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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by Astrasmom

  1. Hi everyone. Hope all is well. Well I am teetering on that line of not losing weight. My doctor said at this point it's all a matter of excercise taking the rest off. So I have increased my exercise. I have 15lbs to go before I am out of the obese category. My nutritionist told me today that I have already lost 64% of my body weight. They expect you to lose 50% in the first year. So I am way over schedule. Doc gave me a tiny fill today to try and get me moving again. I'm not discouraged though. I know that when you are so close to your goal, things slow way down and it seems like FOREVER before you get those pounds off. I will get there.

    I have ALREADY reached many of my short term goals that I set for myself in this year. I am proud of myself. And even though I would love to lose those last 15lbs before my bandiversary, I know that if I don't, I have already passed my expectations of what I thought I would lose in the first year anyway.

    Many people ask me what my secret is. I tell them determination. I measure everything and I follow my doctors plan. I also keep a daily food journal.

    Anyway good luck to everyone. I hope that you are all doing well.

  2. Thank you for the answering me. My mind has been more at ease since being on this website! I have sleep apnea also and CANNOT wait to get rid of that machine! You have helped me a lot!!:blushing:

    I used the CPAP machine for 5 years. You have NO idea how good it was for the sleep study doctor to tell me that I no longer needed it. I am glad that I have helped you. I wish you much luck. And by the way my blog SHOULD work with Firefox now. For some reason it didn't like the counter that I had on it. So I removed that.

  3. Astrasmom.... i was trying to view your blog but it keeps booting me off do i need to be a member of blogspot.com or something i really wanted to read how you progressed on your journey :(

    For some reason it was doing it to my mom also. She said she was using Firefox and switch to Internet Explorer and it worked. What browser are you using? And no you don't need to be a member.

  4. Thank you so much for all of that info Astrasmom....thats what I thought it should feel like.

    Since writing my first post on this about a week ago, I have slowly been able to eat more and more :smile2:

    I am petrified that I have another leak (3rd time) but maybe its in my mind :(

    Anyway I was getting everything stuck before this fill but now I am not and I just feel full after not so much food.

    As far as portion sizes go I am eating way too much though.

    I have to ask you Astrasmom....did you ever get food stuck, then after a fill it got better and went down easier but you just felt fuller quicker????

    I have a 14cc (ml) band in and am supposed to have 8ml of fill in.....do you know what you have in your band and what its capacity is??

    Sorry for the million and one questions :thumbup:

    I have gotten food stuck a few times. I'm not sure if it's because of the fill though, it might be because you are making better choices and are aware of what will happen if you don't chew properly.

    My doctor doesn't tell me how much he puts in. He doesn't want us focusing on the Fluid and then freaking out when we are at capacity and can't have anymore Fluid. I can tell you that I have a 10cc band though. And I have quiet a bit of fluid in there.

  5. Thank you very much. I just began the paperwork this week and I'm begining to feel a little apprehension...I'm really a big baby!! I have a history of lightheadedness, headaches and sweats when I don't eat when my body tells me. I was wondering if I will get this way post op, and if I do; will it get better with time? Sorry for all of the questions. You guys have been through it and in my opinion...the experts on how you feel.:(

    Do you have to do a pre-op diet? Chances are you probably won't because your body will have already gone through the starvation mode before your surgery. If it DOES happen, it won't last for long. Things do get better.

    Please ask any question you like. The only stupid question is the one never asked. :thumbup: Good luck on your journey.

  6. Hi all

    I think that I may have finally reached my sweet spot with my most recent fill.

    I was wondering out of interest how much other bandsters are able to eat when they feel like they are at the correct amount of fill in the band.

    Another question is what does your restriction feel like????:( Do you feel full after eating your food, does it feel like it is sitting in your throat when you have had enough?? OR does it get stuck often????

    How different does it feel when you have reached that perfect fill, like my Nurse calls it 'my sweet spot'

    Sorry for all the questions but I have found this forum to be fantastic and I love to hear about others experiences so I can get an idea of what others are going through.

    Sometimes just talking to your Dr and Nurse isn't enough as they haven't had the band and dont know what it really all feels like themselves.

    I have had non stop problems since I got my LAP-BAND® (only 8 months ago) and have just recently had 2 port replacements within a couple of months of each other. My band/port has never worked properly (due to leaks etc) and to this stage and I thought that I would never get there....but I think I am close now maybe even there finally or very very close :thumbup:

    By my Dr I have been told that I should be able to eat a plate the size of a bread and butter plate (5.5 inches sround the inside of the plate) The one my dr gave me is divided up into sections of Protein, carbs and vegetables (non starch) and at the moment I can eat just a little more than is on the plate and I am satisfied until my next meal.

