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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by jaxmom

  1. Florida Chris 13.9 lbs down???? Awwwwww I'm doing my happy dance for you!!!! The dog thinks dancing with mommy is fun so she's dancing for you too!! Ok so I'm not leaking like an old boat? Is it because our tummies are healing? I'm just used to feeling that restricted feeling and all at once- gone. How many ounces are you taking in at a time? I don't want to stretch/break/ explode anything. What a mess that would be huh? Lemmie know and keep up the good work!!!

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  2. The yoga ashram is that i have been going to for years is the Sivananda Ashram Retreat in the Bahamas. It's located just down the beach from Atlantis but is a million miles away in terms of experience. If you google it it will give you a year long calendar of weekends and speakers. It's for people of all faiths btw- meaning not strictly for Hindus. There is a set daily schedule- up at 5:30, meditation, yoga on a beautiful beach platform (all levels even newbies welcome) then brunch. It's all vegetarian, super clean no caffeine food. Delish. After brunch you are free to listen to a speaker, snorkel, hang in a hammock or do some karma yoga. At 4 there is another yoga class, followed by the second meal of the day at 6. Meditation at the temple at 7:30. Lights out by 10. They have a variety of accommodations for every budget- you can stay in a private room, share a room, they even have super fancy tents set up if that's what you are into. It's not a spa by any means but they do offer body work and amazing massages that are really reasonable. It's kinda like a hidden paradise. I love that there are people from all over the world, all ages. Like i said, great place to set a reset button. If you go let me know- I'm always looking for an excuse to go!!!

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  3. Help!!!!!!! Question about water- had my surgery on the 2O. Sipping Water has been brutal. This morning I can drink no pain at all. For some reason, this terrifies me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Shouldn't it still hurt? Feel restricted?? I hope someone knows so I can stop running around the house yelling "bee-do bee-do bee-do" (that's my troubled minion cry) because my hubby says someone needs to get work done (im guessing him?). Anyway fellow sleevers does this mean it's leaking?????????

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  4. Wow it sounds like you have a lot going on and are stuck in a rough patch. Your weight loss is AMAZING so it makes me sad that you are obsessing over food. But I get it. I too have been treated for anxiety and depression for years but don't think weight loss is going to magically make it go away (my doctor suggested same thing- kinda scary how they glaze right over the head stuff part huh?) and I'm trying very hard to keep my little brain busy. I'm a huge reader and wow, does that help!!! I'm reading an author by the name of Jen Lamcaster. She has several books starting with Bright Lights, Big Ass. I literally cry tears when reading it because she's got so many issues (weight being one of them) and her approach to life is so different than mine it kinda wakes me up, ya know? She has a huge ego and mouth to match and rises to the top of her career when she comes crashing down and learns a whole heap of humility. I don't know, the Jen books just take my mind off my stuff even for a moment and I can get a better perspective of what's what. I've recommended her to bunches of women and they all say the same thing. Gosh girl... 139 down and still dealing with obsession- it just goes to show how hard we are on ourselves don't you think? I do and it makes me so sad and frustrated!! And I've noticed sometimes instead of just a kind word people want to turn everything INTO something huge. Ugh. So other than the Jen Books have you ever taken a yoga class? They are everywhere and sometimes you can find a teacher who is good enough to teach the basics (not all this crazy gym yoga) breathing, being mindful, stretching they can all be super empowering. For the past 10 years i go to an ashram in the Bahamas for a few days by myself and hit the reset button. It's great because there are people there from all over the world and no one judges, they are just there to take a step back from their crazy lives and prioritize. Plus it's stunning and relatively inexpensive! And there are only 2 meals a day and they are yummy vegetarian which i normally don't go for but there, it's amazing!!! I always come back a few pounds down and leave something that's been bothering me (maybe a bad habit) there on the beautiful beach on Paradise island. I trust the waves to take care of it. :). Keep in touch and let me know how you are feeling, ok?

