquid diet in the 80's. Anyone can drop a ton of weight on the liquid diet but is it healthy?

    Also, I don't understand why some docs say 1 week after operation it's ok to eat mushies but then docs like mine say 4 weeks before mushies. I"m looking for a healthy balance.:smile:

  15. I am so happy I've read this thread!

    I'm day 2 post op and all I keep thinking is "why am I such a loser that I can't even do this like normal people, no...I have to go have major surgery". Ugh. I'm walking/pacing around the house...this gas is killing me. I have 8 incesions (lap band, gall bladder removal & hernia) and they don't hurt. I'm not even taking the percocit but at night and in the a.m. It's just the gas...I'm walking and taking the gas-x but OMG...make it stop.:)

    I am glad to know this too will pass...I'm just counting down the mins to when it does! LOL

  16. The post op liquid is pure hell. I can not agree more. But you gotta just stick with it. You gotta do this for yourself.

    This is your chance to prove to yourself that you can be successful. It really does do wonders for your psychy. It gives you that umph you need to know that you WILL be successful at your new life. You've got to remind yourself that this isn't just about shrinking your liver, it's about investing in your health for the rest of your life.

    Good luck, you CAN do this!!

  17. CONGRATS to our Christmas Eve Bandsters!!!

    You should be so thankful about no shoulder pain. I have such pain around my collar bones it is crazy. Much more intense than the soreness in my belly.

    I can't believe how well you are doing.

    I am just 2 days out and feeling lots of pain, no hunger just trying to drink a little bit at a time.

    As my kids are making brownies and Cookies for Santa I told them they probably didn't need to make that much this year because Santa really isnt' that hungry.

    LOL Same here. I told my son that maybe we don't have to make a ton of cookies tonight and maybe leave some crystal lite instead of milk this year. ;-) Do you think my son will figure out who santa really is? LOL

    I'm on day 2 post op and wow does my left shoulder and neck hurt. It's just really achey. And my guts sound like WWIII in there. It's terrible. It sounds like I'm starving to death but I'm not hungry what so ever. My family is sitting around having ham, potatoes, greens...good stuff. But I don't even want a bite.

    Question: Do you all feel like you have heart burn? Or like something is stuck? I chewed my B complex tablet (that thing was HUGE) and since then I feel like something is stuck so I keep drinking but it still hurts a little.

  18. I am wondering what foods that other's who have been banded cannot eat again. I understand that white bread, cake ect are off limits but I was reading the litature and it says "fiberous foods, nuts, ect." are not tolerated after you are banded. I find it hard to visualize a world in which I cannot eat an apple, oatmeal (irish oats especially) rice ect. I am wondering if this is an individual thing or if it is a universal exclusion. Thanks for the information.


    I really think this list is "at first". Once you find your sweet spot which can take to up to a year, your pouch will be able to tolerate about 1/4 cup of food. Thats when you'll be able to digest a little better. You just gotta remember to chew chew chew. Also, every doc. is different, like mine says NO dairy product ever...like ever. Not even almound milk or soy because it's a slippery slope to dairy which = weight gain. So everyone is different, you just have to be patient. It's hard, I know.

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