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Everything posted by hope4204

  1. 2 words, phenergren gel! you rub it on your wrist and within 15 minutes nausea subsides! i was really starting to lose hope of ever feeling normal when a friend suggested this gel! i also got some pedialite popsicles and was able to eat one of those today! i had an upper g.i. and there are no problems, just some spasming and the doc called me today and explained that this is just going to take time! hopefully only a few more weeks and ill be feeling better! my brother proposed to his girlfriend of 4 years the other day and the wedding is in may! so i hope to be healthy and feeling great by then!
  2. hope4204

    FINALLY some relief!

    sorry i havent updated lately. just as i was starting to feel better i started feeling worse! i was having symptoms of a bad sinus infection. dizzy, pressure in my head and ears etc. it was getting really bad so after 2 shots and throwing up every antibiotic i was given my mom took me to the er last night. turns out i didnt have a sinus infection at all and possibly was just dehydrated! after 2 bags of fluid i felt remarkably better and today everything is much better with the exception of the dizziness. im trying to get in as much fluid as i can today and got some jello to try and start eating again. thank you all for thinking of me and ill try to keep everyone updated more often! this motion sickness is really bad and moving my eyes to read the screen and type is awful! they gave me 2 days worth of zofran (sp?) script so we plan on picking that up later and i hope it helps. the phenergren just wipes me out but im going to use what i have for now!
  3. hope4204

    The noises

    my belly makes some crazy noises too! sometimes when im in bed and it starts up the cats look at me like, uh mom... are you ok??? haha i just laugh it off but i can see how it would be embarrassing in public! i dont have a solution for this, but im sure someone on here can help! good luck!
  4. hope4204

    FINALLY some relief!

    its a prescription! unfortunately not covered by insurance, but 10 doses was only 20 bucks. well worth the 20 in my opinion! im going to need more tho!
  5. dr westmoreland is such a sweet man! im glad it worked out for you! he did my sleeve a 34, which is small so i have been struggling with nausea for several weeks. i have been tested and reassured by the dr that this is just going to take time but it still sucks! the idea of food makes me want to hurl! but not everyone has this problem! i finally got some gel to put on my wrist and it has helped big time! do you have a date yet?

  6. hope4204

    orange juice?

    cold actually goes down for me much better than warm... i know its backwards! i was told to drink water with lemon in the mornings to flush out the pouch. but this nausea has hindered that plan due to me not liking lemon anyways! i tried a tums today, BIG mistake! it has caused me problems the whole day! im ready for this faze to be over!!
  7. hope4204

    orange juice?

    thanks ladies! tracy- im only able to tolerate liquids right now, even the thought of food makes me want to hurl! so im thinking that carb cravings wont be an issue! nor will the carbs or anything calorie wise since im not getting any from food. but i will look for the light orange juice at the store. i plan on calling the nutritionist tomorrow just to make sure, i was thinking and i believe the start of all this nausea started after i drank some light cran-grape juice! it was yummy tho lol
  8. sry i didnt see your message until today! dr. westmoreland in murfreesboro did mine. they have set up a lower cost program at the shelbyville hospital and my sleeve was 12,000. at the murfreesboro hosp it was 19,000... good luck!

  9. hope4204

    constant light period

    i have started a full on period now. it is consistent with last month as far as when the full flow started. we will see what happens i guess. i have never had a regular period, but in the past when i would lose weight i would have a light one. i need to make an appt with my gyn anyways so this is just kind of another reason to call!
  10. i have not had the reflux problem, but nausea has taken over my life at this point. and the doc, as lovely as he is, has told me i just have to wait it out. that my body is adjusting and needs some time. they called some phenagren(sp?) but about 30 minutes after taking it i vomited! the thought of food makes me want to hurl! i stay in my room most of the time! i sleep a lot because it seems to be the only relief i can get! we have a good family friend that is a retired nurse and she checks in on me every day, making sure im not dehydrated and all that! the best advise i can give you from what ive been thru is just drink as much as you can tolerate! maybe this will be worth it in the end! :biggrin0:
  11. aw thanks for thinking of me daisy! and thanks to everyone for your kind words! i called the doc today to see if they had heard anything and the snooty receptionist said it can take up to 2 days to get results! so hopefully ill be hearing something tomorrow! i have been sleeping so much i just havent been doing much of anything! i attempted some laundry today but its in the basement, and that means 2 flights of stairs from my room to the machines, so i only did one load lol... but my moms school is out tomorrow so maybe i can sweet talk her into helping me out! i did however get 2 teaspoons of tomato soup down at dinner! first food ive had in a week! well off to bed for now, im so exhausted!
  12. the nausea just isnt letting up and i am getting more weak by the day. even when i try to drink the protein drinks i got, its not enough to help anything. i will let everyone know what happens and when i can be seen. the reason for not going in before now is that my doc was out of town all last week! he may tell me the same thing as the nurse, but until i hear from him i dont think i will be satisfied! hopefully there is a simple solution here and i can start eating again! as of today i have had zero food since before christmas, with the exception of a small bite of peach or small amount of yogurt maybe once a day!
  13. what a horrible experience today was! i nearly passed out while drinking the solution used in the test and we had to stop so i could settle down! i had to drink more stuff but got to lay down so it wasnt as bad. when the lady was doing the second part i got to watch, which was cool, and there didnt appear to be any leaks or obstructions! but she did say that my upper small intestine looked irritated. after it was over i thought i was done and lost it. that stuff i drank did not want to stay down! i came home and slept for 5 hours lol... i hope to hear from the doc tomorrow! thanks for all the support from everyone!
  14. so i saw the doc today and he informed me that he used a smaller tube, a 34, and that more than likely this is just something that is going to take time. the nausea and whatnot. but to play it safe he is sending me for a upper gi in the morning. we will see...
  15. as of christmas eve day i have had nausea that is making me wonder if this was the right thing to do! no vomiting, but even the thought of food makes me wince! i have been so so thirsty and even water makes me nauseous! i had my dad pick up some gatorade today and that, so far, has gone down with no issues. i have some left over nausea meds from surgery and that helps a little, but im really worried about staying hydrated! not so much about being able to eat, just staying hydrated! i plan on calling the doc monday morning but just thought id check in here and see if anyone has an idea whats going on!
  16. hope4204

