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Posts posted by Glogirl

  1. Thanks for all the support guys...I went to the lapband doc's support group and well...it's just not for me. I haven't been on here in a while and now I remember why it was so good for me. YOU All Rock!!

    And thank Chik!! I teach kindergarten so moving around is a little hard but I am giving some serious consideration to switching with someone who wants kindergarten and taking a 2nd grade position. I just got my masters degree in school counseling and would love a counseling job but it can sometimes take a little bit to find one. Hoping a neighboring district which has quite a few openings will call!! Keep your fingers crossed!!

    Thank you again to everyone for reminding me that I am a Banded Girl!!

  2. Glo

    I'm going to guess you have two seperate things going on.

    If you are having sinus issues, take some OTC stuff like Claritin.

    As for your heartburn and indigestion, you need to have your fill level checked. Untreated heartburn is a one way ticket to Slipsville. You may be too tight, regardless of how much you are able to eat. The health of your stomach/band is the priority not loosing as quickly as possible.

    Take care of yourself and check back.

    Thanks Juli-needed some encouraging your not alone words!

    Saw doc yesterday..nurse let me cry..talked my through what's going on and it's allergies (saw general doc for that yesterday too) and STRESS!!!

    Anyone with ideas on how to work with a negative co-worker let me know!! My stress is causing me lapband stress!!

    Thanks again Glo

  3. I never used to get car sick or ride sick but about 6 mos after my band I have had those experiences.

    Here's my question for you all I am having a lot of trouble with sinus drainage and the feeling of indigestion and pain like heartburn my Doc says take some out but now I'm too open.

    Any suggestions on how to keep my restriction without all the pain associated with this drainage? Glogirl

  4. So glad I read this thread!!! Ran across it by accident. Have had my band for a year and my last fill has caused me to be a smige too tight but wasn't sure till I read this thread!! So thanks guys and gals I'm going to have a little taken out today!!

    Also Dr. SMith in FW did my surgery too!! Just love him and my band!

    Pay no attention to my ticker I think it's wrong! :crying:

  5. Today was a hard day - went out to eat for a relative's birthday dinner. Got some fabulous fish and well cooked veggies. As usual I was full VERY quickly.

    But I still wanted to eat because it tasted so good. I was so pissed off that I couldn't. I guess that is part of the adjustment phase - my body wasn't hungry but man oh man did my taste buds and head want some more!

    I know exactly what you mean. I have been struggling with that this past weekend and over ate. Man I was very very uncomfortable. And still did it yesterday!!! I put myself on Soup today and I am feeling better.

    Anyone know how stress affects the band?


  6. I have been out of pocket for a few days and it will take me some time to catch up on everything.

    But just wanted to let you know I had my first fill on March 26th and it went well. I am feeling more restricted but doing fine. I can't believe I am already to this point just 20 something days past surgery.

    I am also hitting the exercise trail everyday now and still feeling good1

    Will post more later after I get caught up!

    Luck to everyone being banded today!!:)

  7. I'm wondering if anyone besides me is constantly burping (surgery was Monday). Everytime I drink anything, including Water, boullion, clear Protein drinks, etc. (I'm still on clear liquids), I burp for hours. Could it be from drinking too fast? I don't feel any restriction so I just drink as usual. I've tried slowing down but I still get it--but it may be from hours ago when I drank too fast. Anyway, any suggestions or similar experiences?

    In the begining I was like a burp machine!!!!! I seems to have gotten much better and I am able to work with it. I do still burp a lot more than usual.

    Love your quote of The greatest cause of failure....

    I have it up on my desk.

    good luck:D

  8. So Glogirl;

    I am always afraid to post my real tru 'possible stretching the rules advice" and then you backed me with that chicken breast! Right on! I am afraid one day I will get a really ugly PM criticizing my ideas, but at least I am "real".

    So when you feel that rock feeling, you should have chewed alot better or swallowed a smaller bite. That is what I call the swallowed an ice cube feeling, then it goes away after you get up and walk around and flap your arms and take some deep breathes.

    So what did you eat? IS it that you ate the wrong food or toooooo much food?

    Do you feel restriction? Have you felt the thanksgiving full feeling yet?

    Yes the arm Flapping Helped!!! :clap2:

    I just ate too much because I waited too late to eat lunch and I am pretty sure I chewed good but ate too fast. My family really helped me before I got out of hand. I was having the chicken out of a chicken enchilada and some black Beans and melon. It was good but just ate a little too much.

    I am like you I think...I am eating way less than normal but not the "lapband' amount. Even my daughter said tonight at dinner. Hey that was at least a cup full....my DH backed my up by saying hey she hasn't had her fill appt yet and she is doing great. I love my family!!! :eek:

  9. miss Gail;

    Yes I am back...

