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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by Naomianne

  1. I take sedating medicine, and stopped smoking around 14 years now. I believe that this has made it harder for me to move forward with my weight loss, with the Gastric Lap Band, which I've had 16 years ago now. I wont change the banding, cause I know if I get it removed, bye bye to the weight loss, bring on the weight gain. So far I've lost the ideal weight, then I stopped the smoking and it increased. I have 50 lbs to go now, I can do it. Can anyone related to this at all?

  2. I am using sustegan, with my food, which is going ok. I'd like to lose weight faster. It is great if I can't be bothered cooking a special meal. I've lost 3 kgs, or 7 lbs in the past 3 weeks, due to being a bit harder on myself. Determination Does come into this!

  3. Hi Aubrie. I notice that we have similar stats. Yes my hubby is honest, but kind with it. I guess he doesn't want to upset me, cause I look at some of those "before" pics of me, and I look vile! Going out to dinner made no waves, but still I would often spend hours trying something half way decent to wear. I've gained some weight after stopping smoking. I was comfy in my jeans, and now I'm refusing to get rid of them, so I guess it's a motivation (of sorts) to continue with the weight loss journey.

  4. Yep. Photos are the brutal truth. When I see my reflection in the mirror, particularly on the way out the door I think "Ahhhhhhhhhhh. GOM I look Fat! So then it's a frantic lot of thinking of judging by my size clothing I'm wearing, changing my clothes, the measurement tape measurements, or the scales for inner support.

    Weight loss surgery is on my Top List of great things in my life, up there with marriage, motherhood, doing things I couldn't before. I actually spent most of my time at home feeling sorry for myself, eating myself in a way where I couldn't stop. I've always been a slow learner. :-)

  5. during most of my weight loss I exercised at home. I have a treadmill.

    Early on, I just jogged on it and listened to music. I'd do 4 miles per hour for 40 minutes or so. As I got fitter, I did more. I did stuff like cardiocoach, which is an MP3 interval training program, I have a treadmoves DVD (treadmill sprints and weight work combined) and I began running outside.

    I gradually came to run mainly outside, using the treadmill only if it was late, raining or really really hot.

    I also used to do my own made up circuit combining heavy weight work or sandbag work with running intervals on the treadmill.

    Nowadays I'm running outside, and doiing 2 bootcamp sessions a week plus a circuit training class at the gym, which I take my son and his friend too. The bootcamp has got me working harder than I ever thought possible.

    The biggest advantage to developing the discipline to working out at home and having a treadmill is that I never have an excuse not to do decent exercise.

    Hi Jachut, you look so much more organised than me! I'm basically into cardio with moving my butt, to lose weight. It's early summer here, so I guess I'll have to force myself out :)

  6. I've restarted some cario workouts after a while since my regular workouts, and support of my diet buddy. Well I think my diet buddy has got other things to do, but now I can see how I will get past these reasons to stop regular workouts.

    Anyway. I've started with my home exercise bike, watching my favourite diet programs, downsize me, diet doctors, uk's biggest user..As it's been about 6 months of not doing any thing (other than being feeling sorry for myself due to the 35 lbs I've gained with stopping smoking). And Great News! It's slowly working it's way down again (my weight), and this morning my waist measuremenst has come down an inch...32.

    I notice that many people go to the gym. I am happy to stick to home, with the exercise bike, and treadmill. Many people doing their exercise activity at home?

  7. Question! Does Sustagen or Optifast work in well with the banding? I am currently doing all I can to look ok for Christmas celebration family photo time! Doing the equivalent of one shake a day as a shake or over my Cereal. It's also Summer here, and school holidays starting soon. So the Sustegan, loads of coffee, cutting back on sweet things (yes sugar adict here), and a "weight loss accelerate" which assists fat burning (???) before each meal and actually is helping me want to eat less....Some of it is banding and another is just hard yaker! How is everyone coping with this time of year, towards Christmas?

  8. I find everytime I am 'relaxed' with myself, thinking I look "ok" , or listening to people saying I'm OK the way I am, I automatically start putting on weight. My weight is a lifetime effort. I can't be complacent. Biggest change? Giving up the smokes, then gaining heaps of weight, while being prepared for that...so nice breath, no nicotine fingers, and being aware that I have probably done the best thing in terms of health. Wanna get into my skinny jeans again... get some hair extensions (Yep, like it's going to happen lol.).

