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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by Astrasmom

  1. hi everyone I am a newbie and have my consultation july 26th and am soooo exicited. does anyone know how long process takes 2 surgery date? thanks:confused::)

    Congratulations. It all depends on the requirements of your insurance company. I had to do 6 months of supervised diet before I was approved. They should be able to tell you that at your consultation. It could be anywhere from 1 month upward.

    Good luck to you. Please keep us posted.

  2. I had my 3rd fill yesterday. 8 cc total in a 15cc band. I am pretty restricted, but I am able to have liquids, but I can feel them going slower than before. I am sure that I have some swelling. But, how long does it last after a fill? My first two fills did not restrict me at all. Nor did I notice any swelling.

    Takes maybe a week for the swelling to go down. Just keep an eye on it. Your ok if you are able to keep things down and it's not too painful. If you start bringing stuff back up, or it gets too painful, you might want to go back and have a tiny bit taken out. Many don't start noticing restriction for at least the 3-4 fills. Welcome to restriction. :) You should notice that you are able to stay full longer between meals now and you probably won't be able to eat as much as you were before the restriction. Maybe you have found the 'sweet spot'.

  3. Weighed myself this morning and had lost 2lbs. I don`t know how I managed that since I thought I was going to stall. My eating has not been up to scratch for the past 4 days. I don`t seem to be keeping down much. I feel that I`m going to get the effect from next week since I always stall when I can`t eat properly.

    I went for another of my long country brisk-walk and jog this morning. I managed to do the 10 mile one, so I`m pretty proud of myself but my feet are very tired!

    I did not go for the fill today and will not do so for about a month to see how it goes. I`m actually considering a de-fill.

    Keep up the good work, everyone and welcome to the thread mom2girls. Feeling sexy is great and 12lbs. by October is achievevable. Good luck.

    Keep an eye on yourself. I had to have a small unfill 4 weeks ago. Its not good if you aren't getting your nutrients down. It's also not good bringing the food back up again. If you haven't had an unfill yet, don't worry it's not that bad. I thought that I was going to gain pounds back. I feared getting an unfill, but I couldn't deal with the discomfort anymore. I finally broke down and MAN did I feel much better. Suprisingly I didn't gain anything back and I'm still at perfect restriction. I think I will stay at this restriction for awhile now.

    So I hope you feel better soon. Go get that tiny unfill if you can't keep things done. It will do you wonders.

  4. I've hit the 106lbs mark. I never thought I would do it. And to top that off I made it to ONEDERLAND. The lapband is an amazing tool that works if you're willing to commit yourself to the lifestyle change.

    See everyone asks me what my secret is. I simply tell them that it's motivation. For me this was the last straw. I tried everything else. And I was tired of being a failure to food. I was tired of letting food run my life. I am a food addict. And before anything ever works, you have to admit that you have a problem first before you can start fixing it. I was also tired of being fat. And I didn't want to die at a young age.

    So I put my all into this and it worked. It all depends on how much you want to work for it. And you have to understand also that everyone makes mistakes. You just need to learn from those mistakes and pull yourself back onto the path. You can't just keep walking into the woods. You won't find your way back. Beleive in yourself and it will happen.

    I'm not an exercise fanatic. But I walk all of the time. I eat junk food once and awhile. But not like I used to. I reward myself once and awhile for my hard work. And I don't beat myself up if I don't lose any weight or if I gain a pound or two. I just try harder. New banders, especially, if you feel the need to cheat, be careful. If you want to be successful you need to follow your doctors instructions.

    Good luck to everyone. I wish you as much success as I have had. I can honestly say for the first time in 26 years I feel sexy.

  5. Congrats to all of you on jobs well done. I visit the site at least every other day to give me inspiration and motivation to continue on the journey. I want to lose 12 more pounds by my bandaverisary of 10/07. And utimatley I want to see if I can get to 126lbs however I really feel sexy right where I am at and just want to lose a little more so that the clothes fit a little better in some places. Good Luck to everyone!:)

    See that's the word, "SEXY" which means if nothing else the weightloss from the band gave you self esteem to make yourself feel sexy. I too feel sexy and it's a wonderful feeling. Congrats on your weightloss. Keep up the awesome work.

