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Everything posted by hope4204

  1. i am almost 2 weeks post op, my doc put me on some medication to empty my stomach out.. so i was having bms at day 3, and as of yesterday i have lost 20 pounds since surgery! 10 the first week and 10 more as of yesterday! good luck!
  2. this is a bit crude, but it always makes me laugh! theres a camel and a elephant. the elephant says to the camel, why are your boobs on your back? the camel looks at the elephant and says, i dont know... why is your penis on your face?? hahahahahahahah *p.s. i tried to clean it up a bit but its still funny! hope you feel better!
  3. i am going to call my nutritionist tomorrow to make sure this is ok. i am eating the suggested portions for each meal, just not all at the same time. for example, i am allowed 1/2 cup of cottage cheese with 1/4 cup of pureed pears. i can not eat more than 1/4 cup of food at once so i just spread it out and eat a little at a time and come back later for the rest. does anyone think this is not good or is it fine? i am not eating more than i should volume wise, just more frequently!
  4. actually as of today im only able to eat a teaspoon at once. yesterday i ate some avocado chunks and it really did me in. it was a classic case of head hunger and before i knew it i was feeling so sick! i didnt vomit but came close and all day today i have felt like crap! i have tried to sip on a carnation instant breakfast throughout the day and had a tablespoon of cottage cheese, but not at once, it was a small amount a few times. im hoping tomorrow will be better. i put in a call for the nutritionist but she was busy so i hope to hear from her tomorrow!
  5. i havent had a protein shake since 3 days before surgery on the 7th! i got so tired of them i just basically starved the last 3 days of pre op because i could not bring myself to drink one! i started mushies yesterday, and have since felt full and satisfied until its time to eat again. now, before yesterday, i felt hungry ALL THE TIME! but as soon as i sat down and started eating some cream soup i knew immediately i wasnt actually hungry and stopped! the mushies have been great for me because i love the foods i am able to eat! i have a few bites of avocado with my chicken salad or refried beans and am SO full after just a few bites. so it will get better! just keep in mind that this faze will pass and soon you will be eating yummy stuff again!
  6. the thought of avocados and other food has kept me awake all night! im so frustrated at this point because this has happened 2 nights in a row now! sleep is so very important for me and the last thing i need right now is not enough of it! what a silly thing, to be kept awake by the desire to eat! mexican food is all i can think about when my head hits the pillow! this has got to end! any suggestions would be great! i do not want to have to resort to taking a sleeping pill, but if this does not stop thats all i know to do!:sad0:
  7. hope4204


    when im out of puree and able to eat solid foods, that will be a first on the list!
  8. hope4204


    YAY! avocado chunks dipped in chicken salad! i called 3 people to share my joy while eating lol it was heavenly and i was completely satisfied after 4 or 5 small bites! i cant wait to eat some more later!!!!
  9. hope4204


    i think im going to eat the avocado with my refried beans and possibly with the salads. we eat mexican every friday night in our family! guac dip is ALWAYS ordered and devoured! im looking forward to joining everyone once again for mexican night, but until then ill settle for some avocados with beans lol
  10. hope4204


    thanks everyone! i went to the grocery tonight to get my stuff to start the pureed stage! im so excited to be able to eat something tasty! i got, of corse, avocados! cottage cheese, chicken and tuna for salads, sf pudding, oatmeal, baby bell cheese, refried beans and some salsa to go in it, pears and peaches! i think thats it. i had one of the baby bell cheese things tonight to see how that went! i cant believe i spent 4 bucks on 6 of them and its basically just round string cheese!!! anyways it was a nice change tho!
  11. hope4204


    i dont start mushies until tomorrow!
  12. i woke up this morning to the wonderful aroma of bacon, eggs and biscuits! even though i know that i cant possibly be actually hungry at this point, i still want some real food! im going to a christmas party tonight but have decided not to stay long so im not tempted to eat anything! i tried some cream of chicken soup last night for the first time and that was very satisfying! tuesday i can start mushies so i dont have too much longer!
  13. thanks for all your responses! today has been remarkably better! i mixed up a protein shake and had just 4 oz! i needed something different than what ive been having! i added peaches with some cinnamon and 2 almonds for a little extra kick! it helped! im really just having to revert back to minimal television! the commercials really are so much food and do me in big time!
  14. I start my liquid diet tomorrow! Surgery is on the 7th! I went to the doctor today and scheduled it! I am beyond excited and so ready to start this journey!! My grandmom called me yesterday and told me she is going to loan me the money! I am still in shock! :001_rolleyes:
  15. hope4204

