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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by Jackiedi

  1. can anybody please explain what's the rationale against drinking coffee? does it damage the band (like carbonated drinks are supposed to do) or is just this stupid notion the caffeine increases appetite? from personal experience I can tell you that caffeine actually decreases appetite (there are a ton caffeine products still sold out there as hunger control supplements - eca stack anybody?). so why this prohibition?

    I drink coffee all the time, fat free Creamer and a dash of cinnamon. its so good. i dont know what the big deal is about ''not drinking'' coffee. sometimes it makes my stomach bubbly but thats just digestion because of the caffeine. my doc has never said anything against it. i gave up eating/drinking everything, so i think i should be able to have coffee, and a cig! i know so many health conscious banders and they still screw up their bands somehow, so i just threw my hands up and try to be careful about 95% of the time. theres no sense in being healthy, but totally bored and restricted. i got the band to LIVE and enjoy life, not be a total prude. i drink coffee, smoke cigs, and take the occasional jager shot. :P

    80 pounds lost. 10 more to go. :D

    best of luck to everyone!

  2. I have also had the experience of my band seeming tighter months after my last fill, for no apparent reason. I just chalked it up to the band being fickle.

    I think that as we lose weight (and change from exercise too), our insides shift around. Eventually this can result in needing more of a fill, since there's less fat inside pushing on our internal organs. But maybe sometimes it just means the band feels tighter....

    As long as it's not too tight and you're not getting stuck more than usual, and you can still eat and drink okay, it doesn't sound like a problem. Do check with your doc, but you're probably okay.

    If the doc says anything interesting about this, be sure and let us know!

    Hey there!

    Thank you so much!

    I haven't lost much weight in the last month or two but realized I might be dehydrated. It's just a chore to drink all that Water and when we're dehydrated we can retain Water and puff up, which can cause tightness.

    I called my doctor this morning and they said my belt thing probably has nothing to do with it. They told me its pretty normal to get tighter all of a sudden. I should drink lots of water and see what happens within the next few days. I'm able to eat just fine, but I get stuck more than usual. No PBing though, because I do the downward facing dog yoga pose and it gets unstuck.

    They didn't say anything else interesting, just said it had nothing to do with it. The band is very fickle!!

  3. I'm going to call the doctor asap, but was wondering if anyone could give insight until then.

    2 days ago I wore a sweat band thing around my waist during my workout. I then drank some Water and noticed my band felt tighter than usual. I havent had a fill in 6 months! My band is still feeling tight and I don't know if that stupid tummy slimmer thing screwed up my band or not. Totally freaking out because it was on kind of snug for extra support.



  4. i've been a vegetarian for 13 years, although i've tried to incorporate fish into my diet since being banded. i don't have any recipes that jump out at me, but i'm very simplistic with most of my eating...i put pam in a pan and 'stir fry' tofu with spices (adobo, pepper, garlic, etc) and fresh basil i grow in my aerogarden. i LOVE morningstar's vegetarian sausage patties (or links). i have a lot of low fat cottage cheese and normally one hard boiled egg a day for Protein. i actually try to keep my veggie burger/veggie sausage pattie/etc consumption pretty low - only a few times a week b/c the carbs will add up pretty quickly if you eat them frequently. and as much as i absolutely love most Beans, especially chick peas and black Beans, i try to limit them to once a week or once every other week b/c they are very carby as well.

    if i think of any great recipes that i use, i'll email you them, jackiedi. since it's a friday morning, and i've already been at work for an hour, my brain isn't functioning at top speed :)

    Great advice as far as spacing different carbs out through out the week! I'm very careful about the carb intake!! Damn carbs lol

  5. Hey everyone,

    Thanks so much for the insight. You're absolutely right about eating more carbs which I am avoiding and i"m dropping weight like crazy. I think my boca burgers are soy, but I dont eat any other soy products as of now. I'm not sure how to cook tofu but I'm looking into it. I'm really excited about this change. About eating fish, I never have eaten figh (too much over fishing of the oceans), so that's a tough one for me. I found a great low fat/carb recipe for stuffed zucchini and can't wait to make it! I'll post it for you guys. (link below).


    As far as meat substitutes, what do you like to eat? Any special brands?



  6. Hey everyone,

    I'm leaning more towards a vegetarian lifestyle. After being banded a year and being on a high meat Protein diet I feel I need a change. For many reasons I'm turning vegetarian and I know my doctor will not like this. I find that Boca burgers are more filling than real meat. So I was wondering if any other veggie banders had some good recipes for me. You can paste them on here or send them in a message.

    Thanks in advanced and happy banding,


  7. I've never seen it be a problem. As a retired DC I have been exposed to a wide variety of therapy both as provider and as patient. I have never read on LBT of any forum member reporting a Band issue resulting from such.


    Thank you so much for your input! I'm looking into having it done and am pretty excited about it.



  8. Hey guys,

    Just wondering if anyone knew about reflexology (pressure points located on feet that correspond with organs in our body). I'd like to get this massage done for stress and other ailments I have such as sinusitis, but there's a point on the foot that is for the stomach, and since I have a lap band I'm curious to know about going through with it or now. Will consult with surgeon and reflexologist beforehand of course, but one of you may know!

    Thanks in advanced,


  9. I can drink really fast as well. I've only had one fill, and havent noticed too much difference. I just hope im not ruining anything inside! I dont have problems drinking with meals, or an hour after, but in between I can drink a whole bottle pretty quickly. I need to work on that!!

