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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by highlojack

  1. Hello All! Been a while since I posted. I've been thru an awful lot the last 2 1/2 months. Good News, I'm down 27lbs. Bad news, I lost my baby last Thursday. It's been a rough time, but I'm getting adjusted to it. Alot of adjustments in just a few months. It was so tough being pregnant, nauseous and dealing with the effects from the band. I'm still pretty weak and now trying to figure out how to get on track with the band. I have no idea where everyone is at and where I should be, I have to start reeducating myself on the steps of banding. Being pregnant, I didn't follow any of the steps and not really sure where I would have been.

    I've read alot of the posts and you guys are helping me get back on track. The thing with me was I felt restriction the whole time, without any fills. My doc said that only 5 percent of people get that effect right away and keep it. The relation from my mind to the plate was instint I saw the food as "way toooo much" and couldn't eat much at all. I still have the full feeling after eating such small portions. I started at 275, banded 9/22 and am down 27lbs to 248. I am not good at the drinking Water, actually the thought of it was making me sick and I've not exercised at all. My ob gyn said exercising would raise my blood pressure, who knew!

    I'm hoping to start exercising once I regain some strength and get back to an optimistic outlook. Keep up the good work and I'll keep reading and posting.



  2. Hi everyone!

    Been a little while since I've posted, I've been soooo sick. I am down 15lbs since surgery and of course I am about 8 weeks pregnant so, I'm figuring that I probably would have lost a little more if it weren't for that. Still not sure the pregnancy is going to be OK, having tests done and just hoping to report good news. Doc still believes I have a good chance of miscarraige.

    I've just read a few of your posts and I am sooo happy for you all, seems everyone is surviving!

    I have been eating anything that I can tolerate and as you can imagine the morning sickness doesn't allow for much. I eat enough to stop my hunger pangs, other than that, I don't have any desire for food. Good luck and hopefully I will have a good report soon.


  3. Hi Brenda.

    Wow. What wonderful news! A baby is truly a wonder, whether single or married. The baby will change your life - for the better.

    I've heard the band can work with pregnant women. That is what is wonderful about the band - it's flexibility. First, and foremost, speak to your doctor and tell him/her that you are pregnant. When you are pregnant, you don't need to worry about weight loss. That can come in it's own time. Just don't get any fills, feed your baby while you carry and nurse your baby and the band will be ready for you when you are ready to lose weight.

    Congratulations!!! Best of luck to both of you!!!:thumbup::thumbup::thumbup:


    Thank you so much for your encouraging words. I am excited and scared at the same time, but that is to be expected I guess. And thanks, I've contacted all my doctors, everyone is on board. Are you nautious at all? I'm wondering if any of it is due to the band or if it's all the pregnant thing...

    thanks again and btw, I've been so nautious that I just now had the energy to get on line, I didn't see this post until tonite :tt2:

  4. Hey Brenda/ highlojack, you can have the band and be pregnant, with it all the open, you aren't talking about having it removed are you? that would be a shame.

    Oh and also, wow! congratulations, I was single and pregnant at 36 and was very excited. I'm excited for you.

    Hey Lisa,

    Nope not going to have it removed! I've lost 13lbs since surgery but I suppose that will slow down dramatically, I'm nautious and not eating much at all, but the baby is still growing :thumbup:. thanks for the congrats!


    Does that mean you are having the Band removed or that you will have it empty and just wait until you and your child are ready ? Just curious. I guess you are on a different journey for a little awhile !!!

    -Brian :smile2:

    Hi Brian,

    No, the band will stay where it is, actually the surgeon says we may be able to fill it after 3 months, we have to see how things go. I was concerned because I had surgery while I was already pregnant, but doc said it was so early on, it shouldn't have an effect. I'm no where out of the woods, but I need lost of prayers that this baby is OK. Funny thing is, I found out I was pregnant the day after my son turned 10!

    They did my bloodwork in Aug, while I was NOT pregnant. Before surgery they ask, "pregnant?" I said noooo. Dummy!

    thanks for the congrats, it's a bumpy road ahead, but I believe we are given what we can handle.



  6. Hi everyone! Well, I was banded Sept 22, but sorry to report I must stop the banding experience. I was so sick and so nautious I questioned whether I did the right thing by getting banded. I am still very weak and sick daily.....

    The good news is, it has NOTHING to do with the band.

    Timing is everything as they say, and I found out I'm pregnant just two days ago! Yeah, 40 and single, who'd a thought! How did that happen? So, no negative thoughts about the band, but it is going to have to wait until it's put to use!

    Any questions? Bring em' on, I still need support! I'm still one of us, but my tickler probably won't change!

