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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by Astrasmom

  1. Thank you so much for your reply. It does help hearing what others have gone through and what I can expect. I'm a little disappointed I haven't lost more then I have...Maybe it's just that I'm not restricted enough, I don't know...I'm only doing 1 Protein shake a day, maybe I should do more, it might help me lose more. I'm just frustrated.

    If you are getting Protein from your solids it's ok not to drink the shakes. I usually only have 1 shake in the morning and that's only because I find myself to be the tightest in the morning, so it's easier for me to drink a shake then it is to eat solids. If you are feeling hungry inbetween meals then I would suggest having 2-3 shakes a day. If you aren't getting all of your protein in you won't lose the weight either. Are you drinking your 64oz of fluids a day? Try journeling your foods to see what you are eating during the course of the day. You might be suprised. Also you might have to increase your exercise if you are on a stand still. Don't be to down on yourself. You will lose again. We didn't get fat over night so we aren't going to get thin overnight either. You are doing wonderful. Keep up the great work.

  2. Well I am super excited because I get to eat food for the 1st time in 24 days... but super scared because I do not want to eat to much and stretch my pouch or have a stuck episode.

    I dont go for my fill until Sept 16th because my port is a lil twisted and the surgeon wants to do the fill herself. That leaves me over a month of eating unfilled. I amk terrified of gaining weight during this period.

    Do/did you guys feel restricted even though you didnt have any restriction?

    Unfortuantely you are in banders hell. You probably won't feel good restriction until your 2-4 fill. What you need to do at this point is to follow the doctors plan. You should measure your food because you really can keep eating if you don't. You should only eat 1/2 to 1 cup of food at each meal. Try eating foods that are higher in Protein such as chicken and fish. And of course continue your Protein shakes. You will be fine. Don't be afraid of moving through the stages. You shouldn't worry about getting stuck on the mushy stage. It should go down nice for you. Just take smaller spoon fulls. As you move up in the stages just remember to chew at least 25-30 times and cut your food to the size of an M&M. You will be fine. Don't be afraid to get stuck because it's really not that bad. As I have said before this might sound harsh but I beleive that everyone should experience the 'stuck' once in their banded life so they know how to deal with it, and it also teaches you how to chew better.

    Good luck to you. You will do fine.

  3. The scale only makes me crazy!!! Why am I letting this metal monster dictate my success with the LAP-BAND®??? I am down 30+ pounds from pre-op on May 8th! I need to stop looking at others' successes (weight wise) and see that I am successful in other ways. My other measureable successes ... going to the gym 4-5 times a week, putting a full trashbag of too big clothes in the Goodwill container, getting my "thin clothes" out of the attic that I haven't worn in years, sleeping peacefully at night, being happier....these are things I have to focus on. My journey can't be based on numbers but rather being healthy physically and emotionally. I got the LAP-BAND® because I was tired of feeling tired...and stressed...and depressed...and feeling insecure, etc. I am in this for the rest of my life and need to start ignoring the numbers of the scale and enjoying the better things in life...

    Have a great day everyone!:)

    You said it all for yourself. The scale isn't our friend. It wasn't our friend before the lapband. The scale is also NOT your true weight. Measure your weightloss by your success. By the things that you couldn't do before but can now. By the way your clothes fit. By the way that you feel about yourself. By the compliments that you recieve from others. Remember inches come off faster than pounds do. And if you are working out. MUSCLES WEIGH MORE THAN FAT.

    By the sounds of it, you are doing wonderful. Keep up the great work. Try weighing yourself once a week or wait until you have your doctors visits to find out then. Meanwhile keep up the awesome work. Your doing wonderful. :wink2:

  4. I should have started posting sooner, but I have finished everything my doc has required, and am now just waiting for my pre-op consult and surgery date. I can't wait!!! I have an appt to see him on 8/17, which should be the day I start my pre-op diet meaning surgery somewhere around the 27th. What are everyone's thoughts and feelings about life after surgery? Is it worth it???

    Congratulations! To answer your question. It is a life changing experience. This is probably the best thing that I have ever done for myself. I have no regrets except that I didn't get it done sooner. Go into this knowing that it's not a diet. It's a lifestyle change. There are no bad foods. Eat everything in moderation. Do not deprive yourself of the good things in life once and awhile. And do not be afraid to move through the stages. Do not be afraid to try new foods. And most of all, understand that your bad habits will follow you after your surgery. They do get easier as time goes by.

