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Posts posted by mom.on.the.go

  1. i weigh only once a month at my surgeon's office. i may jump on the wii fit at my parents when i am over but i do not use that as a guide. i threw out my scale.

    right now this is working for me. as i get closer to my year anniversary i am sure i will need to track it closer. but right now my clothes are great guides.

    i update my ticker once a month after my official weigh-in.

  2. Hello?? Anyone here?

    31 year old, gay mother on one. My partner and I have been together for 12 years. Our daughter will be 3 in less than two weeks. We have two dogs and a house in the suburbs. Shannon (the hersband) is a petite 130 lbs. She loves to play softball and be somewhat active. I like to play ball as well but i'm too heavy to really play anymore.

    Anyone else??

    hi! i am 37 year old lesbian and solo mom to an almost 5 year old.

    i was banded 11/9/09. i am non-partnered and actually just decided to start dating. i tend to blog more than i post right now. feel free to follow my blog...i talk a lot about being a lesbian mom.

    welcome and good luck!


  3. i had planned to go home but i couldn't shake the anestheia. i came out of surgery around 4 and by 9 both the surgeon and my mother were coercing me to stay the night. by the time they rolled me into the elevator to go to the room at 11pm i felt better but was fine with staying. after i got settled in the room i asked the nurse to just let me sleep and keep the pain killers coming. she was great.

    i was up, dressed and ready to go by 10AM.

  4. wow. i would look for a new surgeon. 35 bands seems kind of low to me.

    also, my advice is to find a surgeon you click with because to be successful i believe you need to be willing to have a very open and longterm relationship with your surgeon.

    also, his comment about that you "CAN'T" be a good mother at your weight...well, that would not sit well with me. sure, i know i am a better mother now that i am getting healthy....but that seems WAY out of line for a surgeon to say.

  5. in addition to getting yourself checked... it sounds like you house may be "sick". it may be worth getting an inspection to check for mold and other environmental issues.

    i had a roof connection leak that manifested itself in my walls and not on the ceiling. my daughter was very sick for a long time until i discovered the Water damage in her wall. since pulling out all the drywall and redoing the roof she has not had many out of the ordinary colds. scray and upsetting stuff to discover, let me tell you....

  6. the choices would have been more accurately: Man Woman or shades of both.

    not in my opinion. the choices should have been male or female. the facetious/immature inclusion of "other" was unnecessary and regardless of the monday morning quarterbacking -- was included from a place of ignorance or cruelty (both unaceptable in 2010) -- in my opinion.

    of the transgendered people that i have real-life familial and communal relationships with i am confident that they will know how to answer a poll that says male or female without looking for "other" or feeling that there should be an "other" option. for example, my male-to-female cousin would most likely check male for the census but because she has presented herself for 20 plus years as a female at work, home, in the public she would use the female restroom for societal ease.

    let her figure it out. she doesn't need the unneccesary reminder of "other" (or "it") that she has internally struggled with most of her life.

    how would the readers here feel if the poll was

    healthy weight


    lazy fat disgusting slob


    healthy weight/obese = related terms. lazy fat disgusting slob = insult/slur/judgement

    male/female = related terms. other = insult/slur/judgement

    this is not about being p.c. it is about being a strong, nuturing and inclusive community and society.

    i personally did not answer the poll because i think the answer was obvious and i am not interested in playing reindeer games.

    all of the above information is based on my lifelong involvement in the gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgendered community and not on any college courses. now if you want to debate racial relationships in the jim crow south -- i am more than happy to chapter and verse you on those based on my two history degrees....

  7. If the poll offends you, or the wording of the poll offends you, no one is requiring you to respond in it.

    that certainly is one way to look at it....

    i choose to look at it more globally and towards a better world....how do you know that there is not a trangendered member of this community? a person who has grown up being called "it" or "other" their whole life? expecting a little sensitivity or maturity from others in this community goes beyond being "offended" and not responding to polls. and quite frankly, regardless of the "rules", i think it something that is worthy of calling someone out for if their behavior or wording can make some feel detached from this community as a whole.

    just like racist, religious or misogynistic slurs or delineations would not be tolerated...neither should "other". fyi, transgendered discrimination is probably the most accepted forms of discrimination -- right up there with fat discrimination -- in this country today... and i don't need to consult a book to verify that....it is part of my family, my community and my passion.

  8. This is internalized hatred at it's finest and it's horribly sad to me. It's even more disgusting than people who don't have a weight problem making judgments.

    i find the honesty expressed by the unpopular refreshing. it is helpful for me to process some of my own feelings.

    one woman's "disgusting" is another woman's reality, no? isn't that what this whole discussion really about?

  9. i think one rule of thumb that is standard with the band is 70 grams of Protein a day. my surgeon uses the following guideline: it should be more than 18 grams of Protein, less than 3 grams of fat and less than 150 calories per serving. i enjoy the EAS premade. they almost meet this guideline: 3 grams of fat, 17 grams of protein and 110 calories.

    good luck.

  10. PBing or vomiting several times a week


    eating a little too much/fast and getting stuck once a day

    Which is worse in terms of risk for band complications?

    are you just trying to get an understanding or do you have a specific issue going on you need help with?

    i don't know the direct damage from getting stuck. but i do know that my surgeon told me that the first 6 weeks after surgery are the most important for not vomitting due to the stitches.

    the only thing i can think of with getting stuck is damaging your esphogus. maybe? i don't know... i used to puke before science tests because i hated science so much so i am sure i am not much help...

