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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Astrasmom

  1. Astrasmom

    Hi! I'm ready!!

    Congratulations. You are almost there. Hang in there. Things do get a little easier after you are banded while you are on the liquid. For the first week or so you won't really feel like you are hungry. But when the swelling goes down the hunger comes back until you move to the mushie stage. It's well worth the work though. Especially when you start seeing the changes and hearing others tell you that you are doing awesome. It's ok to feel nervous. That's all normal. But you will be fine. As for your goals that's great but my suggestion is not to set goals so high. Try for 20lbs first and then go after that. The higher your goals are set, the harder it is for you. Set small goals and go from there. Good luck to you and please keep us posted. :scared2:
  2. Astrasmom

    Please tell me I havent screwed up!

    You didn't screw up but be very careful. Your doctor makes you follow a schedule for a reason. Your insides are swollen right now and the reason that you are on liquids is so that you don't get stuck. I'm sure most of what you are feeling is guilt right now. We all make mistakes, but we have to learn how to get back on track afterwards. Everyday is a learning process with your band. Just try very hard to stick with the plan that your doctor gave to you. You don't want to stretch your band. You will feel better once you get into the mushie stage. Just don't push it. I am glad that you are feeling well enough to get out of the house with your friend after only 4 days. That's great. Good luck to you and congratulations.
  3. You will notice more changes soon. That's where I noticed the biggest change was in the face. You are doing wonderful though. Remember any weightloss is better then what we were doing before. Keep up the great work.:scared2:
  4. Astrasmom

    Surgery yesterday. Feel pretty sore.

    Glad your feeling better. And you are very welcome. Any questions you have along the way please feel free to ask.
  5. Wow I am glad that you are feeling better. And I'm also glad that it wasn't anything serious. Good luck to you.
  6. Are you taking pictures of yourself occasionally? I found that the only way that I could see changes were to put my pictures next to each other. I couldn't really see the changes in myself. Now that I am down 100lbs I can of course see them but I honestly didn't start seeing the changes until I was about 70-80lbs down.
  7. This is very normal. Understand you have made a huge change in your life. Your body is in shock right now. Several people go through a short depression period after they are banded. Things will get better. Hang in there.
  8. Ok as someone else said then, you don't want to get your calories from liquid soups because those are considered sliders and they won't stay in your band that long. You will find yourself eating more and more. You want to get your fills from the mushies. It's ok to have soup once and awhile but don't make a habit of it. You won't lose any weight. And NEVER be afraid to advance to the next stage in foods if your doctor says you can.
  9. I pretty much tell everyone. I've gone through life beleiving that if a person is going to judge me then so be it. I am not in this world for anyone else but myself. If this is the way that I chose to lose weight, then let them think that I took the "easy way out". Only those that have had the lapband surgery know full well that there is NO EASY thing about this procedure. The world is cruel and unfortunately if it's not your choice of weightloss that people judge you by it's always something else. It's a persons choice whether to tell or not. No one can tell you who you should tell or even if you should tell at all. That comes from your own heart. This surgery saved my life. Weight Watchers and South Beach Diet didn't save my life. So my choice is to share my success with others.
  10. Astrasmom

    Surgery yesterday. Feel pretty sore.

    Congratulations. And it's normal not to go to the bathroom. Yes you can get consitpated from the pain medication and the anesthisia. It's nothing to worry about. As for the pain level, it's always worse the second day. It does get better. And it does take a good two weeks to feel totally back to normal again. Keep doing your walking. Your doing great. Take your pain medication. That's what it's for. Try a heating pad too.
  11. Are you on mushies yet or still liquids?
  12. Liquids don't have to be 4 oz. Soups if they are just liquids, they don't need to be 4oz. Soups with veggies and things in them, should be 4 oz. You shouldn't gulp though. Sip.
  13. Astrasmom


    Food is not your enemy. We all have bad habits that follow us even after banding. We just learn as we go along how to deal with them better. This is a lifestyle change. Not a give up everything or the band won't work. Remember this is NOT a diet. It's ok to be hungry. It's also ok the enjoy and give into those urges once and awhile. Everything in moderation. If you deprive yourself of the good things once and awhile you will fail. Why? Because it's too much like a diet then. Do not beat yourself up if you fall off the path once and awhile. Just get back on. Do remember that food is an addiction. And that addiction will unfortunately follow you forever. Maybe next time instead of beating yourself up about the food that you want, you can take a peice of paper and make a pro and con section. Write down the pros and cons of chosing that food of choice. This in turn makes you wait a few minutes, and usually (not all of the time and it doesn't work for everyone) you wind up changing your mind anyway. If you are really hungry and have already eaten your food, then try drinking more fluids. I keep a bottle of diet snapple or a Water bottle with me all of the time. You are doing wonderful. Keep telling yourself that.
  14. Astrasmom

