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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by tiffanyannette

  1. The same thing happens to me, during my TOM I don't lose anything at all, my body just stalls. Then all of a sudden I'm down 5lbs in 2 days. I'd be okay if it was just once a month, but my friend has been doing sneak attacks on me...last month it was twice. GYN says that its the weight loss, but to keep on truckin' because I'm doing great. She assures me that my body will get back to normal. I can't wait for that!

  2. I am a total yes to the surgery...I'm 3 months out and down 55 lbs as of today (I have 2.4cc's) I do fuss a little because before I never had any issues with Vitamin deficiencies or had to take any kind of meds...unfortunately my B1 and Vitamin D levels are low, so I take a mixture of Vitamins, Calcium chew and Omega 3 every day, on top of B1, B12 and Vitamin D once a week. To me that is a small price to pay. My energy levels (and sex drive hehe) have increased. As a matter of fact I just ran at 5.6 mph today at the gym. I do have to be extra careful...because I was extra sensitive during a stomach bug and sinus infection I had these past few months. I still have a long way to go but the only con that I've had is that my period is VERY sporadic.

  3. Beba, at my surgery consult on 12/09 my bmi was 61. My surgeon does all of the bariatric surgeries, but I had already knew that lapband was for me. He made sure I knew my stuff and also asked exactly why I wanted that particular surgery. I had already made lifestyle changes so he was confident that I made a good informed decision and was a good candidate. Weight was never an issue...I was actually worried that he wouldn't do the surgery due to my size, but he quickly told me with a giggle that I was NOT the heaviest he had ever banded. I had surgery on 3/2 and I am doing well and down 37 lbs. So all in all if you have educated yourself and know that lapband (and all the hard work/maintenance afterward) is for you then stick to your guns. Because this is a long term commitment be sure that you're comfortable with the surgeon and his office staff. No one says you can't research others before making a decision.

  4. Ha!

    You guys are great. I'm glad that everyone was able to get some chuckles out of my story. I knew I wasn't the only one!

    My mom has now coined a new dance called the "weight loss wiggle." Whenever I wear jeans and I stand up, I have to do a little wiggle because they are sliding off! I confessed to my mom that before when I used to wear those jeans, I had to wear them around the house for a day or 2 to loosen them up, and even after they were loose, I had to wear one of those pant girdles (the ones that are sheer and go to your calf) to slide them up...then I would leave them unbuttoned and have to fold them over on the top just to fit! :thumbup:

    My husband has also said that I'm becoming a "gangsta" because now my sweatpants (which were pretty snug before) have all started sagging in the crotch!

    Thanks to all you guys for your stories and support, it made my day! It's so nice to have another family to laugh at you! :)

  5. Just had to share this...

    So, my husband has been teasing me lately and telling me that I'm shrinking. Now having been morbidly obese my whole life, I can see the numbers go down on the scale and feel it in my clothes, however, I still don't really "see" a change. I know that'll come with time I'm sure.

    Lately, I've been finding that even my tightest bras are getting looser and my undies are getting baggier. I didn't realize how baggy until a few days ago. I got up, exercised, took a shower and headed to the store to do some shopping. To my surprise, I kept feeling my underwear sliding down my butt...so I sneak into an aisle and hike those babies up good. Well, about 10 steps later, they do the same thing, so I hide in another aisle and pick them up again (I must have mortified the little girl and her dad that happened to run into the aisle JUST as I was doing this). The bathroom is on the other side of the store...I know I can't make it there...by this time, my undies have fallen again and the only thing keeping them up is the fat in between my thighs! Now most people would have just taken them off at that point, but I decided to waddle myself on out of there, hanging panties and all! Keep in mind that about 6 weeks ago, they were snug.

    I had my second post op (1st fill appointment) today. I shared this story with the doctor and I swear, I can still hear them laughing a whole city away. I figured that I should share this with you all in case someone needed a laugh.