    I am not sure weather to risk them fiddling around and getting a little more fill or just to leave it so I am keen to hear others stories on how they knew they were there at the right fill level.


    I have had 5 fills and a tiny bit removed. I am at the sweet spot and have been for a couple months now. I am able to eat anywhere for 1/2 cup to 1 cup of food at meals. I can go 4-5 hours between meals without feeling hungry. What it feels like to me is that I am full, I can not eat anymore. Good restriction shouldn't be uncomfortable and it shouldn't hurt. You shouldn't get stuck all of the time and if you are chances are it's because you aren't chewing good enough or your portion size is too large. When I am full I get the hicups. I know then that it's time to stop otherwise it WILL be sitting in my throat. Those are called soft signs of fullness. When I swallow without chewing my food, I really don't get stuck anymore. What does happen is that I will feel nausea and I have to fight the feeling back until my food goes down. SO the moral of my story is to chew my food better.

  7. I was banded on Jun 8th and am down 20-25 pounds. However, since my first fill, I haven't lost any weight and fill like I'm constantly hungry. I make myself stop at a certain amount of food but I don't see any loss. Can someone help?

    I would suggest journaling your food. You may be surprised at what you are eating. Are you measuring your food intake? You should only be able to get in 1 cup off food or less. Are you still doing your Protein shakes? Are you drinking your fluids? How many calories are you taking in? You might want to try foods with higher Protein levels like fish and chicken.

    20-25 lbs is great actually. Remember it's not going to happen over night. Try not to weigh yourself as much either. It tends to make us discouraged. If you must weigh yourself before your doctors visits just limit it to once a week. You may want to increase your exercise also. My weightloss has slowed down also so don't feel bad.

  8. Hi, everyone! I'm new to this website, but I am SO glad I found it! A lot of my questions have been answered! My surgery date is August 31st, 2010. I have never had surgery before so that is also making me nervous. How do you feel right after surgery? Can you acctually feel the band on your stomach? Can you feel the port? I guess I'm nervous about having a foreign object in my body... and comments or support would be greatly appreciated! I'm kinda freaking, but yet so ready to change my life! :rolleyes:

    After surgery you will feel kind of groggy for awhile. You will probably be a little sore once the pain medication wears off. I'm not sure how everyone's hospital work but I had a morphine pump and when I needed pain medication I would just push the button and a small amount of morphine was administered to me. I hardly used it though. For me the pain was about a 3-4 on a scale from 1-10. Your throat may be a little sore from the breathing tube. You also might feel a little gassy, maybe in your shoulder area which is from the air that they pump into you during surgery so the doctor can see inside. I wasn't allowed anything to eat or drink until the following day, after I had the barium swallow and X-ray. Your mouth might be kind of dry so they may or may not give you some swabs so that you can wet your lips with. Take some chapstick with you, it helps. After a few hours you can get up and walk around. It's best that you walk as much as you can because it helps with moving the gas around and also prevents blood clots from forming in your legs.

    You can not feel the band on your stomach but you will more then likely be amazed that you aren't hungry considering you haven't eaten in 2 days already. I could feel my port but you really don't want to be pushing on the site because you will be sore. It really doesn't become prominent until you start losing the weight. I can really feel mine now. I'll never wear a bikini so I don't care if it shows or not.

    Take a look at my blog. It will give you an idea of what will happen. Look around at the different pages that I have on there.

    It's normal to feel nervous. It's major surgery after all. Soon it will be all over with and you will be on your way to your new lifestyle. Having the band was the best thing I have ever done in my life. I have no regrets accept that I didn't get it done sooner. The lapband saved my life.

    I was 304lbs when I started, borderline everything with sleep apnea and used a CPAP for 5 years. I also had open heart surgery in 2001 for an Aortic Aneurysm and valve repair. Because I had a pigs valve put in (didn't want to take blood thinner) I will need to have surgery again within the next few years. Pigs valves do not last your lifetime (No bacon jokes please..hehe).

    Anyway a little over 9 months from my surgery, I am 106lbs lighter. 13lbs away from goal. I haven't been this weight since 1987. I kind of feel like a teenager at times again. I have my self-esteem back. I feel sexy for the first time in a long time (don't care if anyone else doesn't think I'm sexy). I am no longer borderline anything. My bloodwork is normal. I no longer have sleep Apnea and tossed my machine away. I went from a size 26 to a 14.