    Love to all,


  7. So I was banded on Monday and was taken back by how much this surgery hurts. Ofcourse I didn't picture it as a walk in the park but wow it is so much more painful then I expected. I took some of the pain meds yesterday and ended up throwing them up. I called my doctor and they said not to worry about it. Anyways I would like to know how to get rid of this disgusting taste in my mouth. I've tried spitting, brushing my teeth, and drinking some Water and it will not go away. Also how long did it take to feel somewhat normal again after being banded?

    I love reading this, I'm subscribed to the thread "looking for September bandsters", I hate to be a complainer so I kept kinda quiet, but it seemed to me everyone was doing better than me. I too didn't think the pain would be like it was. I banded last Weds. and am just now feeling a little more like myself. Your body goes through a lot of changes in such a short time, believe me, rest is the key if you don't feel great. I just didn't push it once I realized I was wiped out! I'm feeling about 70 percent better than I did last Weds. It's a longer process than imagined, this is a major surgery whether it takes 1 hour or 5 hours, your body needs rest. Keep trying little bits of things until you find what you like. Here's what I had, pureed Soups, yogart (greek), sugar free pudding, mashed (very, very mashed) potatoes. I tried to get all the Protein in, and that's all you can do is try. I started to have what I could tolerate and I figured even though I wasn't doing exactly what I was suppose to, any food was better than having no food and no nurioushment whatsover. As the days pass you figure it out and you just take it slow. Today I had scrambled eggs ate them slow and mushed with the fork, it's Protein and it went down OK. Hang in there. If you can't take the whole tablespoon of meds take half, take a sip, do what you can do. As all surgeons are different, so are patients. Once you can eat better, you will be able to get the balance in. Stay strong and rest, rest, rest, and sip, sip sip!


    oh, I did lose 10lbs in a week, so I didn't do too bad!

  8. Hi

    I'm getting my band in Belgium on 13th Oct by Dr Bruno Dillemans.

    I've been advised there is no need for a pre op diet and that I can eat normal food until the night before the operation?

    This seems to be very different from what I read in these forums, has anyone else had this experience?


    Not to worry, I read many posts and thought the same, so I questioned my nutritionist and she said there is no wrong or right way, the surgeon is the one that performs surgery and it is his/her confidence level in what they want to see. I got banded on Sept 22 in Providence RI and there was no pre-op for me except for the day before surgery, all liquids. As you read on you will see that others pop up from time to time wondering the same thing, "why no pre-op". Some people opt to do it on their own, I'd just do what your surgeon wants, he's the one who is expecting a certain level of obstacles and this one might not be one for him/her. Good luck to you!

  9. Hi everyone

    Just wondered if anyone else is having trouble taking deep breaths. It is very painful if I yawn and try to breath deeply. The pain radiates around my ribs and my back.. Didn't know if it is just gas or problem with my lungs. Any advice appreciated please. Thanks

    Hi hocus,

    I had the same very painful to take deep breaths. I'm 5 days out and every once in a while I am able to get the deep breaths and then sometimes the pain still doesn't allow it. The pain meds should help. It comes back once the meds wear off. I think we all heal differently and it might just be a combination of all that was done. I wouldn't worry about it unless you still can't breathe deep after a week. I'm no doctor but this all seems "normal". Make sure not to worry yourself about it, that definately will make it worse. Otherwise you are doing alright?


  10. Hi everyone,

    Surgery was Weds. 22nd. I'm moving around a lil better but my stomach is very very tight and extremely sore. I don't have any shoulder pain or gas pain. On Sept 16th, I weighed in at the nutrionists at 272 after surgery I was 275 3lbs of Fluid I guess. Today 24th, I am 268, so I lost at least 4 of my own lbs and all the surgery gain.

    Can you all tell me just how much the pain is for you in your stomach and around incisions? I'd say on a scale of 1-10 I am at 6. Day after surgery I was a 9, this has been my toughest part but I haven't seen many complaints about the pain, wondeing where I stand next to the rest of you....

    Thanks, Brenda

  11. Awesome, Baby! Glad to hear you're doing so well. It must have been because of me holding your hand. :biggrin: Anyway, I'm doing great too. Had the surgery around 8am and was back in my room by 11am. I had/have virtually no pain, just some discomfort around my incisions. My husband and I went to the grocery store to get my Rx filled on the way home. We walked around there, shopping for about 30 minutes. Came home and rested for a bit. Then, we walked up and down our road for about an hour this evening. I'm really, really trying to avoid the shoulder gas pain. :) Now, I'm reading email and posting on the forum! As for food, I've not been the least bit hungry. I sipped on Water and juice since surgery, and I had a s/f Jello cup. But that's all. I'm not sure if that's good or not.