  6. congrats tell me your secert. everyone needs motivation. Keep up the good work.

    My secret is Determination. This was the end of the road for me, and I knew that I had to make it work. I wasn't going to be fat anymore. And I wasn't going to die at an early age. So I made up my mind from the start that no matter how hard it was, I was going to do it. So if death isn't a motivation, then I don't know what is. Obesity causes all kinds of problems. food is an addiction and in order to succeed you have to fight that addiction. The lapband is a tool, and it takes hard work and dedication. How much you lose is entirely up to how you and how much effort you put into it. This isn't a diet. And understand that everyone makes mistakes once and awhile. Your old habits follow you. But you have to learn that when you do make that mistake, you have to pull yourself out of the deep Water and start over again. You can't let food keep you down. Also every so often you have to reward yourself for the hard work that you have done. And don't be down on yourself if you gain a pound or so, or if you don't lose any at all. It's ok. It will happen. Everyone loses weight at different speeds and different ways. Just because the scale doesn't give you the results that you want. Doesn't mean that you have lost anything. TAKE YOUR MEASUREMENTS OFTEN. You will lose inches faster than pounds. Especially when you start working out. Understand that muscle weighs more then fat. And also it does help to take pictures of yourself. Sometimes we can't see what we look like unless we see the pictures.

    I also eat alot of chicken and fish. I do not do red meat. And I don't do bread, Pasta or rice. I do have ice cream once and awhile (But not a gallon like I used to). I do measure my food. 1/2 to 1 cup of food at each serving. And most of all. I do drink fluids constantly. I also live on sugar free ice pops.

    Thanks for your kind words everyone.

  7. So....I just need to put in my 2 cents here....SO WHAT she ate ONE freakin egg!!!! I am sure she probably did no damage to her band....I read a lot on this website, and it seems to me that everyone's rules are quite different. I remember reading about someone who ate a Protein bar a couple days after her surgery....and I was thinking....Oh my, how can she eat that?? But her surgeon ok'd it. But I kept my comments to myself....

    The only question Amanda asked was, "Did anyone else cheat early? So to answer your question Amanda....No I did not, I was strictly on liquids for 10 days....I really wasn't feeling hungry during that time. For future, maybe you can try a Protein shake....those help fill me up! Good luck to you!!:)

    Yes but the key word here is "Her surgeon Ok'd it." Every doctor is different. That is why you have to rely on what your doctor says.

  8. How painful was your surgery?

    Where was the majority of the pain at? (shoulder pain, port, incisions)

    How many days was it really bad before it got better?

    Great question.

    I would have to say that it was no more than a 4. The most pain was in the biggest incision on the left hand side, where the port is. But that's what pain medication is for.

    I had my surgery on Friday and I was back to work on Tuesday. Of course I had to stop the pain medication in order to drive so I only need that for about 2 days after I came home. The pain was pretty much gone after about a week. It took me about 2 weeks to be totally back to normal.

    And I also had gallbladder surgery, which I have to say was alot more painful than the lapband surgery. I've also had open heart surgery which is probably one of the most painful surgeries that you can have. So lapband surgery was a peice of cake to me.

  9. I was banded on saturday July 17. Its now thursday july 22, and ive already cheated. My gas pains and everything have kinda gone away.. super bad at first! Im so sick of drinking chicken broth and apple juice lol. So I woke up this morning and ate 1 egg with some cheese and onions. Not gonna lie I was a lil uncomfortable for like 10-15 min but no problem after that. I don't plan on cheating any more but its tempting when I really had no problem eating the food. Since im not filled wont all the food go straight through anyways? There is 2 stiches attaching my band to my stomach. I know those need to heal but im not sure im convinced that eating eggs early will affect it.

    My original diet is-

    1st wk: Clear Liquids

    2nd wk: Liquids

    3rd wk: mushies

    4th wk: solids

    Did anyone else cheat early? Did you have problems?

    BANDED JULY 17 2010 in Mexico.