    Got first fill today

    Congratulations. It does get easier as you go along. It usually takes a couple of fills (unless your doctor is aggressive in his/her fills) before you feel good restriction. Keep up the great work. Your doing awesome. Just remember the more you fill, the better you have to chew and be sure to cut your food into tiny peices. Eat slow.
  15. I'm there with you too. I have 6lbs to go until Onederland. I can not wait. It's been so many years.
  16. Astrasmom

    tomorrows the day

    Good luck on your surgery today. I wish you a speedy recovery. Keep us posted.
  17. You really don't want to swallow pills. Gas-X strips disolve on your tongue. If you can find chewable gas pills, go for it. But Gas-X is the most effective.
  18. Don't be nervous. Just remember to cut your portions very small (About the size of an M&M) and chew at least 25-30 times before you swallow. Practice that and you will be find in the long run.
  19. Astrasmom


    I am the gurgle queen..haha This is VERY normal. Think of your band as a funnel that's exactly what it's doing. Funneling your food and liquids. I promised my husband I wouldn't eat or drink before bed because my gurgle is loud at night..lol
  20. Astrasmom

    Post-op productive cough?

    You really should find out if someone is covering for your doctor. Not to scare you but green/yellow phlem is usually the signs of infection. You don't need a fever to be sick. Plus you want to catch it before it turns into pneumonia or Broncitis. Which can also happen after surgeries.
  21. First off congratulations. Secondly did you have any fill put in during your surgery? Some do but most of us don't. If you did have fill put in you might need some taken out. If you did, then it's normal what you are feeling. The swelling should start to go down in about a week to a week 1/2. You should be only sipping at this point. You should be able to consume a shot glass full of fluids in 15 minutes. It helps sometimes to burp after it goes in (Of course not while anyone is around). You still might have some gas inside too which is why you will also feel uncomfortable. Hang in there. Things should get better. If you find that you can't keep anything down, call your doctor immediately.
  22. Astrasmom

    Day 3 and I just lost it...

    Sorry to hear you were crying but no you didn't lose it. You have been through a great change in your life. It's normal as well as getting sick of the chicken broth. Things do get better. Give it time. Try some sugar free ice pops if you can at this stage. They are Yummy. And help with the swelling.
  23. I have a problem with all red meat. I think because it's not moist enough. You could try mixing it with something like beef broth. I tend to stick with the chicken and fish though. I also can't do bread. pastas I can do once and awhile but not too often. Lettuce isn't good for me either. I prefer baby spinach instead.
  24. Astrasmom

    Failing my band

    My doctor told me that before you reach the right restriction you could lose and gain weight. You aren't failing the band. And you can't base your weightloss on others. It takes time for your body to adjust and it will take you time to get to the proper restriction. My doctor doesn't beleive in telling me how much fluid I have in my band because he doesn't want me focusing on that fact. Especially when I get to capacity he doesn't want me thinking "OH my god I can't do anymore restriction what am I going to do." I guess this is maybe why I have been so successful. I will tell you that I have had 5 fills and yesterday I had a tiny bit taken out because I was over filled. I eat my 3 meals a day and I can go 4-5 hours inbetween without being hungry. I do not do snacks. I do reward myself once and awhile with the good things (ice cream, wine, cookie..etc). You will get there. You have to change your mindset though as someone else posted. You aren't a failure. You are a success. Food is a failure. And as someone else said, you didn't get this way over night. The lapband is not a miracle cure all where you will ultimately become thin as soon as it's placed in your body. It all takes time. You just hit a bump in the road, get back on the path and keep going. Work with your doctor. Call him and tell him what you are feeling. That is what they are there for. Good luck to you. Things will get better. I would also suggest that if you have the ability near you, find a local support group. It really helps.
  25. Astrasmom

    A few Questions

    Actually my doc said Coffee is a no-no and even Decaf was a no-no because it still has a bit of Caffine in it. Which is a natural dihuretic and will dehydrate you. I was told for each cup of coffee that you drink it takes 2 glasses of water to replace what you have lost. So, yes please check with your doctor to see if you can have decaf or not. All doctors are different.

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