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Ned S.

LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by Ned S.

  1. Thanks to all who replied to my post. I do not have anyone around me who really understands what I am going thru. Then I remembered getting on here when I first got the lap band. It saved my life!

    I am getting a new start. I am 73, a new grandma, not a great grandma. My son is 39, daughter in law, 37. I am blessed by getting to see my sugar baby as often as I want. I am holding him right now. Grandma duty- I will start tendng 2 days a week, maybe 3 , in 2 moreonthsso I am gonna need energy and stamina. Little one is my inspiration to change to a healthy lifestyle. My surgery is the 1st step. Start my preop diet Monday- My Dr requires us to buy the food from them, freeze dried meals,, Protein Bars, etc. I am lucky cuz I don't have to worry about cooking! And it is only for a week! I am taking it one day at a time, one step at a time, trying not to be overwhelmed.

  2. These stories give me hope. Doing lap band removal and gastric sleeve March 19. I am concerned about possibility of excess scar tissue. If that is found I might not be able to have sleeve at same time. Well, I have to take this one day at a time. I know I am a strong woman, and at 73 have lived thru a lot. I can do this. It's all so I can have a healthy life and be here for my new grandbaby!! Wish me luck!




  3. I am having lap and removal and gastric sleeve surgery in two weeks. I lost 73 lb over 15 years. I had a big problem with my band recently, swollen tummy,super tight band. Doc asked me about possible gastric sleeve. I thot it over for a month then went back and said YES! Set up a date but changed it due to date of new grandbaby coming. He is my first, and has become my inspiration to change my lifestyle. Will I be able to make permanent changes? Wanna be healthier, have energy and be here with my sweet baby as long as possible. I feel overwhelmed.

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