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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Inner_me

  1. Dawn! Congratulations! I don't know if I'll be able to do it as quickly as you, but you've given me the inspiration to know that I CAN do it!
  2. Inner_me

    November Bandsters!

    Tom, I say we all just go visit Karen....Denise you can come, too. Tom's cooking....
  3. Inner_me

    November Bandsters!

    Alright...I'm moving to California. :Banane20: We've either got single digit temperatures or snow here in Chicago. Hi everyone! So glad to see you are all doing good. Way to go Angela!!! You are just melting away, hunh? I'm doing good. I was supposed to have my first fill on the 26th, but I just found out that my Mother scheduled everyone to do a family portrait that day. Lovely. So, now I'm going to call and reschedule it for March 5th. Other then that, I've finally broken down and bought a scale last night. Before I was waiting for each visit to my doctor's office. I had said that I wasn't going to get one until I made it out of the 300's. So much for that. So, one day with the scale, and I can see myself becoming a scale junkie. I'm still going to stick with the Dr's weigh-in's as my "official" ones for right now. Oh, and I'm learning alot following you November bandsters around. Sometimes more then I want to know, *cough* Tom *cough* :Banane20: But alot all the same! Talk to you soon!
  4. Congratulations to the new approvals, and those who've just received surgery dates and to the new bandsters...of which I still consider myself to be. I'm entering my 6 week post-op diet tomorrow. It's the same as it was this week, so no big suprise. What is amazing to me is how quickly my 6 weeks of post-op healing went. I had an appointment with a nutritionist this past Tuesday, and when I told her my surgery date, she said with a smile, "Oh, so you've been banded a month and a day." To my amazement, it hadn't even crossed my mind, and it took someone else to bring it to my attention. So, good luck, smooth surgeries and speedy healing to you all.
  5. Inner_me

    January Bandsters???

    LOL...hey Tonya! We're here. I don't know about the rest, but I don't have anything worth sharing. Unless you want to hear about the intense pain I had the other day. It all worked out, though. Had to be gas, but it was pushing up near my long incision, the port incision. I was on my way to the hospital, when the surgeon on duty said that it was port pain. That the pain could sometimes be felt farther away from the port then you would expect. He said that sometimes the area can become irritated as the port settles in. I'm sure the gas pressure I had going didn't help any. Other then that, I'm doing real good. I did wake up feeling down on Friday. Came from out of nowhere. I was in one of those, "I don't see any changes..." moods. What helped me is the fact that I measure every Friday. (I'm going to try and buy a scale tonight....not knowing is starting to drive me crazy...LOL) Anyway, since I've started measuring, I've lost an average of 1 inch per area, per week, from top to bottom. Meaning, my waiste was a 47.5, now it's 44. It always drops from my face, chest, waiste area quickly. My stomach and hip area has come down at the same rate, too. But, I know it will taper off some, while my upper body will continue to drop. This cheered me up ALOT! LOL Especially since, when I started measuring, I couldn't even get the 60 inch tape measure around my hips. As of Friday, I've got an inch wiggle room... :confused: So, that's my cure for the blues....tape measure heaven. I always promote this, I'm going to continue to do so. Just because your scale isn't moving, doesn't mean your waiste line isn't. Keep a track of both. Your actual weight, and your measurements.
  6. Inner_me

    January Bandsters???

    Oh, I must add that the first time after surgery that I sung publicly was with my choir, or rather the adult choir. I thought I needed to point this out for two reasons. First, this choir's "activity" level while singing is extremely low end in comparison to the youth. Second, I had no solos, and could die down when I needed to knowing I was covered by the rest of my section. When, I think about it, I did it a couple of times. Once again, two weeks out...when the youth were singing, I was fine - maybe not as active as normal, but fine.
  7. Inner_me

    January Bandsters???

    Sheila, well I'm 33. I'm responsible for a youth/young adult choir that I sing with, and from time to time direct. I had surgery on a Friday. By Wednesday I was allowed to drive, and went on my first outing. It wore me out to the point that I came home and collapsed. By Thursday I was much better. By the following Sunday I was back to singing and the Sunday after that directing. I will say that I was singing (to myself) all through the recovery (even when I was still in the hospital - I spent one night). In my opinion it helped to clear my lungs just as much as the aspirator (sp). So, giving the fact I've got over 10 years on you...singing I think you'll be fine. It's the tap dancing I'd be concerned about.
  8. Inner_me

    January Bandsters???

