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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by mom2cjpx4

  1. Everyone is different. I read some people have the surgery on Friday and go back to work on Monday. I could NOT have done that. I had surgery on 12/11 and there was NO WAY I could have went to work on Monday. I took the next whole week off. By the next weekend I was still pretty weak and difficulty sleeping and just felt awful. I took the following week off, too - which happened to be Christmas. I picked a bad time, I guess. LOL. But by the 28th I was ready to get back to work. I didn't really need the whole two weeks but certainly needed at least that first week.
  2. I had my first fill today as well. They added 1 cc to the 4.5 cc that was already there. It was a bit painful. They had to put the needle in three different times because the doctor kept hitting the side of the port and he was moving the needle back and forth and around in circles. I guess I thought it would just go in and that would be it. I bled quite a bit too. Didn't expect that. Was able to drink fine. Two days of liquid diet. I came home and had soup. 1/4 of a can of soup and I was full but 1 1/2 hours later I was HUNGRY. That was disappointing. Was thinking I would stay fuller longer. I know soup is a slider so guess it is sliding, LOL. Am just hoping after the two days when I'm back on regular food that I will stay fuller longer....
  3. mom2cjpx4

    where did my energy go?

    Thanks for the tip on the liquid vitamin. I'll have to check it out!
  4. I'm trying to increase my calories but I just don't know what to eat to do that and don't want to overeat. My husband doesn't seem to have any problem and is losing like crazy!! I suppose I'll have to try to sneak in another snack or maybe have an oatmeal for breakfast and have my protein shake mid morning. I'm just not hungry and don't want to eat if I'm not. KWIM?
  5. mom2cjpx4

    where did my energy go?

    I take my vitamins but they make me SEVERELY nauseous. Anyway else get this way?
  6. I can so relate. I'm four weeks out. I have no restriction but I do limit myself to 1/2 cup of food at a time, twice a day. I have protein shake for breakfast and MAYBE a snack at night (sugar free pudding or a yogurt or a protien shake) and that's it. I'm taking 600 calories MAX a day and exercising 1/2 hour every night with either Wii fit or Wii Biggest Loser. Nothing too strenuous but enough to get moving and burn some calories. I also work full time during the day and try and get up from my desk as many times throughout the day as I can to keep moving. Since my surgery day I have lost 13 pounds but but lost 9 of that the first two weeks. The past two weeks I have lost only 4 pounds. I do notice my clothes fitting looser and my face is thinner. I am addicted to the scale. I weigh myself several times a day and I work at a medical office so we have scales there and I use them. I am going to have to stop doing this because it is becoming a problem. I get my first fill on the 13th and I'm hoping for some restriction and some more positive results after that. I am discouraged so I can relate to how you're feeling.
  7. mom2cjpx4

    where did my energy go?

    OMG, I thought I was the only one. I got banded on 12/11. I can't even walk around the mall without getting tired out. Grocery shopping requires a nap afterwards. I work full time outside the home and when I come home I just want to sit on the couch until 9 when I can go to bed!!! I don't want to do anything on the weekends either. I'm trying to get the protein in but having difficulties with the fluid. Hoping this gets over quick because I just can't handle it.....
  8. I am 17 days post op. I have been allowed to move on to meatloaf, egg salad, tuna salad, chicken salad, etc. type of diet. Tonight for dinner I had some chicken salad and decided to try 1/2 a wheat roll with it. CHEWED til it was mush but about 10 minutes after I have been coughing profusely - the point that I am gagging. I cannot stop coughing. It's almost like a choking coughing. Has anyone else experienced this? Is this from the food? Is something going on? I have had a flare up of my asthma ever since surgery, I believe the anesthesia exacerbated dormant symptoms and at night I do cough profusely and have been taking Nyquil but have not had a coughing reaction such as this during waking hours. Just not sure what to do and how to relieve it at this point. UPDATE: I'm thinking this most definately had to do with the wheat roll or possibly the chicken as I have not had either before tonight. It has now been two hours since this coughing episode began and it is nearly over so I'm assuming the food has now passed, or at least considerably passed, and I'm feeling some relief. Now to decide which of the two is the culprits and to avoid those. Really hope it's not the chicken, however it was extremely moist, blended with a bit of chicken broth and some reduced fat mayonaise. Barely had to chew it was pureed so fine, so I can't imagine.... Still would like insight from anyone who has gone through this.
  9. I do have a nebulizer and some Albuterol - thanks to two children with asthma!! I will borrow it from them tonight and call the doctor tomorrow. Maybe a round of inhalers is needed to get through this initial bout of symptoms. Just concerned me that it happened after eating. Of course I'm a bit food paranoid since surgery. Always waiting for something to happen when I try something new and never knowing what to expect......
  10. mom2cjpx4

    This is a realistic 255lbs

    You are a beautiful girl. I understand we are not all happy with how we look and strive for change, as that is why we chose this surgery, but you are being harder on yourself than need be. I don't see an unattractive, fat, etc., person like you are putting in your tags. I see a beautiful, healthy woman. That is how you should see yourself!
  11. mom2cjpx4

    dallas stadium....owner club suite!