    So my point is. Every surgery is scary. Every surgery has risks. But if we don't take chances in life, we miss out on alot of good things. And I missed out on this surgery for years because I second guessed myself and listened to what everyone else said. I finally decided that I needed to take care of me and I had to stop listening to everyone else because ultimately this was my decision.

    So I wish you luck on your surgery. I do hope that I have helped you a little. Please keep us posted. You can do it. :thumbup:

  9. I am an overeater...not sweets or cake and the such, but lots of food! How does your body and brain handle the decrease in calories? This isn't going to deter me from the procedure. I'm just looking for tips from actual Bandsters who have, or are now going through the post-op period.


    Your body goes through something like a detox. When you first start your pre-op diet (if you have one), or if you don't do the pre-op diet, when you do your surgery, your body goes through starvtion mode. You may feel tired and cranky for a few days but it passes. Biggest thing is to keep yourself busy and drink lots of fluids. Eventually you will learn the difference between head hunger and real hunger.

  10. I had my surgery last Thursday, the 22nd of July. I had 3 days pre-op liquid diet, which I lost 4 pounds from. And I have lost another 11 pounds post op for a total of 15 pounds. I know this is amazing! And I am so excited! However, the past couple of days I have been STARVING. I get hunger pains so badly that my stomach hurts. I am supposed to be on week 2, oatmeal, grits, etc. but that has not been filling me up. I started eating mashed potatoes (although those are on my week 3 list) and those worked for a minute but now I am still hungry! I have been drinking Protein shakes and those help a little but I want to EAT SOMETHING! I am going to go ahead tomorrow and start adding some of the other week 3 foods like scrambled eggs and cheese and crackers because I feel like I can handle it. I am hoping this will help some too. I have read about bandster hell but I didn't expect it to start this quickly! I am not sure when I get my first fill. My first follow up appointment is delayed because my doctor is on vacation, so it isn't scheduled until August 11th. I wouldn't think he would give me my first fill on my first follow up visit, but at this point I am kinding of hoping he will because I am tired of being hungry ALREADY! Anyway, just thought I would share what I am going through. Thanks, and good luck to everyone else out there going through this!

    When your swelling goes down you will start feeling hungry. Before you put yourself on the next stage I would call your doctors office and ask them if it's ok. eggs are one thing but crackers and cheese are solids. Becareful.

    Are you drinking plenty of fluids inbetween your meals? Try some sugar free ice pops. They work wonders also. Good luck and I hope things get better for you.

  11. Thank you everyone. Although things have slowed way down now. I think the last 13lbs will be the hardest to get off but I know they will come off. I've made it this far. I'm not getting discouraged now. I'm so happy that I got the lapband. At the start I didn't know how I would do with it, but I honestly have to say I am soooooooo glad that I did. It wasn't easy getting to where I am now but it is 10 times easier then the yo-yo diets that I was on before.

    I truely have to say for anyone that is thinking about getting this done, it's probably one of the most important things you could do for yourself. It's a very scarey process and it's definately not the 'easy way out'. It's a Lifestyle change and anyone that comes into this process thinking that because the band is placed your job is done, is WRONG!! If that's your mind set, then the lapband is definately not for you. The band does work for you and it does make things easier for you, but you have to work also.

    For anyone that is discouraged because the weight isn't coming off like you want it to...we didn't get fat overnight. It's not going to fall off over night. Please don't get discouraged, it will come off. We have all worked very hard to get where we are today. You got your lapband for a reason. I know my reason was to stay alive. Everyone should feel proud of themselves. Even those that have just started the process.

    For those that are on the pre-op diets. This is the part that truely sucks. But you can make it. You too will be looking back someday and the pre-op diet will be a thing of the past. Hang in there.

    Biggest thing I have to say to everyone is that you can't do this alone. You need the support of others. If you have a support group in your area. PLEASE GO. This website is great but there is nothing like having people directly infront of you that you can relate to.

    Also if you are having problems or not loseing the weight. Journal, your food. You may be suprised at what your taking in.

    I'm proud of you. You should be too.

  12. Ok I have a question for you. I am told many people when they lose alot of weight like I did, your cycles get normal. BUT has anyones cycle become totally erratic?

    My not so nice friend who visited me on a regular basis before I lost the weight, which was like clock work once a month, every 28 days. NOW that I have lost a ton of weight I am getting my friggin period every week to 2 weeks. I know that the estrogen levels are off when you lose the weight but does it take forever to get back to normal?

    Not only am I hating it, my husband is about to kill me because it doesn't make for a good personal life.

    Please tell me that this will get better or should I take so estrogen Vitamins from the drug store?

