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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by adavis

  1. I am also a previous lap band. The sleeve is amazing comparing, it is in NO WAY like the band. Its the best thing i have done -- for real - wish i wouldnt have waited as long as i did having the sleeve.

    I can tolerate anything really. The only thing i have noticed that might be some intolerance is really heavy ice cream. I can eat frozen yogurt etc and i am fine but heavier fat ice cream (i guess) makes my tummy hurt. Other than that, i havent met anything that didnt agree. :)

  2. I had lapband in 2003 lost about 80lbs but after tons of reflux and constant trouble eating everything. I had the band loosened and gained all the weight back. Fast forward, two years infertility, pregnancy, gestational diabetes (that didnt go away) a broken band and removal etc.. I had my band removed in 2010. I decided to have the sleeve done in 2011, after tons of trouble controlling my blood sugar.

    It was THE BEST thing i have ever done. There in no comparison between the sleeve and the band. The band was misery, everything got stuck. I wasnt able to eat anything - ever. So i had to come up with ways to cheat. (sipping after every bite to make sure it was going down) The sleeve is amazing. I can eat anything, just smaller portions. Wish i would have been brave and had it done when my band broke in 2010 but i was so freaked by it then, i didnt want anything. :-/

    If you have any other questions just ask! :)

  3. I know what you mean. I was never able to eat with the band. meat, veggies, fruit, rice... It all got stuck!

    I have never once had anything get stuck. Its a totally different sensation from the band. No tight pressure/pain in your chest. I just feel full quickly. (full to me feels like I am full to the top, not outwards and bloated like preop.) I eat Mostly nothing but Protein. The only time I have gotten odd sensations (pressure, bubbles etc) is when I forgot and drank something while I was too full.

    no throwing up, pb'ing, slimes, foamies... I gave felt nauseous from being to full but more in the sense of why did I eat that last bite?! Not in the serious omg omg throw up feeling I've had with the band.

  4. I had the band done in april 2003. I was miserable, wasnt able to eat anything but soup! Everything else would get stuck. So i had all Fluid removed when i started refluxing in my sleep. Still had issues with food getting stuck. I lost right at 80 lbs with the band but of course gained it back and then some (while i still had the band) But in April 2010 my band broke. (the tubing from the band to the port broke and was moving freely inside, causing THE most unbelievable pain i have ever experienced in my life.) Fast forward to Summer 2011. My blood sugar had finally tipped from 'borderline' diabetic to running full blast down the road to needing insulin. scary. I decided to go ahead with vsg on Sept 6 2011.


    The sleeve is everything the band was promised to be. I have NEVER once had any issues eating anything. I just eat small portions. It is TOTALLY doable forever. the band wasnt a way that anyone can continue to live the rest of their lives. It is seriously awesome. My a1c has gone from 9.7 to 5.8 (normal!!!) I have lost 61 pounds since surgery!

    If you have any specific questions feel free to PM me.

    :) good luck chickadee!!

  5. Hey everyone, I am just over two weeks post op and have started adding things back to my diet per my surgeons plan. the only thing i seem to notice is that with some foods i feel dizzy and nauseated. I will say that i was type II before surgery (of course still am but blood sugars have been good since) and im not sure if it has something to do with that or if i am just not tolerating the food. OK examples.

    oatmeal - fine

    cream of wheat - sick

    most ALL cream Soups make me feel blah

    regular potatoes - ick (havent tried sweet potatoes yet)

    apple sauce - fine

    milk - fine

    yogurt - fine

    what is the deal? any one else just not tolerate cream soups? it's strange, because if it was sugar i would think it would also do it with milk...

    I have decided that maybe it's just part of learning to eat foods again since i havent really eaten anything in a while. I cant wait to get to the part where i can eat real Protein. I am dying for some fish! I really feel like it's a carb thing.... Anyway just thought it would throw it out there and see what ya'll thought.

  6. Good luck on Monday, mine is scheduled for Tuesday. Can't wait to talk to you on the other side, the losers bench and hear all about your success. Heck, we can share success stories, tips, etc.

    hey! Just thinking about you today!


    I'm done! Other than the gas chest pain i am doing well. Gonna walk a few more times the ask for meds. Drinking/sipping is going well. I sill update more in morning...

  7. I can't imagine going through that! I just had my sleeve done on Tuesday. I didn't know what to expect as far as recovery but so far I can't believe how easy it has been! I haven't had any issues (knock on wood) and so far have felt no hunger. I know you are probably nervous but overall the recovery isn't bad. Good luck and keep us posted!

