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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by Anul

  1. I did end up going to the ER tonight. They did a cat scan and told me to see my surgeon on Monday. Apparently I cannot take the liquid meds and the zofran is really making me really sick. They gave me a shot of phenagen tonight and it worked sooo much better. Hopefully I'm on the mend. Hope everyone else is too!

    Really glad to know that you are doing better! TAke care and do let us know what your surgeon says.

  2. Hi, I am having my Lap-band® done on the 30th Jan in England, would love the support of others to get thru this. I start my pre-op tomorrow and am dreading it. I am self funded, I have paid one price which included unlimited band fills and aftercare for what I believe to be life.

    I will have to weigh myself tomorrow !!! just not looking forward to that, that will be when it finally hits home that I am ging to do this.

    Has anybody had any problems telling other people about the op? I have told close friends and only my husband and sister, really don't know how to tell my parents.


    PS how do you get a ticker tape?:wink2:

    Hello Helen, my name is Anu and I am from Canada. Firstly let me congratulate you on your decision. Well done. I was banded exactly a week ago and I can tell you - so far I have had nothing totally out of the expected happen - so no complaints. In fact I have a sense of pride that I have finally taken my life in my hands.

    I am a self pay too - with a package similar to yours - fills, etc for life.

    The pre-op is not fun - let me be honest about it - but is worth it - makes surgery safer and does kick start weight loss - so I wouldn't cheat on it. I lost 10 lbs on pre-op. Stay connected to this site - it makes it easier being able to connect with people in similar circumsatances. You will be amazed by the bonds you will create here.

    Telling people - only my best friend, my sister, my husband and my parents know. My best friend and sister are both a size 2-4 - so they the see the point. My hubby has been very supportive too. My parents were the most difficult to tell - they were more worried about the dangers of surgery, malnutrition, etc ,etc. They are my parents -some of the worrying comes the territory - I would think. A little education on the surgery, etc and they were more comfortable. Now they are as excited as I am for me on this new journey!! I am blessed with their support.

    The ticker tape - some kind and helpful user on this site has posted instructions at http://www.lapbandtalk.com/f17/ticker-tutorial-pictures-41782/.

    Again Helen, good luck and welcome to the group!:mad:

  3. I'm just wondering if anyone else is as sick as I am. I feel awful and have done nothing but throw up since I got home. Last night I even had bile. I guess I'll be going to the ER today. I have the anti-nausea meds and the pain meds, and have found out if I miss even 20 mins from being on time, I'm sick again. I haven't had much shoulder pain from the gas at all.. just belly pain. Honestly, I'm beginning to wonder what planet everyone that says "this was the easiest" surgery ever came from. I have had my gall bladder out and 2 c-sections. This surgery was A W F U L and painful and all the other ...ful's I can think of.

    Hang in there Just-Ice. And I am glad that you are doing the appropriate thing by going to the ER. I will pray you feel better soon. For me - I thankfully had no complications at all - in fact the surgeon told me I was real good and did not need a hernia repair either. The big trouble they had with me was finding a vein and my forearm is all black and blue from trying!! I did have belly pain on 13th, gas and belly pain since. But both have subsibed. I have not thrown up once and I am extremely thankful for that. Since I am allergic to dust - sneezing is common - and that hurts!! But, I am taking it with a pinch of salt and waiting to feel better.

    Just Ice hang in there - things will get better!

  4. Hello all,

    Here I am reporting post-op. Was scheduled for 9.40am on Jan 13, but reschduled for 12 noon. Was out of surgery at 1 pm in recovery for 2 hours after. Was at home in my own bed at 4 pm.

    Sore, tired, some pain - nothing unbearable. Fortunately did not need hiatal hernia repair. Some gas pain.

    Now, I am really excited about the journey ahead and the transformation to a whole new me!!

  5. Hi all,

    I am Jan 13 too - and am on day 8 of my pre-op diet. It has not been easy - I was plagued with headaches for the first few days of the diet. But for the last couple I / my body seem to have gotten the hang of it.