  13. Chewing gum helps too. A lot of times when I think that I am hungry, I am actually thirsty, so I always drink something like propel first. Then I eat less.

    It really depends on what your doctor says. Even though my doctor doesn't want me to chew gum I tend to. I'm not supposed to drink from a straw nor chew gum because it puts air in your pouch. I also drink Crystal Light which usually helps to curve my appetite.

  14. I really WISH I wouldn't have my period for 4 months. I'm getting it every week to every 2 weeks right now. It sucks. And yes you are correct about estrogen. I found this.

    Estrogen and Weight Loss

    Because of the correlation between fat cells and estrogen, studies show that people who are overweight tend to have higher than normal estrogen levels. Also, people who are extremely thin, such as anorexia patients, have estrogen levels that are far too low. Conversely, when an obese woman loses weight, her estrogen levels will usually drop.

  15. Ya that is awesome. I am thinking the same thing. Can I ask about your daily food intake? Do you count calories or just eat what you want basically but just less of it? I am just getting started so I am asking everyone what works best for them? Thanks

    I count calories. I'm on an 800 to 1100 calorie diet a day. Sometimes I do a little more because its good to shock your body once and awhile or it gets used to the same calorie intake and your weight will stall.

  16. My name is Wendy, I'm 26, and despite all of my efforts to lose weight I've ended up here. I've been overweight for my entire life. I've lost weight in the past (80 lbs in 2005) but have gained all of it back over the past 5 years. I've come to realize that my weight is not something that I need to fix just temporarily, but for the rest of my life. I have no problem losing weight if I stick to it, but it becomes VERY discouraging when you lose and regain it all over and over again. I think this might be my bottom. I'm the heaviest I've ever been and I feel helpless. I feel like no matter how hard I try to lose the weight and keep it off, I'm eventually going to end up back here again... it's very hard to get motivated when you're thinking that way. In any case, I have a doctors appointment tomorrow with my family doctor and I'm going to chat with him about the Lap-Band® procedure. I'm nervous but I've read through some of the posts on here and I think it's normal to feel that way. I'm embarrassed that I'm even considering going to these lengths but I think it's time to admit that I can't do this on my own. Wish me luck!

    I like you went through all the diets. I lost weight and then gained it all back again and then some. I reached my highest weight of 304lbs and I couldn't take it anymore. I was also one of those people that though that the lapband or any weightloss surgery for that matter was the 'easy way out.' I even went to the lengths of trying to talk myself out of it because I thought it meant that I was a failure.

    Anyway now that I have had the lapband I understand life differently. It wasn't that I was a failure it was that food was just such a major part in my life I could no longer do it on my own. I am a food addict. Food is a drug and anyone that is overweight that thinks they can kick the habit on their own is in for a rude awakening. Now I'm not saying that everyone with a food addiction or that is overweight should rush out and get the lapband done. What I am saying is that you need support from others.

    The lapband is definately not the 'Easy Way Out.' There is nothing easy about this process at all. I have worked extremely hard to get where I am today. But the lapband will help me to keep that weight off that I wasn't able to keep off with the diets. Lapband is a lifestyle change it's not a diet. You don't really have to give anything up. You just need to eat in moderation. Of course as you go along your taste buds change for certain things and you won't want them anymore. Your old habits follow too. But in time you also learn how to deal with them.

    In conclusion I understand now that if I didn't do something I was going to die. And at the age of 43 it wasn't my time. So basically the lapband saved my life. I have no regrets except that I should have gotten it done sooner. I haven't been this happy about my weight or weighed this much since 1987, I have lost a total person on the outside but gained a new person on the inside.

    Anyway I wish you much luck on your journey. This is probably one of the best decisions you could ever make for yourself. Please keep us posted on your progress.

  17. Every once in a while I get a craving for something. I am not really hungry just is more mental. How do you not give into these urges?

    Wait 20 minutes, try to find something to do to keep your mind off of it. After the 20 minutes it's usually gone. But you honestly should give into your cravings once and awhile. Don't deprive yourself of the better things in life. Unless of course your band doesn't allow them to go down properly. sugar free Ice pops usually take my cravings away.

  18. I have noticed on this site that most people are told to drink Water at their dr. office when they get fills. I have never been told to drink Water while there. I have not been able to feel water trickling down since a couple weeks after surgery. Also, most people talk about starting all over with the phases after a fill. I was told 2 days of liquids and 1-2 days of soft food then full solids. Therefore, solids can be eaten 3 days after a fill. It is amazing how doctors tell patents very different things.