    Good luck to you.

  5. Had first fill today. No Sweat! Have been losing without any fills. Just started to get hungrier so did a fill. Really don't know what these people are talking about with all these complaints of discomfort after a fill. Don't know if it's just me:wub:,but haven't had a single problem with any of the process. Didn't take any pain meds after I came home from the hospital even though I had a large hiatal hernia repair(didn"t know I had it).

    You are one of the lucky ones. As was I. I didn't have much pain after the surgery and I never have problems after a fill (I've had 6). I also had a hiatal hernia repair. Everyone is different I guess.

    Congratulations to you on your pain free success. :)

  6. Hi everyone,

    I had my second fill today and have a total of 3.5 cc's in my band. I'm really nervous about the next fill. I'm afraid it will be really hard to eat anything and I will hurt and get things stuck. I'm so afraid of stucks and throwing up. Just wondering if throwing up is the same as a "normal" throw up...where you wretch from your stomach and can't stop. It's a horrible thought and I'm just petrified. Any one else out there as scared as I am?? Can anyonoe tell me about their experiences with throwing up?:)

    Don't be afraid. Fills aren't really that bad. What you do have to learn is to cut your food very small (no bigger than an M&M) and chew at least 25-30 times before you swallow. I find that I can not talk, or watch TV or be distracted when I am eating because I forget to chew, then I get stuck. So eating is my time and everyone knows to leave me alone. As for getting stuck and throwing up. Honestly it isn't as bad as it sounds. Yes it's painful but it goes away. It's not like a regular throwing up as the contents of your stomach don't come back up threw your pouch. It's called Sliming. It's just saliva that comes back up with the food that you just ate, that's still in your pouch. It usually only happens once because your food tends to come back up. That's because it's stuck. It DOESN'T always come back up. What I try and do when that happens is first I close my eyes and try to relax my chest so that the food goes down. As I said it is a little painful but once it goes down it's ok. If that doesn't work then I get up and walk a bit and it tends to go down.

    As horrible as this sounds I think that everyone should experience stuck once in their banded life so that they aren't freaked when it happens. It's a learning experience that teaches you how to eat properly.

    I have had 6 fills already. Although my doctor doesn't beleive in telling us how much he puts in because he doesn't want us focusing on the fact that we could be filled to the max and not able to have anymore, I know that I am pretty much filled because I have awesome restriction and I'm never hungry. I have gotten stuck a handful of times and I have also slimed a few times. I learn from my mistakes and I know that I have to chew my food better and cut it smaller. Don't let the thought of throwing up freak you out. It's not bad at all.

  7. Hello all,

    Today I am going to my doctors office to enroll in the program. Since its a 500 dollar charge, it means that I'll be going through with this and essentially there isn't any turning back. I am really excited but also really nervous and keep continuing to go through periods of doubt and apprehension. Just wondering if others feel/felt the same? I know I want to go through with it, it just seems scary to actually commit. Also- I'm going in for my endoscopy tomorrow and am rather nervous...any tips? Thanks :)

    Congratulations on your journey. Everything you are feeling, we have all went through it. I almost chickened out a few times before my actual surgery. Now of course that I look back on it, I can't understand why I did becaues this truely is a life changing experience. I think in the begining it's more of an emotional change then a physical change. After all we battle with food for most of our lives and for most of us, food is our savior. Take away that savior and what do we have? I can tell you that the lapband has changed my life. I have lost a total person on the outside, but I have gained a new person on the inside. My self-esteem has returned and for once in my life, I actually feel sexy and good about myself. The only regret that I have is that I didn't get it done sooner.

    You need to enter this journey with the mind set that this is a lifestyle change. It's not a cure all. You aren't going to lose the weight over night, and you AREN'T going to vanish your bad habits over night either. This is not the easy way out by any means. This is probably the hardest work that I have ever accomplished in my entire life. But the benefits are well worth that work. You will have your good days. And you will have your bad days. Everyday of banded life is a learning process that brings you closer and closer to meeting your goals. And once you meet those goals the band helps you to keep them.

    My suggestion would be to read as much as you can about the band and the things that others go through. Do not get freaked becaues the bad things don't happen to everyone. The benefits of the band out weigh the complications.

    As for the endoscopy. Peice of cake. You will be asleep and the most that you might feel is a little sore throat when you awake. Nothing big.

    Good luck on your journey. Keep us posted.

