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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Inner_me

  1. Inner_me

    November Bandsters!

    Just stopping by to say hello. I'm finding this banding experience interesting. Of course, I'm still on liquids (full) and not experiencing the hunger that you are. Also, because of my weight - I'm in the 300's - and age, I know that I'll probably lose a lot up front, before it starts to taper down some. I just wanted to say that you are all doing very good! I'm glad that you are sharing the good and the bad. It helps. Oh, and I wanted to talk about plateaus. I just attended a health living workshop yesterday. One of the presenters (the RN) had the bypass several years ago. One important thing she mentioned was that plateaus are natural. They are our bodies way of adjusting to all of the changes that are taking place. She said that when you are plateauing the worst thing you could do, is to drop your eating below what is healthy (that's if you were eating the correct amount to begin with). Because you can inadvertently end up prolonging your plateau that way. Her suggestion was to try something different. Switch up your exercise plan...take it the next level...alternate the foods that you were eating. She also suggested that you look for alternative changes in your body (the NSV's...nonscale victories...that we've discussed) to get you through this period. Finally, if your plateau is lasting for longer then, I think it's 3 weeks, AND you've tried some of the above steps, you should consult your surgeon/nutritionist for direction. Almost forgot...I've lost 10 lbs!
  2. Inner_me

    January Bandsters???

    Audree, After typing the above post...I was sitting here laughing. It appears that everytime I come up with something new to me...I come back to this thread and see you posting about. From the Nectar, to the Myoplex I purchased yesterday after being away from the thread for a couple of days. I got the vanilla, though. I'm not that daring when it comes to chocolate and protein drinks. In my opinion...if the flavor is going to be horrible, it's going to be with the Chocolate. LOL. Since you've tried it though, and say it's okay...I may buy one of the smaller versions as a taste test.
  3. Inner_me

    January Bandsters???

    Hi! I'm in Chicago, too. You can find the better then boullion at any grocery store. I got mine at Jewels, near the regular boullion. It came in a jar. Also, I bought Centrum Adult chewables at Walgreens (I believe someone else mentioned them). There pretty good, big, but good. I did turn around and buy from "bariatric advantage" their chewable multi-vitamin and a separate iron pill. My nutritionist suggested them, because they are specifically designed for the bariatric patient. They also have available on their home site the "Nectar" protein supplements that BabyGotBack has described. So far, I've only tried the Fuzzy Navel, which was pretty good - I probably diluted mine more then Audree did, and the Lemon Iced Tea. It's not that bad either.
  4. Inner_me

    January Bandsters???

    Hi Andre, congratulations and welcome! There were three things that helped me with gas. Gas-x (chewable), walking...and more walking, and a heating pad. Other then that...time. In time, it will all either be expelled from the body, or absorbed by it. Good luck, keep us updated on how you are doing!
  5. Inner_me

    January Bandsters???

    Hi everyone, just checking in and checking up on everyone. Congratulations to all who were banded this week! Can't wait to hear how you're doing. Babygotback, you are a great addition to this thread with tons of information and support. Bandida, Sunshine, and others as well. As for me, I'm doing good. I got out for the first time since surgery yesterday. Went for my post-op check up and was told I could pull the surgical tape off of my incisions. It took me a while (pure fear) but all of the incisions were closed up nicely. Three are so tiny, like pin pricks, that they are just going to disappear. Of course the port incision will not, mine is LONG, but it won't be an ugly scar either. :rose: Here's my big news... I had lost 10 lbs since last Friday (my surgery day). I go back in 3 weeks. I won't weigh again until then. But, I have started taking measurements, and I think I'm going to do that weekly. I've just for the first time found out what full really feels like. LOL I have no intention of surpassing that feeling anytime in the future. Well, good luck to everyone who is still on the list for banding. I'll try and check in more frequently, so that I can share in the conversation more.
  6. Inner_me

    January Bandsters???

