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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by hope4204

  1. lol morgan! i have been telling my family over and over how i get to look cute on the beach this year and not like a granny in my big ol muumuu looking suits!! i think i will wait until a few weeks before we go to shop, so that they fit perfect! thanks to everyone for your sweet comments, and to all those who need a little encouragement just remember it will happen for you too!!
  2. thanks everyone!! tiff- my dad made the presidential decision to move our vacation since theres so much uncertainty as to what kind of shape the beach will be in! we have always been to the gulf so it will be a new experience in jacksonville! im excited!! its a few more hours to drive but not too bad, and so worth it!
  3. 1 week before surgery i started having blood when i wiped. then the day before surgery full on period. that lasted for a few days and then back to just when i wipe. this is still happening, so for almost a month ive been on my period. ive always been very irregular only having a period once or twice a year. is this normal with weight loss, or should i visit my gyn?
  4. hope4204


    i had trouble with chicken at first. now i just put a slice of cheese on it and make sure its nice and moist!
  5. hope4204

    NSV shout outs

    touche i need to get some better pics for my official after file... i just keep forgetting lol
  6. hope4204

    NSV shout outs

    i am 78 pounds down and fit into my friend's bra and dress last night! she took a picture and i hardly recognized myself lol it felt great! i was at a size 44 bra and hers is a 38! not sure what size the dress was...
  7. hope4204

    I'm losing my hair!!!!!

    i have long hair, and usually have some hair loss anyways when i wash it, so would it help to cut it shorter? i hate to do that but if it helps with the loss then im doin it!
  8. hope4204


    a few days out of surgery i was told to put lemon in hot water to break up mucus from sinus drainage in my stomach that can cause nausea. so i would say its probably ok, but whether or not it will upset your stomach, thats kinda a individual thing for everyone. i hate lemon, so i never tried it lol good luck!
  9. hope4204

    quest protein bars?

    wow! thanks mike! i think i will try ordering just the two different flavors as single bars to make sure i like them! but they do sound great!
  10. hope4204

    quest protein bars?

    anyone tried these? my nutritionist suggested them as her personal fav but i havent seen them mentioned on here! heres a link if anyone wants to take a gander... im getting plenty of Protein in just foods but if im going to be gone from home i like to bring a cheese stick with me just incase. Protein Bars would be good too i just wanted to see if anyone had tried these... Quest low carb Protein Bar
  11. hope4204

    quest protein bars?

    sorry, ppl is short for people!
  12. hope4204

    quest protein bars?

    seems like she said splenda was the last ingredient and that theres not a lot in there. but we did talk about the artificial sweeteners and that they cause ppl problems. i just have a problems with sugar alcohols i think. i drink juice made with splenda and it doesnt bother me but sugar free coffee at starbucks and sf pudding did!
  13. my nutritionist only offered when i asked if she had a suggestion for the right vitamins for me. she told me statistics and based on what i heard made the decision to buy what they had to offer. the thing for me was, you can get vitamins anywhere, but the ones specifically for bariatric patients seems the best choice. hope this helps!
  14. hope4204

    i am doing things right!

    thanks guys! it was very helpful to talk to the nutritionist! shes awesome! i wasnt so sure about her at first, but she has turned out to be a beacon of great info and suggestions! and daisy, im starting to feel better but its going to be a long process i think! i tried a few times to get to chat recently but no one was in there! ill try back tonight and see! plus the barn dog had her pups at our house 3 nights ago so i have been super busy tending to their needs!! its like a full time babysitting job lol
  15. i went and saw the nutritionist today and she said i am doing things exactly as i should! which was a relief because i thought i had been eating too much! picked up some vitamins to start taking, multi and an iron. she told me i can hold off on the calcium but will eventually need to be taking that as well. its been a long day and im worn out but i wanted to update on my visit before i forgot lol
  16. hope4204