  8. I was just banded on August 2nd and so far it's been an absolutely fantastic experience, except for the "Oh, my head hasn't changed, I still sometimes crave foods!" part ;-).

    I've started a blog as a way to chronicle my journey and also have some fun with it ... trying to incorporate some humor into what is -- let's face it -- not always an easy road to walk.

    If I show you my blog will you show me yours?

    My Life as a Bandit

    And are there any blogs you regularly follow that you'd recommend?


    Laurie AE in Massachusetts

    Nine pounds down and losing ...:)

    Congratulations! And those head cravings will get easier as you go along. Remember old habits follow us. This is a lifestyle change. Not a cure all. I truely wish that it would change those habits because that would be a miracle but they do get easier to deal with as you go along. Once and awhile it's ok to give into those cravings. This isn't a diet. Diets fail. There is no bad food. Everything can be eaten in moderation. If we don't give into those cravings once and awhile, then we tend to go on a binge. Once you move up in your progress and your fills you will be amazed at how those cravings just disappear. I don't crave any of the things that I did before. Your taste buds change.

    I also blog my progress so if you want to check it out, please do. Thanks for sharing yours. And good luck to you.

  9. Thanks so much for the kind words of wisdom! It's like you know me. .ehehehe. . ! I've had to get brutally honest with myself. I think I "wanted" the band to be my magic pill and I'm finding out that it isn't.

    I've lost 100 lbs on my own before so I know I can do it, but I'm having a hard time getting the momentum. It's building. . albeit slowly! This time around I'm not torturing myself by eating a totally lo-carb diet although it works quickly. It's not sustainable for me in the long run but I am keeping my Protein up and choosing better carbs. Thanks so much for sharing your experience with me, that means a lot.

    And what a success you are too so you obviously know something about something! I'm so glad you shared your experience with me. Good luck on those last 10 lbs. . ! :)

    The object is not to deprive yourself of the better things in life, once and awhile. There is no BAD food. Everything in moderation. This is not a diet. Diets fail. This is a lifestyle change. We all have to learn to eat smaller protions and chew chew chew. If we deprive ourselves of the good things then we will want them even more. And that's why we over indulge in things like that. So once and awhile reward yourself because you do deserve it.

  10. Today I had my 2nd fill. The nurse asked me before the fill if I was able to eat more than half a chicken breast and 1/2 cup of veggies. I said, "uhhh YAH!!". I don't even want to write what I ate last night. So, she filled me up. I sat up and tried to drink some Water and it just sat there. What a funny feeling! She looked at and me and said, "is it going down"? I lied. . "umm. . yah"... she made me get back on the table and then I really did almost vomit when I laid down as the Water was sloshing around what felt like my chest. .LOL! She took some out and I felt mucho better.

    Anywhoo. . for today I've got some good restriction going on. I was getting a bit discouraged as I've been eating badly. My nurse was really nice and encouraging. I just love people like that. :) I hope everyone is doing well. .

    Remember it's a lifestyle change. It's not a cure all. Bad habits follow us. It gets easier over time to deal with those bad habits.

    Biggest thing is you have to be true to yourself. And you have to listen to your body. Don't be afraid to speak up if your band is to tight. Having a band that is too tight is also not good. If you can't get the proper nutrients down into your system you aren't going to lose any weight either. I've had 6 fills so far and I had to go back once to have some removed. I honestly didn't want to because I was afraid that if I had some taken out that I would be eating like a pig again and start gaining weight. It didn't happen that way. It was so painful before they took the fill out that I could hardly eat anything. Just a tiny bit was taken out and I felt so much better. I kept losing the weight too. I just went back in last week and they put back in the small amount that they took out before. I don't think I will need anymore fills for awhile because I am only 10lbs from goal.

    Don't fret about making bad choices. It may help you if you journal your food. Then you can see exactly what you are eating. Sometimes this helps. Try cutting back on your food intake. Pick one day a week or maybe once a month that you can reward yourself for the good choices that you have made. Save that day to eat something special (like some ice cream or whatever you enjoy). But again don't over do it on that day either.

    You will get there. Keep up the great work. :)

  11. I am really glad that I found this website. It has helped me so much to face the real issues with my potential surgery. I have been researching for 2 years and I am getting banded in October. I have to say that last night my reading sent me into a panic. Here are some things that I know I can live with even if it will be hard:

    1. loose skin--how much worse is that that fat, stretched out skin?