  10. Oh that's cool. I consider myself to be a social smoker as well. I don't smoke during the day or in my car, and I'm always out and about trying to keep busy after surgery! But, at night I like to enjoy a smoke while on the phone or when a friend comes over. Thanks for sharing that with me though!

    I will always and forever be trying to quit. I'll get around to it when I'm adjusted to my band. I see it as one step at a time.

    Thanks again!

  11. Very interesting post. My father feels this way about fat people and that's why I developed bulimia, anorexia, binge eating disorders and now, through years of dealing with my own internalized hatred got the lap band. Though, to just think "fat" people are lazy, gross, loppy, etc is tragic. There is disgust everywhere I go. I see unwed teenaged mothers on welfare with 5 kids from 5 different men. I see skinny, gorgeous people on drugs, stealing, and abusing people for a fix. I see child molesters, murders, rapists, bullies, animal abusers, etc. All that is what I HATE; not an overweight person, who by the way eats to soothe their pain from thoughts like yours.

  12. Jackiedi,

    Healthy people don't develop diabetes, Hypertension, and stroke risk. Screenable conditions. These things cause insurance risk. My company self insures and pay over 1 million dollars a year in claims. 33% are obese, 33% overweight. Much like the American population.

    Sure, drug addiction, pregnancy, and others things cause cost, but the ultimate cost in America for high healthcare costs have to do with lifestyle. Obesity is one of the leading causes.

    My company will not pay for motorcycle claims, or parachuting claims either.

    People skills. OK, I have been blunt. I have also been apologetic and explanatory. I am not perfect, far from it. And I have the band to change my life. I am not trying to be a KING ON TOP. Should you not like how I express my opinion, I am truly sorry. I frequently have to work one on one with people in my work environment and am considered successful. Sorry I do not click with you.

    BTW, as a painter, what medium do you use? I am in the art supply industry?

    Thanks for your response. Good luck on your journey too!!!


    Ah, I understand, just giving you a hard time. You make some good points, but I'm always up for a challenge. :smile:

    Congratulations on your success. I hope I'm just as successful! That's really cool you're in the art supply biz. I mostly use acrylic; it just dries faster!! I once painted a beautiful poppy field with oil and 3 months later it was still wet. My cats ended up leaving their paw prints in it, guess they wanted to help!

    Add me to your list, and maybe we can talk art supplies!

  13. TJ:

    Interesting saying, "healthy people cost less"

    In what way? Just because they may get sick from time to time? Oh but what about all the "skinny/healthy" people who get knocked up and have to leave work, or suddenly develop a cocaine addiction, or the skinny tards on welfare? I dont think SIZE matters at all in most cases. Your point is moot.

    And, if you were so perfect you wouldn't have needed the band. Give the girl a break. This situation is called Bandster hell for a reason.

    P.S. While you're at it, being king on the mountain top, learn some people skills on top of all your other lovely talents..


  14. Okay, I know all the complications of cigarette smoking. I'm well aware of that, so please no lectures. I know you all are nice folks who want the best for fellow banders. With that said, I stopped smoking pre op for a few weeks, but I do enjoy a cigarette or two at night while with friends drinking my warm tea. I plan to quit sooner or later.

    I'm just wondering who else has smoked after surgery and anything they can tell me about it.

    P.S. I also know that smoking with the lap band defeats the purpose of being healthy, etc.

    So any other banders who smoke, feel free to drop me a line or two!!


  15. I did follow all of the Dr's orders and had the best attitude and still my band has to come out! I'm scheduled for a revision on Wednesday, so it is the luck of the draw who keeps theirs and who does not. I don't want to rain on anyone's parade but the band is a great tool that comes with it's share of problems. I have talked to many people who have had no problems what so ever and then lots who have. I wish everyone could have a wonderful experience but if you read enough you will find that is not always the outcome.

    Good luck to all!


    Hello,sorry to see you're having troubles with yours and need to have it removed. Thanks for sharing with us; I think it sheds light on the reality. If you don't mind sharing, why must you have it removed?

    Best of luck to you!

  16. This IS a disturbing thread, but beneficial. I did not know that statistic and it is bothersome. Were there time frames given? Such as – 10% removed in the first year? Did it break down the 25% by reason for failure? Equipment failure vs body rejection vs non-compliance? I think this is relevant because if you lurk around in the forum “Lap-Band® Complications,” (also a disturbing pre-op activity) the bander’s behavior really does cause many of the problems. This is not “blaming the victim,” it’s observable from the population that posts. Several posts will include statements like “I knew I was pushing it…” OR “I know I wasn’t following the rules….” I have read posts where bander’s went to Mexico and came home with NO post-op care arranged and no idea of the recovery process. Others are days from surgery and do not know what kind of shake to buy or are asking the forum for definitions of the most basic terms, imperative to their health! There are those people whose bodies will just reject the band (I’m so afraid I will be one of these), but I suspect that the majority of failures are linked to the bander’s preparation, education and compliance.

    You have a really good point. I think as long as you follow your doctor's instructions, stay connected with your support network, and make healthy choices you'll be fine. We all will be. I know about 8 people who have the band and some have had it for almost 10 years!! None of them have had it removed. They follow the rules and keep their appointments with their doctors.

    Stay positive!! Hope this helps :blink:

  17. Hmmm, my doctor says, when you're hungry eat. Take your time, eat slowly, chew your food well, and make healthy choices. My fill isn't until the 18th of January so i have a while to go. There's no way I could eat a CUP and I don't think anyone else could too. All I'm saying is there's no need to starve for heavens sake. And, it doesn't matter how long you've been at this; from what I can everyone's surgeons have different rules. Im going by what mine says and the same goes for you and everyone else.

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