    nausea has taken over!

    i got a call from the nutritionist late this afternoon, and she was calling to tell me my blood work had come back from the other day and it was all perfect. while i had her on the phone, since no one bothered to call me back today, i asked if she had any suggestions for the nausea as far as the sinus drainage goes. she told me that each morning i should drink warm water with lemon and it wil break up and flush the mucus out of my pouch. i tried some tonight and aside from the horrid taste, it seems to have helped. im going to try again in the morning and see how tomorrow goes! i picked up some EAS premade shakes today at walmart. they are the carb smart kind and i will try that tomorrow as well!
  17. hope4204

    nausea has taken over!

    3 days before my surgery i came down with a major sinus infection! i had some heavy antibiotics and it was gone by surgery day. but i wonder if somehow this is a result of that sinus infection. i might give my pcp a call and see if they can give me something to dry it up. also i usually have a runny nose and drips after being under anesthesia. dont know, but i will keep you updated on what happens lan!
  18. congrats tiff! what an amazing exciting day for you!
  19. hope4204

    nausea has taken over!

    well i CAN drink, but when i do i feel more nauseous. now, theres one thing that could be a factor, im having a ton of sinus drainage! could that be causing the nausea? i just feel like each time i call the office they act like its no big deal and i should just be patient and it will go away.i havent had the chance to tell them this tho. now, i have had problems with the office staff before. the doc is out of town so theres no talking to him. i dont want to over react, but i also dont want to be sick and it get worse!
  20. hope4204

    nausea has taken over!

    im starting to think this surgery was a bad idea! the simple action of drinking when im thirsty has become overwhelming! i would compare it to being engulfed in flames and only able to use a syringe to put it out! im actually less active than before surgery because i dont want to do anything thats going to make me more thirsty than i already am. i have always consumed a great deal of liquids during the day, at this point im not missing food at all... just being able to drink when im thirsty is something thats really getting me down :thumbup:
  21. hope4204

    nausea has taken over!

    today i was so nauseous i had to sleep most of the day! i called the docs office early this morning and didnt hear anything back until 2 hours ago!! my doc is out of town for the week... go figure! but luckily the other doc in the office just so happened to sit in on my surgery so he was able to offer some great advise! he said that they had to use a smaller tube for my stomach so its a possibility my nausea is being caused by me taking too big of sips when i drink! i thought i was taking tiny ones, but i guess not tiny enough! he also suggested i start trying to get in some protein shake 2 times a day. since im not able to eat anything they want me to try that. and go back to liquids! broth, soups, and thin protein shakes! i plan on going to walmart tomorrow to see if i can find some unflavored powder to mix in crystal lite or tea! apparently patience is the key right now, and unfortunately i am the least patient person i know!!
  22. hope4204

    nausea has taken over!

    i plan on calling the office tomorrow to get some different nausea meds, while on the phone i plan on discussing further what this might be all about! i will keep everyone up to speed! thanks for your support!
  23. hope4204

    nausea has taken over!

    i actually did call the doc, and posted the result of the convo. as far as a leak goes, im 3 weeks out so i dont think a leak is in the cards at this point.
  24. hope4204

    nausea has taken over!

    i called the doc and they said a virus seems to be going around because they have had several calls about ppl being nauseous. i was told as long as im not throwing up i dont have to worry about being dehydrated! so good news! he said if the nausea continues to call the office and they will call me in something else!
  25. hope4204

    nausea has taken over!

    i havent progressed, if anything i have taken a back step. all i have had to eat in the past 3 days is a tablespoon of cottage cheese each day. i have been worried about the dehydration part. my urine has been a little dark. i am taking protonix and am always thirsty, but it feels like i drink all the time. im sure the doc has an answering service, but i hate to bother the doc on a sunday, if things dont improve by mid-day tomorrow i will call.

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