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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by Notinks

  1. I don't mean to frighten you, but unexplained weight loss can be a sign of other illness. You should definitely discuss this with your dr. You don't want to undergo surgery if there is something else going on with you.
  2. I was able to walk around a large flea market when I was a month out, if that helps any. That's a hard decision. You "should" feel pretty well by then, but you never know....and you don't want to lose your appeal either. Can you find out how long the approval is good for? I would think if you schedule it now for a date soon after the wedding, they would be satisfied with that.
  3. I am almost 11 months out and used chewables up until recently. May sure they are not gummies, as those supposedly are not absorbed now.
  4. Notinks

    September surgery

    Doing great! Weightloss is slowing down but still adding up. I am 12 lbs from goal and 5 lbs from reaching the 100 down mark. I'm eating more calories than i thought I would be by now, but also exercising pretty heavily.
  5. Do you use myfitnesspal.com? I have used it to track everything I eat since my surgery 10 months ago and it keeps track of your Protein, carbs, sugar, etc. You can set custom calorie goals. You can track Water there too. At first, you will have a harder time getting things in, but do your best. Once you get into the swing of the Vitamins, it will be easier to do that too. I have a few in the morning, a few more at night, and spread my Calcium throughout the day.
  6. Are you getting enough Iron? Although most bariatric sites and even drs. don't mention it, I learned from a nutritionist on a Facebook board that you need to have poly or heme iron because ferrous isn't absorbed properly. I buy one called Feosol Bifera Iron. You will also feel better once you can get more calories in.
  7. As far as how long you should be off, I was off for 1 1/2 weeks from my office job and went back 1/2 days for a couple of days before returning to full time.
  8. I chose the bypass because I had reflux with the band, because I wanted the additional benefit of malabsorption, and because I wanted to go "tried and true" this time. I went with latest and greatest when I got the band 11 years ago, and that didn't prove to be a good choice.
  9. @@Susan626 My dr. didn't mention having any concern about the length of time I had the band. I know for some, there has been a lot of scar tissue built up, but that wasn't the case for me. No, he didn't mention a possible weakened esophagus. I had it done in one surgery. I didn't want to have to recover from two and wasn't sure my insurance would pay for two. I am soooo much happier without the band!
  10. Notinks

    Lower left side belly pain

    You could be. I remember that area being the sorest for the longest time. My dr. said it was because there was a large muscle there that had to be cut through. That is definitely way more exercise than I could have done at 2 weeks!
  11. You didn't fail the surgery, the surgery failed you. I tried to make things work with my band for over 10 years. I lost 90 lbs initially, but that was due to initial swelling and the fact that I am very good at "dieting" but not good at maintaining. I converted to bypass 6 months ago and it is a completely different ballgame. I can eat dense Protein and it fills me up. I stop eating because I want to and not because I have to. Don't blame yourself. We have a disease. The treatment was faulty, but there are better options! Hang in there!
  12. Yes! There is a big difference. I describe it as - with the band, I stopped because I was being "choked off," while with the bypass, I am truly full and satisfied. I remember feeling cheated with the band because I wanted to eat more but could not. With the bypass, I truly have no desire to eat more.
  13. Notinks

    September surgery

    I am also down about 66. I feel so great already where I am, but plan to lose another 40 or so. I am nearly to onederland! I bought some size medium tops the other day. Some were cut oversized and others are still a bit small, but amazing nonetheless. I have had breast reduction since my last major weightloss, so even then I was never smaller than a large. I have purchased a slew of designer jeans in size 12-14 that are waiting for me in my closet. I hope my thighs eventually get small enough to fit in them! @@redwings fan you are doing great! That is so sad when a dr. can't be encouraging. My dr and nut are nothing but encouraging so long as I am still losing!
  14. I had my band for almost 10 years when I revised to bypass September 15, 2014. I was away from work for 1.5 weeks and worked half days for a couple of days. I don't remember much about my recovery from the band, but this was not bad at all. I was sore, sure, but I also have a pretty sedentary job. I, too, never had GERD until the band. I decided to go with the bypass because it is tried and true. I went with "latest and greatest" with the band and know how that turned out. I also didn't want to risk GERD. I think once you have had it, you continue to be at risk for it. I love the bypass so far! Best of luck to you!
  15. I would insist on having it out unless there is some reason it would prevent you from having the bypass done due to scar tissue, etc. I had my band empty for over a year before my revision and I still had issues with it. Eating is completely different without that nasty band.
  16. Notinks

    Good bye lap band

    Congratulations! You will feel sooooo much better without that nasty band!
  17. I'm thinking a 12 right now, although I could go lower than that maybe. Hard to conceive of anything lower than that!
  18. I had my band removed and converted to bypass a little over 4 months ago in one procedure. I would say my loss has been slower than some, but I think it is more due to my age than anything. I am averaging around 2 lbs per week overall.
  19. Notinks

    CC length

    Sorry, I just re-read that you are DS and not RNY. Not sure if we are talking the same anatomy or not.
  20. Notinks

    CC length

    My surgeon does 150 and says that is a medial (vs. distal or proximal) bypass. I think the 150 cm length is actually pretty common. the way he described it to me is anything less than that causes big bowel problems and anything more is less effective for weight loss.
  21. Notinks

    September surgery

    @@Fab@Forty you are doing great! I am down 50 lbs, 43 since surgery. I feel like it is coming off pretty slowly for me. I haven't done a great job of cutting way back on carbs, though, so that is my goal for the new year! I made the usual treats for the family and only indulged in them a bit. It looks like I will not be a dumper, unfortunately. It is crazy because we still have some frosted sugar cookies laying around -- normally it is a major struggle to keep them around until Christmas -- and I only made single rather than double batches this year!
  22. Michelle, I had my band (placed Jan 2004) converted to bypass three months ago. I can tell you for me it is a HUGE difference in how it feels to eat. Even with my band empty, I was constantly having to worry about what would and would not go down. The way it feels for me with the bypass is like I am "naturally" full, content, satisfied, whatever. The one or two times I have pushed it, I just felt stuffed and uncomfortable. Love the bypass!
  23. I asked my dr. about it last week and he said as long as I wasn't having any problems, it is fine.
  24. Notinks

    Yay! Approved

    It feels very different in terms of how the surgery works, if that's what you mean. I had my band out 9/15 after having it in for almost 11 years. No more stuck food and worrying about each bite. I went out to eat with my family tonight and when I got up to use the restroom my husband gave me a quizzical look....I told him that no, I wasn't going to be sick like before. I think we revisions adjust much quicker too. I don't really take very long to eat because I have been chew chew chewing for nearly 11 years! Best of luck!
  25. Notinks

    September surgery

    I had my revision from band to bypass on 9/15. I'm doing great in terms of being able to eat. I haven't had any issues at all with that. I'm not as happy about my weightloss. I'm down 23 lbs since surgery. I have only lost an average of 2 lbs per week this past month. That's fine except that I expected it to come off faster after bypass. I did turn 50 this year, and I do believe what they say about it being harder to lose as you get older!

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