    Well, great job today! And please check in tomorrow, if you feel like it. Doesn't feel GREAT on this side of the band?! LOVIN' IT!!!!:lol2::tt1::tt1::tt1::tt1:

    Ha ha, you are right it was you holding my hand! Tell hubby thanks for letting me borrow it! I ended up with alot of pain, not shoulder just the pain of the incisions and the port, I then realized I wasn't allowing myself the full dose of meds that I was supposet to take. My cousin was fearful that I didn't get the right script so we took it easy on the meds until I got to call the doc today. She confirmed it was right and I've been sucking it down. No need to allow discomfort if not necessary. I did not sleep much at all last night but, hope to tonite after I take the meds. I was in agonizing pain when I got up this am and thought for sure I needed to go the ER. Even though I shorted myself on meds I was glad to be safe than sorry. My cousin didn't stay with me, but my uncle was here all night. I needed help getting up. Ughhh, I gained 3lbs in the hospital and I have lost that. I can't imagine I'm not losing more as I'm eating next to nothing and drinking lots of water.

    Will you be weighing yourself? Seems no one is mentioning weight! I will be weighing myself in the a.m. Tune in!


  12. I was banded yesterday, here I sit in my bed with the laptop - I did not sleep well at all last night, I did nap when I got home yesterday but was very uncomfortable through the night. My pain med is liquid extra strength tylenol the pain med that was prescribed for me, my insurance co. denied it when my hubby went to get it filled! So Tylenol is it.

    I have 5 "holes" where they went in - sore throat due to the tube but all of it is OK :biggrin: I am excited about the next few weeks and getting past all of this. I am returning to work on Monday! Any tips for the first few days/weeks???

    Hi Banded,

    Your situation sounds as close to mine compared to all I've read. I feel the same as you (I'm also 40, wonder if that has any relation!). Anyway, I had the worst sleep last night I did get the liquid lorsab and I was afraid the pharmacist filled it wrong, so didn't take it over night as my cousin (caretaker) was worried that I may be overdosing as I hadn't eaten much of anything. I spoke with the doctor today and she confirmed I have the right stuff and I'm not holding back now, I'm drinking it down. I wish we were closer so I could share it with you! My worst is getting up off couch and haven't even tried the bed yet. No shoulder pain or gas pain here. The worst was the pain right under my breast where the port was inserted. It's right smack in the middle of my upper stomach (in the middle of my boobs). This morning I thought i wanted to die, excruciating pain when i woke up. Tonite I will medicate and hope it gets better. No complaints here, I gained 3 lbs in surgery and i've lost that already, so that's good. I don't feel hungry only once I questioned whether it was hunger pangs or just incision pains, I ate and i felt better. My cousin is a chef, so it's like having a personal cook, although that would have been more handy BEFORE surgery!!! She even makes the Protein tastes good! She told me not to get the protein power as she will make my diet so that I get enough in! She's the bomb! Good luck and let's keep in touch on progress, that's right, progress, because there is no other outcome!


  13. Hello everyone!

    I am home! Went in at 9am and didn't get into the OR until 12noon, was out of OR 12:55 and at first I was moaning and groaning, but it was only about an hour and I felt much better. I knew by 2pm I wanted to go home, no need to stay in the hospital. Other than the pain I feel when I walk, I have none! I feel pretty good, I'm tired of course, and my incisions are sore, but I'm impressed at how I am doing. Having chicken broth and then a nap! All and all it went very well. Good luck to all the others having surgery today!

  14. Hello everyone! I see some of you have had some great outcomes with surgery! This is exciting and nerve wracking all in one! Tomorrow is my day and I'm hungry! Not complaining, just hungry. I will try to go to bed early, but doubt I will do much sleeping. Have to be at Rhode Island hospital at 9 am. Hope that doctor is well rested!

    Good luck to everyone on continued success!

  15. Hi September Bandster Fam :)

    Tomorrow is "The Day" at 11am. I can't wait I have been extremely anxious for weeks maybe months now. I haven't experienced any nervousness yet.

    I started my liquid diet 9/13/2010 by choice. The doctor only recommended 9/15/2010 until the surgery date. The liquid diet was not at all bad. Maybe because the nutrionist and doctor confirmed it was ok to have fresh raw veggies. so 2 alternating days out of the 10 I had broth and romaine lettuce.

    This was great. Besides that I have been having the sugar free fat free Jello, all the flavors are great, I have been drinking the Unjury Protein Drink (Vanilla) not bad with Fat Free Lactaid milk. I have been drinking plenty of broth as well. Anyway Today 9/21/2010 is the day before my surgery so I will be doing strictly liquids.

    I honestly feel great and had no problem with this pre op diet. Although I usually try to fast at least twice out the year, maybe this is why it didnt bother me. Needless to say I cant wait for tomorrow 9/22/2010. Im so very anxious and excited:redface:.


