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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by mimi1512

  1. Cynthia -

    We had a similar starting weight, how are you down to 318? I envy you! I am stuck at only -28lbs, I have been following the "diet" to the letter, and I haven't seen the scale budge in the past week!

    I haven't felt up to working out yet, so I suppose that's why I haven't seen as rapid weight loss as you. I plan on getting active starting Monday.

    I won't get my first fill until 5/21, which is a whopping 7 weeks, 3 days after my surgery. I wonder why my surgeon is waiting so long to give me a fill. I can already tell I am eating more than I was able to eat a week ago.

  2. Hi Guys,

    I was banded on 3/31 and I have lost 28lbs so far.

    The first three weeks I feel I had great restriction, was barely able to finish 2oz of meat before feeling stuffed. I started week four yesterday (4/21) and I have been noticing I am able to eat more at one meal than I had just a week ago. I am now able to eat 4oz of meat and 1oz of carbs per sitting. I am supposed to be having 2oz meat and 1oz carb per meal, six times a day. Instead, I find myself having 4oz of meat and 1oz of carbs per meal, only three times a day.

    I am afraid eating like this is stretching my pouch, and that is why I am not feeling restriction anymore. My next appointment is 5/21, where I expect I will get my first fill. I am frustrated that I have to wait this long for a fill, especially since you all have already gotten your first fill, and we were banded around the same time.

    I hope I am not going to gain all the weight I lost over the past four weeks before I go in for my fill.

  3. Oh I can relate all too well.

    I was walking down the street one day, when a man driving a car yelled out "you've got an ass like a mack truck!"

    I don't even know what that means.

    I've ALWAYS been the heaviest woman in a room, in my group of friends, relationships, my entire class during ALL my years of school, and any job I've ever worked at.

    I'm only 24 years old, and it has been diet after diet after diet ever since I can remember. I've been on WW, Nutrasystem, Medifast, Rx Weight Loss Drugs, LA Weight Loss, Atkins, Diet pills, etc. I've NEVER been able to keep off any significant amount of weight. I have been struggling with my weight since I was in PreK.

    It's something I've learned to deal with over the years, and only recently, when I had ballooned to an unhuman 369lbs did I realize that I was in serious trouble.

    I've been banded for almost 4 weeks now, and I have lost 28lbs as of this morning. I couldn't be happier.

    I have NEVER been normal sized, let alone thin, and I am VERY nervous about learning how to deal with living life as a normal sized person.

  4. So I'm almost four weeks post-op, I was banded on 3/31, and I feel that I have to share with you something that I have found to be incredibly important.


    Chew your food! Mush it up in your mouth. Add lots of saliva. Chew some more. When you think you've chewed enough, chew some more. Chew until it is a liquid consistency. Whatever you're eating. meat, farina, ice cream, crackers, potatoes, eggs, cheese, it doesn't matter. Chew it until it's literally liquid in your mouth. Then swallow. Swallow completely before you even begin to pick up the next forkful of food. Only put another bite in your mouth once you have completely swallowed all the food that was in there.

    I have consistently eaten this way since I have been banded, and I have not gotten sick, stuck, or pb'd once.

    I think this is truly the most important aspect of living with the band. It was not easy for me to change my eating habits, as I used to shovel my food like a rhino before I was banded. I now am so frightened to get sick or stuck that I purposely count at least 45 chews per bite. It takes some time to eat a small meal, but I think it is worth it to never get sick.

  5. I was banded on 3/31 and I was feeling fine up until about 2 days ago when I started having very painful episodes. I get a tightness in the center of my chest that seems to travel up to my jawline. This happens regardless of if I am eating or drinking or not. It comes in waves and has been constant throughout the day and night. Ive read a lot about shoulder pain which I (thankfully) have not yet experienced, but I can not seem to find anyone who has had a similar experience regarding chest/jaw pain. I am starting to get very nervous!

  6. YES! It is gas pains you are talking about. I was banded on 3/31 and the first 3 days after surgery were awful. The pain and pressure in my chest was nearly intolerable. It was so bad that I wanted to go back to the hospital to get the band taken out!

    It WILL get better, I promise. You need to walk it out. Walk, walk, walk, as much as you can. Also eat chewable gasx like candy. It is your best friend during this time.

    I found the heating pad to irritate the pain, and the ice pack to really help it. Everyone is different, and I've read others on here that say the opposite was true for them, so I would recommend trying both and seeing which works better for YOU.

    I hope you feel better soon, I know what you are feeling and I wouldn't ever want to be there again. It WILL get better, believe me.

  7. I was on a clear liquid diet (broth,jello) for day 1&2 post op. which didnt matter much anyway, because I could barely fit anything thru my pouch because of the swelling (Im assuming).

