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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by jaxmom

  1. I had my entire knee replaced 3 years ago. Then 2 years ago I had extensive back surgery ( they fused a few lower vertebra together, built a cage, etc). The icing on the cake was foot reconstruction this time last year. I was on a scooter for months. GOOD NEWS. The sleeve isn't ANYTHING like those surgeries. It's not nearly debilitating, no rehab or PT. The first day or so may suck but you are on meds and won't likely remember most of it. A lot of the pain meds are different too- much stronger with knee surgery. I'm almost 3 weeks out and am back to taking dog to park, shopping, gardening, tending to my kids and bees... Seriously it's not that bad. Oh I feel I must disclose my injuries were a result of rugby and my mom still gets a great kick saying "I told you so!" You will be FINE. Just ask if you have questions or concerns. Good luck!

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  2. "Vegemite is the food of my people". Thanks KindaFamiliar... My few final owie stitches were so close to healing up finally... Oh no and now the hubby hears me guffawing! Kids are up!!! Dog barking!! I hope you are happy you have wreaked havoc upon a nice, quite family in Jacksonville, Florida!!!!!!

    Actually don't worry about it. We are bored and welcome distractions! Especially the dog.

    Now I'm off to bed. I will leave you all with this: sleep tight and don't let the bed bugs bite. If they do, hit them with a shoe.

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  3. Oooooo I love all these beauty tips! My new favorite is coconut oil. I was giving some to the dog on a treat and figured "what the heck?" and smeared it on my arms, legs, face. I'm a product junkie (when I die I hope heaven is a combo of a dog park and a Sephora) and have lots of creams and potions. Well don't you know my skin looked and felt better than ever with that Trader Joes coconut oil right out of the jar? Granted the dog kept trying to lick me for several minutes but it worked!! Keep the tips coming ladies!!!

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  4. Ooooo can we just have a thread where everyone posts pictures of their pets? That way I can kill 2 birds with one stone- I get my weight loss support and don't need to get my pet fix on Pinterest! (I would never kill a bird btw ;) ). Ok my baby Molly the boxer goes everywhere with me and has no concept of personal space- she's always right on me. After surgery she seemed to sense I was a bit owie and stayed down. As soon as I could I took her to the park to run off her excess energy. It was great for her and me. I also enlisted the help from my son to serve as a snuggle/nap buddy. I'd say it's working well for both of them.

  5. I'm so glad someone asked this. I'm almost 3 weeks out and have no problem drinking and eating (yogurt, refried Beans, ricotta cheese). Granted I've never taken more than 4 or 5 bites (with a baby spoon) but I've yet to have a "full" feeling like some have expressed. I even asked my nurse if the doctor actually created a sleeve at my follow up. She laughed and said oh he did, trust me. I'm doubly concerned because my doctor had a hard time digging my band out (I'm a revision) and he said due to scar tissue, I have an exceptionally small sleeve. I can't get over the nagging feeling of "will I be the first failure?" Thank goodness for the sgb224 post... 95 lbs is AMAZING!!!! I've only lost 12 and am bummed... But hey, the scale is finally moving in the down direction so I'm thrilled I did this. Oh I do have a question though- what does "full" feel like? A cramp? A stuffed feeling? Will I get a warning? Sorry if these questions come across as stupid... I'm a newbie.

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  6. Ahhhhh buddy... I'm so sorry to hear this. Sounds like you were taking a positive step in your life so I'm sure this is really hard. I know from reading the boards that people say don't make any big life decisions in the first 6 months after your surgery. I guess your body is going through a lot and so is your mind. I understand it's not your choice though, so I'm sure you are upset.... I really really hope things work out. Sorry could not help per se, just wanted to give you a bit of support with a smile for what you are going through. Best of luck, I mean it. :)

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  7. He doesn't want to get rid of it? And it's not working? I would seek a second opinion ASAP. That's terrible you have been having pain! I had my band for 6 years and it broke. My doctor said immediately (when I started to cry) not to worry, he would remove and create a sleeve. 2 months later he did, insurance covered whole thing and I feel FANTASTIC (I'm about 2 1/2 weeks out). Btw I referred to my broken band as "space junk"'after I found out it was just floating around in there... not working... So glad it's gone!! Good luck hope you feel better. :)