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  5. You asked for a tip so here is one- be careful what you listen to and get caught up in on this site. I think 99.9 percent who leave comments are thoughtful, caring and really go above and beyond for strangers- then you have the negative Nell's or Nellies (I loved LHOTP growing up- there my age showed!!!) who want to argue, tell you you aren't ready, you are too ready, your cat isn't ready for you to have surgery.... I try to imagine those people with talky talky hand puppet gestures behind everyone's back because they know everything . Anyway don't forget why YOU are doing this and you have all the control once surgery is over. Just you. Quite empowering to think about huh?? It will all be FINE. Because I say so! ;)

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  6. Do you have a xanex??? Take a xanex. You need your sleep to get you through another day that brings you to surgery! And that is a day to CELEBRATE!!!! The surgery part is fine and recovery is a piece of cake..! Try spending time looking through the celebrity sections of news papers online so you can see what you would wear when you lose enough weight or what NO ONE SHOULD WEAR EVER. That's even more fun!!! Seriously through my nurse flat out asked me if I had a xanex (ooooo it felt so so naughty!) but I actually did so I took it and la la la la la.... Birdcage clean, closet organized, plants stared at. It's all good. You. Will. Be. Awesome!!!!!

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  7. So June! Awesome! That gives you time to get everything together, last minute stuff, etc. I personally nested. ;) Will this be a revision or a first sleeve? Any goals or expectations? I'm hear to chat with whenever as long as you are willing to bear with some silly questions at times and a general good sense of humor. I don't like all the NO!!!!! NEVER!!!! WHAT ARE YOU THINKING????DIDNT YOU THINK AT ALL?!?!? YOU CANT BE SERIOUS ENOUGH ABOUT THIS!!!! And so forth. The later it gets the more heated it gets... I think it's because people are trapped in a computer room with low blood sugar. Everyone needs to stretch, maybe eat a yogurt? Good thoughts good good thoughts. Be well jenetts!!!!

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  8. No I don't mind sharing at all- that's if you are nice in your response! ( I don't mean you jenetts- I've just been watching an ugly thread play out somewhere else on this site and some people are not not nice!). I was banded down in the Dominican about 7 years ago. At my highest I was 197- not a super high number, except I'm only a whopping 5 foot tall. In shoes. I also have had a full knee replacement, back and foot surgery. I needed to get weight off and I did somewhat with the band. (I'm not going to go back into the 25 plus years of dieting, pills and a long bout with throwing up that got me to surgery- lets just say i didn't wake up one day and say "what a pain this fat is!!! I'm going to fly off down to the Dominican and get this fixed!!!!") anyway I slowly stared regaining in January. I figured it was time for a fill so i went to see my doctor. He went to inject the port and announced "it's broke- no good" (my doctor is Russian and in a Russian accent it was kinda hilarious) anyway he said no problem- he would remove my band and make a sleeve. And a month later, he did!!! He said i had a lot of scar tissue and I'm going to have a smaller pouch but that's great with me!!! So numbers: I went in on surgery day at 177. I'm now 171. Again.... Before anyone wants to start with negative comments, just don't take your time typing. I am so so so tired of missing vacations, hiding in my room places, not going to wedding, hell the first picture I voluntarily posed for was my profile picture- and only because I got to hide behind an animal. I want and need to lose this weight for my mental and physical health. My goal? 145. I would like to do it in 6 months. I'm like a turtle... Slow and steady wins the race!!!!! So that's that. I wish everyone a good night!!! :)

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  9. Yuck yuck and double yuck. What a baby I'm being... It's just that... Jello used to be fun, ya know?? Pretty colors with blobs of canned fruit in them... Mashed into something with pineapple, pecans and whipped cream (I think it's a southern thing) or sucked out of a paper cup infused with vodka. Now it's just Jello. It's not jellos fault, it's mine. So I'm breaking up with it. I'm going to tell my little lime guys "Its not you, it's me... But it's mostly you". Black cherry is getting the boot too.