    Good morning everyone, Well, I'm glad to see that most are doing well. To those who aren't, I hope you feel better soon. Audree, I love the fact that you post your menu for the previous day. It helps those who are behind you to see some of the possibilities. As for me, my doctor's office...as I mentioned before, had me on 2 weeks of liquids at 4 oz per meal, for 6 meals. Then I went to 2 weeks of mushies at 4 oz per meal, for 6 meals (which I'm finishing up). Then this Friday I move to 2 weeks of soft food for 4 to 8 oz per meal, for 3 meals and one snack if needed. After which I move to solids, amount as tolerated, 3 meals only. I'm allowed a snack if I truly feel that I need it. Well, had my check-up. I'm doing good, he said the incisions were healed up nicely. I go back in 3 weeks for my first fill on Feb. 26. I'm down another 7 lbs, for 17 in total. I wanted a little more, but I'll take what I can get. How's everyone else doing?
  9. Inner_me

    Chicago friends

    Thanks everyone, that's a good time for me. I'll keep checking back to find out where.
  10. Inner_me

    January Bandsters???

    I forgot to mention that today is my 2nd follow-up with my surgeon. The first was actually with his nurse, today is with him. So, hopefully, I'll have some good news to report later tonight. I only weigh in at his office. I am measuring at home, though. I can definitely say that my body shape is changing, and I've lost about 2 inches each from the areas I measure. Which is a good thing. Because when I started, I couldn't get the tape measure around my hips (thanks Mom)....Now at least it fits all the way around...barely.
  11. Inner_me

    January Bandsters???

    For those, like me, who were told only to take chewable or liquid vitamins for the first 6 weeks. I use Bariatric Advantage. You can do a search for them online. They also make chewable calcium and chewable iron. I have the iron and the tropical fruit vitamin. The iron does absolutely NOTHING, pleasant that is, for my breath. LOL. So, I typically take it at night before I go to bed. I also purchased Centrum chewables at Walgreens and some chewable calcium. Unfortunately, I didn't pay much attention to the sugar content of the chewable calcium when I purchased it, so I'm not taking them...still debating it since it's only a month's supply. As for the multi-vitamins, I prefer the Bariatric Advantage. Just wanted to give you some options.
  12. Inner_me

    Chicago friends

    Yes, especially if you hang around for 3 hours. I'll definitely come. The class I teach gets out at 1pm. It's the same thing with the support classes associated with the surgical center where I was banded. They have them on Saturday mornings. That's why I love this site. It's where I get the most support from others in my same situation. My family is very supportive, they just aren't banded.
  13. Inner_me

    January Bandsters???

    You will be fine! Come back and let us know how you are doing!
  14. Inner_me

    January Bandsters???

    prissever, from what I've seen on the boards, that may not be as bad as you are thinking. Since your band holds more. Most people who are describing the 1.5cc fills, only have a band that holds 4cc. Hope this helps. I believe someone else brought it up before somewhere else on this site. You may want to do a search on it.
  15. Inner_me

    Chicago friends

    Hey everyone! I meant to introduce myself on this thread a while ago. I'm in Chicago...far south near Oak Lawn, but I work in Schaumburg. I was banded earlier this month, so I'm still learning the ropes. I'd love to join you for lunches, could use the support, but I teach a math class on Saturday mornings in the city. Depends on how long you hang around chatting after you've eaten. I'm sure I'll be able to make it to one of the get togethers. I guess that's all for now. Talk to you later.
  16. Inner_me

    January Bandsters???

    Hi everyone! Just checking in. I'm pretty much in the same lines of most of you. Trying to get back into the swing of work, and limit my posting to evenings. Unfortunately, when I get home, I'm so tired I just wind up going to bed. My hunger is back, and I've pretty much feel "complete" again. Not to many sore spots. I'm also, finally, able to lay on my stomach. Although, I do feel a little soreness where I believe the port may be when I do. At least, it's around where my big incision is. Other then that, everything is going well on my end. I wanted to congratulate all who have recently been banded. It's the last day of our month, and I'm looking forward to continuing this journey with all of you! I don't have a scale at home...yes, I know I need to get one. So, my next weigh in is this coming Monday when I go to the surgeon's. I can tell there are changes, my clothes are definitely fitting differently. I'll see if the weight has changed too.
  17. Inner_me

    November Bandsters!