    I am sooooo glad to be home, I am really a home body.

    I totally overate when I was gone.

    So when you overate or even ate the sequestered foods didyou experience any pain? I think you would have said so if you did.

    Then no harm done

    Hey Pam I just love reading your posts and yes this past weekend I don't have as much restriction as in the begining.

    I ate a little too much on Sat night becasue of this and it just felt like a rock in my chest. but then it passed.

    I get to have my first fill on the 26th of March. My doc wants to do the first one 3 weeks post op now instead of 5. Then I can go every 4 weeks till I hit my go spot.

    Glad you are well and had a good trip.:eek:

  10. I know I'm getting closer and closer everyday. Tomorrow will be my 7th day on the Optifast 14 Day Liquid Diet! Getting Banded 3/27/07 I thought as each day goes by it may get a little easier. But the past two days have been very, very tuff! I haven't gone off course, but this is a Monster Hurdle. Sometimes it's hunger pain, and others I just want to chew and swallow something. I mean I've been eating some s/f Jello and Popsicles, chicken broth, but just a temporary fix. Anyone have any suggestions? I'm not going to cave in, but I'm just looking for some imput?

    Thanks Rocko~~:help:

    Hang in there Rocko....it's worth it and I agree with pam just add some healthy chicken breast don't make yourself miserable!!! We are rooting for you!!


  11. That was my fear also because I did do that in my last surgery. I told the doc of my fears and they juiced me pretty good. Everything turned out okay.

    **QUESTION** for anyone. Has anyone had the runs since surgery? I do not like milk and I think it might be the slimfast mixed with extra Protein or the liquid Tylenol? I have had a couple of popsicles also. Think this is normal? With all of my problems I am so glad to be on this side of the band.

    *FORGOT*..I also had to have a hernia repaired! Anyone else, and does this slow down recovery?

    I did have a little issue with the runs but as I went along they got better on their own. I think its your body's way of adjusting.

  12. I am so restricted in the morning that I don't start eating until around 11 am - what time do you have Breakfast or start eating?

    I'm not complaining because before the band I would have had breakfast and a snack by then.


    My Doc told me to drink something warm in the am..it really helps

    So I have my coffee or hot tea and then about 20 30 min later have some breakfast and I am good for about 3-4 hours!!

  13. Hello Again!!!

    The day of my surgery went very smoothly. I got to the hospital right at 8:30am. Within 5 minutes of sitting down in the waiting room they called me back to get started. At least 10 different people came in and out my room to ask questions or just to introduce themselves and let me know they will be in the operating room. Everyone was so nice and attentive and made me feel at ease. By 10:30, I was in the operating room. By 11:45, I was in recovery and was taken up to my room around 1:00pm. I wasn't allowed anything to eat or drink the first day, not even Water so I was quite parched. The only thing I could do was wipe the inside of my mouth with a wet swab. Every couple hours I got up to walk for 10-15 minutes around my room for the rest of the evening. The next morning around 8:30 I was taken to X-ray to drink the barium to make sure that everything was flowing okay. Finally around noon, after receiving the x-ray results I was brought a food tray with broth, Jello, tea, apple juice, cranberry juice, a popsicle, and a pitcher of ice water. I ate/drank all the broth...which was delicious, had a spoonful of jello, drank the cranberry juice and drank 2 cups of water. I had no problems drinking at all. The nutritionist came to my room to visit and told me that she watched my entire surgery from a window. I said, "You're kidding!" I thought that was really cool!

    This is day 2 post-op and I am feeling REALLY, REALLY good! I am really surprised. I slept very well last night. I slept propped up on my bed/tv pillow and used several other pillows to support my back and my legs and I was very comfortable. No real pains to speak of. Still very gassy, but no trapped gas...it's coming out both ends quite often.

    I hope everyone else is doing well! I am sure we had some new people join us while I was gone so I am going to read back a few pages and update our list. Have a great weekend everyone!!!

    Yea!! So glad you are doing well:clap2: :clap2: :) You are awsome!!

  14. Wow I can't believe how many of us there are for March!!

    I am sending you positive energy Tammyj and all those to be banded today!!

    FurEllie/Sophie: Yes I think you guys are right about the waist swelling I wore pants yesterday and they were fine in the hips and thighs but killed me in the waist!!

    Synicalchick: I feel like the burping queen but somtimes it feels really good:p Also I get a some soreness in the port area when walking too. I just come home and use the heating pad and that helps.

    SueinRussia: Glad to hear you are doing well and to sneezing....oh yes that was painful to say the least:eek:

    I think I am doing well....my doc does his first fills now 3 weeks after surgery so I go for mine on 3/26. I am already eating some solid foods like canned tuna and canned chicken and canned veggies since they are all soft and very moist. Last night I had some penne Pasta with veggies and chicken mixed together. I still get surprised by how little it now takes to get full:p . But as long as I chew chew and chew some more everything seems fine.