    STARTING- 245lbs

    Even though your food goes down you really should follow the plan that your doctor gives to you. They make you go through stages for a reason. Mainly because of the swelling and to allow yourself time to heal. If you move ahead in the stages you take the chance of getting stuck, stretching your band, or having your band slip because your stitches are not healed yet. Yes the food goes through. Not as quickly as you think it does. But the heavier food on your pouch that has stitches, pulls down on it, and doesn't allow the pouch to heal. I know the liquid phase sucks big time. But, this is a lifestyle change. And in order for the band to work, you have to work too. So give yourself the time to heal. Things will get better for you. I promise.

  10. I have searched before posting and am not finding anything on point - so had my band done in Mexico three weeks ago. I have lost 18 pounds since surgery, although most of that was the first 10 days when I felt just awful and nauseous. I am still eating mushy foods and liquids and have not tried solids yet.

    I have found a doctor with good reviews who will do my fills at a reasonable price near my house. But they do not do fluoro unless there is some extenuating circumstance. Or I can drive 4 hours to a Fills Center USA that has fluoro.

    I hear several people say you don't really need fluoro. I have a chest x-ray of my barium swallow the day after surgery showing my band and port placement.

    My best friend has had 4 fills and never even knew there was a fluro option and has had no problems.

    Any advice?



    Great name. That's my sons name. :biggrin:

    I only had fluro for my first fill. I've had 5 fills and a bit taken out so far. I've had no problems at all. As long as the doctor can find your port and is able to put Fluid in and take some out you should be fine.

  11. I had my surgery on July 7,2010. No problems with fluids or Proteins. Started mushy foods today. Had 1/2 cup cottage cheese for lunch. For dinner I had about a 1/2 cup of blended cream of mushroom Soup. I also took my doctor prescriped antibiotic. Tiny pill. Have been taking it for 4 days with no problems. I feel restriction! Did I do something wrong? I feel like something is caught in my chest. It doesn't hurt but it feels so wierd. I can still swallow Water but I don't understand why I feel this way. I almost feel like if I could belch I would feel better. Could it be a slipped band? Please any information or advice would be greatly appreciated!!:biggrin:

    Sometimes surgeons put a small amount of Fluid in when you are banded. Did your doctor put any Fluid in? If you are not feeling pain and you are able to keep things down, then you are ok. Your more then likely still a little swollen. Just remember to eat small amounts and eat slow. You will find that as you move up in stages you will experience this also. sugar free ice pops are great. They help with swelling and satisfiy your sweet tooth.

    You don't have a slipped band. Don't worry. What you are feeling is normal. Be happy that you have the feeling of restriction because once that goes away you will start feeling hungry again.

  12. Hi, my name is Lisa and I am new to this site. I am one week post-op and feeling great! Today I actually walked about a mile and a half and then got in my pool for the first time since surgery to cool down for about 10 minutes.

    I am already seeing small changes and each one keeps me motivated from day to day. I am also feeling more energetic as the days go by.

    I started a blog to keep track of my journey to a new me. Check it out at www.Lcheriesjourney.blogspot.com

    Have a great day!

    Hi Lisa, I'm Dawn. Congratulations on your surgery and your success. I wish you continued success along your journey. I will check out your blog. And do keep us posted. Thanks so much for sharing.

  13. Ok so I think that I have earned the right to brag. But before I do, let me wish everyone good luck and I hope that you meet your goals just like I am.

    So this morning I woke up and stepped on the scale. To my amazement after 23 years of being obese I............found ONEDERLAND!!!! Wooo hooo. The feeling is awesome. I never thought I would ever weigh under 200lbs again. Last year before my surgery I had pretty much given up because the diets weren't working. I started my weightloss at 304lbs. 9 Months later I have given birth to an entirely new me. I am now 198lbs. I have 12lbs left until my doctors goal. And my secret goal is another 10 - 15lbs.

