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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Inner_me

  1. Inner_me

    New Chicago Friends Thread.....

    Just holding my place. I'm trying to catch up with you ladies for one of the lunches. Hopefully I'll be able to soon.
  2. Inner_me

    January Bandsters???

    Hey everyone, I've had my second fill. I didn't feel much change, at least not like the first time. My surgeon stated that he put alot in, though. He did take some out, even though I thought I was okay. So he added about another 2 cc in. Which brings me to around 6cc, I think. That would mean half of what he told me my band would hold. So, I'm doing liquids today, and tomorrow. I'll start back on mushies on Thursday, Soft foods on Friday, and solids on Saturday. I'm actually stretching my liquids out one day more then they told me I have to. I think the Water is going down a little slower, but I really haven't noticed much change. I think I'm actually scared to try. LOL. Which could be the reason I'm pushing liquids for an extra day. Oh well, up to now, I've been with Tonya and Shawn, able to eat anything without a problem. The amounts were greatly reduced, but I didn't have a problem getting them down. Unlike them, I did eat bread. But not like I use to. I'd do a little bit of toasted bread maybe once or twice a week. Typically if I was going out with others. I know, I've got to change habits. I think I've got a good start, it use to be three slices or more per day. Then if you included the buns on hamburgers, which I am proud to say that I have NOT had since prior to surgery, I think I'm doing pretty good. Tonya, I'm sure you will, but let us know how your fill goes.
  3. Inner_me

    Road to "TWOterville"

    Me too! Looks like I've picked up a lb, time to get moving again.... Name..........................Starting…...…..Current….…..Goal…....To Go losingjusme....................317.25............. ...317.25.............295..........22.25 tann................................257........... ..........257................232...........25 juliegeraci........................232............ .........232..............220............12 Josette............................340........... ..........340..............315............25 Inner_me.........................306......................306..............280............26
  4. Inner_me

    January Bandsters???

    Tonya, I bet that is what is going on. I'm still new at this, but it appears for me to be going in cycles. I drop inches, then the lbs, then the inches, etc. At least I hope it's going in a cycle. I'm too excited to stop losing now. Purposedriven, do you think you may be too tight? Just wondering. There are so many different views on this point, but I've noticed that it's the days that my calories were increased a tad bit, that I drop. When, in my opinion, I'm eating the best...I sit still. Then when the weekend comes around, and I go up maybe 100 - 200 calories, I drop a lb or two. Its such a delicate balance, but I do believe that when we do not get the right amount of calories in, we stall out and stop losing. Granted there are many factors that could cause a plateau, but I'm pretty sure that our bodies going into starvation mode is definitely one. Either way, please make sure you're getting all of the proper nutrition, especially protein, that you need.
  5. Inner_me

    Road to "TWOterville"

    Thanks for the welcome ladies. You are all doing so well! I've currently hit a plateau, but my measurements are dropping again! I was able to put on a pair of jeans I haven't worn in over 3 years. I have my second fill today, and I'm ready to follow in your steps all the way into Twoterville and on down to Onederland!
  6. Inner_me

    January Bandsters???

    It's good to hear from everyone who is checking in! There are some fabulous results being posted. The males on this thread are really going to make some of us females jealous with the way the weight is just falling off... LOL As for me, I have my 2nd fill today. My surgeon does them himself, and he doesn't use xray/flouro. So far, mind you, it's only been one so far, we haven't had any problems. Anyway, I've got a NSV...a real one. LOL. I've been waiting for this moment. Anyway, I was going out this weekend and was running late because my jeans were in the dryer and refused to dry. So, there I was standing in my closet trying to find something to wear when I remembered my old pair of jeans which were still brand new three years ago when I grew out of them. So, I say what the heck, pull them off the hanger and right on. I didn't even have to lay on the bed to button or zip. I was shocked...more then shocked. I'll admit that I had tried them on about three weeks ago, and had said then that I'd be in them in about two or three weeks. But that was before my weight lose plateaued for about the same amount of time. And, I'm still sitting on that plateau, too... So...there's my NSV...moving from growing tight 28's to a comfortable 24. Not bad, hunh? There was some advice I'd read from an older bandster that said..."If you've got some clothes you've been saving for when you're smaller....better try them on today..." Never thought it would apply to me, being in the larger sizes we tend not to drop sizes that fast (yes, part of my problem was my clothes "grew" with me). Apparently, I was wrong.
  7. Inner_me

    January Bandsters???

