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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Astrasmom

  1. Congratulations fellow New Jerseyian. Keep up the great work!!!

  2. Hi I'm Dawn. And I'm also from NJ (near Atlantic City). I'm the mother of 2 grown boys. And my surgery was 10/23/09. Would love to be your buddy. Feel free to add me as a friend or email me. Congratulations on your surgery and your weightloss. I was 304lbs I am now 210lbs. Lapband surgery is the best thing that I have ever done for myself. Look forward to hearing from you.
  3. Congratulations on your surgery!! I wish you much success. If you have any questions please feel free to ask.

  4. Congratulations on the start of your journey. All doctors are different with the frequency of fills and the decaf as well. My doctor said no coffee anymore because even decaf has c affine in it. C affine dehydrates you. But he said I could have decaf tea. I do know people that drink coffee so again it's all up to you and your doctor. I would ask your doctor. As for the fills they are usually every 6 weeks for the first year. After that they are when you need them. I hope this helps a little. If you have anymore questions please feel free to ask.
  5. Astrasmom

    I need a Band buddy!!

    For everyone having the surgery. The pre-op diet is the hardest part of the diet. Your body goes into starvation mode and that is why you feel tired and cranky all of the time. Hang in there. It does get better after surgery. You have made it this far. Don't give up now. You will be amazed at how you feel once you have that surgery. I wish everyone much success. YOU CAN DO IT!!! :thumbup:
  6. Astrasmom

    I need a Band buddy!!

    Hi Emily my names Dawn. I went through the process 7 months ago. I was on the liquid diet for 2 weeks. And yes I have to say it sucked. The liquid part is the hardest part of the entire process. Congratulations on the start of your journey. I would be glad to be your buddy and help you through the process. Please feel free to add me as a friend, or email me cc-dmtermini@comcast.net I wish you lost of luck in your journey. Remember there is a light at the end of the tunnel. You have come this far and you will make it to the finish line. Be strong. :cursing:
  7. Astrasmom

    intro to Lap-Band

    Do you have to go for a Psych. visit? When you see your doctor he should give you a tentative date of your surgery. It will all depend on your insurance company. It could take anywhere from 1 month to 6 months for your insurance to approve you.
  8. Astrasmom

    stuck again

    You might need a small unfill if you are still feeling the stuck feeling.
  9. You are all doing so well. You should be extremely proud of yourselves!!!!! Keep up the great work.:cursing:
  10. You are not required to do a liquid diet? My 2 week pre-op was liquids only.
  11. That's restriction. The same thing happens to me. You do have to take smaller bites of things and you do have to sip your fluids. You may be taking to big of a spoonfull of yogurt. Try a baby spoon if you are using a regular one. Don't be afraid to try regular foods again. Just cut them very small and chew chew chew at least 20-30 times before your swallow. Imagine your stomach where the band is as a funnel. That's why the gurgling sound. The food is slowly going down. If you are able to keep most of the food down then it's ok. Keep in mind that the first few days after you get the fill you are a bit swollen. It is also a little painful. I'm on my 5th fill and I am definately at the sweet spot because I am never hungry. I can go at least 5 hours between meals without being hungry. I'm lucky if I can eat 1/2 of food anymore. I do slime once and awhile but that's because I'm still learning to chew the food slower and take smaller bites. Keep in mind that old habits take awhile to break. If after a few more days you are still having problems then I would suggest calling your doctor. But it does sound like you are at perfect restriction.
  12. Astrasmom

    Introduce myself

    CONGRATULATIONS on your journey. I wish you much success and if you have any questions, please feel free to ask. I also suggest that you attend a local support group if you have one in your area, even before you have the surgery.
  13. Astrasmom

    I'm so excited!