    I figured it out DAh

  16. :woot:I'm home ! I did so well yesterday for my surgery they sent me home same day.. i didn't even have to unpack my pj's till i got home =) The kids cleaned the whole house for me spotless.. it was so nice and they are all waiting on me.. including the hubby who took the night off when hospital called :thumbup: I went to the hospital yeterday @ 9:30am.. got me settle in Pre Op. but he had emergency surg so he told me we were gonna me a little later.. wheeled into OR about 11ish.. woke up around O i forget now but was pretty sedated.. the liquid meds and IV meds took care of most of the pain.. but honestly not that bad.. i expected more in the shoulders from gas.. i have some chest pain.. right under the breast and radiated to left shouder.. but percocet taking pretty good care of that and its ok. I feel a little queezy here and there. but i get up and walk a bit or take a little nap and i'm good. I stuck like glue to my two week liquid diet.and now am on liquid diet for another two weeks before mush food.. so i'll keep all posted. Havn't weight myself since last week and won't be able too for another 2 weeks.. :)

    awesome news!

  17. Hi Brenda,

    You made me laugh.:thumbup::laugh:

    One of these day's we'll be wearing those cute boyshorts. I think they are the cutest little things and look so comfortable.

    Oh thank god, I wasn't sure if I would offend anyone, but heck, we talk about bowel movements and emotional pain, I figured a little wedgie couldn't hurt! I haven't been myself on this site, I've been being very serious, but I usually always make people laugh and I think if nothing else that's how I plan to help! So go ahead, "pick that wedge"!

  18. Highlojack-

    Look at this way: we are holding eachother's hands. Maybe not literally, but in thought. We are in this together and need eachother to be successful. While my husband says he's okay with me having the surgery, he isn't the most considerate of my feelings right now. Don't get me wrong, he's a wonderful guy and I love him dearly, but he just doesn't understand the emotions of it all. It's really nice to be able to talk to others going through the same thing. I'm generally a really strong person, an even I am having doubts and fears right now. I've worked and waited for this for over a year, and I'll be darn if I'm going to back out now! It's the right thing to do. Good Luck to you! I'll watch for your posts so we can stay in touch!

    thanks for the kind words Kittykat, (what is your name) you have a great way of saying things and I am grateful you took the time to give me a boost, I need it, I'm nervous. I live alone with my 10 year old son, he's nervous about me having surgery as the last few times he knew of someone having surgery they were soon passed away. my mom and my dad. so, I can't really discuss it with him and I don't have much family support either, my (overweight) sisters feel I should be able to do it on my own. Well you know the stories, I have more support from strangers on Face book and this site!

    so, when I say I need some hand holding I'm not kidding. I'll post probably tomorrow and then as we know, Weds is the day! please do keep in touch.


  19. Good morning, everyone!

    Fresh from a visit with my primary doctor this morning. I have been declared "cured" of my hypertension. She took me OFF of my blood pressure medicine completely!!!! :thumbup:

    It's a great feeling to say goodbye to one medication already.

    I'm doing better emotionally, as well. I think I've gotten over the head hunger craziness of a few days ago and am handling it fairly well. I haven't lost any weight in the last several days but I haven't gained, either, so I'm calling that a MAJOR victory. The other piece is that I haven't taken my bp meds for a few days as a trial, and part of that is a diuretic, so I'm probably retaining Water. If that settles, I might actually lose a pound or two. I'm hanging in there!

    Best to you all!


    OH MY GOD, this is the kinda stuff I want to read! That is the best news yet! Good job! You should be soooo proud!

    Brenda :smile:

  20. Alright, guys... I am on the last few days of my pre-op diet, and I am really, rEaLLy craving some chocolate... Anyone know if sugar-free fudgecicles would be the same as the sugar-free popcicles?

    I don't know about you, but my feet are getting cold, I'm so nervous I could puke, Wed is my day. All the time people were talking about their dates and stuff they seemed to be so calm cool and collected. You people are so brave. I could use some encouraging words right now, as I feel like I'll be walking into the hospital and then right back out.

  21. Great philosophy, Kris! I like it!

    I too am scheduled for surgery this coming week. I started this journey on the 26th of Sept of LAST year. I have been adamant that this is the right thing for me, and I have been comfortable with my decision. But now, with it being so close to becoming a reality, the second-guessing has begun. I KNOW deep down in my heart that this is the right choice for me. But I think it's just natural for have the second thoughts.

    Good Luck to you and I'm sure you will make the right choice in the end. :thumbup:

    I was soo glad to find these posts, my surgery is scheduled for Weds and I am having such anxiety I'm obsessing. I'm worried, I'm doubting, but I know deep down I can't live the way I have been. But it's nice to know that I'm not alone. I'm picturing walking into the hospital and then turning around and walking right back out! I think now that it's my time I feel like everyone else was sooooo cooool about it, sooo brave, I am ashamed to be such a scaredy cat! I don't have a heck of alot of support at home, which makes it a little more frustrating as I can't really discuss my doubts. I wish someone could go with me and hold my hand!:thumbup:

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