    I am so glad to hear you are doing well!I will be glad for this part to be behind me, past risk and worry! I have a 3 yr old to keep up with! Thanks I will definitely be around to update.

  8. I lived in Metairie from 2002 to 2005-Hurricane Katrina...now in Birmingham, AL...it looks to just be rainmaker with Lee from what I can see. I watch closely as my daughter still lives in Kenner and my sister is on the West Bank. They will call you on Monday even if it is a holiday if they will be cancelling elective surgery from what I am familiar with in the past. You should be just fine. We will start seeing the rain sometime on Sunday up here. Good Luck.

    hey! Yeah I am hoping that it will, be clearing out by then. I asked the office if someone would call me monday if something happens. They said no, they are closed. But I am guessing the surgery center would make the decision and let me know. Thanks for the well wishes!

  9. post-6937-13813657341361_thumb.jpg post-6937-13813657339235_thumb.jpg

    So I just had to share.....

    I'm 10 weeks post-op and i'm down 55lbs!!! I am so thrilled with my results already!!! NONE of my old clothes fit anymore.... I had to go shopping the other day!!! I went from a 4X Top and 24/26 pant, to a 1X top a size 20 pants!!! Next on my list will be new bras and panties...hehe!!! I'm 29lbs to ONEderland!!! AGGGHHHH i'm so excited!!!

    you look amazing!!I can only hope to have the same results! Great job!

  10. Welcome! Hey, I am 29 too, and my surgeon is not too far from you, in New Iberia, Louisiana (Dr. Thomas Borland). I'm nervous about the weather too- I live in Mississippi. Hopefully, only rain will be a problem and hospitals have plenty of generators. Praying that everything will go just fine for you ;)

    I actually am in MS too! I am in north ms, near Memphis. I am going back to dr Lavin bc he did my other surgeries. I actually was thinking about dr Borland, before decided to go back to my dr. Have you had the surgery yet?

  11. So, as the topic says it's time to go ahead and say hello!

    I am 29 years old and I am scheduled to have VSG with Dr Thomas Lavin in Metairie LA on Tuesday (9/6). I am starting to freak a little so I've just been doing stuff to get ready but not really thinking about it. I know that its the right choice. I am confident in his ability. Just a little worried about what it will be like after. I know everyone is different and some have swelling and difficulties drinking etc. That and obviously a leak are my main worries.

    Now a little about myself. I was banded in April 2003 (also with Dr Lavin) and started refluxing about a year out. I was banded at about 235 and lost to 160 before the reflux started. I freaked out and had the Fluid removed because i was worried about aspiration. I gained about 20lbs and went back to get Fluid put back but the reflux was worse then. So i just had the fluid removed and went on with life and of course gained all my weight back. I also had a beautiful baby boy in 2007. He is almost 4! Time flies!! Anyway while pg with him i developed gestational diabetes that have seemed to stick around. :( So my main reason for doing this is my blood sugar and i really would love to be able to have more children. Minus all the complications of being over weight.

    So more about the band --- i just had all the fluid removed and left it that way until last year when i started having horrible pain in my hips. The pain would move side to side and hurt with every step and when i would sit down to go to the bathroom it would be the most horrible stabbing pain in my behind. It was just crazy pain and i couldn't figure out any of the symptoms, as to what it might be. Well i finally after a month of dealing with the pain, went to the ER. They did a CT and it showed that the tubing that went from my band to the port had broken. it was hanging around my hips and moving from side to side! I was seriously freaked so i called my Dr and got scheduled as quick as i could to get it removed.

    I had surgery in April 2010 to removed both the band and my gallbladder. I have done well since and haven't really gained anything extra. I am still here around 235-240. I should have been brave and decided to do the surgery then but i was so freaked from the complication with the band, i just wasn't there mentally, i guess. So i have spend the last year worried about my blood sugar and trying to workout and lose weight. Which obviously hasn't gotten me far.

    Also on a side note, cant seem to get a straight answer about what will happen if the weather turns bad with the hurricane that is threatening. I am supposed to be there for pre-op that morning at 8. labor day is Monday and of course they are closed so guess i will find out when i get there if we are still on..

    So all that rambling to say, i am here and nervous and... and... and... !!!