    Calcium Citrate

    i got my bariatric advantage multi vit and an iron yesterday. both chewable tablets and they both tasted great to me. i can see how it would not to some, i love sweet-tarts so it works. the nutritionist told me that for now im ok without the calcium just because im getting in so much cheese/dairy. but in 6 weeks when i go back she said we can evaluate where im at and see if i should start the calcium too. it was $67 for 3 month supply of the multi and iron together. so not too bad i guess!
  17. i dont really have an answer for you, but just wanted to let you know im keeping you in my thoughts! in the beginning the nausea was bad for me and westmoreland told me it was just part of it since my stomach was so small and my body needed time to adjust, he was right, but it doesnt help anything to not have a instant solution! have you asked if he can call you in something for the discomfort and pain? and have you suggested it might be a leak? i told him i wanted a upper gi just to ease my mind and he set it up!
  18. hope4204

    Is Reglan bad?

    he prescribed me reglan after my surgery and i took it for a few days and didnt need it anymore, then when i got really sick they put me back on it and ive been taking it along side some other meds and the combo is working for me. i havent had any problems.
  19. i have an appt with the nutritionist in a few weeks, but i thought id ask what everyone here was/is eating at 2 months post op. the past few days ive been eating roast beef with cream cheese rolled up, crackers with peperoni and cheese, tuna salad and crackers. i feel like i should not be eating as much as i am and i know crackers are probably not good but they go down fine and ive had no problems so far with anything i have eaten. i plan on going to the store tomorrow and getting some chicken breasts and veg and complex carbs, similar to the diet i was on for my pre-pre op.
  20. i was really sick for almost 4 weeks and ate nothing! and i kinda of feel like my body is trying to make up for lost time! i feel like i eat all the time, but it could just be that it feels that way because i went so long without eating anything! i eat a little then a hour or so later i feel hungry again! it could be in my head, but when i do eat something its very little and i ALWAYS stop when i feel full. the first few days out were the hardest for me! i had "head hunger" so bad that i had to stop watching tv because the commercials would make it so much worse! it gets better, but now i hope for myself that i dont over do it!!
  21. thanks everyone for the feedback! i have a hard time getting my fluids unless its juice! i can drink juice like its going out of style! i cant seem to get enough! i bought the light apple juice which has half the carbs of regular, but its still alot! i think 29 in 8oz! i just dont get enough fluids in if i try water or even the crystal light! i am going to try the tracker website that ppl are using and see if that kinda helps me!
  22. i just wanted to let everyone know whats been going on with me the past week! i had been struggling with nausea for a while and then vertigo hit me! it was so bad i couldnt move my head without throwing up! so last wednesday my mom took me to the hospital and they kept me until yesterday! i was very malnourished and dehydrated! they ran tests and did a spinal tap and every other thing they could think of to try and figure out where this was coming from and as of today i still dont know! but they have me on some meds that are allowing me to function at least. i go in tomorrow for a test to see if it is inner ear related. i still have some blurred vision and a head ache but its much better than where i was a week ago! unfortunately i GAINED 10 pounds while i was there, all the fluids and starting to eat again i guess... but fingers crossed that tomorrow there will be some answers and i can get back on track!
  23. hope4204


    ok so after having my test today i was told that it appears my vertigo was caused by a "flu like virus" that settled into my inner ear! FOR REAL?!?!?! i laughed when i was told this... i mean how many ppl can say they had a flu in their inner ear that landed them in the hospital for a week!!!???!!! hahaha anyways im glad is wasnt something serious and i am already feeling much better thanks to some meds that are keeping the dizziness under control! my only problem now is it seems my body is wanting to make up for lost time and i have a ravenous appetite!! i am calling the nutritionist tomorrow to get back on track, i feel like i ate and ate and ate today!! thank you all for your thoughts and prayers!
  24. hope4204


    my sleeve doc was working along side the neurologist while i was there. the problem does not appear to be related to my sleeve, but since i do have the sleeve it kinda made things a little more complicated, but he is just that great a person he came to see me for at least 30 minutes each day to make sure i was ok and just helped keep me in good spirits! i was sleeved on dec 7th.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