    Starting day 3 I was allowed to have full liquids, which (to my pleasant surprise) includes cream of wheat (farina). This has been a life saver for me. I could NOT have tolerated the Protein shakes for the entire 2 required weeks of full liquids.

    I have found that mixing plain farina with cinnamon and splenda and a scoop of Isopure unflavored Protein powder is a lovely Breakfast, and mixing plain farina with low sodium chicken broth and salt and a scoop of Isopure unflavored Protein Powder is a lovely lunch and dinner. This tastes exactly like pastina. It's a lifesaver when you are looking for something to fill you up more than a Protein shake could. If you're stuck on the full liquid phase, I recommend asking your doctor if cream of wheat or cream of rice is an acceptable meal.

    Weeks 3&4 will be "mushies" which will mean mashed potatoes, meat balls, etc.

    And week 5 will start my regular food.

  8. Hi Everyone!

    Im just now feeling well enough to check out lbt.

    I was banded on 3/31 (obviously) and I was discharged on 4/1.

    That first night home was hell. I honestly wanted to go back to the hospital and have it taken out. I was in SO much pain. I was NOT prepared for that amount of pain. I thought I was ready - but I was SO wrong.

    Having said that - Im now 6 days postop and I am feeling so much better! I am now able to eat (full liquids) and drink with no problem! I am able to lay down to sleep (finally!) and I am able to walk around without needing to get rid of gas pains.

    Ive lost 16lbs since the beginning of my preop diet, and I couldnt be happier!

    Id love to hear how everyone else is doing!

  9. Im wondering if anyone has experience with smoking prior to their surgery. ive been meaning to quit since jan 2010 but i just havent been able to. now that im only 5 days away from surgery, im wondering if it is really that strict a guideline to not smoke for a certain time period before surgery.

  10. Thank you for the well wishes! I am sure it will go by so quick, but waiting for the date is horrid!

    However, when put into perspective, it took many many years to get this heavy, and waiting another 12 days to start taking it off isn't going to kill me. :frown:

  11. Sure thing! This is what I have so far:

    • Pillow (for the ride home)
    • Chapstick (for hospital)
    • "Before" photos & measurements (I'll want these later on once I start losing!)
    • Heating pad (for gas pains)
    • Ice packs (for incision pains)
    • PostOp instruction booklet (to have readily available when I return from the hospital)
    • Zune/Ipod (to pass time in the recovery room, and while walking the hospital halls)
    • Sugar-Free Popsicles
    • Protein Shakes/Powders (I ordered mine from www.bariatriceating.com)
    • Cocktail Straws (very narrow openings - my nutritionist told me straws with very narrow openings are acceptable)
    • Bottled Water
    • Broth/Clear Soups
    • Clear, no-sugar added juices
    • Crystal Light
    • Light Sports Drinks
    • Sugar-Free Jell-O
    • Creamy Soups
    • Sugar-Free Pudding
    • Sugar-Free Hot Cocoa
    • Decaf Herbal Teas
    • Decaf Coffee
    • Chewable Vitamins (I ordered vitamins designed specifically for LapBand patients from www.bariatricadvantage.com)
    • Small 2-4oz Plastic Cups (this will be my new serving size per meal!)
    • Strainer (for removing chunks from creamy soups)
    • Slippers/Slipon Shoes (for hospital and home - I heard it's impossible to tie your own shoes!)
    • Liquid Tylenol
    • Sugar-Free Hard Candies
    • "Sport Bottle" Caps
    • Funnel (for pouring powder/protein)
    • 4oz Rubbermaid Storage Containers
    • Children's Sippy Cups
    • Baby Silverwear (makes putting smaller bites in your mouth easier to do)
    • Medicine Cups
    • Liquid Anti-Nausea Medicine
    • Stomach binder (protects the incisions)
    • Hydrogen Peroxide (to clean the incisions, if needed)
    • Special-K Protein Water
    • Liquid Stool-Softener
    • Antibacterial Soap (Hibiclense - for before and after surgery)
    • Depends (REALLY hoping I won't need these!)
    • Liquid Gas-X
    • Mouth Mouisturizing Gel (because I won't be eating or drinking for 24hrs after my surgery - I've read this can be a lifesaver!)
    • GoWear Fit

  12. My surgery date is 3/31 and I am compiling a nice long list of postop essentials - most of which I found on this site. However, most of the "must have" threads are quite dated, and I'm wondering if you all have any new items that would be essential for my postop week. Thanks!

  13. You are definately not alone - I have been going thru the same thing - though I did not wait to get my surgery date to start pigging out on my "last supper". I have been eating obscenely since I had my original consult with my surgeon (December) and throughout the entire presurgical proccess!

    I am scheduled to be banded on 3/31 - so I am planning on starting my preop diet on 3/22. Hopefully that will be enough time to reverse whatever damage I may have done.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