    Hey! Just checking in. I'm doing well. Not getting much in. I mean meal wise. Maybe 4 to 5 tiny spoonfuls, and then it becomes uncomfortable. I'm also 5 days post op. Just to comment on some of the prior posts... As for feeling miserable due to eating too much (well, I haven't really eaten too much, but I have had the miserable feeling due to gas and eating.) Walk. That's the key. Remember NEVER to lay down right after eating or drinking. The liquid will come back up your throat. So much for snacking before bedtime. As for time off, I just took this week. I have a desk job, though. So, my surgery was last Friday, and I'll go back to work next Monday. I have a follow-up appt with my Surgeon's office tomorrow. I'll be sure to check back in and let you know how it goes. Now, as for me...I've learned my lesson...I've reviewed and MEMORIZED my nutritional guide. I had the experience of my life last night. If you didn't know...broccoli should NOT be on your menu. Even if it's just cream of broccoli Soup. If I can express the level of gas pain that I had from about 4 tiny spoonfuls of this soup last night, you wouldn't want to know. So, consider this my tip for the day...broccoli, for right now, is our enemy..
  7. Hey! I'm back and banded! I just wanted to pass through and let everyone know. I'll check back in after I've had a chance to get a little more rest.
  8. Inner_me

    November Bandsters!

    I'm going to catch up on this thread later. But, I just wanted to let you know that I've finally made it to bandland! Thanks for all of your support over the course of the past several months. My surgeon said I did really well, and the nurses in the recovery room said I was the best they'd had. LOL...glad to hear it. Especially since I spent more time then average there because they had run out of rooms for several of us. And since I had a good view of the board, my name was at the top.
  9. Inner_me

    January Bandsters???

    I'm back. Banded, and doing REALLY well. Shockingly. For a second when I woke up, I was one of the few that wanted to ask if I was really banded, until I saw the bandages. I have the steri stripes (sp?) on. They told me to let them fall off. I'm getting in bed, and will talk to you more later.
  10. Inner_me

    November Bandsters!

    Thanks Karen! I'll be sure to check in as soon as I can.
  11. Thanks everyone, for the encouragement! I really appreciate it. I'll check back in with you once I'm able.
  12. Inner_me

    November Bandsters!

    Well, I promised to keep you updated. So here's my update... FINALLY, I get to cross the finish line. I knew I was always at the end of the November list. I just didn't expect them to drag it out 2 months. I will be banded tomorrow morning. Keep me in your prayers. I'm still hanging around learning from you all! Chris the wannabe "November, but happy with January" bandster. :huggie:
  13. Inner_me

    January Bandsters???

    sleep??? What's sleep?!? LOL I'm home. I'm handling the prep fairly well. All I can say is, at least I'm home. Good luck to everyone. If I don't get a chance to post again today, I'll see you on the losing side. :huggie:
  14. Inner_me

    January Bandsters???

    Congratulations Kathy! Get some rest, and let us know how you are doing. Well everyone, I can barely believe it. I cross over into band-land tomorrow morning. It has been a LONG and eventful journey to this point. I'm starting to grow nervous...along with my excitement. How are my band-day buddies doing? What time are your surgeries? Mine is supposed to be at 9 am. I've got to take a bottle of Magnesium Citrate, now. Just lovely. I thought I could wait until around 2pm, when I get home today. But, when I reread the instructions, it said that I have to take it at 10am. I'll still be at work for the next 3 hours. Guess I'll be spending that time near the restroom...
  15. Hi! I believe this is where I belong, too. In fact, I started reading this thread from the beginning several weeks ago. I just tried to catch up on what I was missing, I might have missed a page or two somewhere in the middle. But, I feel as if I know all of you already. So, I guess its time for me to make myself known. One reason I waited so long, was because I haven't been banded yet. But my date has finally arrived! I'll be banded this Friday. I'm looking forward to getting to know all of you, learn from you, and share in the support that's found through out this thread. I'm 5'6" and my bmi is 55. The suggestion given to me was to lose 150lbs. That would put me in the 190's. I haven't been there since I was 12 yrs old. This should be an interesting journey.
  16. Inner_me

    January Bandsters???

    Congratulations Angelburch!!! Sheila, I'm right behind you with Carole. We'll all do just fine! I'll have to get some of the Carnation instant breakfast when I do my final run tonight. I keep feeling like I'm forgetting something. Oh, and thanks everyone for helping me feel "normal".
  17. Inner_me

    January Bandsters???