    I know I have lost a few pounds - I can feel it - but I have promised myself that I will not stand on the scale till the last day of the diet.

    Six more days to go - I have tonnes to wind up at work - since I am taking 2 weeks off starting the day of surgery.

    Good luck to all

  6. HEY JANUARY BANDSTERS!!! well i am a december bandster and i just wanted to wish you all the best of luck.. i am two days post op and only woke up from surgery thinking what the hell did i just do.. i dont regret it now.. and i dont feel like i will regret it later at all either.. just remember follow the rules.. the shoulder/collarbone pains are just gas, and WALK WALK WALK.. it will relieve alot of the pressure!!! GOOD LUCK!!

    Thank you so much for your encouragement - it certainly helps calm some of my nervees. I started my pre-op diet today and will be banded on Jan 13.

    Thanks again!

  7. Hey everyone,

    I probably should have given you all a little more background information. I see a dietician and have done since i was 9 i am now 21. I suffer from Polycystic Ovarian Disease and Insulin Resistance (just to name a few) and because of this my body doesn't lose weight as easily as most people. I have been big since i was 4 and tried everything under the sun except surgery. Previously i had been on Optifast and lost 15kgs or 33pounds. That had been the only weightloss diet or program that had me lose ANY weight. Being as no other diet works my dietician and surgeon have both said i need to lose 10kgs before my surgery and either i do the shakes (which the doctors have taken me off) or stick to a diet that is equal to being on the shakes which works out to be 300cal a day!

    I currently weigh 134kgs or 295.5 pounds. Im huge, and it's a danger me going under the knife. Being at this weight means my liver is quite enlarged etc. So i really need to lose the weight to a) lesson the surgery risks and B) shrink my liver so he can "lift" it during the laproscopic surgery because apparently if it's too heavy they can't lift it and you can tear the liver etc.

    I live in a small town and he is our only surgeon but apparently he is quite good. I know two people who have had it done by him and they don't seem to mind him.

    I am just a little stuck atm, as there is no way i can live on this everyday:

    one peice of toast and one egg for brekkky

    a sml bowl of Water based Soup (consisting of only like cabbage, spinach, broccolli, cauliflower, celery, onion and garlic) for lunch (bland and not overly enjoyable)

    and either the Soup for dinner or a small peice of meat and the rest vegies!

    That is roughly 300 cal... it doesn't sound that bad but to stick to its impossible. But the dietician and surgeon said that if i want the surgery i have to deal with it, because the surgeon said if i couldn't do shakes he wouldn't do the surgery and when i said well can't i try and alternate diet etc.. he considered it and said that yeah a 300 calorie a day diet May shrink it....

    Just really confused and scared right now as ive waited 7months for this surgery because my waiting period on my health insurance wasn't up but now is and i can't wait any longer than febuary. Please Please help.....

    Hi Mss Sammy,

    I have PCOS too with Insulin resistance and like you I have been large since I was really young. I now at 38 years of age, weight 285 lbs and have a BMI of 51. My sugery date is jan 13 and I have a 2 week pre-op diet of 750-850 calories a day. I begin my diet on Dec 30. I have been advised to take Meditrim - a high Protein supplement and steam vegetables for fibre.

    I honestly would get a second opinion. the duration of your pre-op diet as well as its calorie count is way too out of the norm. I understand you want to help yourself - but that somes more like something that will hurt you.

    Please, please get a second opinion - find another surgeon!

    Good luck and hang in there!

  8. Arthukd & Anul - Sounds like we have the same struggles. Drink a little too much and get the munchies at night. And I'm getting banded the same weekend as you. Can't wait to see how well we do together. What are your stats again? Start & goal weight?? I'm 230/130. You?

    Hey mandyfsc,

    I hear you! But together - we will get there!

    My start and goal weight is 285/150! I have to get rid of equivalent to whole person of weight!