    Thanks for the protein ideas! I'm going to keep working on coming up with ways to get it in. I'm handling anywhere from 2 oz to 4 oz of liquid at one time.
  18. Tann, Just wanted to jump on the Congratulations bandwagon! When I get there, there will definitely be tears on my side, too. Hope to see you in twoterville soon!
  19. Inner_me

    November Bandsters!

    Okay, I need protein ideas. I start pulverized... *cough* I mean PUREED foods this Friday. Any recipes/suggestions are welcomed... Thanks!
  20. Inner_me

    January Bandsters???

    Hello! I'm back to work. Which means, for a while, I'll be doing more reading then contributing. Just wanted to check in and say that I'm still doing well. I'm still struggling to get the protein in though. I can start pureed food this Friday. To me, that means soft food - pulverized. At least, that's what I'm going to do. I'm on full liquids. I've had water downed Farina and milked down mashed potatoes. I sure hope the mashed potatoes are okay. I keep them close to the consistency of the Farina, and I was told if it could get through a straw, I'm okay. Still, I'll wait until Friday before I add in the refried beans, which by the way I never did like, but they sure sound good today. What was that...shredded cheese and a little salsa mixed in. Mmmmm, sounds good to me. Congratulations to all who were banded today! Check in when you can. Good luck to those who are up this week.
  21. Inner_me

    January Bandsters???

    Congratulations to all the new Bandsters!!! Get some rest, and your water and protein in to the best of your ability. We'll be looking forward to hearing how you are progressing over the course of the next couple of days! Congratulations to those who are seeing the scale move down, too! I know you are happy about that. Okay, I'm done tying up the thread. Going to go walk these mashed potatoes down so I can breath again.
  22. Inner_me

    January Bandsters???

    That's a good idea. I never thought of that. I'm going to go add some Lemon extract to one of my vanilla protein shakes (that I truly do not like the flavor) right now. Heck, I may add some vanilla extract...it needs something!
  23. Inner_me

    January Bandsters???

    Renee, I took the entire week off. Glad that I did, although, I felt well enough to go back by Monday/Tuesday too. I think I've done better with my protein for the last two days. I'm actually able to get more down, although it still fluctuates. For instance, I can have thin mashed potatoes (thin them out with soy milk which adds protein). I ate them twice today already. The first time I got 4 oz/half a cup down with no problem. The second time...oh my goodness...I thought I was so full it was ridiculous. I smartened up in time to stop before it became painful - just uncomfortable, but I was back to only getting down maybe 2.5 oz. I've just started feeling full. It feels just like before. Highly uncomfortable around my ribcage area. Almost like it hurts to breath. That's how I know I ate too much and I need to stop IMMEDIATELY. It amazes me. I use to feel this way after going to a restaurant and having salad/soup and a main course. Now, I wouldn't even get past a few bites of the salad/soup. I know that it's supposed to get a little better over the course of the next couple of weeks. By the time I move to soft foods in 3 weeks, my doctor recommends eating 1/2 to 1 cup of food. So, for all who are just out, and you're barely getting down a couple of spoonfuls...do the best you can. In a couple of days, as the swelling starts to go down, you'll be able to do more.
  24. Inner_me

    January Bandsters???

    Hi Renee! You're on pureed! I wish...LOL. I'm still on full liquids till next week. While we're eating different things, we're still getting in about the same amount...actually, I've just gotten up to 4 oz. Your low energy is probably due to not getting the correct amount of protein in. For me, my nutritionist stated that the golden rule is 60. Actually, she said 60 for everything...water, protein and excercise. It's easier to remember that way. I'm not sure what your total protein count is, but until you start on solid food - and can eat more, it was my understanding that you may need to continue to boost the protein in the foods you are eating. I was told to add protein powders, such as beneprotein or nonfat dry milk, to my foods as I prepared them and it would help. I've also found that moving around has helped a little with my energy level. I'm slowly building up my activities every day. Trying a little more one day, and I've found that I can do more the next day - and I'm no way near getting all my protein in. I'm sure others will have some suggestions for you as well. The big thing is that if this continues, you may want to consult your doctor or nutritionist for suggestions.
  25. Inner_me

    November Bandsters!

    Thanks Angela! And you are doing FANTASTIC yourself!!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