  11. i did not see the OP but i get the gist of it. do i hate fat people? no. do i think they are disgusting and dirty? some probably are as are some skinny people. but do i look a fat person (like me) struggling to get around the warehouse club in an electric scooter and say to myself "thank god i am stopping *that* from happening to me" -- absolutely! do i harbor some ill feelings towards them? yep. do i want to go over and figuratively shake them as they load the box of 20 mac and cheese into their cart? absolutely! have i thought about coming home and blogging or posting about it? yep.

    i know it is being judgemental. but i also know that it does not come from a place of hate but some disgust with myself. i also know that at a mere 10 years older than frog, i use emotionally charged words differently now. but the emotion is still the same inside of me. i guess i may be a little more honest with myself and other about it. and i don't think my thoughts require counseling for some deep rooted issues that do not exist.

    congrats to frog for taking control of your weight and life.

    i say congrats to frog for expressing his/her own truth and saying out loud what other are thinking. i can get past the word hate because it is just a word. and i have the ability to understand and relate to the deeper meaning.

    come sit here with me, frog. you will be ok.

  12. i like the EAS premade shakes. they come in silver drink boxes. they do not tast chalky and kind of have a yoo-hoo taste to them. i get them by the case at the warehouse club. sometimes i get them in vanilla (4-pack) from the grocery store since i can only find the the case in chocolate.

    moving around will help you in your recovery regardless if you go to disney or not. only you (with the guidance of your surgical team) can make the ultimate decision. good for you for thinking ahead and going through the scenario is your head now.

    here are a couple more thoughts from me....

    i mentioned the hummus and stuff before because i know that i was moved off full liquids after 7 days by my surgeon. he also has the 2 weeks rule but i think it is one of those rules they look at for each person. since i was so active that first week he gave me mushies with no hesitation so i could get more energy.

    if you want to bring a couple of those hand held sipper campbell Soups there are actually microwaves in the disney parks. they are in the child care centers. you can just walk right in and use them. if someone stops you -- you should have a card or something from your surgeon and just show them that and i am sure they will be ok. i want to say there are microwaves at Cosmic Rays in the MK -- but maybe not. i need to remember to hunt these down next week if we go.

    get Spanx or some other type of binder for your midsection. because i was moving around so much i pulled a muscle above my port (right at the base of my breast). no damage and apparently common according to my surgeon. get a pair now and definitely plan to wear it when you are traveling and at the parks.

    not all rides are herky Jerky at disney. as a rule of thumb look for the warnings about pregnant women or bad backs. www.allears.net has a great ride guide as well as menus. i am sure you will use your good judgement and will have a great time!

  13. i went 2 weeks post-op. pushed a kid in a stroller the whole time. no problem. i am 37 and was close to 300 pounds then. but then again i was also back at work -- via a 4 hour car trip -- 3 days post-op. did a public presentation and everything.

    i was on "mushies" so i brought in my own cottage cheese, egg salad and drank tons of shakes.

    i would suggest spluring for the premade shakes for ease. disney is very accomodating for all guests... you can find plenty of counter service restaurants where you can picnic.

    in epcot at the Land Pavillion the Sunshine Seasons food court has excellent homemade hummus that i had on my mushie diet.

    as far as your friend "knowing" goes...don't underestimate him or his ability to support you. i have found my biggest cheerleaders to be skinny male co-workers. the most common response i get from men and women who know me is "i am so proud of you"... and that means the most to me!

    have fun at the world. we go about once a month and will probably be there next weekend.

  14. anyone and everyone.

    i am not ashamed of it. i was not ashamed of my weight. it is like when fat people wet wear shirts over their bathing suits at the beach... like someone who has seen me fully clothed is going to be surprised how i look in a bathing suit? come on. give me a break! so by the same token, people are going to be surprised that i made a drastic decision regarding my morbid obesity?

    i take full responsibility and ownership of every decision i make.

    the support is at times overwhelming and i NEED that.

    choosing *me* is something to be proud of and by sharing it with people in that same positive light they have no choice but to root for me.

    the more people come out of the wls closet (or any closet for that matter), the more accepting and knowledgable the general public will become.

  15. 1. what is the reason for 2 days of liquid after a fill?

    2. yesterday i had a small 2nd fill (0.5) -- and since last night and definitely this morning i feel very bloated in my lower stomach. thoughts? fill related? anything i should be concerned about? my lower stomach that was going down is more solid and sticking out this morning.


  16. There seems to be a lot of discussion among bandsters about people who feel guilty about WHAT they eat and other people who are measuring out their food, people who are terrified of the holiday food temptations, etc.

    thanks for nothing else than a reminder to relax.

    i know for me, being new to the band, i am having a hard time giving up the diet/failure mentality. i am not trusting the band. etc.

    i know i need to relax about it.

  17. I started at 245ish, 5ft 10, BMI 36. I freely admit, I had some fitness, I hadnt done much for quite a few years other than walking (which never helped me to shed any weight) and I was sporadic about that, not committed to it. But I definitely had muscle memory and had been active when I was younger.


    Honestly, my progression was very slow and steady, something well within the abilities of nearly everyone. Its simply a matter of starting with what you can do but not allowing yourself to take it too easy, to constantly challenge yourself to build up.

    thank you for sharing this. in all honesty (and this is in no way a flame), i think responding along these lines is much more helpful to someone (like me) at the start of their journey than your original "hardcore" (your words) balls to the wall (my words) initial response.

    the jillian michaels routine doesn't work for everybody and it is much easier to swallow when you know that jillian michaels was a chubby kid than to have her screaming down your face to get off your fat ass. that is just me and like i said in no way a flame to you....

  18. It will open a can of worms, lol. I'm pretty hardcore about this, and I think that depends on how much you inherently like exercise. People get really shirty about it because, well, the truth hurts I guess. They dont like to be told that their nice easy routine is not going to give them the same benefits as something more challenging.

    I am curious...what was your starting weight and your initial workout routine?

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