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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by jaxmom

  1. Porkchop911- aren't these people amazing? It's like having a whole team of nutritionists at your fingertips! The motivation they give is also super. I wish I could offer advice but I'm only a bit over two weeks out and trying to up my calories (per advice of my online team :) :) :) ). I will say this though- you have the best online name ever!!!

    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App

  2. Oh wow... I'm actually printing all these out as they come across. I feel like I have my own personal team! I can't thank you enough for taking the time to respond and with such clear, concise answers. I'm still a newbie but I hope I can be here for you guys in some way if ever needed. Ok, off to the surgeon for my 2 week check! XO Jennifer

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  3. Oh fellow geniuses I have a niggling question in my brain that's been keeping me up. I track every meal (even blts- bites, licks, tastes) in my Jawbone Up fitness tracker and and on a sample day I ate 658 calories, getting in 83 grams of Protein. I walked 7, 376 steps for a total burn of 1,771 calories. I guess what I'm wondering is the calorie total seems awful low now. What's going to happen when im off the shakes (I want off the shakes- I don't feel they are healthy and would like to eat clean high protein low carb but those numbers are gonna be hard to match. Weight loss has been going great but once I eat something real, won't I, ya know, blow right back up? Even if I keep it at 1200 a day that's still a jump. My husband has been analyzing my work out numbers and he seems to think it will all be ok but I want to ask the experts (YOU GUYS). I'm so confused... Am I worrying to much about numbers??? Full disclaimer I dont do well with numbers- my kids FaceTime daddy when it's math homework night so yeah... When we are able to eat more is that it?? Boom? Should I try to get calories up more now?

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  4. Ok that's it. You inspired me Andrea72. I'm going to find a run and run it. I've always thought those mud runs look like a blast because A. You run through mud!!! And B. They drink beer at the end!!!! Sadly my years of college rugby have left me with a knee replacement, back surgery and foot reconstruction. I still have those awesome memories though... Oooo the after parties..... Oh sorry where was I? Yes!!! A run!!! Is it bad I really just want to do it so i can wear the t shirt to my kids swim meets like all the other fit cool moms? I'm so shallow. Sigh.

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  5. I was just in the same position- my father in law and his wife were coming to stay right after surgery. They are big drinkers and foodies and I knew I would still be on liquids (and not the kind they drink!). I thought about it for a half second and then "had an ancient aunt die in NJ". My husband used points and set me up right down the road on the beach in St. Augustine. It was bliss. It also was an easy decision because no one has ever been as critical of about my weight as my father in law. Hubby and I have been married 16 years, 2 awesome, smart kids... The only thing he cares about is my pants size. Nice huh? Anyway we are going on an Alaskan cruise with them at the end of the summer... I can't wait to see his face. Oh my, there was a vent for you, huh? Ok here is the deal- you need to focus on YOU. There will always be something that comes up. Take this opportunity and surgery date to get healthy. I so wish you the very best. :)

    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App

  6. Lupita19 you have GOT this!!! I had my sleeve April 20th and I feel awesome! Tons of energy and for the first time in many years the scale is moving down. It's a wonderful feeling! You are gonna rock your surgery and then post how great you feel, I promise! How here is a big hug O. Stop crying and do something you enjoy. My favorite thing to do was look through magazines at all the clothes I was finally going to be able to wear. ;)

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  7. Yep, there is progress!!! Now I need to get off this male before and after board before da hubby sees... And I may need to turn down the AC because goodness gracious, it's hot in here!

    I joke I joke! I live in Florida, it really is hot!

    Keep up the great work gentlemen. Great to see your positive posts. :)