    Congratulations on your surgery date. I had my gall bladder removed 3 years ago. I had my lapband surgery on October 23, 2009. Before the surgery I was on the liquid diet for 2 weeks. And yes what you hear is all correct. The liquid part is the hardest part of the entire process. But the end results after the surgery are awesome. I'm down 90lbs. I went from 304 to 214. From a size 26 to a size 14. I have not been in a size 14 since 1989. I have only one regret about the entire process and that is that I didn't get it done sooner. I recently got rid of my CPAP machine because I no longer have sleep apnea. Before the surgery I was borderline everything (diabetic, fatty liver, Sleep apnea, cholestorol, high blood pressure) now everything is great. I wish you much success with your journey and if you have any questions along the way, please feel free to ask. I also recommend to everyone that you find a local support group in your area, as well as using this website. You can check out my blog for pictures and information. I haven't updated the picture in awhile. It's time for a new one.
  14. Astrasmom

    intro to Lap-Band

    It all depends on your insurance. I had to wait 6 months. Did you have your consultation with your doctor yet? Did you go to the seminar?
  15. Hi my name is Dawn. I have been struggling with my weight since my early 20's when I became pregnant with my first child. After that my weight just kept getting heavier and heavier. I tried every diet you could imagine. Sure it worked for a few months and then I would spiral out of control and gain all of my weight back and then some. In 2001 I had open heart surgery for an Aortic Aneurysm. They also replaced my valve. At the time I had a pigs valve which only lasts for about 10 years. I chose this because I really didn't want to take blood thinner for the rest of my life because I was only 34. So soon I will need another open heart surgery. So my cardiologist told me that if I didn't lose the weight, I could wind up dieing on the table. That was my wake up call. I was not going to leave my 2 children (even though they are grown now), one of them having Down Syndrome. In April of 2009 I decided to attend a seminar. Then in May was the start of my 6 month journey before I had my lapband surgery. I then found out that I was borderline everything (diabetes, fatty liver, cholesterol, Sleep Apnea..etc.) On October 23, 2009 I had my surgery and it was the best thing that I could have done for myself. The only thing that I regret is not getting it done sooner. I am no longer borderline anything. And today I was told that I no longer have sleep Apnea and can get rid of my CPAP machine. I AM SO HAPPY!!! You know it's the small things in life that amaze me. Things that you miss when you are heavy. Like being able to cross your legs, tie your shoes, pick up things off the floor, being able to walk without having to stop over and over again. And most of all having people including your family come up to you and say, "I didn't recognize you. You look so good!" If I had to do this all over again I would do it in a heart beat. I went from 304 to 217. I have 34lbs to go until goal. I went from a size 26 to a 14. And I haven't been this size since 1989. My self esteem is back and I feel very good about myself.
  16. Astrasmom

    really worried....

    I would suggest that if you can find a local support group in your area, along with this site, it will help you tremendously.
  17. CONGRATULATIONS on the start of your journey!! I promise you that you will be amazed. This is the best thing that I could have ever done for myself. And the only regret that I have is not doing it sooner. I am 7 months today and like you I have been heavy for most of my life. I'm 43, had 2 children and 1 step son, and had open heart surgery. I started at 304lbs and am currently 217. I have lost 87lbs so far. My doctors goal is 31 lbs to go (about 186). That is to get out of the obese catagory. He said I can keep going. I think I would like to be around 170. Anyway I have went from a size 26 to a 14. I feel AMAZING!! And I was also on those yo-yo diets. I tried everyone you could imagine. Sure I lost weight but I gained it all back and then some. My advice is read and ask alot of questions of your doctor. That is what he is there for. Also if you have a local support group in your area, think about attending even before your surgery. You can't do this alone. And most of all remember that the lapband is a tool. It's a lifestyle change. It's not a get thin quick trick. It is hard work. But if you stick to the plan that your doctor gives to you, you will be successful. You pretty much can eat anything but in moderation. Of coruse there will be foods that won't agree with you as you go along but you adjust. Mine are bread, Pasta, rice, and red meat. Good luck to you and feel free to ask as many questions as you like.
  18. I chose the Lapband for several reasons. One big reason is that it was less invasive and the second being that I have talked to so many people about this..the Bypass stops working after about 2 years because it can't be adjusted anymore once you have lost so much weight. Yes there are times when the lapband can be a pain but over all I would put up with the once and awhile stuck feeling over being OBESE again anytime. I'd rather deal with that then having a doctor tell my family that I have died on the table from a massive heart attack. There are complications with any procedure. And as for dumping syndrome and eating sugar..old habits die hard. Just because you get the band or the gastric bypass doesn't mean that your bad habits are going to disappear over night. It's all in the mind. So to answer the question.. If I had to get the Lapband over again would I do it? DEFINITELY!! I have never been happier in my life.
  19. Astrasmom