  9. We're getting closer!! Everyone getting excited?

    I have a 10 day liquid diet that will start on January 3. Anyone else have that requirement? I'm tickled that I am not required on a CLEAR liquid diet, the regular liquid is bad enough. I've decided that I'm going to think of it as a per meal kind of thing instead of the whole 10 day thing. I figure if I break it down, it's a more attainable goal.

    Whoo-Hoo! This is so very exciting!

    This is exciting - true - but as it gets closer - it is beginning to get me a little scared! So much so - that I want it done now!!

    I am on a 2 week Meditrim (supplement) diet starting Dec 30. I can tell you - New Year's eve will NOT be easy! But well - what is one new year's eve in comparison to a healthy lie ahead??

  10. I will be band January 14, 2009. My Doctor is Dr. Mumford in Mississauga, Ontario - Canada.

    I am scare but excited at the same time - cannot wait to start my journey.

    Hi Lynnt16,

    I am being banded by Dr. Cobourn - Jan 13 at SWLC Mississauga too!!

    I am happy with my decision - and like you a little scared!

    Good luck!

  11. Anul - you can eventually add back alcohol, just know it has calories, which slows weight loss. My sister had LAP-BAND® 4 years ago and is still a pretty heavy drinker...(it runs in the family;) She has lost about 80 lbs and the weight loss has sort of stopped. She knows if she quits drinking she would lose more, but she is down to a size 10 or 12 and is very happy about her weight loss. Just a personal decision on what makes you happy. I too enjoy a glass of wine or two and don't see me giving it up completely.

    We should definitely all stay connected w/ our Jan 13th date! I am so excited. I ate a reasonable dinner last night out w/ friends, and then got home and ate a 4th meal!! What is wrong with me??? That is why I am excited about the band. I really thought I was hungry, but I know I couldn't have really been physically hungry. Hoping the LAP-BAND® will nip that in the bud.

    Thank you so much for that Arthukd. Honestly, I do not see myself giving up alcohol entirely forever either ! Good to know I am normal in thinking so..........phew!!

    I am excited about the surgery too - I am so tired of being obese - I want to live in the real sense! Can't wait is right!

  12. me too! My date is Jan 13. Bright and early at 8:00 am!

    Hey Just-Ice, we also have arthukd on the same date. I do not have the time yet but I am told around 9.40 am - so I am the latest of the three of us!

    Funny, I too have been evaluating my eating habbits. I realised I am fairly good during the day - but in the evening, when I get home from work - all hell breaks lose! I will eat anything I lay my eyes on as I am starving. And the alcohol will be difficult - I enjoy a drink especially on the weekends - but I guess not anymore. And New year Eve is going to be difficult as I will be on my pre-op diet and it will be my first real test at control...........

    Can we guys stay connected and compare notes - we are fairly close in age and our stats are comparable?

    Good luck to all of us:thumbup:

  13. Well, one month from tomorrow I will be banded. I am happy, nervous and excited. I really can't wait.

    I don't have the support of my family. My mother says why are you doing this and you can do it on your own. Why sould you starve yourself. Thats why I weigh 366 and she is close to 400. You would think she would be more understanding,

    My daughter is taking me to and from the hospital. She is really not interested. She's 18 and about 290.

    When I started the process two and a half years ago (insurance problems) I told my best friend of 15 years she stopped talking to me. Only started talking to me 3 weeks ago. I am not going to tell her.

    I am going to need the support of my LAP-BAND® family who do understand.

    When I get to goal I'm gonna do everything.

    Kudos to you Joyce13! Do not give up on yourself! And we are all here for you as we all have similar battles and struggles. hang in there!

    I get banded on jan 13 - a new year and a new me!:thumbup:

  14. Hey Noura,

    Hang in there girl! we will all get to the other side - together! It is unfortunate that you seem unable to speak to your immediate family for support - but hey I am sure there will come a time when you will be able to do so. Untill then - consider me as part of your family!

    Take care

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