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Posts posted by HiMow

  1. I spent a lot of my summer working at an overnight girl scout summer camp. It was hard eating every meal in front of people I didn't know well enough to share my medical history with.

    I didn't lose any weight while I was there, which is crazy because I have consistently lost 10 lbs a month since surgery.

    I got back home a few weeks ago and it was such a relief. I was able to eat as slowly and as little as I wanted without feeling like people would think I was anorexic.

    The weight is coming off again. I was a little sad because I am trying to fit into my wedding dress by October. It is about a size 12 I would say.

    Well I took some pics just to update where I am and see if I could tell a difference since I left for camp. The difference is HUGE! My body is a totally different shape. I think I gained a tone of muscle or something and that is why it didn't look like I lost lbs.

    I tried on my dress just to see before I left for camp I was like 4 inches away from it zipping. It fits! Well, I can get it on, it doesn't look quite right but I know it will totally fit or maybe need to be taken in by October.


  2. I totally know what you mean! I spent this summer working at a summer camp for girl scouts. I was so worried that I would set a bad example or that people would think I was anorexic. I found that about half way through summer when I got the courage up to tell everyone on staff, every said they never even noticed. But then I felt they had my back if a kid did mention my intake. It is such a relief when everyone around you knows what is up.

  3. I have lost 100 as of today!

    I am so excited! I know I still have 86 to go, but 100 is a major feat in a little over 7 months.

    I am really enjoying how much easier life is, in general. I looked at my before shot and I cried. I wanted to hug that girl. All the hills she was afraid to walk up, the panic that she might not get enough food to feel full. :) :) :scared2:

    My body is so much easier to get around. I am able to enjoy just about any outdoor activity now. We are going on a hiking/camping/rafting trip tomorrow!

    Walking up hills is such a change. I panic before I start a hill because I forget that it isn't going to be like it used to. Then I am at the top thinking, wow, I didn't even notice while I was ascending. :o




    100 down:



  4. I have often encountered comments about friends and family "needing to keep up" with me.

    I struggle with people talking about my weight constantly, but you just have to realize that this time is for and about you. Don't let people make you feel bad for being a little selfish. But also, remember that the people around you will have to deal with the choices that you have made. They just need to work through the feelings of you not being the same old girl that they used to know. Also, sometimes the success of others causes us to reevaluate our own life situations. It happens to the best of people.

    My best friend, my mom, and my fiance have all tried to lose weight recently. It makes me sad when they go on and on about how great they are doing or how poorly they are doing. I can't seem to win over my emotions.

    I think everyone could stand to remember that all of the people in your life can be happy and successful and it doesn't take away from you. I know it is hard, and I don't think you are being a bad person or overly selfish. Few people could understand what you are going through unless they have been in the exact situation.

    Also, don't be surprised if you encounter a lot of people (usually obese) telling you how awful your choice to have surgery is.

    Every single person in the world is on their own journey. I'm proud of you for making a choice to improve your health.:smile2:

  5. just so you know, it took me a over a year to get approved. I gained weight the entire time and it was so depressing. In a couple years you will laugh at how upset you got. I cried too, but it DID finally happen for me and it will for you too.

    Also, I had a hiatal hernia repair that the insurance company is still trying to bill me for!!

    Yes, you will have to call the dr. and the ins company about a million times. You will probably memorize your policy number :biggrin: But, it will all work out!!!

    stay positive!

  6. Maybe they just want to be a part of a good thing. Just thinking that there is enough glory and happy to share in life.

    My husband is losing weight, too. Even though we ate healthy before there were still serving size issues. He is diabetic but does not have a bmi that was high enough to do the surgery. I am thrilled that he is getting healthier with me.

    I understand what you are saying, but I think what we meant was, although we are thrilled for our partners, there are other feelings as well. but thanks for sharing your experience.

  7. That is really sweet lady. I wish my husband was more like that. He is not negative or anything. It is just that everyone is complimenting me on how good I look. I have not told anyone about my band just that I work out about 4 days a week and have changed my eating habits...all true. My husband seems to just compare me to himself. Instead of saying something about my weight loss, he'll comment something like, I'm losing weight too. Why can't he just be happy for me and let me have my moment. Maybe he's jealous, I don't know. But, we are not in competition. I bought me a new scale and he gets on it everyday and expects me to tell him he looks smaller...yeah right. Anyway, I am just enjoying the compliments of strangers and feeling really good about it. (just had to vent :thumbup:)

    I can't say why for sure, but I am having a similar problem. My husband is very encouraging of the way I look and how good I do, but I have to share all of my glory with him, who started to lose weight really fast recently. He weighs himself every day and tells me how much he's lost every day. Before I asked him to stop when I weighed more than him because it was really discouraging, but now I don't really have an excuse.

    I think I'm just jealous because I had to have surgery and he didn't.

    I want to be happy for him, yesterday we went to the mall to get me something and it was closing in 15 minutes. We ended up getting HIM new jeans which he talked about how awesome he looked the rest of the night. He said I inspired him to lose weight, and I made a joke about him needing to keep up. Maybe it is my fault. :thumbup:

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