    I just have to thank everyone here, my family and my local support group. Without the support of you guys I would have never made it. God bless you all. Thank you so much. And of course I can't go without thanking my doctor and everyone in his office. They have literally saved my life. :biggrin:

  14. I was just wondering if any of you went through this after the LAP-BAND®®. I was banded on June 17...I would think it would be enough time but maybe not I don't know. Also I was the one that posted the one about my calories being between 600-800 calories...more so closer to 800 mark. Would I still be feeling this way after a month. I'm exercising and getting my Protein requirements and taking the bariactric Vitamins to get all my Vitamins in...just don't know what to think. I will contact my regular Dr and talk to him also. Any feedback appreciated:smile2:


    600 calories sounds very low. I do 800-1100 calories a day. You might want to up your calorie intake just a bit. Do you have sleep apnea? Have you ever been tested for sleep apnea? Did you feel this way before surgery?

  15. he's asking for 500.00 in advance or i have to sign a waiver saying that I don't want hernia surgery...I called my insurance company. they said they would pay for it. His office says that although the insurance company SAYS they will pay for it they have a pile of claims that they are refusing to pay. my insurance co. also says they have not recieved a code for that surgery at all!!! only the band....

    No way. You need to call your doctors office and tell them to submit the code because that's fraud. If they are going to pay for the surgery then your doctors office has to submit the papers. You tell them exactly what your insurance company said. If they still refuse then have your insurance company call them directly doing a 3 way call. You shouldn't have to pay anything out of pocket except your copay and any deductables that your insurance company doesn't cover. That's what insurance is for. Your doctor is totally wrong. And it doesn't matter that they have claims that the insurance company isn't paying. That's because someone at the doctors office isn't doing their job properly. Those aren't claims from you, those are claims from other patients. If the doctors office accepts your insurance and your insurance is going to pay for the hernia surgery, then the doctor HAS to submit it to them.

  16. So I have 7cc in my band and I think I am getting near the restriction but not there yet. I definitely can't eat what I could before (for example - before I could eat a whole grilled chicken sandwich with a most steak fries and now I can only eat 1/2 the sandwich and like 3 fries) (just an example I have had that twice since banded. I eat pretty well!)

    Also, somethings new that I have noticed.

    1. If I eat a meat Protein and then something juicy, like a fruit, it is harder to go down. Or take a sip of a drink is more of a problem.

    2. I gurgle, like a drain unclogging, about a half hour after I eat??

    Problems, I forget to drink Water sometimes and mistake my thirst for hunger! I have to remember to drink more!

    Restriction is when you can eat about 1/2 to 1 cup of food at every meal and are able to go 4-5 hours between meals without being hungry.

  17. Okay first day on here. My surgery is scheduled for next week thursday. just found out that i have to pay for hernia sugery in advance in case I have a hernia. This wil put a financial strain on me. I've never had any symptoms of hernia... don't know if its truly necessary for me to pay front.... Please give me feedback. they said 90% of people needed this surgery need hernia surgery too....pleae give me feed back on this...:unsure:

    Do you have reflux or heart burn? My doctor also said that a big percentage of people also have a hernia. If you do have one and you don't get it repaired, it could cause major problems and I'm not even sure if they can do the surgery without fixing the hernia. What happens is that your stomach goes back up through the opening. That's what a hietal hernia is. So I don't think they can place the band if you have a hernia. Are you self pay for the lapband surgery? My insurance covered the herian surgery as well. I didn't have to pay in advance. And honestly I have never heard of paying in advance myself.

  18. Thanks for your help guys. I'm def going to tell him, I'm just not sure when. I think I want to get to know him a little better. Maybe date number five?? All my friends know about the band, I'm not shy about it, I'm just uncomfortable about telling someone I'm dating for some reason. I know he'll totally understand and he wouldn't care.

    I'll let you know if I get the opportunity on Friday.

    Just tell him that you are on a very strict diet that doesn't allow you to eat too much and you really don't want to screw it up because you have done very well so far. You love his food and you love that he takes you out, but you can only eat so much.

    After you tell him (when the time is right) about the band, then he will understand. And like everyone else says, if he is Mr. Right and a wonderful guy, he will understand. If he doesn't, sorry then you need to find some else with positive renforcement.

    Good luck to you. I wish you the best with your relationship and your weightloss.

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