    2. my abusive relationship with food. it has been a long road but the things that I have to give up are not really good for me anyway. I have done a lot of planning for this part. I am as ready as I can be for this.

    3. More wrinkles, I assume some are hiding under here;-).

    4. The pain of surgery and recovery.

    Here are some things that I don't know if I can deal with:

    1. hair loss- I have already lost so much hair from Metformin (anti-diabetic drug). I know this sounds vain but I just cannot go bald here!

    2. The gas!!! I am extremely conservative about this issue. I cannot be walking around passing gas all the time for the rest of my life or even the next year. I just starting going back to school and I am horrified enough being the fat, old girl in class with a bunch of 20 year olds! I cannot be the fat, old girl who passes gas in class!!! I just cannot.

    3. The obsession that seems to come with surgery. I don't want to weigh myself everyday and worry that I am able to eat and not losing enough weight. I just don't want this to define me. I realize it will from now until a while after surgery but I just don't want to obsess about it all the time.

    I know this can be different for everyone but I am seriously considering cancelling the surgery because why don't I just eat less and exercise to lose weight. Yeah, I know, I have been doing that for 10 years without success and I have 3 small children who need a healthy, active mommy that will be around as long as she can be. I am just FREAKING OUT!!

    CAN SOMEONE TALK ME OFF THE LEDGE??? I have a support system but not one that understands fully what I am going through.



    Hi there Jaime. My name is Dawn. Let me say the first thing that you have to do, is take a deep breath. What you are feeling is normal. EVERYONE goes through this before the surgery.

    The things that you read don't necessarily happen to everyone. There are those of us that haven't had any complications, nor any of the problems that you have described. I unfortunately can not promise you that they won't happen to you, but I can tell you that it didn't happen to me. I did not lose my hair, and I did not have the major gas problem. I have heard Zinc tablets or Vitamin B12 work for the hairloss. And as for the gas, if you take Gas-X strips they work wonders also.

    The food obsession unfotunately follows you after the banding. That's a bad habit that many of us learn to deal with over time. It DOES get alot easier after you are banded because you simply can not put that much food into your mouth. Over time your taste buds change too. The junk foods that I obsessed on before, I no longer have that craving for. Don't get me wrong, I do crave certain things every so often. And I give into those cravings. Such as ice cream. BUT it's ok to give in once and awhile. And I can not sit down and eat an entire 1/2 gallon of ice cream like I used to. I am luck if I can finish a small bowl now.

    The lapband is a lifestyle change. It is not a cure all miracle strap. Bad habits will follow you throughout your journey but you do learn how to deal with them. The lapband is a tool that will help you to lose the weight and keep it off. It is not an easy journey but it is worth the effort. This is the best thing that I could have ever done for myself. I have lost a complete person on the outside but I have gained an even better one on the inside. It has changed my life. I have no regrets at all except that I should have gotten it done years ago. If I could do it again, I would do it in a heart beat.

    Also I had the same feelings as you. I wanted to back out and diet. I told myself that if i could do this with the band then why couldn't I just cut down and diet and lose the weight on my own. After years of struggling and every yo-yo diet that I could think about. I understand now that I couldn't do it on my own. I needed the help of the lapband.

    As for the support system. You might want to see if there is a local support group in your area. It does help to have others face to face that are going through what you are, as well as this site.

    Now, step back of the ledge and ask yourself. Are you ready for this lifestyle change? Only you can decide if it's right for you. But if you back out, you might be questioning yourself for the rest of your life. I hope that I have helped. I wish you luck on your journey and naturally will stand by with whatever decision you make. We don't judge people. Good luck to you.

  12. Am I the only one that was told to consume Clear Liquids or my band would slip? Why are there so many different versions of the recovery process for this procedure?


    All doctors are different. Liquids don't make your band slip. I was told to do clear liquids also but my doctor considered my Protein shake a clear liquid even though I put milk into it. There are clear liquid Protein drinks on the market though. unjury makes a great chicken Soup flavored one that you can heat up. Yes I know that they can be a bit exspensive but ufortunately we didn't gain weight over night and it took alot of money to get this weight on also. It will take more money to get it off. Unfortunately until you can rely on soilds for your Protein and don't need the supplements anymore, you will have to invest some money.

    But I'm rolling off topic right now. As I said before, all doctors are different. Speak to your doctors, that is what they are there for.