    Okay Ladies and Gentlemen... Today's my 3rd month anniversary and I'm holding steady at a 40lb loss. This means I'm 6lbs from my first mini-goal. I'm ready for it. My 2nd fill is next week Monday, I'm looking forward to that, too. The last time I lost weight, I spent several months hanging around this weight. I couldn't get any lower no matter what I did, and I eventually climbed back up to where I was when I was banded. I hope I don't get stuck here. If so, I know it will eventually drop some more. When it does, I think my last little fear that this won't work for me will be obliterated! Can't wait. It's good to see everyone doing so well. How's all of the missing January bandsters? Everyone out losing weight and enjoying life so much we've stopped checking in. I miss the stories...
  8. Inner_me

    Road to "TWOterville"

    Hi, I'd like to join you! I've got 6 lbs to go before I get to Twoterville. I'm hoping I don't get stuck here. If so, it will be my first plateau. In reading all the threads, it always seemed as if people were discussing how they got stuck at a weight that they hung around at on their way up the hill. If so, then this is the range for me. The last time I lost weight, I couldn't get past 303. I'm at 305 now. I'm also a fairly new bandster, and I'm having my second fill on April 16th. I'll remember to check in on the 17th to join the Independence challenge! Looking forward to slimming down with each of you.
  9. Inner_me

    January Bandsters???

    Question. How do you get your protein in doing the cleanse? Do you do a liquid protein drink? I did a fast before, under the guidance of a herbalist, and he had me drink a rice based protein drink daily. Just asking, because since you've mentioned it, I'm actually thinking about it for next week after my fill. Especially since my doctor has me on liquids after each fill anyway.
  10. Inner_me

    January Bandsters???

    Hello....out there in bandland... How's everyone doing? You've been awfully quiet lately. I use to come on the thread and have pages worth of catching up to do. Do any of you feel that you have good restriction...even if it isn't at the "sweet spot"? Mine, for whatever crazy reason, is starting to feel like it's tightening up in the morning. Strange. I'm having a harder time with breakfast all of a sudden. It could be the TOM...but then again, I don't know.
  11. Inner_me

    January Bandsters???

    Way to go Joe! I agree, everyone is doing good. Even those of us who aren't at the correct fill level. I've decided that I love weekends! For the past 4 I've dropped at least 2 lbs each. I spend the whole week staring at the scale going "move...move..." and it does nothing. Then come Sunday morning, after I've allowed myself little treats, I always drop 2lbs. Well, this week, I went above and beyond allowing myself a little treat. I had a tiny piece of cake at a baby shower. It was one layer and iced. I just knew that I was going to gain this time around....but the next day, not only did I drop...but I dropped FOUR (4) lbs. Yes, I'm loving these weekends.... Oh, and I did a calculation error in my last post. My next fill is three weeks from today. I'm not quite sure if I really need it or not...but I'm going to have it anyway.
  12. Inner_me

    January Bandsters???

    After listening to all of you, I made my 2nd fill appointment. I know that i'm eating WAY more then I should be. I was still losing weight, but I need to go in for a fill. The way it turns out, I still have two weeks. I couldn't fit my schedule up with the surgeon's until the April 16th. Oh well, that's just a week before I had intended to go back anyway. I'll just continue to watch what I'm eating until then.
  13. Inner_me

    January Bandsters???

    As for when you can get your second fill, that really depends upon your surgeon. Mine told me to come back in two months, unless I felt that I needed to come back sooner. However, no sooner then one month. I'm not exactly "hungry", but I am eating more in one sitting then I think I should. I'm still going to wait to set a fill date for the end of April, though. Since I'm still losing...
  14. Inner_me

    January Bandsters???

    Hello everyone! How are you doing? As for me, I've finally dropped that last pound to make it a 30lb loss even. Other then that. Doing fairly well. I did eat WAY more then I should be able to for lunch. I probably should have scheduled a fill for next week, but I'm pushing it out for another week or two. I'm going to get there. Just not rushing with it. I will say that what amazes me is the fact that when I think I'm eating perfectly...I'm stuck. Then the second I eat something that I've placed on my once a month to never again list...I drop a pound or two. I'm starting to think that my idea of what I should be eating, and what I actually should be eating, are two different things.
  15. Inner_me

    January Bandsters???

    Hey everyone! It's been a minute, but I'm checking in. I'm doing okay. I guess I could be doing better. I've taken to being a little lazy on the weekends (meaning, I'm not exactly watching what I eat....but I'm not going overboard either.) I realized last weekend that I have to do better, and then I fell into my one meal a day habit on Sunday. The choir I'm responsible for had a musical and I was running like a chicken with my head cut off...when I realized I hadn't had ANY water all day, and only one meal of handful of lettuce and two chicken wings....and it was already 7pm. You could have knocked me over with a feather. I immediately corrected that, but I didn't get anywhere near my 64 oz of water for the day, and I ate another small meal. I will say that it definitely broke my mini plateau. All of the running that day, I doubt the not eating had an effect. Since my fill on 2/26 I immediately dropped 5 lbs, then another one for a toal of 6lbs. From that moment on, I've been in a fight with 3 lbs. I go up, I come down, I go up, I come down. Well this Monday, after being up on Friday (and a quick peek on Sunday morning), I dropped 4lbs. It's not official, though. My official weigh in isn't until Friday. Here's hoping it stays off, and a few more lbs with it. How's everyone else doing?
  16. Inner_me

    January Bandsters???