    With that said, I've lost 10.5 lbs to the day from my first post op appt. (a week after surgery) a month ago. (35 lbs all together) Dr. said that I'm doing great and my lab work came back perfectly, except for a deficiency of Vitamin D, which I was told is pretty normal. On top of exercise and monitoring my portions, just having the band placed is offering some sufficient restriction (my band was empty). So 1.25cc's was added because the doctor (and myself) think that I'm knocking on the door to my sweet spot.

    Sorry for the long post...I'm so proud of myself and felt like sharing today! :thumbup:

    Start of Pre-Op Diet (2/15):345 lbs

    Day of Surgery (3/2): 330 lbs

    Post Surgery Appt (3/11): 320 lbs

    Follow up/First Fill appt: 309.5 lbs!...1.25 cc's

  6. Kris, the same exact thing happened to me 3 days out, I went straight to the dr's office. During surgery they put in 3cc's; that coupled with the extreme swelling I had was causing the problem. They took out most of the fluid...about 2.4cc's and I felt immediate relief. Another person banded on the same day with the same dr and same fill had no problems, so its pretty individual. Be sure to call asap as a precaution...you can get dehydrated very quickly.

  7. My 2 week pre-op diet was very similar to BetsyB's. I had to make sure I got in at least 64 oz. of Water, 2 Protein shakes (Breakfast and lunch) then a palm full portion (about 4 oz.) of Protein and a non starchy veggie. The first 3 days I was doubting if I could hang on, but it definitely got easier. There were also a few nights where I had a shake instead of food.

    A few days ago GNC had a sale going on and I picked up their banana Cream whey powder...its more like having a treat and was a nice change from the vanilla that I was doing before.

    I do have to say that as soon as I started the pre-op diet I caught a bad cold...then after losing some pounds my TOM came a whole week and a half early...during that time my weight stalled, but as soon as it was over I was back to normal.

    My biggest suggestion is if you're allowed to have a little food...make it good, it definitely doesn't have to be boring.

    You will soon find out that most of the time the hunger is a mind game. I know it sounds cheesy, but keep your eye on the prize, it'll be over before you know it!

    Surgery for me is on the 3rd at 8am and as of my appt. Thursday I am down 15 lbs. Good luck!

  8. I work for the state of TX as well, however it is important to know that any type of WLS is excluded. Good news is that when the legislature met a few months ago, it was passed that ERS has a certain amount of time to add it to the plan. The last I read they had until the next open enrollment period. Of course they will probably have a trillion qualifications and requirements, so you'll more than likely have to wait it out. I know you have already prepared for self pay...just wanted to give you the updated info as I know it. Good luck!

  9. Band sisters...I love it! Had my first shake this morning, but I normally have a shake for Breakfast, I'm sure that by lunch it'll hit me.

    I'm having second thoughts mainly due to the anesthesia. Its funny because I've dealt with cancer before and have had multiple surgeries, but for some reason I am terrified beyond belief!

    I'm afraid to have my first PB, stuck episode and all the other things that come with it. I do love the fact that I have great support systems.

    Let's keep each other updated!

  10. I'm "sort of" a newbie...I've been a long time reader and signed up a few months ago...but I've been afraid to post!

    I live in Austin, Texas and will be having my surgery with Dr. Ramiro (Sonny) Cavazos in San Antonio. I looked at a few physicians here in Austin, however, his place was listed as a center of excellence for my insurance and I used to process physician suspensions at the hospital where he practices and I can truly say that he NEVER had any issues and is a great surgeon as well as person. :cursing:

    I found out yesterday that I was approved for surgery...I have yet to schedule the date, but I was told I should be receiving a call from the scheduler today. I'm shooting for the 2nd of March.

    It's funny...I've spent a few years researching this procedure, taking notes, talking to the doctor and reading posts day and night on this site (thank you LBT mobile on my blackberry). I felt super prepared...but as soon as I got the news that I was approved, I freaked, forgot everything I had learned and am now terrified! :(

    I'll spare all the long details, but just wanted to say hello to everyone. Bear with me as I learn how to customize and post.

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