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  8. From my experience I'm being more cautious about who I tell. I had the lap band 6 years ago and lost about 30 pounds (from 192 to 162). I was very happy with the results but everyone else I knew (especially my father in law) would ask me how I felt about getting something that didn't work. Uhhhhh.... It did work. I was happy. Anywhoo the band broke and I regained (up to 177) and got the sleeve. I'm keeping my mouth shut because God forbid I don't get down to a preteen size I'm sure those people are going to comment AGAIN. I have no aspirations of being the size of a preteen. I want to be able to play tennis with my family again without huffing all around the court. I may use this, I read it on a board the other day... "Oh my weight loss? How? Acupuncture and hypnosis". I'm practicing saying it in the mirror with a straight face. ;) Good luck to all, chins up, don't let the silly comments ruin any of your journey. (Now if I can just heed my own advice... ;) ;) )

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  9. Sharon1964- thanks so much for "letting us in". The fact that you went from 403 to 242 is amazing. When you said the part about not seeing the 3 as the first number when you get on the scale really made me smile for you. :) I found this whole thread to be really interesting and am glad to see that not everyone agrees with the BMI charts. According to the charts, I need to weight less than my 12 year old daughter. I'm only 5 foot tall (although I pray every night that I will grow a half inch... I'm 44, it's not gonna happen is it? Sigh). And they want me at something like 100 pounds. Haahahahha!!!!!! Yeah.... Not gonna happen don't want it to happen. I love the poster who said body styles are like hair styles... Everyone has a different one that suits them. Gee you people are smart. Aww. I wish I could personally deliver each of you a Protein shake and a hug. Here is the hug. O. Way to go Sharon- you rock.

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  10. My recovery... Let's see... I'm a little over two weeks out. I just left the dog park and stopped to buy two big plants to put in this afternoon. I feel fantastic. My doctor sometimes does procedure in 2 parts as well but I PUSHED. He said I had a lot of scar tissue but managed the sleeve (it's a smaller sleeve than usual and I'm fine with that!!). I love love love having absolute control over things now- the band frustrated me. Honest to goodness it was such a simple process... I'm still in shock. But feel AWESOME. Let me know how it goes for you ok?

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  11. Great story!!!! Thank you for sharing. I'm actually very pro band. I had one for 6 years and it was good- I'm not going to say great because it could be easy to cheat and gave me some serious Issues with stuff getting stuck. That being said I don't regret getting banded because I did lose. I got active. Then it broke. :( I was crying on the table and my doctor assured me it was no problem- he would remove band and create a sleeve. And he did!!! My insurance covered entire thing (I was shocked because I was a self pay in the Dominican Republic) and the whole process took less than 2 months. I had sleeve surgery on April 20th and feel fantastic. I feel like I got a do over and wow... I'm going to work this! Best of luck to whatever you chose. If you have questions about conversation surgery, just ask. :)

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  12. After reading the last two posts I decided to share my experience. I had my sleeve done on Wednesday April 20th. I was in the hospital one night and released the next day. Yes, those two days were bad (but thanks to drugs I don't really remember them!) and there were a few ouchie days but by Monday, I was feeling fine. In fact.... I feel better than I have in years!!! I have this incredible surge of energy and no hunger. I asked my doctor yesterday at our follow up and he said it may be hormonal. Whatever it is, I hope it lasts! I almost feel like it's a dream. Every morning I wake up I feel so fortunate to have had this done because it's giving me so much control of my life. I have been running errands, working in the garden, attending swim meets for my daughter and taking care of my bees (yep I keep bees :) ) However I am realistic. I KNOW I may hit bumps and will have stalls- I've learned this from the wonderful veterans how share here. That being said I know there is this forum I can turn to for help and guidance in those dark days and that is a great feeling. My kids and hubby are so supportive and love seeing me this happy. I'm not kidding... I kinda feel like I got a do over. My heart hurts for those who are having such a hard time... Honest to god I wish so much that things get better. I just wanted to share my experience for those that are considering surgery... Everyone has a different experience. I wish everyone the very best. - Jen.

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