    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App

  8. Ahhhh phentermine.... I have a long, sad relationship with phentermine. I started taking Prescription wl pills in the 1990s when fen phen was the rage (it was a mixture of phentermine and something else) well it was awesome, people (myself included) danced in and out of pop up diet clinics shrieking "IM THIN!!!!" Worked like a charm. I personally lost 24 pounds. Problem was, it caused holes in people's hearts. Bummer!!!!! Diet pills fell out of fashion for a while but came back in the news with xeincal (removes fat from what you eat with rather unpleasant side effects). Slowly doctors began prescribing phentermine and I know in my area there are lots of diet clinics that will prescribe it for a hefty fee. It's GREAT at first- I say my house is never as clean as when it's phentermine clean!! I don't want to eat, have lots of energy, weight comes off- fantastic, right? Well the problem is, your body gets used to it pretty quickly. And each subsequent time you try and take it after it is less effective. You might get a great month or two out of it and that's it. I've tried asking my WL clinic doctor for more at that point ("but my cleaning non eating buzz is gone, can't we bump it up a bit?") is always met with a resounding NO. As a matter of fact, my GP won't even write a script for it- she just thinks it's too short term to really be worth it so I would sneak to clinics. I should also mention it can make you EXTREMELY irritable. I had a friend who took it and was a middle school teacher. Her principal called her in because there were so many parent complaints about her being a witch to the kids and she fully admitted it- the phentermine was making her very testy. She stuck to taking it on weekends and her own kids lived in fear of her. So.... Short working life, hard to get, can make you grouchy... Yeah, it wasn't a long term solution for me. I got a band, it worked pretty well, band broke, I got sleeved last week and am loving life. The only thing I regret is spending all those years dabbling in diet pills. I was a self pay for the band in the Dominican Republic because I had a low BMI going in but man... I after so many years of being miserable I wanted that weight off soooooo bad. Now the sleeve is awesome (insurance paid to cover broken band) - best decision of my life. My husband is thrilled I'm done with diet pills too. Surely I wasn't cranky????? ;) Well at least the house was clean!!! :). Good luck in your journey!!!!

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  9. This is a great question! I had a sleeve almost 2 weeks ago and I feel FANTASTIC! I have so much energy I'm all over the place BUT at times I have a strange sensation of "falling out"- meaning the area where they dug my port out feels like it's gonna just go "plop!" It reminds me of how I felt after 2 C sections. Will a compression garment help this sensation?

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  10. Okidokie husband and I are looking for a good series to watch until season 2 of Bloodline starts up (it's filmed in the Keys where I was raised and an awesome show to boot!). I know Walking Dead has multiple seasons... Should we start at the beginning or can we jump in? Thanks!

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  11. Hey guys... To each and every one of you.... I BOW DOWN!!! I especially love to see all the dads and grandpas, the smiles say it all!!! Want a gift for your kids. Your enthusiasm is amazing and encouraging. This girl is going to do some arms right now!!! Thanks so much for sharing, you have no ideas how this makes me smile. Awesome.

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  12. I met a young woman by chance this weekend who overheard me telling someone I had just had Bariatric surgery. She waited till I walked by and said "I had it too, 2 years ago. It changed my life". She was stunning- athletic, healthy and so open. She said she was 22 when she had the surgery and it changed her life. She said she never would have been on vacation in Florida, as the "old her". All of the other girls with her had been with her through her journey and all pulled out pictures of her pre weight loss. In every picture she was on the side looking miserable. It was hard to place the vibrant smiling girl in front of me with those pictures. We all talked for a while and one of the other girls told me she wished her mom would have the surgery- she was worried about her health and she said it was sad... She was 27 and didn't have a single picture of her and her mom. Mom would never be in them. Overall, this generation is very savvy with research and open to discussion- I think if a 22 year old makes this decision they should be encouraged and supported in making a choice that can add years to their lives. My only regret every day is that I didn't do this years ago. I've missed so much. So now, onward!! :) :)

    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App

    I met a young woman by chance this weekend who overheard me telling someone I had just had Bariatric surgery. She waited till I walked by and said "I had it too, 2 years ago. It changed my life". She was stunning- athletic, healthy and so open. She said she was 22 when she had the surgery and it changed her life. She said she never would have been on vacation in Florida, as the "old her". All of the other girls with her had been with her through her journey and all pulled out pictures of her pre weight loss. In every picture she was on the side looking miserable. It was hard to place the vibrant smiling girl in front of me with those pictures. We all talked for a while and one of the other girls told me she wished her mom would have the surgery- she was worried about her health and she said it was sad... She was 27 and didn't have a single picture of her and her mom. Mom would never be in them. Overall, this generation is very savvy with research and open to discussion- I think if a 22 year old makes this decision they should be encouraged and supported in making a choice that can add years to their lives. My only regret every day is that I didn't do this years ago. I've missed so much. So now, onward!! :) :)

    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App

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