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  10. This is very interesting- I was just sleeved on the 20th and before check out, a pharmacist came in and told me that the pristiq I have been taking for 7+ years was not going to be effective any more because it's time released. This is a real issue because it took me almost a year to find a med that worked and did not make me sick. Apparently there is no other form of the med other than time release. I'm still taking it and feel fine... But now reading this has me worried. Anyone else have to have anxiety/depression meds changed?

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  11. Hahahaah my last "food" was a bowl of popcorn. I was in tears when i ate it and guess where I ate it? In the tub!!!!!!! :). You are lucky to have a good hubby- mine rocks and I'm so glad for his support. About the food.... We can eat again. We just won't want to. I have a friend who was sleeved and you would never know it- her and her hubby (bypass) go everywhere and love to eat- always planning crab boils, big thanksgivings, I see them out at our local drinking hole in the wall and they look awesome. They still eat and drink, just way way less. I think in the moment it's hard but in the long run we won't even remember this time of "missing out". All the goodies will still be there, and we will enjoy in moderation. It's good, you have got this!!!!!!!

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  12. I've had 2 cs and for me, the sleeve recovery is much easier. With a c section there is all that Fluid and hormonal stuff, this doesn't. HOWEVER. I still have that "falling out" feeling when I stand up- the feeling where my tummy is gonna just go "bloop" and pop out of my body. Quite a visual huh? :) I agree with a lot of the posters who where in for unexpected pain. We are all smart, read, ask millions of questions and there are still things that take you totally by surprise. I think it's better that way sometimes.... The worry can be worse than the actual event. Take care and be well all!!!

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  13. No fair!!!!! I wanna be an Aussie Sleever!!! Can I be your mascot? I'm from Jacksonville, Florida and I had a bestie who taught me to drink and curse oh so eloquently. She she moved I got so sad I gained weight. :( :( Now I'm 4 days out from sleeve surgery and am super emotional for some reason. Wonder what that's about? Anyway if anyone has an extra wombat around and wants to box it up for me I can trade you a python from the Everglades! Ooooo or how about an iguana? Got lots of those. If you want something more cuddly there are gangs or raccoons who keep the checks and balances on the garbage cans here. If no wombat I will take a platypus or very small kangaroo. Thank you.

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  14. Valentina your honesty is refreshing. Thank you!!!! I loved they you had your food funeral at the Jersey Shore. I was born in cherry Hill and went to ocean city several times with my grandparents for the summer. Bobs french fries, Boardwalk pizza, custard, a lemon ice, the peanut man and saltwater taffy. Ahhhhhhhhhhn what a great walk down memory lane!!! My parents moved us to the Keys when I was 7 so my boardwalk binges were done. How I miss that awesome food, combined with the salt spray and people watching!!! (Just for clarification in case my grandmother, rest her soul is looking over my shoulder as I type we only went to Ocean City. Wildwood was too "rough".). Teeheeee!!!

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  15. Anyone else scared?? Well let's see if 4:50 am and I'm sitting in the bathtub googling away because I can't sleep. When I try to sleep i imagine my naughty, naughty tummy churning away thinking of ideas how it can undermine me. Will it split? Leak? Come together poorly with scar tissue left over from lap band and therefore leak? Is it lying in wait for me to have one sip of wine weeks from now so it can shut my system down completely and dramatically? I read somewhere that an octopus is so dramatic that if gets REALLY pissed off it will and can eat its own arm- how's that for drama? Surely my tummy isn't that naughty is it? Oh lord.... Kinda Familiar I love reading your comments because you always take the time to acknowledge what the person has to say and respond with a bit of humor without making the person feel like a totally dramatic octopus. Heheh how's that for making sense????? Oh well, it's 5:00 am, my mind isn't fully awake at all. ;)

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  16. Thank you so much for the info- I wondered why they weren't working. I did some weeding today and have been busy around the house and I think that has helped. Getting info from this site is wonderful but at the same time, I'm scaring myself by reading threads about leaks, getting things stuck in your seam, etc. It's amazing how much info is out there and how it is so vastly different. When I got a lap band 7 years ago there wasn't much to go on. What a difference with the sleeve. I think I may have scared myself out of sleep.... :(

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