    December 7th!!!

    aw thanks chancie!! i have seen a few of your posts on here and a big congrats to you as well! this surgery is such a wonderful tool! im only 4 days out, but am already feeling like this is the best decision i have ever made for myself! i have had so many times already where i would have before surgery pigged out on cookies and candy and all sorts of bad stuff, that today i can just walk past those yummy looking cookies and not think about it again!
  16. hope4204

    December 7th!!!

    thats great that you arent having pain! i actually dont have any either, just a little sore! and i totally know what you are saying about the stomach rumbling! sounds like thunder in my belly! and as far as drinking slowly, i am having a hard time with that part but its getting better! i still sometimes take too big of a drink and have to spit some out before swallowing! it kinda sucks that i cant quench my thirst in one drink, but hopefully that i something that will get easier! have you been hungry at all? i have not! i tried eating some jello and just couldnt do it. so im sticking with just staying hydrated!
  17. i am on day 3 and anything other than ice cold water seems to make me feel sick once i swallow.... i had a few sips of decaf tea, and that wasnt as bad, but the crystal lite really made me feel sick. i am still having trouble with nausea, but am hoping that will pass soon!
  18. well i had my sleeve done yesterday morning and everything went very well. i had to stay a few more hours at the hospital today due to vomiting every time i sipped water tho, an still am not able to drink enough to quench my thirst! i typically drink a lot of fluids, just naturally dry mouth i guess. is this just a limited time thing? or will i never be able to drink enough? at this point i haven't eaten anything due to not wanting to throw up again.... that hurts! and i have hiccups that are killing me right now! any advice on these things would be greatly appreciated!
  19. hope4204

    i am so thursty!

    i was on finegrin (sp?) at the hosp and still getting sick, and have some stuff here that was prescribed but havent taken it cause it says to take with food. and im sooo not going there yet!
  20. hope4204

    i am so thursty!

    i have actually found that ice cold is better than room temp. and decaf tea was good when i got home! but i didnt drink much cause it kinda hurt my belly. this nausea sucks!
  21. talk about bad timing! surgery is on monday morning and i feel like death warmed up right now!! i called the doctors office and they had the doctor call me AND the anesthesia doc called me! i went in and got a shot and they called in some prednizone(sp?) and im taking clariton d! i actually feel much better than this morning! but the anesthesia doc gave me his personal cell number just incase i get worse over the next 2 days! i tell ya, ive never had a doc and his crew to go out of their way like this! its crazy! heres hoping i feel much better by monday morning!!
  22. i actually didnt know about those side effects! thanks for sharing! i have been super thirsty all day just from breathing thru my mouth! im not really hungry, but my family had some yummy pizza from this great Italian restaurant for dinner so i had to remove myself from the kitchen lol these liquids are killing me! i just keep telling myself that ill be able to eat again one day, just not as much!
  23. congrats on making this decision! it has really been one of the hardest decisions i have ever made! but ultimately i believe it is the best one! i have been thru many surgeries and can tell you that there is nothing to worry about on that part! and i am so glad this forum exists so we can all connect and share our journey together!!!

  24. hope4204

    December 7th!!!

    today i went in for my pre registering and pre op blood work, etc. this is such a surreal time in my life! at night is when it really hits me that this is really going to happen! when im laying in bed and everything is quiet, the wheels start turning! its kinda a scary thought! i have had surgeries many times in my life, so its not really that part, just that it is such a drastic move! i have been so cranky and have zero patients the last few days! the liquid diet is really starting to wear on my nerves lol i swear if this was for much longer my mom miiiight lock me out of the house and ill have to sleep with the horses hahahaha just kidding! but really, im glad its only a few more days!
  25. i kept hearing the pre-op diet referred to as the liquid diet, but when i got my sheet explaining what i should eat in a day, there is the option of a fruit or salad in between meals. is this something everyone does or just my doc?

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