    My doctor makes me drink a tiny glass of water before I leave the office after my fill. I am also to drink liquids for 24 hours after the fill and then I can go back on solids the following day. You are correct. ALL doctors are different. That's why it's so important to listen to the specific orders of your doctor.

  19. Great Job! I got goose bumps when I read your post. I was just banded on 7/13 and my first major goal is to break the evil 200's! I cannot wait to see Onederland and you give me hope...

    Glad to hear that I gave you inspiration. Anyone can do it. Some may take longer then others but you will get there eventually. I wish you much success.:bolt:

  20. Oh I love Protein shakes. The only problem is I could drink 2 or 3 at a time !

    I've attached a doc file of my diet if some of y'all could look at it and give me some ideas.

    I'm a single guy and you know how guys are about food stuff :bolt:



    Unfortunately you don't want to drink 2-3 at a time. My nutritionist said that I could have 8 oz of Protein shake instead of 4 oz. You can have 4 a day. In between I drank lots and lots of crystal light. powders?utm_source=BariatricPal&utm_medium=Affiliate&utm_campaign=CommentLink" target="_ad" data-id="1" >unjury makes a good chicken broth Protein Drink that you can actually warm up. You can have that as a meal also. I lived and still live on sugar free ice pops. Unjury also makes unflavored Protein powder also that you can put into your Jello or sugar free pudding to make it a high Protein treat.

    Just make sure that you are getting all of your fluids in. You probably won't feel hungry the first week after surgery and you will be forcing yourself to get those fluids down. It's after your swelling goes down that you will start feeling hungry again. Biggest thing is, if you want to be successful DO NOT CHEAT on this stage. Follow your doctors orders. The doctor puts you on stages for a reason. Of course people do cheat, we are only human. I am suggesting that you try your best not to.

    Make sure you get yourself some gas-x strips too. They work wonders for the gas.

  21. Hello Dawn! And thanks for your words of encouragement. This weekend has been very hard and emotional for me. I was informed on Thursday that a couple of red flags popped up in my labwork. My A1C is too high, and my thyroid levels are running low. The thyroid is totally new to me...never had a problem with it before. My surgeon's nurse told me that he will not do the procedure if my A1C is not below an 8, but to stay on the liquid diet until our next apopintment on July 29th. I called my PCM and there isn't anything we can do to bring it down before my surgery date of Aug. 3. I have 2 different flavors of Protein drinks and they pretty much taste the same now, and its getting harder to "get down". I'm staying the course until I can see my PMC on Monday, at which point she will have discussed everything with the surgeon..or at least I hope. Its just harder now because I have a feeling the surgery is going to be postponed, and I "feel" like I'm just being tortured until I find out for sure.

    Wow I am so sorry you are having such a bad time right now. I wish there was something that I could say or do that would make you feel better but I know that nothing I say will make you less anxious about finding out if you will be having the surgery or not. I know it sucks but if your surgery is posted poned its for the best. If your blood work is not just right and they take the chance of operating on you, the risks are very high. So trust your doctor and I promise you, how ever long you have to wait, it will be worth it. I do hope that everything works out for the best. Please keep me posted.

    As for your Protein shakes. You might want to try a different brand. I know they are expsensive but if you are bored of them, they aren't going to do you any good. They do make fruity ones. They also make unflavored ones and ones that taste like chicken broth.

    Anyway good luck to you. I wish you the best. Let me know what happens.

  22. So has anyone's cycle been REALLY irregular since being banded? I haven't had a period since Easter. And I'm definately not pregnant, I actually went to the doctor tday for a test, it was negative. They did a pap and blood work.. But I'm really hoping that it's just the weightloss and maybe stress. But I have never been this late before. Anyone have a similar problem??:)

    Sounds like you are in the same boat as me. The doctor said that after you have lapband surgery. Many people start to have regular cycles. NOT me. My cycle is so irregular it's not funny. I will go without having it for a month. To having it every 2 weeks. My last one didn't stop for 10 days. It went from light to heavy instead of the other way around. I also went for blood work and a pap and everything is 'normal'. So I guess it's just about the weightloss. Weird thing is when I was heavy, my cycle was normal. Go figure. Of course I am 43 so I could be going through the change now. My mom was early in life.

  23. is there anything else to relieve pain besides pain killers because the possible side effects include nausea, vommiting, dizzyness, lightheadedness, which i really dont need, i dont want bad memmories from LAP-BAND® sugery..anytips?

    You can try an ice pack on the site. Might help with some of the swelling. Hang in there. I found the recovery of gallbladder surgery was alot faster than lapband surgery. Or liquid tylenol might help too. Tylenol isn't a blood thinner like Advil.

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