  13. Hi everyone. I hope you are all doing well. I am quickly reaching my weighloss goal before my Bandiversary. I have 10lbs to go for my doctors goal. :) Which is what I would like to reach before October 23. I had another fill last week. The doctor put back in the small amount that he took out the last fill. Seems to be doing well this time around. I don't think that I will be needing another fill for awhile. I've had 6 already.

    I've been trying to increase my exercise. Doc said that most of the weightloss now will rely on my exercise levels. So if I want to reach that goal before October I need to step it up a bit. Althought I can not job I can power walk so thats what I did on the boardwalk last night. I power walked 5 miles.

    Anyway I hope everyone else is doing well. I wish you all the best with your goals.

  14. Hi Dawn!! Nice to meet you!! Congrats on all your hard work paying off!!! I hope and pray I can be there someday too!!! :) I work in a grocery store as customer service staff and the job is *very* physical at times (picking up groceries, pulling in carts, moving heavy items, bending over to pick up 30 lbs of dog food because the little old lady can't, etc) I'm just concerned about the band coming loose or pulling something the wrong way and complications like that. Is it normal to take 2 weeks off after the surgery??? I know everyone is different. Would it be a good idea to take off 2 weeks for someone in my position? I have a pretty high tolerance for pain (I say that now) but I don't want to be at work a week or so post surgery and then suddenly have to leave work because of complications (if it can be avoided at all). I appreciate you answering my question Dawn!! Thank you so much!

    God Bless~


    You should be fine with your job. As I said earlier, careful with the heavy lifting. They say nothing heavier than 50lbs for at least 6 weeks after surgery. But I don't think groceries weigh 50lbs. I would leave the heavy dog food bags for someone else to lift though. 2 weeks is probably good for you. It does take a good 2 weeks to feel normal again.

    Good luck to you. And please keep us posted.

  15. Im two weeks out from surgery and am feeling completely normal. I can lift heavy things without pain and able to do anything i did before, so you should be ok at work after 2 weeks. :)

    Careful with the heavy lifting though. They say nothing heavier than 50lbs for at least 6 weeks after surgery.

  16. I am a teacher and I have a new principal she is the second one since February of this year. I don't want to tell her I am getting the LAP-BAND® since she does not seem like a very understanding person. My students begin August 9 and my surgery is Friday, August 27th I had planned on taking Monday and Tuesday off and returning on the following Wednesday. I have told three of my co-workers whom I trust.

    Am I obligated to tell her?

    As others have said, HIPAA laws protect you. You are not requred to tell anyone about your medical issues. I also work in a school. I had my surgery on a Friday and returned on a Wednesday. As long as most of your teaching is from a desk you should be fine. If you are a gym teacher, then I would suggest 2 weeks. Just tell your boss that you are having a minor procedure done that will require a few days off. If they ask what the procedure is you simply have to say, I'm sorry it's confidential and I'd rather not share.

  17. Hi everyone!

    I was just "banded" about 7 weeks ago. Although I have read a lot about the procedure and the lifestyle and eating habits after the operation, I still have a lot to learn!

    I am 5'8",50 years old and was at 275 lbs. I am now down to 240. My goal is to get down to 165 lbs. I did the operation on my own. I paid cash because I didn't want to wait for the insurance. I was desperate to lose weight, get healthy....and buy new clothes!

    I have been following my doctors instructions as much as I can. First week...liquids. Second week...soft foods. Third week....regular, but easily digestable foods. I had my first fill 2 weeks ago(3cc)and my second fill yesterday(3cc). Ever since the operation, I have only felt physically hungry a couple of times. I often had to remind myself to eat(or drink). At first, it felt weird...but after pigging out for 15 years, it was kind of a relief. I pretty much was very strict....except for some Hersheys kisses and a couple of ice creams(but, small scoops). I lost about 25 pounds the first 4 weeks, then 10 pounds the next 3 weeks.

    After the first fill, my doctor said that he would fill me slowly. I explained that I had not yet felt full to the point of discomfort...and never had to vomit. He explained that he will take it very slowly over the next 8 weeks. He also said that after the third fill is when I would REALLY start to lose weight, He said the weight I lost up to this point was just a bonus! Of course, that really made me even more excited!

    I had started exercising about 2 1/2 weeks ago....just treadmill 3 -4 times a week. Next week, I will start with weights(Total Gym)and will TRY to get in at least 5 days a week.

    I am really excited. I feel "reborn". I can't wait to go shopping on Black Friday.