    Hi, well, my fill has settled in. I'm back to little restriction. It took about 3 days. I will admit that there is a difference. I "feel" it more if I go beyond a cup or so (its based upon the type of food). But, I'm not getting the "you're satisfied - stop" signal. It's more of a...hmmm...let's see what happens if you take one more bite. And then nothing. I'm basically using willpower to stop taking that extra bite. Everything is going down fine with me.
  17. Hey everyone! It looks like we're all getting off to a good start. I met my goal of 3x last week. Missed my secret goal of 4x...but, I almost didn't make it to the second time. I was going with a group, and they all bailed out on me. I had to push myself to go anyway, and it went well. Which lets me know that I can go by myself, and that I am going to do this. Even if I have to drag myself - by myself. So, last week I did: Tue - 15 min. treadmill Wed - Upper body weights and 20 min. treadmill Fri - Upper body weights, 3 minutes bike, 30 min. treadmill Oh, I wanted to mention that I make an effort to "move" everyday. I just need help with the focused workouts. I will say that with the 3x I went, I became "unstuck" and dropped about 6lbs. I'm definitely excited about that! Talk to you soon!
  18. Okay, and then comes me. My goal is to go to the gym at least 3 times a week for the month of March. My hidden goal is 4x. So far this week, I've gone once. I intend to go tonight, so I will let you know how it turns out.
  19. Inner_me

    January Bandsters???

    That Girl, I agree with Shawn, it doesn't hurt to ask. What you're feeling is normal, though. Pennst8er, Congratulations on the weight loss! That includes pre-op, too, doesn't it? Either way you're doing good.
  20. Pennst8er...which ticker program are you using? Maybe I can help.
  21. Inner_me

    January Bandsters???

    Okay, I was banded Jan 12. I had my first fill yesterday. As I mentioned before I was using my Dr.'s scale as my official, but because I weigh in the evenings, fully clothed at his office, I'm switching to mine. Now, my fill went really well. He numbed the spot first. There's been a lot of back and forth regarding the numbing, for me...it felt similar to alcohol on an open wound. As long as you don't breath, it doesn't sting. At the first sting, I immediately caught my breath for a few seconds. By the time I inhaled, it had already done its job. Wasn't bad at all. Now, I was told that my band holds about 12cc. He started by putting in 5cc. Yes, I know... Then he had me sitiup (with the needle still in) and drink some water. It backed up, so he removed some of the saline. He asked me again if it was still backing up, or going through...I opened my mouth to respond and up came a burp. I laughed and said, "I believe it's going through now."
  22. Inner_me

    January Bandsters???

    Congrats Joe! Shues, I'm glad to see you're feeling better and back posting. As for me, today is my fill day. My appointments later on in the day, so I'll have to let you know how it goes tomorrow.
  23. Inner_me

    January Bandsters???

    Hi! I'm still here. It looks like we are all at the "will power" stage of the game. Mine is quickly drawing to an end, thank goodness. Tomorrow I start back on regular food. I've been on soft for the past 2 weeks. The great news is I have my first fill on 2/26/07 (and of course my weigh in - I only use the weigh in from my Dr's office as my official). I will admit that I did have a BAD day last Sunday. At least, what I would call a bad day. I didn't eat alot, just made poor choices. So, it is definitely time. I always do my protein first, then vegetables then other. So, with the appropriate fill...there wouldn't be any room for that "other". While, just like everyone else, my ability to eat more has increased daily. Today was the first day I actually woke up hungry. Talk to you all later.
  24. Inner_me

    Chicago friends

    Initially when we set the time, we were thinking it was for a Saturday get together. Because it's on Sunday, I'm sure you can change the time if it works for everyone else.
  25. Inner_me

    Any Bookworms out there??

    Oh, I've found my corner. I'm addicted to reading. Have always been, from the moment I knew what a book was. I'm open to reading some of everything. But, my favorites are Romance, Fantasy, Mystery. I'm the type that finds a good book, and then holds on to that author until I find another good book by a different author. I haven't run across too many books in my life that I didn't enjoy. As for Romance, I've followed Johanna Lindsey...Catherine Coulter...Nora Roberts...good grief, I can't even remember them all right now. I love series, they allow me to hang around with my new friends for longer time periods. Right now, I'm in love with Christine Feehan's Ghostwalkers series. I also love the Drake Sisters...not to big on the Carpathians (but that's only because me and Vampires have a love hate relationship... :mad: ) I've read one book from her Leopard series, not quite my thing - but it will do in a pinch. While I've been waiting for her latest Ghostwalker...I've found a Highlander series by another author who's name is slipping my mind. It was fairly good, too. She kind of lost me on the last one, but the rest were really good. Do any of you get like that...where you've read so much of one author - when there's a storyline you think is going off track, you want to call them up and get them back to where YOU think the characters should be?

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