    You should consume a shot glass full of fluids every 15 minutes. 64 oz's of fluids a day. About 4 oz every hour. Congratulations on your surgery.
  20. What your feeling is very normal. I've been banded since Oct. 23, 2009. I have had no complications so far aside from remembering to slow down when I eat and cut my food into tiny portions. Every day is a learning process. But hey old habits do not die just because you get the lapband. The ONLY regret that I have is that I didn't get it done sooner. I have not felt this good in a very long time. I am in a size 14 which I have not been in since about 1989. I went from a size 26 to a size 14 so far. I was borderline everything (Diabetic, cholesterol, fatty liver..etc.) I also had open heart surgery in 2001 for an Aortic Aneurysm and valve replacement. At the time I had a pigs valve put in which only lasts for 10 years. I will need to have the surgery again in a year or so. I chose not to get the mechanical because I didn't want to take blood thinner for the rest of my life. This time around I am getting the mechanical. My cardiologist told me that if I didn't lose the weight before the surgery I could die on the table. I am 43 years old. I DO NOT WANT TO DIE. That was my eye opener. And I am so glad that I made the decision to get this surgery. It has completely changed my life. My self esteem was also pretty much in the crapper. And I had tried every diet you can imagine, only to fail and gain twice as much weight back again. As with any surgery there are complications. What you are reading is only a minimal amount of people. The complications of lapband are few. Given those 400 messages you are reading. There are 1000's of surgeries performed everyday. And not everyone has band slippage or erosion after the surgery has been performed. These are all questions that you have to discuss with your surgeon. It's very important that you are open with he/she. They will be able to answer any questions that you might have and put your mind at ease. This surgery is probably the best thing you will ever do for yourself. If I had to do it over again, I would do it in a heartbeat. Good luck on your journey.
  21. When I reach total goal, I'm going for the total treatment!!! Massage, facial, pedicure, manicure..OH YEAH!!!!!:laugh:
  22. Astrasmom

    Hunger after band??

    Not being hungry after the first fill. Now that would be totally amazing.
  23. Slider foods are foods that can slide right into the stomach or through the Lapband These are foods like ice cream, pudding, Jello, yogurt....etc.
  24. Astrasmom

    Hunger after band??

    When you first banded you are not hungry at all. You pretty much have to force yourself to get the fluids down. As the swelling goes down you get hungry. That's because your on the liquid stage. As you move up in the stages it a little easier. However until you achieve good restriction from your fills you will be hungry. I had 4 fills so far. I'm heading for my 5th on Wednesday. I am pretty much at the sweet spot. I still get hungry but it's nothing like it used to be. I can go 4-5 hours without feeling hungry inbetween meals. Before I could literally finish a big meal and 2 hours I would be hungry again. Now it's hard for me to finish 5-6 oz at a meal. The lapband is a tool. It's not a miracle. It's not going to take away your hunger. It's going to force you to eat better and alot less. You won't be able to eat like you are now.
  25. Whoo hooo. Congratulations!!! You should be extremely proud of yourself. I was on Zoloft and gained a ton of weight also before my lapband surgery. I'm no longer on the Zoloft. How I celebrate is go out and do something for myself. Maybe get your hair done, your nails, a facial, pedicure, massage. Buy yourself a new outfit.

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