    I would appreciate suggestions and help on what are the foods I can eat and what portions. I love to cook and even after the operation, I would cook for my family and guests...then I would just drink my liquids or Soup. Surprisingly, I never felt deprived or hungry.

    As I mentioned earlier, my doctor is going gradually. I have had 6cc...and he said he would fill 3cc in 2 weeks and a final 3cc after 2 more weeks. Then, he said that at after the 4 fill, my portions would have to be really small. That's why he is going slowly. So i can "practice" how to eat properly.

    If I follow my diet and portion controls and exercise, what will be my weight loss over the next 2 months. Is it possible to lose 50 more pounds by the end of September? Is that an unrealistic goal?

    My other questions are...exactly how much can I eat and what portion size? Will I get full immediately or will it be gradual(while I am eating)?

    Any help would be appreciated.

    Sorry for such a long post!

    Regards everyone,


    Hi Joe. Congratulations on your success so far. You sound like you are doing really well. The great thing is men tend to lose faster than women. That's where the jealousy comes in..heh

    Anyway to answer a couple of your questions. I would lower your goal a bit. An additional 50lbs on top of what you have lost for September might be a little high. But then again, your a man so one can never tell. As I said, men lost quicker than women. I would cut that in half though to maybe 25lbs. The general rule is 1-2 lbs a week. But it's good that you are following your doctors guidelines because it does pay off in the long run.

    Your portion sizes should be 1/2 to a 1 cup of food at every meal. You won't feel full right away. It's a gradual process but you will know when you are full. Many people have what is called soft signs of fullness. For me I get the hiccups. Thats when I know to stop. Biggest thing is to listen to your stomach do not listen to your head. When you feel full, cut yourself off.

    As for food suggestions. I eat alot of chicken and fish. My family will eat different things than me. When i prepare something for them that I can not eat, I just make sure that I always have something for me. I plan ahead. Or i will make extra and freeze it so that there is always something for me. For instance I do not eat red meat, Pasta, bread or rice. When their meals involve that, then I will usually prepare myself some salmon or chicken burgers.

    Anyway you have a good attitude and I wish you much success. Please keep us posted on your progress. And it is possible to lose the weight. I'm a little over 9 months out and down 104lbs already.

  18. I'm going to a Bariatric Surgery Seminar tomorrow night and am excited, nervous, anxious, but ready to do this. I grew up as an overweight child and have always been an obese adult. I think my anxiety is due to the fact that I will look different, but will I really be different or is it possible to stay the same inside, just with a different shell? I know this is a question I need to address during my psych consult, but I'm wondering how many others felt this way prior to surgery. Thanks, and good luck to everyone! :blushing:

    You can stay the same on the inside. There are those that do change I am sure. I did change in the fact that my self esteem is no longer in the toilet. I am much more confident about myself. It is a big lifestyle change that you need to adjust to but it's well worth everything that you go through. As i say all of the time. I have lost a complete person on the outside but I have gained a person on the inside.

  19. Hello, I've been registered with this website for awhile but haven't had the chance to post anything yet. My name is Gabrielle and I'm a 22 year old woman who is looking for some relief from being overweight!! I've been diagnosed with PCOS, have "pre"-diabetes, and sleep apnea. I've been through numerous diets, exercise plans. The best "diet" I ever did was Atkins-completely cutting out any and all carbs and I lost approximately 40 lbs (this was about five years ago). I am now at my heaviest weight right now (300+ lbs). Daily I think about the LAP-BAND®® procedure. I have gone through with seminar, doc visit, etc... I know this will be the best thing for me after reading all of the information and this forum. But I still have some questions one in particular: how should I go about asking off for work when I do get my surgery date set??? I'm not embarrassed about being overweight in the least but I am uncomfortable about letting the information of "weight loss surgery" being common knowledge (at least for now). This is all still new to me so excuse me if I am rambling on and on! Thanks and God bless!


    Hi Gabrielle, my names Dawn. I too had many of the things that you have now. I was borderline everything and had sleep apnea (used a CPAP). I also had open heart surgery. I started at 304lbs. I am now teetering at 200lbs. I have 15lbs to go. I've lost 104lbs so far. Needless to say i am no longer borderline anything and I no longer have sleep apnea.