    Hope everyone is doing well.

  15. I am way to new to beingbanded to really answer this question but it made me remember what someone said to me just before I got the band.

    She was a very dear friend and she said" Are you sure about this? It will change your life forever."

    At first Isaid I know and just went on but I was panicking inside! Then I just let the thought really sink in. I realized "You know something needs to change and be a permanent change" Then I also thought about all the life changing experiences I have had over the years. I realized most of them were either good or I really grew from them as a person. So my new attitude is

    I hope it does change my life forever!!:)

  16. Right on Glogirl!!!!

    You know..... everytime I look in my closet or everytime I "fit" better into a pair of jeans, "I" in the back of my mind think ...."hmmmmmmm" how long are these going to fit until I gain my weight back". What a horrible conscious but true all my life I have always bounced from being fat to fatter back to fat again then fatter. I have clothes in my closet from size 16 to 26, and have never thrown them away until a couple days ago I donated some of them. I always kept them because I am logical about my weight, and this time I am logical too, if they are too big for me now I will never be able to wear them again. (I just need to repeat this to myself at least 1000x)

    Excatly!!!! I just keep telling myself "You have the tool. You will be fine.":D

  17. Glogirl;

    Did you do mushies BEFORE you were suppose to? Is that why you paniced? Well I DID do the mushies before my one week post op check up and the Dr. was a little grumpy over it.But obviously my band did its' job and I did not do damage.

    He says that the pain caused by the mushies after surgery and prior to the swelling going down stops "normal fat people" from being tempted to try mushies and I chimed right in and assured him I feel no pain, but IF I had I would have not eaten that chicken.(you should have seen the hair on the back of his neck stand up when I told him I ate chicken)~ then when I told him I ate a scrambled egg before the 10 days post op appointment he started telling me I don't follow the rules.

    But seriously I did not think I was doing that bad and explained to him my mouth (teeth) do a better job than a blender.

    He made me sweat a little (got me nervous) and made me promise to stick to the rules and read the rules I need to stick to.

    My main problem is that I have a unique memory (I learn by trial and error) and I have an unusually high pain tolerance (at least I am told this all the time) people can't understand why I am not in pain when I should be; but in reality I am so frightened by that particular experience that my endorphines are taking over and my game face is on, so pain is not the issue.

    I am not being a troubled child, I just need to understand why my mouth can't chew chew chew chew just like the blender does, and why sip sip sip when you can drink.


    No I followed the rules I just felt a little paniced I think because I thought great now I will overeat. I guess that was just an old reaction. I just still can't get over that this is working.

    I seemed to tolerate what I ate yesterday well. Never felt bad and the dog and I did a 30 min. walk so I guess I am on my way.

    I am down 20lbs.:clap2: :clap2:

  18. Char;

    Your story brought tears to my eyes.

    Thank goodness you had the sense to get to ER!

    I am 10 days post op and had "some" issues; nothing compared to yours, thank goodness they are behind you and they were overcome.

    Even with those complications in 1 week from now you will still say it is worth it.

    I eat so little and am sooooo satisfied, everyday I wake up thinking: am I really going to have restriction today or am I going to have to eat like I use to prior to banding and everyday so far I am sooooo happy to say the band it still working!!!! Yahoooo!

    Go read some of my posts.... I tell it like it really is, and as of today I still say the band is one of the best things in my life.

    Pam...I am right there with you...This morning I went for my post op and they said ok now you can go to the what we call mushie stuff. I immediately felt a little panic. But as I found out...my little friend on my tummy is doing it's job. I am surprised at how little food it takes to make me happy:hungry: :clap2: :clap2: !!! I go for my first fill on March 26th.

    Glad to hear from you hearsmile...glad everything went well for you!!:)

    TammyJ...You Are Positively Awsome!!!! I know you are getting excited and I know you are going to do fine because you have such a positive spirit!! Yea You!!! This time next week you will be moving and grooving:biggrin1:

  19. hi

    well tomorrow is the big day for me. I am very nervous. It seems like people have such different post-op instructions. I have been on mostly liquid Protein for 2 weeks pre0op then i will have clear liquids for 2 weeks and then mushies for two weeks. But some people seem to be on solids almost right after surgery. I am a bit confused by this.

    and yes, I cleaned out closet and drawers it was wierd, sort of like the nesting instict before having babies:) And that is a very long time ago for me.

    I will stay overnight at the hospital and hopefully I will post a pot-op update on Tuesday. Can't wait to be banded and home again.


    Glad you are feeling better and ready fo surgery. I know you will do well tomorrow and we will hear from you soon. Take care:p

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