    Really, really impressed by what you've accomplished. You were just as cute heavy as you are thin. LOL. BUT what impresses me is the dallas stadium. OMG!!! My husband would totally freak! He is THE BIGGEST Dallas fan. I tried to get him tickets but couldn't. He had the surgery on 12/15 and I had it on 12/11. He is a big guy, too. Hoping he has great success like you did. Nice tats. My cousin is an AWESOME tattoo artist. Hoping after I lose this weight to get my first one.
  12. I'm 17 days out. Don't have alot of energy. Not too sore though. I tire easily. I used to be a six pack a day of diet coke drinker and had to give that up when I started my two week liquid diet pre - op so I think that is what is kicking my butt - no caffeine. I am going to start coffee. I took two weeks off work, went back today. I think the combination of the surgery, four kids, and the holidays just did me in! I wanted to start wii fit tonight but I just can't drag myself to do it. LOL. I'm thinking a protein shake and a good book in my warm bed is going to do it for me. Other than the tiredness I feel 150% better than I did a few days ago.
  13. mom2cjpx4

    12/20 - 9 days post op - 272 pounds (10 pounds less)

    Thanks! It's been a struggle but there's no turning back now!!!
  14. mom2cjpx4

    Stage 2 Foods

    If you have a sweet tooth, like me, this is what I did: sugar free Jello sugar free cool whip 1/2 scoop of unflavored Protein Powder or Sugar Free Chocolate pudding sugar free cool whip 1/2 scoop of chocolate Protein powder I mix it all up and make a mousse out of it and it's a nice low cal sweet treat with some protein as a bonus. We also have had alot of creamed Soups, low fat, such as cheddar broccoli but you can puree any of your regular soups (chicken noodle, vegetable, etc.) and they really don't taste that bad. If you're hungry, pretty much anything tastes good! Other than that it's the usual shakes, broth, yogurt, pudding.
  15. I had my surgery on 12/11. The shoulder pain was pretty bad for the first few days but Tylenol worked and it wasn't bad after that. The pain where my port was (on my right side) was HORRIFIC for about eight days. It felt like a burning sensation and like my guts were ripping out. Sorry if that sounds too graphic but I don't know how else to describe it. I thought I had maybe injured myself by bending or something so I called the doctor and they said it was normal. About day nine the pain was almost gone and since then gets better and better. I couldn't sleep in any position but my back and had a terrible time getting out of bed for about nine days too but now am able to maneuver and last night I could sleep on my port side with a pillow propped. I feel almost 100% back to normal. I did have the constipation about day five. It was HORRIBLE and lasted for about three days. I ended up taking a stool softener and it worked after about 12 hours. My problem now is hunger. I go to the doctor tomorrow and am hoping he is going to let me start some sort of real food. I have had no intolerance to anything so far, no nauseau, no gas. I am just hungry!! Give it a few more days and you will feel better.
  16. mom2cjpx4

    3rd Nov 09 113kg (249lb)

    You don't look 249 pounds at all. I LOVE that dress!!
  17. mom2cjpx4

    Couples being banded??

    Banded on Friday, 12/11, and hubby was banded this morning. Wondering what this adventure will bring. I won't lie, the first few days were horrible and I did have some regrets. It's getting better now but I'll be glad when I get to some normalcy. Once results start to show, that will be a plus, too. I mean I've lost 5 pounds since surgery but imagine that was alot of water or something. I also lost 7 pound from pre-op appt on 12/2 until surgery on 12/11. I won't get used to those kind of figures though! LOL
  18. I was banded on Friday, 12/11. The vicodin made me extremely nauseated and as I'm not supposed to vomit, I didn't take it. The gas pain in my shoulder was bad but it is tolerable. The worst is the pain in my right side. It feels like my guts are being ripped out (sorry if that's too graphic.) I also had trouble breathing but that is getting better. I am coughing all the time though and when I cough it kills me - on the right side. I can't bend over to pick anything up. Also, I couldn't tell if I was hungry or full but now I'm starving! I'm afraid to eat too much as I don't want to get sick. I was on clear liquids but today was supposed to start full liquids. My doctor says no jello (says it will get stuck) and didn't mention anything about pudding but others say they do pudding so I'm confused. When I do eat, it isn't keeping me full long enough, I don't think. I'm supposed to be doing something every hour (water, protein shake, juice, milk, gatorade, yogurt, broth, creamed soup, etc.) I am just overwhelmed by this whole situation......

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