    I would just tell them at work that you are having a minor procedure done that will require you to have some time off. It's against the law for them to ask you about your medical stuff, with the HIPAA laws. And you are not required to supply your employer with detailed medical information. If they ask you what your procedure is about just simply say I'm sorry but it's confidential and I'd rather not disclose that information. You won't really be able to ask for a specific time because everyone heals differently. And it all depends on what time of work you do. I had my surgery on a Friday and was back to work on a Tuesday. That's because most of my work is done behind a desk. If I had to suggest a time, I would say at least a week. It takes a good week to two weeks to be back to normal.

    Good luck in your process and if you have anymore questions please feel free to ask.

  20. Hi i'm new and was just lurking the forum for a few hours trying to make up my mind.. I have a pre op appointment on wednesday.. well i suppose that would be me already with my mind made up right haha.. Umm but I have just heard so many horror stories and whatnot.. Its scary but im still going to go through with it!

    :blushing: ohh and how about a real introduction! Hi i'm Lindsey and from California i'm 28 years old and married with no kids yet.. I hope to meet some good friends to go through stuff with me.. I'm planning on using a camcorder to make a kind of video blog so wish me luck..!

    Hi Lindsey. I'm Dawn. Just let me say that there are more success stories about Lapband surgery than there are horror stories. As with any surgery there are risks. But in my opinion, this is a risk worth taking because it has totally changed my life.

    I wish you much luck on your journey and I'm looking forward to seeing your video blog. Do keep us posted.

  21. :tt2: Oh my gosh, I go this Monday to find out when my surgery is and I am a total bundle of nerves. I am SO nervous that I have been sick for a few days!!! Please, any words of wisdom are appreciated. My stomach feels like it is inside out. Ironic right? Trying not to be a sissy but nervous out of my mind :blushing:


    All of what you are feeling is normal. I thought that I was gong to climb out of my skin before I had my surgery. Especially when the day got closer. At the last minute I almost chickened out too. But I knew that if I didn't go through with it, that I would probably be smacking myself forever. Boy am I glad that I went through with it. This has been a total life changing experience for me. I have NO regrets at all except that I didn't get it done sooner.

    This is major surgery and it is a major lifestyle change that you have to be willing to work for. If this is something that you really want done, then take a deep breath and just think of how great you will look a few sizes smaller. The process before the surgery is the hardest part. The surgery itself is really not that bad. BUT the results are awesome. It's well worth the hard work.

    Good luck to you. I hope that things calm down and you find out when your surgery date is. Please keep us posted on your progress. And do add me as a friend or email if you need some encouragement along the way.

    YOU CAN DO IT!!! :cool2:

  22. I started my Pre-Op diet today a low carb/high Protein diet and it is going really well. i have been drinking Isopure Protein drinks and watching what i put in my mouth. i felt a little tired all day which i think is a side effect of not eating all the carbs i am used to and had a mild headache, is that normal?? had a wonderful steak dinner and will have some yogurt as a snack.. I think i can actually do this whoo hooo... :blushing:

    It's very normal to feel tired and irritated when you start your pre-op diet. Your body is going through starvation mode. Kind of like a food detox. You should feel better in a few days. Good luck to you on your journey towards the finish line. This is probably the hardest part of the journey. YOU CAN DO IT!!!

  23. Hi,

    I had my LAP-BAND® surgery October 2, 2009 and have lost 50 lbs. I have 30 lbs. to go and have hit a plateau.:blushing: Any suggestions?

    It may be time for another fill? You can also keep a daily journal of what you are eating. Sometimes it might suprise you. You may also need to increase your exercise or start if you haven't already. And also you might want to stagger your calorie intake. I'm on 800-1100 calories a day. Sometimes I do a little more because your body gets used to a certain calorie amount and you have to shock it once and awhile. Plateau's do happen. I'm hitting several of them now that I'm very close to goal. Don't get discouraged. You'll start losing again. By the way CONGRATULATIONS. 50lbs is great.

  24. I was banded on July 30 and I'm freakin' dying here! My stomach won't stop gurgling and I am sooooo hungry! Would it really hurt me to drink a Protein shake at 5 days out?:blushing:


    powders?utm_source=BariatricPal&utm_medium=Affiliate&utm_campaign=CommentLink" target="_ad" data-id="1" >unjury makes a really good chicken flavor Protein that you can heat up. It's clear. I don't think that a Protein Shake would hurt you. I did them. I would however check with your doctor. Tell he/she that you are very hungry and ask if it would be ok for you to progress to the next step. That's what your doctor is there for. Don't hesitate to ask.

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