  9. Yes. I've regained roughly 20 lbs after stopping smoking last March. now back to 183. Before hand I got down to165 lbs with a BMI of 27. Family members would say that I'm "too slim, getting too thin", although I said that I'm still in the 'overweight range', yet they were the first to notice that I did gain weight..."what's wrong with your band? Isn't it not working properly"... Can't win I'm afraid.

  10. Hi. Check out your own online discount pharmacy (I live in Australia), which has a comprehensive amount of discount sales, or generally lower prices than usual. I use pharmacydirect here which we use for getting a bargain. So maybe check out Optifast online (not their own site), there, but maybe buy it with other orders so that the delivery price isn't too bad. Hope this helps!

  11. I have to get back into my skinny size 14 (12 US) jeans..inside I feel no different, but worry about what other people are thinking about how I look, esp. as I see it's totally shallow thinking on my part. I want to look good this Christmas, and January school holidays. Even at the beach I wont swim without a tee shirt and board shorts. I don't want to look 40, but as gorgeous as the teeny boppers running about in their bikinis! One can dream. If big gals have no problems with how they look like in a tee shirts showing bra straps, a few rolls, without worrying, I say "good for you". Personally I hate my bat wings, and gone wrong Tummy Tuck scar. Is this the price I need to feel accepted by others...do you think this could be why?

  12. How do you know that you are looking good, after some weight loss, even large amounts? I can only tell just how I look by photos. The various ways for me are mirror, weight, clothes, measurement and photos. I can see a lot of people are a bit on the big side when I go through my normal day, which is fine, and they look attractive to me, yet if I look at myself, being just the same sort of size, with various bulges I can't stand it. Maybe I am being too tough on myself? :w00t:

  13. Hi. Starting a new thread (hope nobody minds!). I am happy with my success as a bandster. I've lost heaps of weight from BMI 42 to currently 31. I've written a great book about supporting others with a band, or intend to. I've also stopped smoking last March and now losing the extra weight I gained during that period of time. It is great to have a forum like this. :tongue_smilie:Please add me as a friend. Got lots of more things to say, but then you'd be sitting here until the cows come home. Take care. Still learning the ropes, but want to add myself in the 'sucess' part of this forum as I do believe that happy people are a great inspiration, happy place to be. :confused:

  14. By accident I overheated my corn tortilla. I broke off a piece and voilla! a baked tortilla chip.

    1 Corn Tortilla (Mission lo fat)

    Microwave on high for 1.5 to 2 minutes. Watch that it doesn't overbrown.

    Allow to cool and break into "baked" tortilla chips

    Spray with no cal butter spray and season to taste before microwaving if you like.

    Made a great "cracker" for my mexican salad (lettuce, 1/4 C refried Beans, 1 T lite sour cream, pinch of shredded cheese and salsa). I think I found a new lunch:hungry: :hungry:

    Where have I been? I'll bet lots of people know this trick!!!

    Hi Pinkylee, I'm getting into the refried Beans too. It's very filling but so tasty! The only difference is that I'm using burrios (is that how you spell it?). Wow. A lucky coincidence!

  15. Destin2fly19 - I, too, was very concerned about dehydration prior to getting banded. I have a condition called diabetes insipidus--it's only related to diabetes mellitus (type 1 and type 2 that everyone knows about) as it makes me urinate a lot. (Basically, my pituitary gland doesn't produce enough vasopressin, a hormone that tells the kidneys to retain Water.) Though I'm on medication for it, I can get extremely dehydrated very easily, especially when I work out.

    Since getting banded, I was relieved to find that I can still stay hydrated enough. Unlike a couple folks who posted here, I can't guzzle Water as much as I could prior to banding, but I have absolutely no problem getting a large volume of water in every day.

    Best of luck to you!!

    Hi. I have/had (?) diabetes insipidus. I would drink way way way too much before the gastric lap band op. I still have a problem with the kidneys, a "defect" as the doctor says, for years, damage done. Since the op a few years ago (2005) I've had to regulate the drinking, for example, drinking a lot Before eating, and at least 30 mins After. No probs. What about you?

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