  12. I have kaiser...so I called the advice nurse and she was sooooo not helpful. Tried telling me it was a neck injury from when I was rearended 4 months ago and that I should take motrin.

    I called my surgeon first thing this morn and he called back right away and sent me for labs. He said he thinks it's low Calcium. Should hear from him tommorrow.

    I was going to suggest it was a calcium issue too. I had a thyroidectomy in 2009 and they had to 're-plant' my parathyroid and part of the problem with it is your PT regulates calcium. It was the most horrific tingling in my hands and feet - to the point that i couldnt concentrate enough to pee (tmi) when i sat down. LOL Thankfully my PT recovered and i just supplemented for a few months while it healed.

    Hope you are feeling better!

  13. Thanks for responding. I have been obsessing and researching like crazy. I am ok with the fact that things will be iffy while healing and learning, that's a given with any surgery. I just want to know that there is a point where you can relax and little and live, i guess. I dont think i ever got to that point with the band. I was talking to my friend today who had the band (she would have rathered the sleeve but her insurance wouldnt cover it.) anyway, she was complaining how tired she was of costantly throwing up everything she ate. I told her how the band was for me, she was there with me through most of it.... :sneaky2: i am so sad that she is going through this with the band now.

    Anyway while talking to her, i couldnt even remember what I ate with the band. I know i usually picked Soups because they were generally easier but I really cant remember... I do know most of the time i was only able to take one bite of something.

    anyway i am rambling on about the band. I am really excited about the surgery. Hopefully i will hear from my surgeon's office Monday with a price so i can start sellling all my valuables haha! I would be so thrilled if they managed to find some way to get my insurance to pay - maybe saying it's surgery for reflux instead? even if they would cover a portion would be great!

    rambling again... thanks for the info i am lurking and will post more as i think of questions...


  14. I am currently researching a revision to vsg and i have a few questions. First about me, I am 27 and was banded 6 years ago. I did great in the beginning lost weight and around the 2nd year started having reflux. It scared me at first, never said anything to the dr just said that i wanted my fill out. So i tried to do it on my own. Ended up gaining - obviously! Went back to get a fill to try again and had HORRIBLE HORRIBLE reflux. couldnt sleep at night because i would wake up strangling/choking on acid. I have never been so scared in my life! Went back the next day for them to take the fill out again. Had an upper GI and they said maybe the band had moved a little and that was causing my reflux.

    So we talked about a revision at that point but the only option was another band or RNY (that i knew about ) i had thought about the DS but the surgeon that had done the lapband for me didnt do it and i would have to see another dr at the practice. If i used my dr he supposedly will wave his surgeon fees. But about a month or so later i ended up getting pregnant. My sweet boy is now almost 2. So i feel like it's time to do something. I had knee surgery in Dec for torn cartilage.. Found out in Jan i had thyroid cancer, had thyroidectomy in Feb. and now my blood sugar is wonky.. had gestational diabetes and i am fighting with all that i can not to get diagnosed with type 2.

    Anyway doing well now but i just feel like i am falling apart at too young of an age and i have to do something NOW before it gets too bad. I am 5'1 and weigh 230...

    I am waiting for a call back right now to know for certain about the fees...

    anyway I am really interested in the VSG because it seems like something i could live with. i am scared of malabsorptive stuff because one of my main reasons for doing this is hopefully to have another baby. and dont feel comfortable getting pg knowing my body isnt absorbing food correctly. It was very difficult being pg so heavy and i think that my weight caused alot of unneccessary complications. i cannot allow myself to get pg at this weight again. I would like to be a thin, active, healthy mom for my little boy. I dont want him to battle this..

    I know i am rambling but i guess here are my questions for now.. i will probably add more as i think about it.

    1.) i couldnt eat ANYTHING really with the band. I basically resigned to the fact that i could only eat a bite of something and lived that way for a while... i had problems with just about any foods... meat, bread, veggies, fruit, Soup... nothing really went down well... my question is are you able to eat like normal after this surgery? meaning, does it feel like you are full like you old pre surgery full felt? it didnt feel this way with the band. I mostly felt like i had horrible pressure in my chest or that it was stuck in my throat.

    2. does food get stuck with this surgery? I was MISERABLE all of the time with food getting stuck. it is very embarrassing when you are in public! Not to mention painful and disgusting!

    i guess that's all for now.. hopefully ya'll will understand all my rambling..

    haha! thanks for any info, i really appreciate it!


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