    Okay...we've all, as our dates draw closer (or drew closer - for those banded), discussed our emotional state of being. Well I need to know how strange I am...meaning, am I the only one that feels like a kid right before the family leaves on vacation to Disney... I can't sit still. I've got a lot of excited energy that is driving me crazy... I'll admit, I was a little nervous last week...but this week, with my surgery less then 48 hours away...I'm bouncing off the walls. I should have just took today and all of tomorrow (I'm working a half of a day) off. I didn't because I knew I'd be like this, but this is ridiculous...my attention span is non-existent. And, I too can't stay off of this site.... LOL I'm hoping I can follow in the footsteps of several of you who are banded and get my sedative a little early...like today!
  18. Inner_me

    January Bandsters???

    Hi Mae! I sure will. Here's tip #1. I was just telling my family that if anyone ever asked, I'd tell them the following. When I went to pick up the drink, they asked me if I wanted vanilla or chocolate. I asked them what were the comments they usually heard... She told me that she usually hears that they are both horrible...but better if cold. Then she said drink it real fast and I'd survive. I'm here to say that the Chocolate is dreadful. The vanilla isn't the best, but much more manageable. If you're given an option go for vanilla. If you're a risk taker, get a chocolate or two...but trust me, the vitamin flavor comes out real strong with the chocolate. I'm surprised the nutritionist didn't mention it to you. Did she give you the dietary requirements for post surgery? It must not have been the mandatory class that you have to take before surgery. LOL at your "Hart" reference. I'm still kicking myself about not getting the prescription filled that he gave me prior to the new year. My insurance starts fresh every January, and now I have to pay full price for the blood thinner. At least it's not too expensive. I'm just not very interested in giving myself a shot. Congratulations to everyone who is newly banded! I'm looking forward to sharing with you as we start this new chapter in our lives...
  19. Inner_me

    January Bandsters???

    I would check with your surgeon. Reason being that it could be the different nutrients that are offered in Optifast (if I'm thinking of the correct supplement) that aren't in Slimfast. You know what...I'm thinking of Optisource....Optifast may be okay. It's another basic version of Slimfast isn't it? I'd still check with your surgeon first, though. I know that my surgeon has us drinking a special "surgery recovery boost" supplement twice a day for 7 days (actually 8 days prior to surgery, because on the day before surgery we have to do liquids and a bowel prep). I hope it helps, because it wasn't cheap.
  20. Inner_me

    January Bandsters???

    Hi Sara! I'm in Illinois (as a group of others appear to be). I've added a siggy...I think. LOL I'm having it done by Dr. Kane, Jr., in Elk Grove. I believe there is someone else posting to this thread who is going to the same center... I'm BEYOND antsy at this point... I keep having highs and lows. Part of me is worried they're going to push my date back again, part of me is worried they won't...LOL. I'm ready, though. I'll be even more excited come the beginning of March, when I know that I'm healed and well on my way.
  21. Inner_me

    January Bandsters???

    Ah...re-read your post...it's the "fat" she's concerned about. Didn't think about that one. I'll have to check out my container when I get home. ______________ Chris
  22. Inner_me

    January Bandsters???

    Silk has a new vanilla flavored Soy milk with no sugar, if it's the sugar your nutritionist is worried about... I just bought some myself this past weekend... I think I got the rice milk, too. I had already figured out that I was going to have to add in some protein to boost the minimal amount it has. I'm not big on "milk" period. No matter what its origin is... ______________ Chris
  23. Inner_me

    cold after having surgery

    She should have her Iron level checked also. If your iron is low, your body has a harder time of regulating your temperature. I'm always freezing. This is the one thing I'm hoping gets better with weight loss, and not worse. Although, from everything I've read, it doesn't look good.... _____________ Chris
  24. Inner_me

    BC Pill?

    I had to take a break in taking mine as well. I was told that they will let me know when I can start back again. One reason, the only that I know of, is the clotting. BC pills can cause blood clots to develop. _______________ Chris
  25. Inner_me

    January Bandsters???

    Thanks! I've got a few items I still need to pick up...namely protein. For those who have been banded, I have a few samples that I'm trying out, but do you use a particular protein powder? Any that you would recommend? _______________ Chris

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
