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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by southernbelle07

  1. #1. Surgery date? February 3 2010

    #2. State you live in? Alabama

    #3. Doctor/Surgery Center? Dr. Liza Pompa Gonzalez in Tijuana MX

    #4. Insurance or self pay? Self pay, $5500

    #5. Age and height: 22, 5'7"

    #6. Current weight and goal weight? currently 280-ish, would like to be 140-150ish

    #7. What was your deciding factor for having this surgery? To know I can't go on living another day as a victim. I want to be around for my husband and daughter and all the other kids I plan to have for a really long time.

    #7. Do you have the support of family and friends? Mostly. Some have expressed their concerns but mostly people are ok with it.

    #8. Concerns and questions? Slightly scared about doing it in MX, but I'm pretty confident in my choice of surgeons. I'm mostly scared about slippage later since I don't have insurance right now. Gah.

  2. I know you posted a while back, but I just wanted to jump in and say "breastfeeding is not the best thing you can do for your baby" :biggrin:. The best thing you can do for your baby is be a good mom. If you're losing nutrition by breastfeeding (and in turn this is harmful to you), then just don't. It sounds like the milk mafia (lol) has convinced you breastfeeding is the only way. Breastfeeding advocates made me feel like a horrible mom when I couldn't teach my daughter to latch on. As long as your baby is being fed and is healthy, that's what matters. Formula isn't poison. It is often a child's only way to survive if their moms died during childbirth, or if they can't latch on, or if their mom's milk supply is low. People are formula raised all the time and are decent people. lol.

  3. Hi! I wish I'd known about your doc sooner. I honestly didn't even price getting surgery in Europe because I figured the airfare alone would break me. But I have sent my deposit and have my date, so I'm super excited. I'm very confident in Dr. Pompa Gonzalez, too. She seems great. Thanks for the info about Dewitt--I've heard good things. I'll get in touch with them. Thank you

  4. I hope everything has worked itself out for you. :thumbup: Please keep us updated on your post-op life.

    I posted in this thread the other day and wanted to let all of you know who are interested that I started a blog to chronicle my weight loss and lap band journey. So far I have posted about the reasons I want the lap band and some photos. You can find it here: A Band New Life

  5. Thanks for responsindg! I definitely have to find a place to get fills close by. There is no way I can afford to go to Mexico every time. If anyone has any recommendations in the AL/GA/TN area (I'm halfway between Bham & Atlanta and go to Nashville all the time), then please let me know.

    Also, if any of you are interested, I started a blog to chronicle my weight loss journey. You can find it here: A Band New Life

    So far I have just written about the reasons I wanna do it and posted some photos.

  6. Thank you for the welcome! I am thinking of going to see Dr. Pompa in Tijuana. It isn't the same person my cousin used--luckily she had insurance that covered it here in the States. Dr. Pompa seems very experienced, and I have done extensive research on her and her credentials. Now I'm just excited to get things rolling!! Thank you all for your prayers. :scared2:

  7. Thanks, I will definitely keep you posted. I suppose right now my huge concern is if there are complications, I'm not sure what I would do. I don't have insurance and I planned on getting the surgery in Mexico. My husband's work offers BCBSIL but our portion of it is outrageous. I'm afraid that if something happens then I will be royally screwed.

  8. Hi all. I hope to get my band in January or February. I believe I will be going to Mexico to get it. Please pray for my strength to follow through with it and to tell the rest of my family. My cousin who had it done in April has already lost 70 lbs, so I know we will be a great support system for each other. :thumbdown:

  9. Thank you for the warm welcome! :thumbdown: I told my mom yesterday I was thinking about lap band and she is super supportive. I told my dad today and he is also supportive. I was kinda surprised that he was so supportive. Usually my dad is a "you just gotta have will power, eat right, and exercise" kind of guy, but I think he's seen my struggle with weight for far too long and he's a bit more objective now. Now I just gotta tell my in-laws. I'm super nervous about that because my husband and I live with them and my father in law is an MD. I'm not sure how he feels about lap band, but I'm just afraid they won't be supportive and that he may think it's the easy way out. But the good thing is my mom, dad, stepmom, and husband are on board! :thumbup:

  10. Hello all. My name's Ashley, and I live in Alabama. I am 22 years old but have struggled with obesity most of my teen and adult life. I hit over 200 lbs my sophomore yr of high school. I was eventually able to get back down to 170, but in the past three years have gained 100 lbs. Weight has been so hard for me to control. And I've moved across the country twice, gotten married, and had a baby, so I've never made time to make my health a priority. But now that I am chasing around an 8 month old (who is well on her way to walking), I am reevaluating myself. I have been thinking about lap band for over a year and have just really researched it in the past six months after my cousin successfully had the operation in March. She has lost 70 lbs already! I want to lose weight to a) feel better and not be so tired all the time :( live a LONG and healthy life c) look good in clothes again. :scared2: Also when I was in the hospital after delivering my daughter the nurses told me that I stop breathing when I sleep and that I probably have apnea. And I'm only 22!!! I gotta take some control.

    Like a lot of America, my husband was laid off from his job and his new position doesn't offer affordable insurance. It really sucks. So this has led me to look outside of the US for options. I have been looking at a lot of places in Mexico and have been reading many forums about doctors in Mexico. (This message board has also been sooo helpful.) While I want to be able to get the lap band, I absolutely do not want to risk my health by going to an unqualified surgeon. Specifically, I have done a lot of research on Dr. Liza Maria Pompa Gonzalez in Tijuana (limarp.com). I was wondering what any of her patients thought of her and the facilities.

    The possibility of surgery scares me, especially going outsid the country, but the possibility of dying a premamture death for something that I can prevent is scarier! I suppose my main concerns are my safety during surgery, my aftercare, and to be able to have healthy pregnancies after the lapband (I want many more kids).

    Any comments are welcome. Thanks for being a community I can come to that can give me their insight and first-hand experience! :)

    - Ashley

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